Showing posts with label breads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breads. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2022

Flower Bread (Cicek Ekmek)

2 cups lukewarm water
4-5 cups bread flour
1 cube fresh yeast (17 gr)
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp yogurt
1 tbsp water
Nigella seeds or sesame seeds

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Add the salt, olive oil and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. The more you knead the better your bread will be. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Cut the dough into two pieces, then each piece into 8. Make 8 balls using your palms. Grease a round Pyrex or baking dish (20-30 cm) and place one ball in the middle and the other 7 around it leaving some room. And do the same with the other half of the dough, so you will bake 2 flower breads. Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Mix 1 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp water in a small bowl, then brush the surface of the bread with this glaze. Finally, sprinkle nigella seeds or sesame seeds on top.
Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 25-30 minutes, till it becomes golden brown. After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep the bread soft.
Flower bread is good to go with butter, honey-butter dip or spicy olive oil dip when warm.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
P.S2 : If you want the top to be lighter brown, then beat 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp milk for glaze, instead of yogurt and water.

2 su bardagi ilik su
4-5 su bardagi ekmek unu
1 kup yas maya (17 gr)
3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz
Uzeri icin:
1 yemek kasigi yogurt
1 yemek kasigi su
Corek otu ya da susam

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra, sivi yag, un ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Hamuru ne kadar cok yogurursaniz o kadar guzel ekmek elde edersiniz. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Hamuru ikiye bolun ve her birini 8 esit parcaya ayirip, avucunuzla 16 tane yuvarlak top yapin. 20-30 cm capinda yuvarlak bir tepsi ya da borcami yaglayin, ortasina bir top koyun ve diger 7 tanesini ortadakinin etrafina araliklarla dizin. Ayni islemi diger 8 yuvarlak top icin yapin, boylece 2 tane cicek ekmek yapmis olacaksiniz.
Uzerini temiz bir bez ya da seffaf film ile ortun ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik ½ -1 saat bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 2 saat bekletin). Sonra 1 yemek kasigi yogurt ve 1 yemek kasigi suyu karistirip firca ile hamurun uzerine surun. Uzerine corek otu ya da susam serpin. Firini onceden 220 C (425F) ye isitin, ekmegi orta rafa koyun ve uzeri kizarana dek 25-30 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Cicek ekmeginiz yumusacik olacaktir.
Cicek Ekmek sicakken, tereyagi, balli tereyag ya da baharatli zeytinyagi ile cok guzel olur.

NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.
NOT2: Eger ekmegin uzerinin cok kizarmasini istemiyorsaniz, uzeri icin; yogurt ve su yerine, 1 yumurta sarisi ve 1 yemek kasigi sutu cirparak kullanin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Victorian Milk Bread (Sutlu Ekmek)

2 tsp dry/instant yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 ½ cups luke warm milk
3 ¾ cups bread flour
1 ½ tsp salt to taste

1 egg
1 tbsp milk
Sesame seeds

Add yeast and sugar into 1/2 cup of milk in a bowl. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Mix flour and salt in large a bowl. Make a well in center and pour in dissolved yeast. Mix in flour. Stir in reserved milk to form a sticky dough. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Knead dough until smooth and elastic, about 8-10 minutes.

Put dough in a clean bowl and cover with a towel or cloth. Let rise for 45-60 minutes in a warm place. Punch down, cover and let dough rise again until doubled in size about 45 minutes.
Grease an 8 x 4 x 2 1/2 inch loaf pan. Shape dough into a long loaf (see the picture).
Place shaped dough in greased loaf pan. Cover with towel/cloth. Leave for a rest until dough is 1 inch above the top of pan, about 1 hour.
Brush top of loaf with egg glaze and sprinkle sesame seeds. Bake in preheated 400F (200 C) oven for 40-45 minutes until golden. After taking the bread out of the oven cover it with a towel/cloth to keep it soft and warm.
Serve warm and enjoy Victorian Milk Bread with butter or cream cheese.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
2 tatli kasigi kuru/instant maya
1 tatli kasigi seker
1 ½ su bardagi ilik sut
3 ¾ su bardagi ekmek unu
1 ½ tatli kasigi tuz

