Showing posts with label dough. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dough. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sesame Sticks (Susamli Cubuk)

½ cup canola oil 
125 gr butter/margarine, softened 
1 Tbsp vinegar 
½ cup water 
1 egg white (yolk is for the glaze) 
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp sugar 
½ tsp salt to taste 
3 ½ -4 cups flour 
½ cup sesame and nigella seeds 
Mix the dough ingredients in a big bowl. Then, knead the dough until becomes soft and consistent. Cover the dough and let it rest for about 10-15 minutes. Grab walnut size pieces and shape them into long sticks thick as pencil. Cut the sticks in 4-5 inch long. Brush each stick with the egg yolk you set aside before. Place sesame and nigella seeds (or only sesame) over a flat plate and dip one side of the sticks into it for covering with sesame and nigella (or only sesame) seeds. Take the sticks over a greased oven tray. Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C) and bake them for about 30-35 minutes or until they get light brown. 
½ su bardagi kanola yagi 
125 gr tereyag/margarin, oda sicakliginda yumusak 
1 yemek kasigi sirke 
½ su bardagi su 
1 yumurta aki (sarisi uzerine) 
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu 
1 cay kasigi seker 
1 cay kasigi tuz 
3 ½ -4 su bardagi un 
½ su bardagi susam ve corek otu (uzeri icin)

Hamur malzemelerini bir kapta karistirin ve elinizle yogurarak yumusak bir hamur elde edin. Hamurun uzerini orterek yaklasik 10-15 dakika dinlendirin. Hamurdan ceviz buyuklugunde parcalar koparin ve duz bir zemin uzerinde hamura kalem kalinliginda uzun cubuk seklini verin. Buz cubuklari 10-12 cm uzunlugu olacak sekilde kesin. Her cubugun uzerine onceden ayirmis oldugunuz yumurta sarisindan surun. Duz bir tabaga, susam ve corek otu karisimini (ya da sadece susam) dokun. Yumurta sarisi surdugunuz cubuklarin bir tarafini susamin ya da susam-corek otu karisiminin icine batirin. Cubuklari yaglamis oldugunuz firin tepsisine dizin. Onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda cubuklarin uzeri kizarana dek yaklasik 30-35 dakika pisirin. 


Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Drape Pilaf (Perde Pilavi)

2 cups rice, washed and drained
~1 lb boneless chicken
1 cup almonds
1/3 cup pine nuts
2-3 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp salt to taste
3 cups hot chicken broth

For the dough:
½ cup yogurt
½ cup oil
50 gr butter
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
1-2 cups flour
A pinch of salt

Mix the dough ingredients and knead until it gets soft. Cover it to make airproof and set aside.
Boil the chicken and let it cool. Then, cut into small pieces. Keep the chicken broth to use later.
Rinse the rice and drain. Take rice and 2 Tbsp of butter to a pot. Saute over medium heat for about 3-4 minutes. Stir in 3 cups of chicken broth that you kept before. Add salt and cook over low-medium heat until rice becomes lightly undercooked.
Boil almonds for 2-3 minutes and peel the skins off. Grease the pot, Pyrex or cake pan with butter (whichever you’ll use to bake the drape pilaf). Leave it in the fridge for about 5-8 minutes, and then stick some of the almonds inside the container you’re using.
Divide the dough into one small and one big piece. Flatten the big one with a roller as big as to cover the container. Lay it out inside the container. Meanwhile, sauté pine nuts and remaining almonds with ½-1 Tbsp of butter, until they get light brown. Stir them and chicken into the cooked rice. Add black pepper and mix them all. Transfer them over the container covered with the dough. Flatten the small piece of dough as well and cover the top of the pilaf with this (like a lid). Grease the top with butter and bake in the preheated 400 F (200 C) oven till it gets lightly brown.
Let it rest for 5-10 minutes and turn the container upside down.
Serve warm/hot.

