Sunday, January 29, 2012

Baked Red Snapper with Garlic (Firinda Sarimsakli Levrek)

1 lb red snapper fillets
3 Tbsp butter
2 cloves garlic, smashed
1 tsp parsley, chopped
1/8 tsp black pepper
3-4 Tbsp bread crumbs
2 Tbsp parmesan cheese, grated
½ tsp salt to taste

Remove the skin of the fillets. Rub them with salt and pepper. Arrange the fillets over a greased Pyrex/oven tray. Meanwhile, melt the butter and then take it to a small bowl. Mix parsley, garlic and parmesan. Apply this sauce generously all over the fillets with a brush.
Finally, cover the fillets with the bread crumbs. Preheat the oven to 400F (200C) and bake the red snapper until it’s flaky and soft (for about 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness).
Serve with lemon wedges and onion if desired.

½ kg levrek benzeri beyaz etli balik fileto
3 yemek kasigi tereyagi
2 dis sarimsak, ezilmis
1 tatli kasigi maydanoz, ince dogranmis
½ cay kasigi karabiber
3-4 yemek kasigi galeta unu/ ekmek kirintisi
2 yemek kasigi parmesan peyniri, rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi tuz

Balik filetolarinin derisini alin. Tuz ve karabiber serpin ve elinizle hafifce ovarak yedirin. Yaglanmis borcam ya da firin tepsisine filetolari yerlestirin. Tereyagini eritin ve kucuk bir kaseye alin. Sarimsak, maydanoz ve parmesan peynirini de ilave edin. Firca yardimiyla hazirladiginiz sosu baliklarin uzerine bol bol surun.
Son olarak, galeta unu ya da ekmek kirintilarini baliklarin uzerine esit olarak yayin. Onceden isitilmis olan 200C (400F) firinda baliklar pisip uzerleri hafifce kizarana dek 20-30 dakika kadar pisirin.
Yaninda limon ve sogan ile servis yapabilirsiniz.
Baligin Faydalari

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ground Beef Roll (Kiymali Rulo)

½ cup luke warm water
1 tsp yeast
½ tsp sugar
½ cup milk
2-2 ½ cups flour
½ cup canola oil
1 Tbsp salt to taste
1 egg yolk for glazing
Sesame/nigella seeds for top

3 Tbsp canola oil
1 onion, finely chopped
2 medium tomatoes, finely chopped
½ lb ground beef
½ cups walnuts, finely chopped
½ tsp black pepper
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp salt to taste

Place the lukewarm milk, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Let it rise for 10-15 minutes.Then, add the salt, egg white, oil and flour, knead for about 10 minutes. Place a plastic wrap over the dough (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours or till it rises up to double its shape (see the picture).
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Take ground beef and canola oil over a skillet and cook until the beef changes in color. Stir in onions and sauté for about 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Add tomatoes and salt. Cook over medium heat until the juice is absorbed (3-4 minutes). Add the spices, give a stir and let it cool.
Place the dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then sprinkle some flour on the counter and divide the dough in 2-3 pieces. Then, try to flatten the each dough piece in a rectangular shape with a dough roller, in 1/10 inch thickness.
Brush the surface of dough with 2 Tbsp butter/oil. Add the crushed walnuts into the filling mixture. Spread the filling mixture over dough evenly. Then roll it up tightly and do the same with the remaining dough. Then, place them into the baking tray with baking paper. Leave it for 1-2 hours to rise.
Preheat the oven to 375F (185C). Whisk the egg yolk and brush the surface of the rolls. Sprinkle with sesame/nigella seeds on top if desired. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the tops get brownish. Take out of the oven and cover them with a clean cloth or towel in order to keep them soft. Serve warm.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
½ su bardagi ilik su
1 tatli kasigi kuru instant maya
½ tatli kasigi seker
½ su bardagi sut
1 yemek kasigi tuz
Uzeri icin 1 yumurta sarisi
Uzeri icin susam/corek otu

