Showing posts with label domates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domates. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2013

Gavurdagi Salad (Gavurdagi Salatasi)

4 tomatoes
1 medium onion
2-3 green/banana peppers
3 Tbsp fresh parsley
4 sprigs fresh mint
3 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp pomegranate molasses
½ lemon’s juice
1 cup walnuts, coarsely crushed
1 tsp salt to taste
1 tsp chili pepper flakes (optional)
Chop all the vegetables finely. Take olive oil, pomegranate molasses, lemon juice and salt into a small bowl. Mix them well. Then, add the sauce to chopped vegetables and toss gently. Let the sauce to be absorbed for 5-10 minutes.
Add walnuts, toss gently and serve.
4 domates
1 orta boy sogan
2-3 tane yesil biber
3 yemek kasigi taze maydanoz
4 dal taze nane
3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi nar eksisi
½ limonun suyu
1 su bardagi ceviz, irice ufalanmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi aci pul biber (istege bagli)
Butun sebze malzemelerini minik minik dograyin. Kucuk bir kasede zeytinyagi, nar eksisi, limon suyu ve tuzu karistirin. Dogranmis olan malzemelere ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin. Yaklasik 5-10 dakika sosun salata ile iyice butunlesmesi icin bekleyin.
Uzerine cevizi ilave edip karistirin ve servis yapin.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Meatballs in Tomato Sauce (Domatesli Sulu Kofte)

½ onion, chopped finely
3-4 Tbsp canola oil
3 Tbsp flour
2 Tbsp tomato paste
½ cup crushed tomato
5-6 cups water
1 tsp salt to taste
For the meatballs:
~1 lb ground beef
½ onion, chopped finely
¼ cup rice, washed
½ tsp salt to taste
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp cumin
A pinch of crushed red pepper
Mix all the meatball ingredients with your hands and grab cherry size or bigger pieces and make meatballs using your palms. Keep them in refrigerator.
Take onion and canola oil over a pan and sauté over medium heat. Add flour and keep sautéing for about 2 minutes until it changes color. Then, add tomato paste stirring continuously. Once the tomato paste is dissolved, add water and crushed tomato. Bring to a boil and add the meatballs. Simmer over low heat until the meatballs are cooked (about 15-20 minutes).
½ sogan, kucuk dogranmis
3-4 yemek kasigi kanola yagi
3 yemek kasigi un
2 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi rendelenmis domates
5-6 su bardagi su
1 tatli kasigi tuz
Koftesi icin:
400 gr kiyma
½ sogan, kucuk dogranmis
¼ su bardagi pirinc, yikanmis
1 cay kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karabiber
½ cay kasigi kimyon
Bir tutam aci pul biber
Koftelik malzemeleri guzelce elinizle yogurun ve cevizden biraz daha kucuk toplar yapin. Buzdolabina dinlenmeye alin.
Tencereye sogani ve kanola yagini alin ve orta ateste sote edin. Unu ilave edin ve rengi degisene dek yaklasik 2 dakika kadar cevirin. Sonra salcayi ilave edin ve karistirmaya devam edin. Salca dagildiktan sonra domatesi ve suyu  ilave edin. Kaynamaya baslayinca kofteleri ilave edin. Kisik ateste kofteler pisene dek yaklasik 15-20 dakika pisirin.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Roasted Grape Tomatoes ( Firinlanmis Kiraz Domates)

3 cups grape/cherry tomatoes
5 button mushrooms, sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp brown sugar
½ tsp sea salt
2 Tbsp fresh basil, finely chopped
Preheat oven to 400F (200C). Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl. Transfer them over a glass baking dish ensuring they are in just one layer. Roast for about 20 minutes or until the tomatoes begin to shrivel. You may garnish with fresh basil. Serve hot from oven.
3 su bardagi kiraz domates
5 tane kultur mantari, dilimlenmis
2 dis sarimsak, dovulmus
3 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi balsamic sirke
1 yemek kasigi esmer seker
1 cay kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi taze feslegen, ince dogranmis
Firini onceden 200C (400F)’ye isitin. Orta boy bir kasede butun malzemeleri karistirin ve tercihen borcam bir tepsiye tek sira halinde yerlestirin. Firina verin ve yaklasik 20 dakika ya da domatesler kuculup, burusmaya baslayana dek pisirin. Firindan cikar cikmaz sicak servis yapin. Arzuya gore uzerine taze feslegen yapraklari ilave edebilirsiniz.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sopska Salata (Bulgaria)

