4-5 cups bread flour
1 cube fresh yeast (17 gr)
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp yogurt
1 tbsp water
Nigella seeds or sesame seeds
Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Add the salt, olive oil and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. The more you knead the better your bread will be. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Cut the dough into two pieces, then each piece into 8. Make 8 balls using your palms. Grease a round Pyrex or baking dish (20-30 cm) and place one ball in the middle and the other 7 around it leaving some room. And do the same with the other half of the dough, so you will bake 2 flower breads. Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Mix 1 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp water in a small bowl, then brush the surface of the bread with this glaze. Finally, sprinkle nigella seeds or sesame seeds on top.
Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 25-30 minutes, till it becomes golden brown. After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep the bread soft.
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Cut the dough into two pieces, then each piece into 8. Make 8 balls using your palms. Grease a round Pyrex or baking dish (20-30 cm) and place one ball in the middle and the other 7 around it leaving some room. And do the same with the other half of the dough, so you will bake 2 flower breads. Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Mix 1 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp water in a small bowl, then brush the surface of the bread with this glaze. Finally, sprinkle nigella seeds or sesame seeds on top.
Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 25-30 minutes, till it becomes golden brown. After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep the bread soft.
Flower bread is good to go with butter, honey-butter dip or spicy olive oil dip when warm.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
P.S2 : If you want the top to be lighter brown, then beat 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp milk for glaze, instead of yogurt and water.
P.S2 : If you want the top to be lighter brown, then beat 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp milk for glaze, instead of yogurt and water.
2 su bardagi ilik su
4-5 su bardagi ekmek unu
1 kup yas maya (17 gr)
3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz
Uzeri icin:
1 yemek kasigi yogurt
1 yemek kasigi su
Corek otu ya da susam
Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra, sivi yag, un ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Hamuru ne kadar cok yogurursaniz o kadar guzel ekmek elde edersiniz. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Hamuru ikiye bolun ve her birini 8 esit parcaya ayirip, avucunuzla 16 tane yuvarlak top yapin. 20-30 cm capinda yuvarlak bir tepsi ya da borcami yaglayin, ortasina bir top koyun ve diger 7 tanesini ortadakinin etrafina araliklarla dizin. Ayni islemi diger 8 yuvarlak top icin yapin, boylece 2 tane cicek ekmek yapmis olacaksiniz.
Uzerini temiz bir bez ya da seffaf film ile ortun ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik ½ -1 saat bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 2 saat bekletin). Sonra 1 yemek kasigi yogurt ve 1 yemek kasigi suyu karistirip firca ile hamurun uzerine surun. Uzerine corek otu ya da susam serpin. Firini onceden 220 C (425F) ye isitin, ekmegi orta rafa koyun ve uzeri kizarana dek 25-30 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Cicek ekmeginiz yumusacik olacaktir.
Cicek Ekmek sicakken, tereyagi, balli tereyag ya da baharatli zeytinyagi ile cok guzel olur.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.
NOT2: Eger ekmegin uzerinin cok kizarmasini istemiyorsaniz, uzeri icin; yogurt ve su yerine, 1 yumurta sarisi ve 1 yemek kasigi sutu cirparak kullanin.
Ana Sayfaya Don