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2 su bardagi pirinc
~ ½ kg kemiksiz tavuk
1 su bardagi badem
1/3 su bardagi dolmalik fistik
2-3 yemek kasigi tereyag
1 yemek kasigi tuz
3 su bardagi sicak tavuk suyu

Hamur icin:
½ su bardagi yogurt
½ su bardagi sivi yag
50 gr tereyag
1 yumurta
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu
1-2 su bardagi un

Hamur malzemelerini karistirin ve guzelce yogurarak yumusak bir hamur elde edin. Uzerini hava almayacak sekilde ortun ve dinlenmeye birakin.
Tavuk etini haslayin ve soguduktan sonra kucuk parcalara bolun. Suyunu pilavi pisirmek icin ayirin. Pirinci yikayip suyunu suzun. Tencereye tereyag ve pirinci alin. Orta ateste 3-4 dakika kavurun ve tavugu hasladiginiz sudan 3 su bardagi tavuk suyu ilave edin. Tuzunu ilave edin ve pirincler hafif diri kalacak sekilde pisirin.
Bademleri 10 dakika haslayin ve kabuklarini soyun. Pilavi yapacaginiz celik tencere, borcam ya da kek kalibini tereyagi ile yaglayin ve dolaba koyarak yagin donmasini saglayin. Sonra,
bademlerin bir kismini istediginiz sekilde kaba yapistirin.
Hamuru, biri kucuk biri buyuk olmak uzere iki parcaya bolun. Buyuk parcayi kullanacaginiz kabi kaplayacak ve yanlardan sarkacak sekilde acin. Yapistirilan bademlerin uzerine serin. Fistiklari ve kalan bademleri tereyaginda hafifce kizarana dek kavurun. Etleri ve kavrulmus bademleri pilava ilave edin. Karabiberi ekleyin ve hepsini guzelce harmanlayin. Yaydiginiz hamurun icine dokun. Kucuk hamur parcasini da acarak pilavin uzerine kapak gibi serin. Uzerini tereyagi ile yaglayin ve onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek pisirin. Bir sure dinlendirin. Kabi ters cevirin ve sicak servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tulumba Dessert (Tulumba Tatlisi)

Dough:1½ cup flour
1½ cup water
2 tbsp margarine/butter
2 tbsp starch
1½ tbsp semolina
3 eggs
½ tsp sugar
¼ tsp salt

Syrup:2 ½ cup sugar
2½ cup water
1 tsp lemon juice
Canola oil for frying

To prepare the syrup, place sugar and water in a pot. Bring to a boil and stir in lemon juice. Boil for about 5 minutes and let it cool.
In a pot, put water, sugar, salt and margarine/butter. Let the margarine/butter melt over medium heat. Stir in flour and stir continuously to form thick dough. Cook for 5-6 minutes over low heat such as cooking halvah. Transfer the dough in a wide bowl and let it cool down. And then, add semolina and starch. Knead with your hands. Add the eggs one by one and knead until forming a lump of sticky and creamy dough.
Fill the dough into a pastry bag with a ½ inch diameter star tip. Fill a frying pan with canola oil and make one inch dough pieces, cut the ends with scissors and place them in the oil. Let them double in size over medium heat by shaking the pan lightly (make sure oil is not that hot, otherwise the tulumba will be raw inside). Once they rise, increase the heat and fry all sides of tulumba pieces.
Place the fried tulumba over a paper towel and then place them into the cooled syrup immediately.
Take the out and place over a serving plate. Serve Tulumba Dessert plain or with thickened cream.

Hamur:1½ su bardagi un
1½ su bardagi su
2 yemek kasigi margarin/tereyag
2 yemek kasigi nisasta
1½ yemek kasigi irmik
3 yumurta
1 cay kasigi seker
½ cay kasigi tuz

Serbet icin:
2 ½ su bardagi seker
2½ su bardagi su
1 tatli kasigi limon suyu
Kizartmak icin sivi yag (tercihen kanola)