2 tomatoes, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped in cubes
1 small onion, chopped
1-2 green or red peppers, roasted or raw, chopped (optional)
1/2 cup Bulgarian sirene cheese or feta cheese, shredded/crumbled
2-3 Tbsp oil (traditional: sunflower, lux: extra virgin olive oil)
1-2 Tbsp vinegar (traditional: red wine vinegar, lux: balsamic)
Salt to taste
Place tomatoes, cucumber, peppers and onion in a large bowl and toss. Mix oil, vinegar and salt to taste in a small bowl until blended. Toss dressing with vegetables, transfer into a serving bowl. Top with crumbled cheese. Serve fresh.
2 domates, dogranmis
1 salatalik, dogranmis
1 kucuk boy sogan, dogranmis
1-2 yesil ya da kirmizi biber, kozlenmis ya da cig, dogranmis (istege bagli)
1 cay bardagi Bulgaristan sirene peyniri/beyaz peynir, rendelenmis
2-3 yemek kasigi sivi yag (geleneksel: aycicek yagi, luks: sizma zeytinyagi)
1-2 yemek kasigi sirke (geleneksel: uzum sirkesi, luks: balsamic sirke)
Domates, salatalik, sogan ve biberleri genis bir kasede harmanlayin. Kucuk bir kasede; tuz, sirke ve siviyagi iyice karisana dek karistirin. Salata sosunu sebzelerin uzerine dokun ve nazikce karistirin. Servis tabagina alin ve uzerine rendelenmis sirene/beyaz peyniri koyun. Bekletmeden servis yapin.

Friday, February 17, 2012


2 tomatoes
1 red pepper
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
1-2 Tbsp parsley, chopped finely
½ lemon’s juice
1 tsp tomato paste
1 tsp red pepper paste
½ tsp or more chili pepper (optional)
1 tsp fresh mint (optional), chopped finely
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste

Mix lemon juice, olive oil, tomato and red pepper paste in a small bowl. Chop all the other ingredients very finely or use a chopper. Add salt to the olive oil and tomato paste mixture. Mix all the ingredients all together.
Serve fresh.

2 domates
1 kirmizi biber
1 kucuk sogan
2 dis sarimsak
1-2 yemek kasigi maydanoz, ince dogranmis
½ limonun suyu
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
1 tatli kasigi biber salcasi
1 cay kasigi yada daha fazla aci pul biber (istege bagli)
1 tatli kasigi taze nane (istege bagli), ince dogranmis
1-2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi

Limon suyu ve zeytinyagini kucuk bir kapta karistirin. Icine domates ve biber salcasini ilave edin ve iyice karistirin. Diger butun malzemeleri minik minik dograyin ya da mutfak robotu kullanarak iyice parcalayin. Zeytinyagi ve salca karisimina tuzu da ilave edin diger malzemeye ilave edin. Hepsini guzelce karistirin.
Bekletmeden servis yapin.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Italian Beef Lasagna (Italyan Usulu Kiymali Lazanya)

1 lb ground beef
1 onion, finely chopped
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 lb lasagna noodle
3 cups tomato sauce
3 cups crushed tomato
2-3 Tbsp tomato paste
1 lb ricotta cheese
½ lb mozzarella, shredded
1/3 cup Parmesan, shredded
4-5 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp Italian spice mix
¼ cup sugar
1 Tbsp salt to taste

Cook ground beef with canola oil until the color changes and then stir in onions. Saute for 4-5 minutes over medium heat. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce and tomato paste, garlic, sugar and salt to taste. Cook for about 15 minutes over low heat until the mixture thickens. Stir in the spice and let it cool.
Boil lasagna noodles in lightly salty water according to the directions on the package. Rinse under cold water and drain. Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C). Pour one ladle tomato mixture over a lasagna pan, spread evenly and arrange a layer of boiled lasagna noodles (usually 3 pieces side by side). Then, spread a ladle of tomato sauce over lasagna and spread some ricotta cheese to cover all over. Continue layering with the same order; lasagna, tomato sauce, ricotta cheese and lasagna until using the all lasagna. You can either leave some tomato sauce for the top or use it all in between the layers. After layering is done, use all the mozzarella and parmesan cheese to cover the top of lasagna. Cover the top with aluminum foil and bake for 35-45 minutes. You may remove the aluminum foil and broil the top at the last 5 minutes.
Let it rest for 10-15 minutes, slice in squares and serve hot/warm.