Uzeri icin:
1 yumurta
1 yemek kasigi sut

Bir kasede ½ su bardagi ilik sutu, seker ve mayayi karistirin. Mayanin cozunmesi icin 5 dakika bekletin. Genis bir kasede un ve tuzu karistirin, ortasina bir cukur acin. Cukura cozunen maya karisimini dokun. Un ile karistirip geri kalan ilik sutu ilave edin. Hamuru unlanmis bir yuzeye alin ve puruzsuz ve elastic bir hamur elde edene dek yaklasik 8-10 dakika yogurun.
Hamuru temiz bir kaseye alin ve uzerini temiz bir havlu/bez ile ortun. 45-60 dakika boyunca kabarmasi icin ilik bir ortamda bekletin.Daha sonra havasini cikarmak icin nazikce bastirin, ortun ve tekrar hacimce iki katina cikana kadar bekletin (yaklasik 45 dakika).
20x10x6 cm’lik bir dikdortgen kalibi yaglayin. Hamura uzun bir ekmek sekli verin (resime bakiniz). Yaglanmis kaliba yerlestirin ve uzerini havlu/bez ile ortun. Hamur kalibin uzerinden yaklasik 2 ½ cm kadar yukselene dek bekletin (yaklasik 1 saat).
Uzerine yumurtali sut karisimini surun ve susam serpin. Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda 40-45 dakika uzeri kizarana dek pisirin.
Ekmegin yumusak ve sicak kalmasi icin; firindan cikarinca, uzerini havlu/bez ile ortun.
Sutlu Ekmek sicacikken, tereyagi ve krem peynir ile tadini cikarin.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal, hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Focaccia Bread (Baharatli Italyan Pidesi)

1 Tbsp instant dry yeast
1 cup warm water
2 Tbsp sugar
3 ½ - 4 cups flour
1 Tbsp sea salt
1 tsp dry rosemary/Mediterranean spice blend
¼ cup olive oil

2 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced (optional)
1-2 Tbsp shredded parmesan
¼ cup shredded Mozzarella
½ tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp rosemary

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir gently to dissolve. Add the salt, olive oil, rosemary and flour; knead for 10 minutes, until dough becomes elastic. The more you knead the better your bread will be. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 1-2 hours in a warm place, until it rises up to double its volume (see the picture). Coat a sheet pan or baking tray with a little olive oil. Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Roll and stretch the dough out to an oblong shape about ½ inch thick. Lay the flattened dough on the pan and cover with plastic wrap. Let rest for 30-45 minutes.
Preheat oven to 400 F (200 C). Uncover the dough and dimple with your fingertips. Brush the surface with more olive oil and then garlic, salt, cheese and rosemary. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep the bread soft.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
1 yemek kasigi instant toz maya
1 su bardagi ilik su
2 yemek kasigi seker
3 ½ - 4 su bardagi un
1 yemek kasigi deniz tuzu
1 tatli kasigi kuru biberiye/akdeniz baharat karisimi
¼ su bardagi zeytinyagi

Uzeri icin:
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 dis sarimsak, ezilmis (istege bagli)
1-2 yemek kasigi Parmesan peyniri, rendelenmis
¼ su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi deniz tuzu
1 yemek kasigi biberiye

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra un, zeytinyagi, biberiye ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Hamuru ne kadar cok yogurursaniz o kadar guzel ekmek elde edersiniz. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 1-2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Dikdortgen bir borcam ya da firin tepsisini yaglayin ve hamuru oval sekilde yaklasik 1-1 ½ cm kalinliginda acin. Uzerini temiz bir bez ya da seffaf film ile ortun ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik 30-45 dakika bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 1 saat bekletin).
Ekmegin uzerini parmak uclarinizla aralikli olarak bastirin ve uzerine zeytinyagi, sarimsak, tuz ve rendelenmis peynirleri koyun.
Firini onceden 200 C (400F) ye isitin, ekmegi uzeri kizarana dek 15-20 dakika pisirin. Yumusacik bir ekmek icin, firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal, hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Turkish Ground Beef Pide (Kiymali Pide)

5 cups all purpose flour
2 cups lukewarm milk
½ cup lukewarm water
1 Tbsp active yeast
½ tsp sugar
1 tsp salt

For the filling:
2 lbs ground beef
1 big onion, finely chopped
1-2 banana peppers, finely chopped
2 cups of tomatoes, finely diced
½ bunch parsley, finely chopped
1 Tbsp pepper/tomato paste
½ cup water
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp cumin

Take the filling ingredients in a big bowl and mix them all. Keep it in the refrigerator prior to use.
Add yeast and sugar into 1 cup of milk in a bowl. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Then mix in the other ingredients and flour. Knead until the dough becomes elastic and a little sticky, about 8-10 minutes.
Put dough in a clean bowl and cover with a towel or cloth ((see the picture). Let rise for 2 hours in a warm place. Punch down, cover and let dough rise again until doubled in size about 45 minutes (see the picture).
Cut it into 18-20 pieces and roll them in ball shape. Cover them to prevent drying out.
Meanwhile take one piece and over the lightly floured counter roll it out with a roller. Make a boat shape for about the shape of a loaf of bread (or any size you like). Place 2-3 Tbsp of ground beef filling and spread it all over. Then, flip the sides ½ inch over the pide and to make a boat shape squeeze the ends and make sure to stick together (see the picture).
If desired brush the flipped edges with olive oil and bake in a 400 F (200 C) oven for about 15-20 minutes or until the edges turn light brown.
Bake all pides the same way.
Serve warm with lemon wedges and kebab salad if desired.
This recipe makes about 17-20 pieces.
P.S: If desired pour some beaten eggs over the pides prior baking in the oven.