Serbeti hazirlamak icin, bir tencereye su ve sekeri alin. Kaynayinca limon suyunu ilave edin. 5 dakika kadar kaynatin ve ocaktan alip sogumaya birakin.
Margarin/tereyagini ve suyu bir tencereye alin ve icine sekerle tuzu ilave edin. Orta ateste yag eriyene dek bekleyin. Unu ilave edin ve hizlica karistirarak sert bir hamur elde edin. Helva yapar gibi dusuk ateste 5-6 dakika karistirarak pisirin. Hamuru genis bir kaseye alin ve sogumasini bekleyin. Sonra, icine irmik ve nisastayi ilave edin. Elinizle yogurarak yumurtalari teker teker kirin ve hamura yedirin. Ele yapisan krema kivaminda bir hamur elde edin.
Ucu tirtikli bir krema torbasina hamuru doldurun. Kizgin olmayan sivi yag ile doldurdugunuz kizartma tavasina hamurdan 3 cm uzunlugunda hamurlar sikip makasla keserek tavaya atin (yag soguk olmalidir ki, hamurlarin disi birden kizarip ici cig kalmasin). Orta ateste tavayi sallayarak hamurlarin kabarmasini bekleyin. Kabarinca atesi yukseltin ve hamurlarin her tarafini kizartin.
Kizaran hamurlari kagit havlu uzerine alin ve bekletmeden hemen soguk serbetin icine koyun.
Serbetin icinden alin ve servis tabagina alarak sade veya kaymak ile servis yapin.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fried Dough (Hamur Kizartmasi)

2 cups lukewarm water
4-5 cups flour
1 tsp salt to taste
1 package fresh yeast/ 2 tsp active dry yeast
1 ½ -2 cups oil for frying

Place the lukewarm water and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the yeast. Add the salt and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. The more you knead the better your dough will be. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place or till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Cut the dough into walnut or egg size pieces (as you like). Place them on the counter and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Meanwhile heat the oil in a saucepan or pot. Flatten dough pieces using your fingers (for about 1/3 inch thick). Fry both sides lightly. Dough will turn yellow. Then, place the fried dough pieces over a paper towel.
Serve Fried Dough warm or hot with cheese, cream cheese, jam/jelly or fruit preserves.
It is good to go at breakfasts or brunches.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

2 su bardagi ilik su

4-5 su bardagi un
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 paket yas maya/1 yemek kasigi toz instant maya
1 ½-2 su bardagi sivi yag (kizartmak icin)

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin ve maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra un ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Hamuru ne kadar cok yogurursaniz o kadar basarili olursunuz. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek ya da yaklasik 2 saat bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin. Hamurdan ceviz ya da yumurta buyuklugunde parcalar kesin (Istediginiz buyuklukte yapabilirsiniz).
Bu sirada, bir tenrece ya da derin bir tavada yagi kizdirin. Hamur parcalarini elinizle yayarak 1 cm kalinliginda acin ve kizgin yagin icinde her iki taraflarini da kizartin. Hamurlar sararana ya da kizarana dek dilediginiz kadar kizartin ve kagit havlu uzerine alin.
Hamur kizartmasini sicakken; peynir, recel, marmelat ve turleri ile servis yapabilirsiniz. Ozellikle kahvalti ve cay saatlerinde guzel bir alternatiftir.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal, hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Turkish Dumpling (Manti)

Manti is one of my favorite Turkish traditional dishes. Manti is very popular and common in Turkey. It takes time to prepare, but it’s really worth of your time! You should try it to taste a real Turkish flavor. Preparing manti is very fun and easy if you make it a team work.

3-3 ½ cups flour
1 egg
2/3 cup lukewarm water
1 tsp salt to taste

 ½ lb ground beef
1 onion, finely chopped/shredded
½ tsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper

For cooking:
8 cups water
1 tsp salt

2 cups yogurt
3-4 cloves of garlic, minced
¼ tsp salt to taste
3-4 tbsp butter/oil
1 tbsp tomato paste/2/3 tsp paprika
2-3 tbsp water
Dried mint