½ kg kiyma
1 sogan , kucuk dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi kanola yagi
½ kg lazanya
3 su bardagi domates sosu
3 su bardagi rendelenmis domates
2-3 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
½ kg lor/ricotta peyniri
250 gr kasar/mozarella peyniri, rendelenmis
1/3 su bardagi Parmesan peyniri, rendelenmis
4-5 dis sarimsak, ezilmis
1 tatli kasigi Italyan baharat karisimi
1 yemek kasigi tuz
¼ su bardagi seker

Kiymayi ve kanola yagini bir tavaya alin ve kiymanin rengi degisene dek pisirin. Sogani ilave edin ve orta ateste 4-5 dakika sote edin. Domates sosu, rendelenmis domates, domates puresi, sarimsak, seker ve tuzu ilave edin. Yaklasik 15 dakika kadar sos koyulasan dek kisik ateste pisirin. Italyan baharat karisimi ilave edin ve sogumaya birakin.
Lazanyayi ambalajin uzerindeki tarife gore hafif tuzlu suda haslayin, soguk su altina tutun ve suzun. Firini 190 C (375 F)’ye isitin. Lazanya tepsisinin dibine bir kepce domates sosundan yayin. Uzerine bir sira lazanya yayin (genelde 3 parca yanyana oluyor). Sonra, bir kepce domates sosunu uzerine yayin ve yuzeyini kaplayacak kadar lor/ricotta peyniri ile kaplayin. Ayni sira ile; lazanya, domates sosu, ricotta/lor peyniri ve lazanya olacak sekilde siralayarak geri kalan malzemeyi kullanin. Domates sosundan bir miktar uzerine koymak icin ayirabilir ya da hepsini ic malzeme olarak kullanabilirsiniz. Son olarak, rendelenmis kasar peyniri/mozzarella ve parmesan peynirini uzerine esit olarak yayin. Aluminyum folyo ile kaplayin ve yaklasik 35-45 dakika kadar pisirin. Arzu ederseniz firindan cikarmadan 5 dakika once, aluminyum folyoyu alip lazanyanin uzerini kizartabilirsiniz.
Servis etmeden once 10-15 dakika dinlendirin, dilimleyin ve sicak/ilik servis edin.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fried Green Tomatoes (Kizarmis Yesil Domates)

4-5 medium green tomatoes
½ cup flour
½ cup corn meal
1/3 cup milk
1 egg
½ tsp salt to taste
½-1 cup canola oil for frying

Whisk egg and milk. Slice tomatoes ½ inch thick and salt them. Heat the frying oil. Dip each tomato slice in flour to coat and dip in milk-egg mixture. Finally, coat with corn meal and fry each side until they browned.
Drain the excess oil on paper towels and serve hot/warm.

4-5 tane orta boy yesil domates
½ su bardagi un
½ su bardagi misir unu
1/3 su bardagi sut
1 yumurta
1 cay kasigi tuz
½-1 su bardagi kanola yagi, kizartmak icin

Sut ve yumurtayi cirpin, bir kenara ayirin. Domatesleri 1 cm kalinliginda dilimleyin ve tuzlayin. Kanola yagini kizdirin. Her domates dilimini once una batirin, sonra sutlu yumurtaya daldirin ve son olarak misir unu ile kaplayin ve kizgin yagda her iki tarafi da kizarana dek kizartin.
Fazla yagi alamk icin kagit havlu uzerinde bir muddet bekletin ve sicak servis yapin.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cabbage with Tomatoes (Domatesli Lahana)

1 head of white cabbage, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp tomato paste
½ cup crushed tomatoes
½ tsp crushed chili pepper
1 tsp salt to taste
½ cup hot water if necessary

In a pot, sauté onions with olive oil. Then add tomato paste and tomatoes, sauté over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Stir in chopped cabbage and cook over low heat covered for about 20 minutes. Then, add salt, chili pepper, and hot water if necessary. If there is no juice left in the pot then go ahead and add hot water. Close the lid and simmer over low heat until cabbage is cooked (about 20-25 minutes).
Serve with either plain or garlic yogurt on top.
***This is a vegetarian dish.

