Showing posts with label cilek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cilek. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Strawberry Banana Smoothie (Cilekli Muzlu Kokteyl)

1 banana, sliced
½ cup strawberry
1 cup yogurt
1-2 tsp honey (optional)

Blend all the ingredients with a blender. Chill for about 1-2 hours and serve.

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1 muz, dilimlenmis
½ su bardagi cilek
1 su bardagi yogurt
1-2 tatli kasigi bal (istege bagli)

Butun malzemeleri blendir yardimi ile karistirin. Buzdolabinda 1-2 saat sogutun ve servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Strawberry Cream Freeze (Cilekli Parfe)

2 cups whipped cream (light)
1 package (~250 gr) cream cheese (light)
2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced/divided
½ cup sugar
10 tea biscuits/Nilla wafers, coarsely broken (optional)

Beat cream cheese, sugar and whipped cream in a large bowl with a mixer until creamy. Stir in strawberries and wafers/biscuits.
Spread stretch film over the cups and pour the cream into the film covered cups. Cover the tops and freeze for about 6-8 hours or until firm. Remove desert from the freezer and turn upside down the cups over small desert plates. Serve after 15 minutes before melting. You can top with remaining strawberries and basil/mint leaves.

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2 su bardagi krem santi (az yagli)
1 paket (~250 gr) krem peynir (az yagli)
2 su bardagi taze cilek, dilimlenmis
½ su bardagi seker
10 tane cay biskuvisi/petit beurre, buyukce bolunmus (istege bagli)

Krem peynir, seker ve krem santiyi mikser ile buyuk bir kapta cirpin. Krema seklinde butun malzemeler butunlestikten sonra cilek ve biskuvileri (istege bagli) ilave edin. Kasikla karistirin.
Parfe ya da herhangi kucuk kaselerin icine strec film yayin ve parfeyi icine dokerek uzerini duzlestirin. Uzerlerini strec film ile kapatin ve buzlukta yaklasik 6-8 saat ya da sertlesene dek bekletin.
Servid yapmadan 15 dakika once parfeleri buzluktan cikarin. Kaplarini ters cevirerek parfeleri tatli tabaklarina yerlestirin. Geri kalan cilek dilimleri ve taze nane yapraklari ile susleyerek erimeden servis yapin.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Strawberry Jam (Cilek Receli)

2 lb (~1 kg) strawberry (preferably small)
75-800 gr sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice

Wash the strawberries, drain and clean stems and leaves. In a large pot, place one layer of strawberry and spread some sugar on them. Then repeat this process till all strawberries are placed. Cover the lid and leave over the night.
The next day, place the pot over low heat and cook until you see bubbles. Then turn the heat to medium and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. To check whether your jam is ready take some jam with a wooden spoon and drop it on a plate. If the drop is dense and it keeps its shape when it cools, add the lemon juice and stir. Otherwise, simmer for a few minutes and repeat the drop test.
Some of the fruits form foam on the surface. If it is the case, remove the foam from the surface with a spoon. The jam will go sour, if foam mix into the jam.Turn the heat off and transfer the jam to clean and dry glass jars. Close the lids tightly. To keep the temperature, cover the jars with a thick cloth like a blanket and leave them for 2-3 hours. Then keep the strawberry jams in a cool and dark place.

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1 kg (~2lb) cilek (tercihen kucuk)
750-800 gr seker
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu

Cilekleri yikayip, suyunu suzun ve saplarini temizleyin. Bir tencereye bir tabaka cilek bir tabaka seker olacak sekilde, sekerle birlikte tencereye yerlestirin. Tencerenin kapagini kapatip, bir gece boyunca bekletin.
Ertesi gun, kisik ateste kaynatmaya baslayin. Arada sirada karistirin. Kaynamaya baslayinca atesi orta dereceye getirin.Meyvenin cinsine gore kopuk olusumu gozlenebilir. Eger kopuk olusursa kopukleri alin. Kopuk recele karisirsa eksime yapar.
Yaklasik 15-20 dakika karistirdiktan sonra, recelden bir tahta kasikla alip bir tabaga damlatin, soguduktan sonra damla koyu bir sekilde ve kalip gibi duruyorsa receliniz olmus demektir. Limon suyunu ilave edin ve karistirin.Receli atesten alin ve sicakken cam kavanozlara doldurun ve agzini sikica kapatin. Sicak kalmasi ve sterilizasyon isleminin gerceklesmesi icin, battaniye gibi kalin bir ortu ile recel dolu kavanozlari ortun ve 2-3 saat bekletin. Hazir olan cilek recellerini serin ve karanlik bir ortamda muhafaza edin.

Ana Sayfaya Don