5 su bardagi un
2 su bardagi ilik sut
½ su baradgi ilik su
1 yemek kasigi kuru toz maya
1 cay kasigi seker
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Ic malzemesi:
1 kg kiyma
1 buyuk boy sogan, kucuk dogranmis
1-2 yesil biber, kucuk dogranmis
2 su bardagi domates, kucuk dogranmis
½ demek maydanoz, ince dogranmis
1 yemek kasigi biber/domates salcasi
½ su bardagi su
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi kimyon

Ic malzemeyi buyuk bir kapta karistirin ve buzdolabinda bekletin. Maya, seker ve 1 su bardagi ilik sutu bir kaseye alin, sekerle maya cozunene kadar 5 dakika bekletin. Sonra, un ve diger malzemeleri ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik ve ele yapisacak kivama gelene dek yogurun. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Uzerini ortun ve kabarmasi icin yaklasik 45 dakika bekletin.
Hamuru 18-20 parcaya ayirin ve her birini yuvarlayip top sekli verin. Uzerinin kurumasini engellemek icin nemli bir bez ile ortun.
Toplarin birini alin ve hafif unlanmis sert bir zemin uzerinde oklava ile kayak sekli vererek acin. Ic malzemeden 2-3 yemek kasigi alin ve her yerine yayin. Kenarlari 1 cm kadar ice dogru kivirin. Uc kisimlarini birlestirerek sikistirin (resime bakiniz). Arzu ederseniz kivirdiginiz kenarlara zeytinyagi surebilirsiniz.
Onceden isitilmis 200C (400 F) firinda yaklasik 15-20 dakika pisirin. Butun pideleri ayni sekilde hazirlayin ve pisirin.
Yaninda limon ve istege gore kebap salatasi ile sicak servis yapiniz.
Bu tariften yaklasik 17-20 pide cikiyor.
NOT: Pideleri firina vermeden once arzu ederseniz uzerlerine cirpilmis yumurta ilave edebilirsiniz.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

100% Whole Wheat Bread (100% Tam Bugday Unlu Ekmek)

3 ½ cups whole wheat flour
1 package dry yeast
1/3 cup lukewarm milk
¼ cup honey
1 cup lukewarm water
¼ cup canola oil
1 ½ tsp salt to taste

For glaze:
1 Tbsp yogurt
1 Tbsp water

Place the lukewarm water, honey and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the honey and the yeast. Add milk, canola oil, salt and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. The more you knead the better your bread will come out. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture). Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Cut the dough into two pieces then make a loaf shape. Grease two loaf pans and place both of the dough pieces. Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Mix 1 Tbsp yogurt and 1 Tbsp water in a small bowl, then brush the surface of the bread with this glaze. Preheat the oven to 400F (200C). Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until becomes golden brown. Take out of the oven and cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep the bread soft.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
P.S 2 : Whole wheat bread does not rise as much as usual breads.

3 ½ su bardagi tam bugday unu
1 paket kuru maya
1/3 su bardagi ilik sut
¼ su bardagi bal
1 su bardagi ilik su
¼ su bardagi kanola yagi
1 ½ tatli kasigi tuz

Uzeri icin:
1 yemek kasigi yogurt
1 yemek kasigi su

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine bali ilave edin ve homoejn bir karisim olana dek iyice karistirin. Sonra kanola yagi, sut, tuz ve unu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Hamuru ne kadar cok yogurursaniz o kadar guzel ekmek elde edersiniz. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Hamuru ikiye bolun ve her birine uzun ekmek hamuru seklini verin. Uzun iki tane ekmek kalibini yaglayin ve hamurlari icine yerlestirin. Uzerini temiz bir bez ya da seffaf film ile ortun ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik ½ -1 saat bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 2 saat bekletin).
Sonra 1 yemek kasigi yogurt ve 1 yemek kasigi suyu karistirip firca ile hamurun uzerine surun. Firini onceden 200 C (400F)’ye isitin, ekmegi orta rafa koyun ve uzeri kizarana dek 25-30 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece ekmeginiz yumusacik olacaktir.

NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal, hamurun yapisina zarar verir.
NOT2: Tam bugday uu ile yapilan ekmekler normal ekmekler gibi kabarmayacaktir. Daha siki ve kati bir ekmek olur.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Herb Battered Bread (Baharatli Ekmek)

1 package active dry yeast (~7gr)
3 cups flour/bread flour
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt to taste
2 tbsp margarine/butter, at room temperature
2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
½ tsp dried rosemary
¼ tsp dried thyme
1¼ cup lukewarm water

1 egg
1 tbsp milk
Sesame and nigella seeds

Add yeast and sugar into lukewarm water. Leave for 5 minutes; stir to dissolve. Mix flour and the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl. Make a well in center and pour in dissolved yeast. Knead and the dough will be sticky. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface. Knead dough until smooth and elastic, about 8-10 minutes.
Put dough in a clean bowl and cover with a towel or cloth. Let rise for 1-2 hours in a warm place. Punch down and grease two 8 x 4 x 2 1/2 inch loaf pans. Divide the dough in two equal pieces and shape dough into a long loaf (see the picture). You will have two loaves of bread. Place shaped dough in greased loaf pan. Cover with towel/cloth. Leave for a rest until dough is 1 inch above the top of pan, about 1 hour(see the picture). Brush top of loaf with egg glaze and sprinkle sesame and nigella seeds. Bake in preheated 400F (200 C) oven for 40-45 minutes until golden. After taking the bread out of the oven cover it with a towel/cloth to keep it soft and warm.Serve warm and enjoy Herb Battered Bread with butter or cream cheese.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

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1 paket toz maya (~7 gr)
3 su bardagi un/ekmeklik un
1 yemek kasigi seker
1 tatli kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi margarin/tereyag, oda sicakliginda
2 yemek kasigi taze maydanoz, ince dogranmis
1 cay kasigi kuru biberiye
½ cay kasigi kuru kekik
1 ¼ su bardagi ilik su

Uzeri icin:
1 yumurta
1 yemek kasigi sut
susam ve corek otu

Bir kasede ilik su, seker ve mayayi karistirin. Mayanin cozunmesi icin 5 dakika bekletin. Genis bir kasede un ve geri kalan malzemeleri karistirin, ortasina bir cukur acin. Cukura cozunen maya karisimini dokun. Hepsini karistirip yapiskan bir hamur elde edin. Hamuru unlanmis bir yuzeye alin ve puruzsuz ve elastik bir hamur elde edene dek yaklasik 8-10 dakika yogurun. Hamuru temiz bir kaseye alin ve uzerini temiz bir havlu/bez ile ortun. Bir-iki saat boyunca kabarmasi icin ilik bir ortamda bekletin. Daha sonra havasini cikarmak icin nazikce bastirin.20x10x6 cm’lik iki tane dikdortgen kalibi yaglayin. Hamuru iki esit parcaya bolun ve her ikisine de uzun bir ekmek sekli verin (resime bakiniz). Yaglanmis kaliba yerlestirin ve uzerini havlu/bez ile ortun. Hamur kalibin uzerinden yaklasik 2 ½ cm kadar yukselene dek, yaklasik 1 saat bekletin (resime bakiniz). Uzerine yumurtali sut karisimini surun ve susamla corek otu serpin. Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda 40-45 dakika uzeri kizarana dek pisirin. Ekmegin yumusak ve sicak kalmasi icin; firindan cikarinca, uzerini havlu/bez ile ortun.
Baharatli Ekmek sicacikken, tereyagi ve krem peynir ile tadini cikarin.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal, hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Bulgarian Easter Bread (Kozunak-Paskalya Coregi)

Kozunak is the traditional bread made for Easter in Bulgaria. Usually two loaves are made, one is left at the Church for the priest and the other is eaten by the family after the Easter service. This bread is lightly sweet that can be served for breakfast or as snack.

4 eggs
1 cup oil
2 cups lukewarm milk
2 cups sugar
2 lemon’s zest
25-30 gr fresh active yeast/7 gr instant yeast
2 tsp salt
12-13 cups flour

For garnish:
1 egg yolk, beaten
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup cracked hazelnut/almond (optional)

Start making Kozunak dough the night before you bake it. Then, set aside for a rest for all night long. The next day knead it occasionally for 1-2 times and bake in the afternoon.
Start making the dough in the evening:
First dissolve yeast in the lukewarm milk. Place all the main ingredients but flour in a large bowl and stir in dissolved yeast. Start adding flour slowly and knead. Form elastic and non-sticking dough and knead for about 10 minutes (see the picture). Then cover it with a plastic wrap or a towel and leave aside for the night. The next morning you’ll see that the dough will be about 3 times larger (see the picture). Punch it and knead for 2-3 minutes and cover again. Leave for about 4-5 hours. After that, knead again, cover and leave for more 4-5 hours. Once the dough rises again, it is ready to shape.
Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces. And again divide all the pieces into 3 equal parts. With your hands give a 12 inch long stick shape to every piece. Then, place 3 sticks side by side on the counter and make braid shape. Make sure to braid a little loose and stick the ends gently (see the picture). Braid the remaining dough and obtain 3 Kozunak breads. Place them over an oven tray with baking paper. You can fit 3 of them in a rectangular oven tray. Cover them and leave aside for ½ -1 hour.
Brush the surface with egg yolk and sprinkle some sugar on tops. Also, sprinkle some hazelnut/almonds if desired.
Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C) and bake them till they turn golden brown (for about 40-50 minutes).
Cover them with a towel after taking out of the oven, to keep them soft.
P.S: This recipe makes 3 Kozunak-Bulgarian Easter Bread, you can decrease or increase the ingredients as you like.