Ic malzeme:
3 yemek kasigi kanola yagi
1 sogan, kucuk dogranmis
2 orta boy domates, kucuk dogranmis
250 gr kiyma
½ su bardagi ceviz ici, ufalanmis
1 cay kasigi karabiber
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi tuz

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin.10-15 dakika kabarmasini bekleyin. Sonra, sut, sivi yag, tuz ve unu ilave ederek, 10 dakika kadar yogurun. Uzerine seffaf film ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz).
Bu sirada genisce bir tavada ic malzemeyi hazirlayin. Once kanola yaginda kiymayi renk degistirene kadar cevirin. Sogani ilave edin ve 3-4 dakika soteleyin. Domatesi ve tuzu ilave edin. Suyunu cekene kadar orta ateste 3-4 dakika pisirin. Baharatlari ilave edin, karisitin ve sogumaya birakin.
Hamuru tezgain uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve tezgahi unlayip hamuru iki ya da uc esit parcaya bolun. Her hamur parcasini yuvarlayip oklava ile ½ cm kalinliginda ve dikdortgen seklinde acin. Uzerini tereyagi ya da sivi yag ile yaglayin. Ic malzemeyin icine cevizleri karistirin. Hamurun uzerine ic malzemeyi esit olacak sekilde yayin. Sonra sikica rulo yapin ve ruloyu yaglanmis dikdortgen bir firin tepsisine yerlestirin. Diger hamurlari da ayni sekilde rulo yapin. Rulolari iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik 1-2 saat bekletin.
Firini onceden 190C (375F) ye isitin cirpilmis yumurta sarisini rulolarin uzerine firca ile surun. Susam ya da corek otu serpin ve 25-30 dakika uzerleri kizarana dek pisirin.
Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Kiymali Rulolariniz yumusacik olacaktir.
Sicak servis yapin.

NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stuffed Onions (Sogan Dolmasi)

5-6 medium white onions
1 cup rice, washed and drained
1 tomato, diced
1 tsp tomato paste
½ cup olive oil
1-2 cups hot water
1 Tbsp dried mint
½ tsp allspice
½ tsp sugar
1 Tbsp salt to taste

Cut the both ends of onions and remove skins. Make sure the onions can stand still on the root side in the saucepan. Scoop the onions using a metal spoon. Try keeping at least 3 outer layers and the root part as the base. Chop the scooped parts for stuffing. Mix all the other ingredients but the water in a bowl. With a spoon fill the 2/3 of onions with the stuffing mixture. In a large saucepan or pot, place the stuffed onions. Add 1 cup or enough hot water to almost cover 1/3 height of the onions.
Close the lid and cook on low-medium heat, until the onions and rice get cooked, for about 30-40 minutes.

5-6 orta boy sogan
1 su bardagi pirinc, yikanip suzulmus
1 domates, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi zeytin yagi
1-2 su bardagi sicak su
1 yemek kasigi kuru/taze nane
1 cay kasigi yenibahar
1 cay kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz

Soganlarin tepesini ve koklu kismini duzgunce kesin ve kabuklarini soyun. Kok kismi dipte olacak sekilde tepesinden baslayarak metal bir tatli kasigi ile soganlarin icini oyun. Soganin disinda en az 3 tabaka kalacak sekilde, dibini birakarak oyun. Oydugunuz kisimlari kucuk kucuk dograyarak ic malzeme icin hazirlayin. Geriye kalan ic malzemeleri bir kasede karistirin.
Bir kasik yardimiyla soganlarin icini ustten 1/3 kismi bosta kalacak sekilde doldurun. Tencerenin dibine doldurdugunuz soganlari yerlestirin. Soganlarin yuksekliginin 1/3 unu gececek sekilde veya 1-2 su bardagi sicak su ilave edin.
Kapagini kapatip, kisik ateste soganlar ve pirincler pisene dek yaklasik 3-40 dakika pisirin.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Red Pepper with Ricotta (Lor Peynirli Kirmizi Biber)

2 large red peppers, cut in chunks
1-1 ½ cup ricotta cheese
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh parsley to garnish

Take olive oil and peppers in a wide sauté pan and sauté peppers over medium heat until they get soft. Add salt, pepper and ricotta cheese. Mix them all and transfer to a serving plate. If desired garnish with fresh parsley.