1 bas beyaz lahana, dogranmis
1 sogan, dogranmis
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi domates, rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi pul biber
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ su bardagi sicak su, ihtiyac olursa

Bir tencerede sogan ile zeytinyagini kavurun. Sonra domates salcasi ve domatesi ilave edin ve orta ateste 2-3 dakika daha kavurup dogranmis beyaz lahanayi ilave edin. Bir sure kavurduktan sonra, kapagini kapatin ve kisik ateste yaklasik 20 dakika pisirin.
Son olarak tuz, pul biber ve gerekirse suyu ilave edin. Eger tencerenin dibinde su kaldiysa tekrar su ilave etmenize gerek yoktur. Kapagini kapatarak kisik ateste lahana yumusyana dek pisirin (yaklasik 20-25 dakika).
Servis onerisi olarak; sade ya da sarimsakli yogurt ile servis yapabilirsiniz.
***Bu bir vejeteryan tarifidir.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cig Kofte

I'd like to thank to Tarik, the master of cig kofte, for this delicious recipe.

3-4 big onions
¼ cup lemon juice
1 lb lean ground beef
2 tomatoes
5-6 cloves garlic
¼ cup canola oil
2 lb fine bulgur (cracked wheat)
2-3 Tbsp salt
5-6 Tbsp isot (crushed hot pepper)
1-2 Tbsp cumin
750 gr red hot pepper paste/ tomato and pepper paste mix

Process the onions in food processor. Then, take it along with bulgur in a large mixing bowl. Rub the mixture in between your palms, to give bulgur a full onion flavor (about 10 minutes). Add pepper paste/ pepper and tomato mix paste, salt, isot and cumin. Keep rubbing all the ingredients in between your palms pressing hard. Then, add the ground beef and push the mixture through the bottom of the bowl strongly. Dip your hands in cold/ ice water occasionally to ease the process. Keep kneading for about 30 minutes and make sure the bulgur is softens enough.
Meanwhile, crush tomato and garlic in the food processor, and then add into the bulgur mixture. Add lemon juice and canola oil as well. Knead for a couple of minutes and grab walnut size pieces or bigger if desired. Place them right inside your palm and squeeze gently to give the right shape as seen in the picture.
Serve with lemon wedges and lettuce leaves.
This recipe yields to 120-130 pieces of cig kofte.
Serving size: 6-8 pieces

Bu harika cig kofte tarifi icin ustamiz Tarik'a tesekkur ediyorum.
3-4 buyuk sogan
¼ su bardagi limon suyu
½ kg yagsiz dana kiymasi
2 domates
5-6 dis sarimsak
¼ su bardagi kanola yagi
1 kg ince bulgur
2-3 yemek kasigi tuz
5-6 yemek kasigi isot
1-2 yemek kasigi kimyon
750 gr aci biber salcasi/ biber ve domates karisik

Sogani mutfak robotunda guzelce pure haline getirin. Bulgur ile sogani genis bir kaba alin ve iki avucununuzun arasina alip ovalayarak guzelce birbirlerine yedirin. (Yaklasik 10 dakika). Biber ya da karisik salca, tuz, isot ve kimyonu ilave edin. Bir sure daha iki avucunuzun arasinda doverek malzemeleri yedirin. Kiymayi da ilave ettikten sonra butun gucunuzu kullanarak elinizin tabaniyla kabin dibine iyice bastirarak yogurun. Arada elinizi buzlu su dolu bir kaba daldirip cikarin. Yaklasik yarim saat kadar yogurarak bulgurun yumusamasini saglayin.
Bu sirada domates ve sarimsaklari mutfak robotundan gecirin ve kiymaya ilave edin. Limon suyu ve kanola yagini da ekledikten sonra bir kac dakika daha yogurun.
Ceviz buyuklugunde ya da arzuye gore daha buyuk parcalar alin ve avunucuzun icinde sikarak cig kofte seklini verin.
Yaninda limon ve marul yapragi ile servis yapin.
Bu tariften yaklasik 120-130 cig kofte cikar.
Tarif 14-16 kisiliktir.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Eggplant Parmigiano (Italyan Usulu Parmesanli Patlican)

¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for oiling the baking sheet
2 eggplants, about 1 lb
2 cups basic tomato sauce, recipe follows
1 bunch fresh basil leaves
½ lb fresh mozzarella, sliced thin
¼ cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano
¼ cup fresh bread crumbs, lightly toasted under broiler
Salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 450 F (250 C). Oil a baking sheet with the extra-virgin olive oil.
Slice each eggplant into pieces about 1 inch thick. Lightly season each disk with salt and pepper and place on the oiled sheet. Bake the eggplant until the slices begin turning deep brown on top, about 12-14 minutes. Remove the slices from the baking sheet and place them on a plate to cool.
Lower oven temperature to 350 F (200 C). In an 8 by 12-inch Pyrex dish, place the largest eggplant slices evenly spaced apart. Over each slice, spread 1/4 cup of tomato sauce and sprinkle with a teaspoon of basil. Place one slice of mozzarella over each and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon grated Parmigiano. Place the smaller slices of eggplant over each of the disks and repeat with tomato sauce, basil, and the 2 cheeses. Repeat the layering, until all the ingredients are used.
Sprinkle the toasted bread crumbs over the top of the eggplant dish, and bake uncovered until the cheese is melts and the tops turn light brown, about 15-20 minutes. Serve over pasta if desired.

Basic tomato sauce:
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 onion, finely diced
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
3 Tbsp fresh thyme/basil leaves, chopped (1 Tbsp dried)
½ carrot, finely grated
3-4 cups tomatoes, crushed
1 tsp salt to taste

In a saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until soft and light golden brown, about 8 minutes. Add the thyme/basil and carrot and cook 5 minutes more, until the carrot is quite soft. Add the tomatoes and bring to a boil, stirring often. Lower the heat and simmer for 30 minutes until as thick as hot cereal. Season with salt and serve.

P.S: This sauce holds 1 week in the refrigerator or up to 6 months in the freezer.

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¼ su bardagi sizma zeytinyagi, arti biraz daha yaglamak icin
2 patlican, ½ kg
2 su bardagi domates sosu, tarifi asagida
1 tutam taze feslegen yapragi
100 gr mozzarella/kasar peyniri, ince dilimlenmis
¼ su bardagi Parmesan peyniri, rendelenmis
¼ su bardagi ekmek kirintisi, hafifce kizartilmis
Tuz ve karabiber

Firini 250 C (450 F)’ isitin. Zeytinyagi ile pisirme kagidini yaglayin ve tepsiye yayin.
Patlicanlari yaklasik 2 cm kalinliginda dilimleyin ve hafifce tuzlayip karabiber serpin. Yagladiginiz kagidin uzerine yerlestirin. Firinda uzerleri hafifce kahverengiye donene dek yaklasik 12-14 dakika pisirin. Firindan alin ve sogumaya birakin.
Firini 200 C (350 F)’a ayarlayin ve 20-30 cm lik bir borcam tepsinin dibine en buyuk patlicanalri diizn. Her parcanin uzerine ¼ su bardagi domates sosu yayin ve 1 tatli kasigi feslegen serpistirin. Birer dilim mozzarella/kasar peyniri koyun ve 1 tatli kasigi kadar parmesan peyniri rendesi serpistirin. Geri kalan pelican dilimlerini uzerine disin ve ayni islemi patlicanlar bitene dek uygulayin.
Uzerine ekmek kirintilarini serpin ve peynirler eriyip uzeri kizarana dek yaklasik 15-20 dakika pisirin. Arzuya gore makarna uzerinde servis yapilabilir.
Sicak servis yapin.

Domates Sosu:
¼ su bardagi sizma zeytinyagi
1 sogan, ince dogranmis
4 dis sarimsak, ince dilimlenmis
3 yemek kasigi kekik/feslegen , dogranmis (1 yemek kasigi kuru)
½ orta boy havuc, rendelenmis
3-4 su bardagi domates, ezilmis/rendelenmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Orta boy bir tencereye zeytinyagini alin. Sogan ve sarimsagi orta ateste yaklasik 8 dakika pembelesene dek pisirin. Havuc ve kekik/feslegeni ilave edin ve 5 dakika daha havuclar yumusayana dek pisirin. Domatesi ilave edin ve kaynadiktan sonra ara sira karistirarak kisik ateste 30 dakika kadar pisirin. Tuz ilave edin ve koyulasinca atesten alin.