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Kozunak-Paskalya Coregi, Bulgaristan ve daha bir cok Avrupa ulkesinde Paskalya icin yapilan geleneksel bir cesit ekmektir. Genelde iki tane yapilir; biri kilisedeki rahibe birakilir, digeri de Paskalya gunu butun aile bir araya gelince yenilir. Hafif tatlimsi bir tadi olan Kozunak kahvalti ya da ara ogunlerde servis etmek icin cok guzel bir lezzettir.

4 yumurta
1 su bardagi sivi yag
2 su bardagi ilik sut
2 su bardagi seker
2 tane limon kabugu, rendelenmis
1 tane yas maya (25-30 gr)/7 gr instant toz maya
4 cay kasigi tuz
12-13 su bardagi un

Uzeri icin:
1 yumurta sarisi, cirpilmis
½ cay bardagi toz seker
½ cay bardagi ufalanmis findik/badem (istege bagli)

Kozunak-Paskalya Coregi hamurunun ozelligi bir gece onceden yapilip bekletilmesidir. Bir gece bekletilir, ertesi gun belirli araliklarla bir iki defa yogurulur ve aksama pisirilir.
Aksamdan isleme baslanir:
Once mayayi ilik sut icinde eritin ve genis bir kaba un haric diger malzemeleri alin. Eriyen mayayi ilave edin ve yavas yavas unu ilave ederek yaklasik 10 dakika kadar yogurun. Elastik ve ele yapismayan bir hamur elde edin (resime bakiniz). Sonra uzerini bir havlu ile ya da strec film ile sararak ortun. Bir gece boyunca kabarmasi ve dinlenmesi icin bekleyin.
Ertesi sabah hamurun bayag kabardigini goreceksiniz (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tekrar toparlayip biraz yogurun ve uzerini orterek tekrar dinlenmeye birakin. Aradan 4-5 saat gectikten sonra hamuru tekrar yogurun ve uzerini ortup kabarmaya birakin. Aradan yine 4-5 saat gectikten ve hamur kabardiktan sonra hamur sekil vermeye hazirdir.
Hamuru 3 esit parcaya ayirin ve her dort parcayi da 3’er esit parcaya ayirin. Bu 3 parcanin her birini elinizle uzatarak yaklasik 30 cm uzunlugunda hamurlar elde edin. Bu 3 uzun hamuru elinizle orgu seklide siki olmadan serbest bir sekilde orun ve uc kisimlarini hafice bastirarak yapistirin (resime bakiniz). Her 4 parcayi bu sekilde 3 e bolun ve orgu seklinde elinizle orun. Yagli kagit koydugunuz firin tepsisine dizin. Firin tepsisinin enine 3 tane paskalya coreginin yanyana yerlestirin. Uzerini ortun ve yaklasik ½-1 saat boyunca dinlendirin.
Uzerine yumurta sarisi surun ve seker serpin. Isterseniz findik ya da badem parcaciklari da serpebilirsiniz. Onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda uzerleri kizarana dek pisirin (yaklasik 40-50 dakika).
Firindan cikarinca uzerini havlu ile orterseniz, yumusacik olacaklardir.
NOT: Bu tariften toplam 3 tane Kozunak-Paskalya Coregi cikiyor. Isterseniz tarifteki malzemeleri azaltip cogaltabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Croutons (Kizarmis Ekmek)

10 slices of bread
2-3 tbsp olive oil/melted butter
Any kind of spices you like (optional)
½ tsp garlic powder (optional)
½ tsp salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C). Brush bread slices on both sides with olive oil/melted butter. Cut bread slices up into small cubes. Sprinkle with garlic powder, salt and spices (if desired). I like using paprika, thyme, summer savory or mint. Arrange cubes on an ungreased baking sheet.
Bake at 350 F (175 C) for 10-15 minutes or until browned. Let cool. You can store croutons in a covered container or plastic bag.
Serve croutons in soups or salads.
1o dilim ekmek
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi/erimis tereyag
Istediginiz cesit baharat (istege bagli)
½ tatli kasigi tuz
½ tatli kasigi sarimsak tozu (istege bagli)

Firini 175 C (350 F) isitin. Ekmek dilimlerini tereyag/zeytinyagi ile her iki tarafini da fircalayin ve kucuk kupler seklinde kesin. Uzerlerine tuz, sarimsak tozu ve baharat (istege bagli) serpin. Baharat olarak ben kirmizi toz biber, nane, zater otu veya kekik kullaniyorum. Harmanlayin ve yagli kagit serilmis tepsiye dizin.
175 C (350 F) firinda yaklasik 10-15 dakika boyunca hafif kahverengiye donene dek pisirin. Sogumasini bekleyin. Kizarmis ekmekleri kapagi siki kapanan kaplarda ve buzdolabi posetlerinde saklayabilirsiniz.
Kizarmis ekmekleri corba ve salatalarda kullanabilirsiniz.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Turkish Bread (Turk Ekmegi)