In a bowl place the flour, crack the egg and add the salt and water. Then knead till you get a firm and smooth dough. Knead for about 8-10 minutes. Make sure to make it firm to flatten easily later. Cover it with a damp towel or cloth and leave for a rest (15-30 minutes).
Meanwhile in a plate mix all the filling ingredients and set aside.
Divide the dough into 2-3 pieces, take one piece and place on the floured counter. Cover the rest of the dough. Then with a rolling pin flatten the dough as thin as you can (as thick as the ridge of a knife). Then, cut it with a knife or roulette into ¾ inch (1 ½-2 cm) square pieces (see the picture). Then place ¼ tsp filling over each square (see the picture). Then stick the both traverse edges diagonally, by pressing with your finger tips (see the picture). Do the same procedure for the remaining dough.
For cooking, boil the water in a big pot and add salt. Then add all the manti into the boiling water. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to prevent them sticking to each other. Make sure not to close the lid. Cook over medium heat till manti gets soft (for about 10-15 minutes).
Meanwhile prepare the sauce. In a bowl mix yogurt, salt and garlic. In a small pan; melt the butter/oil and stir in tomato paste and water. Cook for 2 minutes over low heat. If you prefer using paprika, just add paprika into melted butter/oil and turn the heat off after one minute. Do not add water while using paprika.
Drain the cooked manti and transfer it into serving plates. Let it cool for a while and pour the yogurt sauce over. Finally pour about one tbsp of butter/oil mixture all over (adjust the amount as you like). And if desired sprinkle some dried mint and sumac over the Turkish Dumplings.
This recipe makes 6-7 servings.
Manti, Turkiye’de cok sevilen ve yaygin olan ve benim de cok sevdigim geleneksel bir lezzettir. Hazirlamasi her ne kadar zahmetli ve zaman alici olsa dahi, manti icin deger! Eger gercek bir Turk Lezzeti denemek istiyorsaniz, mantiyi denemenizi tavsiye ederim. Manti toplu olarak yapilirsa, hem kolay olur hem de eglenceli hale gelebilir.

3-3 ½ su bardagi un
1 yumurta
2/3 su bardagi ilik su
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Ic Malzeme:
250 gr kiyma
1 sogan, ince dogranmis/rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber

Pisirmek icin:
8 su bardagi su
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Sos icin:
2 su bardagi yogurt
3-4 dis sarimsak, dovulmus/rendelenmis
½ cay kasigi tuz
3-4 yemek kasigi tereyag/sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi YA DA 2/3 tatli kasigi kirmizi toz biber
2-3 yemek kasigi su
Kuru nane

Buyuk bir kaseye unu koyun ve uzerine yumurtayi kirin, ilik su ve tuzu ilave edip yogurun. Sert ve puruzsuz bir hamur elde edene dek yaklasik 8-10 dakika yogurun. Hamur yumusak olursa sonra acmaniz zor olur. Hamuru nemli bir havlu ya da bez ile ortun ve 15-30 dakika dinlenmeye birakin.
Bu sirada ic malzemelerinin hepsini karistin ve bir kenara ayirin.
Hamuru 2-3 parcaya ayirin, bir parcasini alin ve geri kalanin uzerini tekrar ortun. Unladiginiz yuzey uzerinde oklava ile hamuru acabildiginiz kadar ince acin (bicak sirti kalinligi kadar). Sonra actiginiz yufkayi 1.5-2 cm kalinliginda esit kare parcalara bolun (resime bakiniz). Sonra hepsinin uzerine yaklasik bir cay kasigi ic malzeme koyun (resime bakiniz). Her parcanin karsilikli capraz koselerini ortada birlestirerek parmak uclarinizla yapistirin (resime bakiniz). Bu islemi geri kalan hamur bitene kadar uygulayin.
Mantiyi pisirmek icin buyuk bir tencerede suyu kaynatin, tuzu ilave edip mantilari icine atin. Arada tahta bir kasik ile karistirarak mantilarin birbirine yapismani onleyin. Kapagini kapatmadan orta ateste mantilar pisene dek yaklasik 10-15 dakika pisirin.
Bu sirada sosunu hazirlayin. Bir kasede yogurt, tuz ve sarimsagi karistirin. Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini/sivi yag eritin. Domates salcasi ile suyu ilave edip yaklasik 2-3 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Eger kirmizi biber kullanamayi tercih ederseniz tereyagi/siviyagina direk kirmizi toz biberi ilave edin, karistirin ve yaklasik bir dakika sonra atesten alin. Kirmizi biber kullanirken su ilave etmeyin.
Pismis mantiyi suzun ve servis tabaklarina alin. Biraz sogumasini bekleyin. Uzerine yogurt sosundan dokun ve son olarak tereyag/siviyag karisimindan bir kasik kadar dokun (miktari isteginize gore ayarlayin). Arzu ederseniz uzerine kuru nane ve sumak serpin.
Bu tariften yaklasik 6-7 porsiyon manti cikiyor.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Cig Borek

For the dough:
25-30 gr fresh active yeast/7 gr instant yeast
2 cups lukewarm water
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp sugar
5-6 cups flour