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2 buyuk kirmizi biber, buyuk dogranmis
1-1 ½ su bardagi lor peyniri
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
Tuz ve karabiber
Suslemek icin taze maydanoz

Genis bir tavaya zeytinyagi ve biberleri alin. Orta ateste ara sira karistirarak biberler pisene dek sote edin. Tuz, karabiber ve lor peynirini ilave edin ve guzelce harmanlayin.
Servis tabagina alin ve istege gore uzerini maydanoz ile susleyin.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rose Desert (Gul Tatlisi)

2 cups flour
1 cup semolina
½ cup yogurt
125 gram margarine, at room temperature
½ cup canola oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
A pinch of salt
For garnish almond, hazelnut or walnut

3 cups sugar
3 cups water
1 tsp lemon juice

Prepare the syrup first by mixing the water and sugar. Bring to a boil and after boiling for a couple of minutes stir in lemon juice and set aside to cool.
For the dough, mix the yogurt, oil, margarine and semolina. Then, slowly add flour and the remaining ingredients and form a soft dough. Use a rolling pin to flatten to dough for about 1/8-1/9 inch thickness. Use circle cutter about 1 ½-2 inch in diameter to cut circles. Place 3 circles on top of each other as in picture. Then place almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts in the middle of the edges as in picture. Then roll it and cut in half to form a rose shape. Or, you may first cut the circles in two and then place the nuts and then roll it up as in the picture.
Place the rose shapes over a greased oven tray and bake in a preheated oven at 350 F (180 C) for about 20-25 minutes or until they turn light brown. Pour the cooled syrup all over the desert evenly. You may turn the roses upside down gradually to let them absorb the syrup evenly. Let them sit in the syrup overnight and then serve the next day.

2 su bardagi un
1 su bardagi irmik
½ su bardagi yogurt
125 gr margarin, oda sicakliginda
½ su bardagi kanola yagi
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu
1 tatli kasigi vanilya
Bir tutam tuz
Suslemek icin badem, findik ya da ceviz

Surubu icin:
3 su bardagi su
3 su bardagi seker
1 tatli kasigi limon suyu

Once surubunun malzemelerini bir tencereye koyun ve kaynatın. Bir kenarda sogumaya birakin. Hamurun un, kabartma tozu ve vanilya haric diger malzemelerini karistirin. Sonra, yavas yavas unu ilave etmeye baslayin. Son olarak kabartma tozu ve vanilyayı ilave edin. Hamur kulak memesi yumusaklığında olmalidir. Hamuru merdane ya da oklava ile 3-4 mm kalinliginda acin.
Cay bardaginin agzi ile yuvarlaklar kesin. Uc tane yuvarlak yarisi ust uste gelecek sekilde resimdeki gibi yanyana dizin. Uc kisimlarinin ortasina findik, badem ya da ceviz koyun ve rulo seklinde sarin. Sonra ortadan ikiye kesin ya da sarmadan once ortadan ikiye kesin ve sonra resimdeki gibi rulo seklinde sarin.
Yaglanmis olan firin tepsisine dizin ve onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda yaklasik 20-25 dakika ya da uzerleri hafifce kizarana dek pisirin. Firindan cikan sicak tatlinin uzerine surubu esit olarak dokun. Tatlilarin surubu iyice cekmesi icin alt ust edilebilir. Bir gece surubu cekmesi icin bekletin ve ertesi gun ikram edin.