1 ½ cups lukewarm water
2 tsp dry yeast/17 gr fresh yeast
3 ¾ cups bread flour/all purpose flour
1 ½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Glaze:1 tbsp yogurt
1 tbsp water
Nigella seeds or sesame seeds

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Add the salt and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. The more you knead the better your bread will be. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Cut the dough into two pieces, then make a loaf shape with each of them. Grease a square Pyrex or baking dish and place both of the dough pieces. Or you can use a loaf pan to bake two loaves of bread. Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Mix 1 tbsp yogurt and 1 tbsp water in a small bowl, then brush the surface of the bread with this glaze. Make a scratch lengthwise through the middle. Finally, sprinkle nigella seeds or sesame seeds on top. Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 25-30 minutes, till it becomes golden brown. After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep the bread soft.
Turkish Bread is good to go with butter, honey-butter dip or spicy olive oil dip when warm.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
P.S 2 : If you want the top to be lighter brown, then beat 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp milk for glaze, instead of yogurt and water.

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1 ½ su bardagi ilik su
2 tatli kasigi instant maya/17 gr yas maya
3 ¾ su bardagi ekmek unu/cok amacli un
1 ½ tatli kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi seker
Uzeri icin:
1 yemek kasigi yogurt
1 yemek kasigi su
Corek otu ya da susam

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra un ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Hamuru ne kadar cok yogurursaniz o kadar guzel ekmek elde edersiniz. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Hamuru ikiye bolun ve her birine uzun ekmek hamuru seklini verin. Kare bir borcam ya da firin tepsisini yaglayin ve iki hamuru yan yana koyun. Ya da uzun ekmek kalibi kullanarak iki tane ayri ekmek pisirebilirsiniz. Uzerini temiz bir bez ya da seffaf film ile ortun ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik ½ -1 saat bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 2 saat bekletin).
Sonra 1 yemek kasigi yogurt ve 1 yemek kasigi suyu karistirip firca ile hamurun uzerine surun. Ortasindan keskin bir bicak ile boyuna bir kesik atin. Uzerine corek otu ya da susam serpin. Firini onceden 220 C (425F) ye isitin, ekmegi orta rafa koyun ve uzeri kizarana dek 25-30 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Turk ekmeginiz yumusacik olacaktir.
Turk Ekmegi sicakken, tereyagi, balli tereyag ya da baharatli zeytinyagi ile cok guzel olur.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal, hamurun yapisina zarar verir.
NOT2: Eger ekmegin uzerinin cok kizarmasini istemiyorsaniz, uzeri icin; yogurt ve su yerine, 1 yumurta sarisi ve 1 yemek kasigi sutu cirparak kullanin.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Turkish Pide Bread (Ramazan Pidesi)

 2 tsp dry yeast/25-30 gr active fresh yeast
½ tsp sugar
1 ¼ lukewarm water
3 ¾ cups bread flour/all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil

For glaze:
1 egg and 1 tbsp water, beaten
1 tsp nigella seeds or sesame seeds

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Add the salt, olive oil and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then try to flatten the dough with your hands to fit to the tray (Use a 8-12 inch round tray or Pyrex). Then place it into the baking tray with baking paper and flatten it to fit the tray. Brush surface of the Turkish Pide Bread with egg wash and press all over it with your finger tips. Then sprinkle nigella seeds or sesame seeds on top (see the picture). Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Put some water in an oven-safe bowl and place it on the bottom of the oven. Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 10-15 minutes, till it becomes golden brown.After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep them soft.
It is good to go with butter, honey-butter dip or spicy olive oil dip when warm.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

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2 tatli kasigi instant toz maya/25-30 gr yas maya
1 cay kasigi seker
1 ¼ su bardagi ilik su
3 ¾ su bardagi ekmek unu/ all purpose flour
1 tatli kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi

Uzeri icin:
1 yumurta ve 1 yemek kasigi su, cirpilmis
1 tatli kasigi corek otu/ susam

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra, zeytinyagi, un ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz).
Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve 20-25 cm capinda yuvarlak bir tepsiye sigacak sekilde elinizle acin ve uzerinde yagli kagit olan tepsiye koyun. Uzerine cirpilmis yumurta ile su karisimini surun ve parmak uclarinizla hamurun yuzeyini bastirin. Corek otu ya da susam serpin (resime bakiniz) ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik ½ -1 saat bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 2 saat beketin).
Firini onceden 220 C (425F) ye isitin ve firina dayanikli bir kase icine su koyup alt rafa yerlestirin. Ekmegi orta rafa koyun ve uzeri kizarana dek 10-15 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Ramazan Pideniz yumusacik olacaktir.
Ramazan pidesi sicakken, tereyagi, balli tereyag ya da baharatli zeytinyagi ile cok guzel olur.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Walnut Bread Rolls (Cevizli Ekmek)