NOT: Sosu buzdolabinda 1 hafta, buzlukta 6 aya kadar saklayabilirsiniz.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Fresh Salsa (Salsa)

6 tomatoes (preferably Roma), finely diced
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 jalapenos, roasted, skinned and chopped (optional)
1 red bell pepper, finely diced
½ red onion, finely chopped
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
1 lime, juiced
½ tsp chili powder
½ tsp salt to taste
½ tsp pepper
1-2 scallions, chopped
½ cup cilantro or parsley, finely chopped
In a bowl, combine all the ingredients. Place in refrigerator for up to 12 hours for flavor infusion. Then serve with any kind of chips, preferably tortilla chips.
6 domates (tercihen Roma-erik domatesi), kucuk dogranmis
4 dis sarimsak, ezilmis
2 tane aci biber, kozlenmis, soyulmus ve dogranmis (istege bagli)
1 tane kirmizi dolma biber, kucuk dogranmis
½ kirmizi sogan, kucuk dogranmis
1-2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 limonun suyu
½ tatli kasigi pul biber
½ tatli kasigi tuz
½ tatli kasigi karabiber
1-2 yesil sogan, dogranmis
½ su bardagi maydanoz/ Meksika maydanozu (silantro), ince dogranmis
Genis bir kasede butun malzemeleri karistirin. Aromasinin tam olarak yerlesmesi icin buzdolabinda 12 saate kadar bekletin. Istediginiz cesit cips ile servis yapin. (tercihen tortilla cips).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ground Beef Lasagna (Kiymali Lazanya)

12 pieces lasagna
½ lb ground beef
1 onion, chopped
2 Tbsp canola oil
2 cups tomatoes, crushed/petite diced
1 green pepper, chopped
1 tsp tomato paste
1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
½ cup hot water
1 Tbsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper

Boil the lasagna in salty water according to the instructions on the package (about 7-10 minutes). Drain.
Meanwhile, in a big skillet, take oil and ground beef, sauté over medium heat. Once the ground beef changes color, stir in onions. Saute for 3-4 minutes and add pepper and tomato paste. Cook for a few minutes. Then, add tomatoes, salt and hot water. Cook for about 5 minutes or until tomatoes are cooked. Sprinkle with black pepper and turn the heat off.
Prepare the béchamel sauce using the link. Spread 2 spoonful of tomato mixture over the lasagna tray or Pyrex. Then cover with 3 piece of lasagnas. Divide the tomato mixture in 3 equal parts and the béchamel sauce in 4 parts. Spread one part of béchamel over the first layer of lasagna, followed by the one part of tomato mixture. Then, cover with three pieces of lasagna. Do the same procedure until having 4 layers of lasagna. Spread the remaining béchamel sauce all over the top and cover with shredded mozzarella cheese.
Cover the whole tray with aluminum foil. Bake at 400 F (200 C) oven for 30 minutes. Then, take the aluminum out and continue baking uncovered for about 10-15 minutes or until it gets light brown.
Cut into pieces and serve hot/warm.

12 parca lazanya
250 gr kiyma
1 sogan, dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi kanola yagi
1 yesil biber, dogranmis
2 su bardagi domates, ezilmis/kup kup dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
1 su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
½ su bardagi sicak su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber

Lazanyalari paketin uzerindeki tarife gore yaklasik 7-10 dakika tuzlu suda haslayin. Bu sirada, buyuk bir tavada yagda kiymayi cevirin. Rengi degistikten sonra sogani ilave edin. Yaklasik 3-4 dakika sote ettikten sonra, biber ve salcayi ilave edin ve pisirmeye devam edin. Son olarak tuzu, domatesi ve suyu ilave edin. Domatesler pisene dek yaklasik 5 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Uzerine karabiber serpin ve ocaktan alin.
Besamel sosu linkteki tarife gore hazirlayin. Lazanya tepsisi ya da borcam tepsinin altina iki kasik domatesli kiymali harctan koyun ve dibine yayin. Geri kalan harci 3 esit miktara bolun. Besamel sosu 4 paya bolun. Uc parca lazanyayi tepsiye dizin, uzerine boldugunuz besamel sosun bir payini yayin. Onun da uzerine yine bir pay harci esit olarak dagitin. Tekrar 3 tane lazanya ile uzerini kapatin ve ayni sekilde besamel sos ve harctan yayarak toplam 4 kat lazanya olacak sekilde devam edin. Son lazanya tabakasini yerlestirdikten sonra geriye kalan son besamel sos payini esit olarak yuzeye yayin. Kasar peyniri esit olarak dagitin.
Aluminyum folyo ile tepsinin uzerini tamamen kapatin. 200 C (400 F) firinda 30 dakika kadar pisirin. Aluminyum folyoyu cikarin ve yaklasik 10-15 dakika uzeri acik olarak, kizarana dek pisirin.
Dilimleyin ve sicak servis yapin.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Tomato Soup with Meatballs (Kofteli Domates Corbasi)

1 cup tomatoes, crushed
2 Tbsp tomato paste
3 Tbsp canola oil
3 Tbsp flour
6 cups (1 ½ L) water

For the meatballs:
½ lb ground beef
¼ tsp black pepper
½ small onion, finely chopped
½ tsp salt to taste

Take meatball ingredients in a bowl and mix them all using your hands. Make hazelnut size or walnut size meatballs. Keep them in the refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes.
Meanwhile, take canola oil in a pot and stir in flour. Over medium heat sauté for about 3 minutes or until the flour turns yellow. Stir in tomato paste and tomatoes. Cook for about 3-4 minutes stirring occasionally.
Add 6 cups of water and bring to a boil. Add the meatballs and cook over low-medium heat until the meatballs are cooked (for about 15-20 minutes). Sprinkle with pepper.
Serve hot/warm.

1 su bardagi domates, rendelenmis
2 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
3 yemek kasigi kanola yagi
3 yemek kasigi un
6 su bardagi (1 ½ lt) su

Kofteler icin:
250 gr kiyma
½ cay kasigi karabiber
½ kucuk sogan, ince dogranmis
1 cay kasigi tuz

Kofte malzemelerini bi kapta iyice karistirin. Elinizle yogurabilirsiniz. Cevizden biraz daha kucuk ya da findik buyuklugunde yuvarlak kofteler yapin. Buzdolabinda yaklasik 15-30 dakika dinlendirin.
Bu sirada, tencereye kanola yagini alin. Orta ateste unu 3 dakika kadar sararana dek kavurun. Salca ve domatesleri ilave edin. Yine 3-4 dakika kadar cevirin.
Alti su bardagi suyu ilave edin ve kaynamasini bekleyin. Kaynamaya baslayinca, kofteleri icine atin ve kisik ateste kofteler pisene dek pisirin (yaklasik 15-20 dakika). Karabiber serpin.
Sicak servis yapin.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Lutenitsa is a sauce-like “salad” and a special spread for bread and other food that is made from tomatoes and peppers, sometimes eggplant pureed together. It looks like a thick ketchup or a thick salsa, but it tastes a little more peppery.
It is very commonly used in Balkan countries especially in Bulgaria. My recipe is for Bulgarian Lutenitsa which I’ve grown up with and still loving it!

900-1000 gr(~2 lb) roasted red pepper /red pepper paste
6 lb tomato, crushed
1 ½ lb roasted eggplant
1 cup canola oil
1 ½ cup sugar
4 Tbsp salt to taste
4 Tbsp dried summer (balkan) savory

Take tomatoes in a big pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Then, turn the heat low and cook for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
If using roasted red peppers take the skins and seeds out. Puree them in a food processor. Stir in the pot. If using red pepper paste, just stir it in. Cook for 10 minutes stirring constantly. Take the skins of roasted eggplants out and puree them in the food processor as well. Stir them into the pot.
Once the mixture gets thicker and boils, add salt and sugar. Cook over low medium heat stirring constantly for about 10 minutes (or you can adjust the thickness as you like). Finally, add canola oil and summer (Balkan) savory. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes.
Fill either glass jars or glass containers, close the lids and store in the refrigerator. This recipe makes for about 8-9 lb Lutenitsa.