For the filling:
200-250 gr (1/2 lb) lean ground meat
1 big onion, chopped finely/grated
1 tsp salt to taste
½ cup water
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp cumin
¼ tsp paprika
½ cup canola oil for frying

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast.Then, add salt, oil and flour, knead for 8-10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic and non sticky. Place a plastic wrap or cloth over the dough (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 to 4 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then sprinkle some flour on the counter and cut it into 16-18 pieces. Then with a roller pin flatten every piece about 7-8 inches in diameter.
Meanwhile mix all the filling ingredients in a bowl. And then divide the filling into 16-18(the number of dough pieces you’ve got, approximately 1-2 tbsp each). Then spread the filling over half side of flattened dough (see the picture). Fold the other half over and stick the ends, making pressure with your finger tips (see the picture). Also you can use pizza roller for cutting the edges. Do the same procedure to all dough pieces.
In a frying pan, sizzle oil and fry both sides of the boreks till they turn to golden brown. Place a paper towel over a pot and transfer the fried boreks into it and close the lid to keep them warm and soft.
You can serve Cig Borek with yogurt or ayran.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.
Hamur icin:
25-30 gr yas maya/7 gr instant toz maya
2 su bardagi ilik su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 tatli kasigi seker
5-6 su bardagi un

Ic Malzeme:
200-250 gr yagsiz kiyma
1 buyuk boy sogan, ince dogranmis/rendelenmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ su bardagi su
½ cay kasigi kimyon
½ cay kasigi karabiber
½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
½ su bardagi kanola/aycicek yagi, kizartmak icin

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin.Sonra, sivi yagi, unu ve tuzu ilave ederek, 8-10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Uzerine seffaf film ya da ortu ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2-4 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz). Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve tezgahi unlayin hamuru 16-18 parcaya kesin ve her parcayi oklava ile ½ cm kalinliginda acin.
Bu sirada ic malzemelerin hepsini bir kasede karistirin ve 16-18’e bolun (hamur parcasi sayisina bolun, her biri yaklasik 1-2 yemek kasigi). Sonra ic malzemeyi actiginiz hamurun yarisina yayin (resime bakiniz) ve diger yarisini uzerine kapatip, kenarlarini parmak uclarinizla bastirarak yapistirin (resime bakiniz). Isterseniz kenarlarini birlestirip rulet ile kesebilirsiniz. Butun hamurlari bu sekilde hazirlayin.
Bir kizartma tavasinda sivi yagi kizdirin ve boreklerin her iki tarafi kizarana dek kizartin. Kizarttiginiz cig boreklerin sicak ve yumusak kalmasi icin bir tencerenin dibine kagit havlu koyarak borekleri onun uzerine koyun ve kapagini kapatin.
Cig Boregi yogurt ya da ayran ile servis yapabilirsiniz.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Easy Fried Dough (Kolay Hamur Kizartmasi)

3-4 cups flour
1 cup yogurt
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp baking soda
1 egg
1 cup oil for frying

Mix all the dough ingredients in a large bowl. Knead the dough till it becomes elastic and not sticky. Sprinkle some flour on the counter and place dough. Flatten dough with a roller about 1/5 inch. Then cut them square pieces or in circular shapes with the help of a cup (see the picture).
Sizzle oil in a frying pan and fry both sides of the dough pieces over medium heat. Place them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve warm.
Easy fried dough is good to go at breakfasts.
3-4 su bardagi un
1su bardagi yogurt
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karbonat
1 yumurta
1 su bardagi sivi yag, kizartmak icin

Butun hamur malzemelerini genis bir kasede karistirin. Elastik ve elinize yapismayan bir hamur elde edene dek yogurun. Tezgaha un serpin ve hamuru oklava ile ½ cm kalinliginda acin. Actiginiz hamuru kareler halinde ya da bardak agzi ile yuvarlak sekillerde kesin (resime bakiniz).
Kizartma tavasinda yagi kizdirin ve hamurlarin her iki tarafi kizarana dek orta ateste kizartin. Hamurlarin fazla yagini almasi icin kizattiginiz hamurlari kagit havlu uzerine koyun. Sicak servis yapin.
Kolay hamur kizartmasi ozellikle kahvaltida cok guzel olur.