25-30 gr fresh active yeast/7 gr instant yeast
2 cups lukewarm water
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 egg (white goes inside, yolk for egg wash)
¼ cup oil
6 cups of flour, heaping
1 cup crushed walnut/pecan
1 tsp allspice
2 tbsp yogurt (for egg wash)

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast.
Then, add salt, egg white, ¼ cup oil and flour, knead for 5-8 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. Place a plastic wrap on the dough (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then sprinkle some flour on the counter and try to flatten the dough in 1/10 inch thickness with a dough roller.
Sprinkle allspice and spread the crushed walnut over dough (see the picture). Then roll it up tightly (see the picture). Cut the roll into 2 inch wide pieces (see the picture), and press gently on cut sides. Then place them into the baking tray with baking paper. Leave it for 1-2 hours to rise.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C). Mix the egg yolk and yogurt in a bowl and brush surface of the Walnut Bread Rolls with this egg wash. Bake for 12-15 minutes, then switch to 350 F (180 C) and bake for 8-10 minutes till they turn to golden brown.
After taking those out of the oven cover them with a clean cloth or towel to keep them soft. Serve warm.
This recipe makes 24-25 rolls.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

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25-30 gr yas maya/7 gr instant toz maya
2 su bardagi ilik su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi seker
1 yumurta (beyazi icine, sarisi uzerine)
½ cay bardagi sivi yag
6 su bardagi un, tepeleme
1 su bardagi kiriklanmis ceviz/ pekan cevizi
1 tatli kasigi yenibahar
2 yemek kasigi yogurt (uzeri icin)

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin.Sonra, yumurta beyazini, ¼ su bardagi sivi yagi, unu ve tuzu ilave ederek, 5-8 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Uzerine seffaf film ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz).
Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve tezgahi unlayip oklava ile hamuru ½ cm kalinliginda acin. Uzerine yenibahar serpin ve kiriklanmis cevizleri yayin (resime bakiniz). Sonra sikica rulo yapin (resime bakiniz) ve ruloyu 4-5 cm genisliginda parcalara kesin (resime bakiniz). Sonra kesik yerlerinden hafifce bastirip, uzerinde yagli kagit olan tepsiye aralikli olarak dizin. Ekmek rulolari iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik 1-2 saat bekletin.
Firini onceden 200 C (400F) ye isitin ve yogurt ile yumurta sarisini karistirip, rulolarin uzerine firca ile surun. 12-15 dakika pisirip, sicakligi 180 C (350F) ye dusurun ve 8-10 dakika daha uzerleri kizarana dek pisirin.
Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engeleyin. Boylece Peynirli Ekmek Rulolariniz yumusacik olacaklar.
Sicak servis yapin.
Bu tariften 25-26 tane Cevizli Ekmek oluyor.

NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Bread Rolls with Cheese (Lorlu Ekmek)-Tutmanik

25-30 gr fresh active yeast/7 gr instant yeast
2 cups lukewarm water
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 egg (white goes inside, yolk for egg wash)
¼ cup oil
6 cups of flour, heaping
2 tbsp yogurt for egg wash
1 cup crumbled feta cheese or Mexican Crumbling Cheese
2 tbsp butter/oil
1 tbsp nigella seeds

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast.
Add the salt, egg white, ¼ cup oil and flour, knead for 5-8 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. Place a plastic wrap on the dough (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then sprinkle some flour on the counter and try to flatten the dough with a dough roller, in 1/10 inch thickness.
Brush the surface of dough with 2 tbsp butter/oil. Spread the crumbled cheese over the dough (see the picture). Then roll it up tightly an cut the roll into 2 inches wide pieces (see the picture in walnut bread), and close the cut ends by sticking and press gently on stuck sides (see the picture). Then place them into the baking tray with baking paper. Leave it for 1-2 hours to rise.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C). Mix the egg yolk and yogurt in a bowl and brush the surface of the Bread Rolls with Cheese with this egg wash and sprinkle nigella seeds on top. Bake for 12-15 minutes, then switch to 350 F (180 C) and bake for 8-10 minutes till they turn to golden brown.
After taking those out of the oven cover them with a clean cloth or towel to keep them soft. Serve warm.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

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25-30 gr yas maya/7 gr instant toz maya
2 su bardagi ilik su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi seker
1 yumurta (beyazi icine, sarisi uzerine)
½ cay bardagi sivi yag
6 su bardagi un, tepeleme
2 yemek kasigi yogurt (uzeri icin)
1 su bardagi lor/ kiriklanmis beyaz peynir
2 yemek kasigi tereyagi, sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi corek otu