Lutenitsa, sosa benzeyen fakat “salata” olarak bilinen ekmege surulen veya yemeklerin yaninda ikram edilen domates, biber ve bazen de patlicanin pure edilerek yapildigi super bir karisimdir. Gorunusu ketcabin ya da salsanin kivamli haline benzer, fakat tadi daha biberimsidir.
Lutenitsa Balkan ulkelerinde ozellikle Bulgaristan’da cok yaygindir. Sizinle paylasmak istedigim tarif kucuklugumden beri onunla yetistigim ve hala cok sevdigim Bulgaristan Lutenitsa’sidir.

900-1000 gr kozlenmis kirmizi biber/ kirmizi biber salcasi
3 kg domates, ezilmis
~750 gr patlican, kozlenmis
1 su bardagi kanola yagi
1 ½ su bardagi seker
4 yemek kasigi tuz
4 yemek kasigi kuru Balkan mercimek otu/zahter otu

Buyukce bir tencereye once domatesi koyun ve yuksek ateste surekli karistirarak biraz koyulasmasini bekleyin. Kaynadiktan sonra kisik ateste yaklasik 15 dakika kadar pisirin.
Kozlenmis kirmizi biber kullaniyorsaniz cekirdeklerini temizleyerek mutfak robotundan gecirin. Pure haline gelen kirmizi biberleri tencereye ilave edin. Eger kirmizi biber salcasi kullaniyorsaniz direk olarak tencereye ilave edin. Karistirarak 10 dakika kadar daha pisirin. Kozlenmis patlicanlarin kabuklarini soyun ve mutfak robotundan gecirin. Tencereye ilave edin.
Tenceredeki karisim koyu bir kivama gelip kaynamaya baslayinca tuz ve sekeri ilave edin. Hafif ateste surekli karistirarak 10 dakika kadar pisirin (kivami istediginiz gibi ayarlayabilirsiniz). Son olarak kanola yagini ve Balkan zater otunu ilave edin. Karistirmaya devam ederek 2-3 dakika daha pisirin.
Kavanozlara ya da kapali saklama kaplarina koyarak buzdolabinda saklayabilirsiniz. Bu tariften yaklasik olarak 4kg Lutenitsa cikiyor.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pinto Bean Stew (Zeytinyagli Barbunya)

2 lb pinto beans
1 big onion, chopped
1 ½ cup tomatoes, diced
2 carrots, cut into cubes
1/3 -½ cup olive oil
1-2 green pepper, chopped
1 Tbsp salt to taste
3-4 cups hot water
Fresh parsley or dill for top

Take onion and olive oil in a pot and sauté over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Then, stir in peppers and cook for a few minutes. Add carrots and sauté for 3-4 minutes.
Stir in tomatoes and cook for about 3-4 minutes or until they get crushed. And then, add pinto beans. Cook for about 5-6 minutes stirring occasionally. Add hot water and salt to taste. Bring to a boil and close the lid. Cook over low-medium heat until pinto beans are soft.
Take Pinto Bean Stew into serving plates and serve with fresh parsley or dill on top.

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1 kg barbunya
1 buyuk boy sogan, dogranmis
1 ½ su bardagi domates, kup seklinde dogranmis
2 havuc, kup seklinde dogranmis
1/3-1/2 su bardagi zeytinyagi
1-2 yesil biber, dogranmis
1 yemek kasigi tuz
3-4 su bardagi sicak su
Uzeri icin taze maydanoz ya da dereotu

Tencereye zeytinyagi ve sogani alin. Orta ateste yaklasik 3 dakika kadar sote edin ve biberleri ilave edin. Bir kac dakika soteledikten sonra havuclari ilave edin. Yaklasik 3-4 dakika soteleyin ve domatesleri ekleyin.
Domatesler ezilene dek yaklasik 3-4 dakika pisirin. Barbunyayi ilave edin ve ara sira karistirarak 5 -6 dakika kadar pisirin. Sicak su ve tuzu ilave edin. Kaynayinca kapagini kapatin ve kisik ateste barbunyalar yumusayana dek pisirin.
Servis tabaklarina alin ve uzerini maydanoz ya da dereotu ile susleyerek servis yapin.