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin.Sonra, yumurta beyazini, ¼ su bardagi sivi yagi, unu ve tuzu ilave ederek, 5-8 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Uzerine seffaf film ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz).
Hamuru tezgain uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve tezgahi unlayip oklava ile hamuru ½ cm kalinliginda acin. Uzerini tereyagi ya da sivi yag ile yaglayin ve uzerine kiriklanmis peyniri yayin (resime bakiniz). Sonra sikica rulo yapin ve ruloyu 5-6 cm genisliginde parcalara kesin (cevizli ekmekteki resime bakiniz). Sonra kesik yerlerini birlestirip yapistirin (resime bakiniz) ve hafifce bastirip, uzerinde yagli kagit olan tepsiye aralikli olarak dizin. Rulolari iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik 1-2 saat bekletin.
Firini onceden 200C (400F) ye isitin ve yogurt ile yumurta sarisini karistirip, rulolarin uzerine firca ile surun. Corek otu serpin ve 12-15 dakika pisirip, sicakligi 180C (350F) ye dusurun ve 8-10 dakika daha uzerleri kizarana dek pisirin.
Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Peynirli Ekmek Rulolariniz yumusacik olacaklar.
Sicak servis yapin.

NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Friday, December 26, 2008

No Knead Bread (Yogurmadan Ekmek)

3 cups flour
1 ½ cup and 2 tbsp water
¼ tsp instant yeast
1 ½ -2 tsp salt

In a large bowl, place the flour, water, instant yeast, salt and combine them with a wooden spoon/spatula (see the picture). Wrap it up with a plastic cover (see the picture). Leave the dough for all night (12-20 hours) in a warm place (65-70 F).
In the morning (see the picture) spread some flour on the counter, wet your hands and place the bread dough on the counter. Wetting your hands prevents the dough to stick to your hands. Grab the dough and fold over all ends towards the middle (see the picture). Gently move the dough onto a floured towel or floured plastic wrap. Let it nap for 2 hours to be puff up and double in size.
Use a 5 qt or larger and at least 4“ tall cast iron, Pyrex, stainless steel, ceramic or enamel pot with a lid. Make sure that it does not have plastic handles or other plastic parts and it could resist to high heat.
Half an hour before the nap ends, place the covered pot into the oven. Turn the heat to 450 F and preheat for 30 minutes. To prevent the dough to stick to the pot, place a parchment paper in the pot first. Place the dough into the pot, cover and then put back into the oven (see the picture). Bake for 30 minutes with the lid on. Then take the lid off and bake additional 15-20 minutes until it turns to golden brown.
Take the pot out and cool. You can hear the crust crackling.

P.S: If you cannot consume the whole no knead bread, you can freeze and store it in the freezer. Then reheat in the oven at 350 F for 10 minutes. It will be as warm and crispy as before.

P.S2: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

3 su bardagi un
1 ½ su bardagi ve 2 yemek kasigi su
½ cay kasigi instant maya
1 ½ -2 tatli kasigi tuz

Genis bir kapta un, su, maya ve tuzu tahta kasik ile karistirin (resime bakiniz). Uzerini plastik film ile kaplayin ve gece boyunca, ilik ortamda (20 C), 12-20 saat dinlendirin (resime bakiniz).
Sabah olunca (resime bakiniz), tezgah uzerine un serpin ve ellerinizi islatip hamuru tezgaha alin. Ellerinizi islatmaniz hamurun elinize yapismasini engeller. Hamurun kenarlarindan tutup ortaya dogru kivirin (resime bakiniz) ve unladiginiz bir havluya ya da plastik film icine koyun. 2 saat dinlendirin. Ekmek hamuru iki kati kadar kabaracaktir.
4-5 lt lik ya da daha buyuk, en az 8-10 cm derinliginde; dokme demir, paslanmaz celik, borcam, seramik ya da emaye, kapakli bir tencereye ihtiyaciniz var. Plastik kulplari ya da plastik parcalari olmamasina ve yuksek isiya dayanikli olduguna emin olun.
Hamurun dinlenmesinin bitmesine yarim saat kala, kapagini kapattiginiz tencereyi firina koyun ve 230 C (450 F) ye ayarlayip 30 dakika icerde bekletin.Hamuru tencereye koymadan once, yagli kagit koyarak hamurun tencereye yapismasini onleyebilirsiniz. Sonra hamuru tencereye koyup, kapagini kapatin ve firina koyun (resime bakiniz). Kapagi kapali olarak 30 dakika pisirin. Sonra kapagini acin ve uzeri kizarana dek 15-20 dakika daha pirisin.
Son olarak disari cikarin ve sogutun. Sogurken ekmegin kabugundan gelen citirti sesleri duyacaksiniz.

NOT: Eger ekmegin hepsini tuketemezseniz, geri kalan ekmegi buzlukta dondurarak muhafaza edebilirsiniz. Tekrar 180 C (350 F) sicakliktaki firinda 10 dakika isitarak, taze ekmek gibi sicak ve citir bir ekmek elde edebilirsiniz.

NOT2: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.