Showing posts with label bell pepper. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bell pepper. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stuffed Bell Peppers with Ground Beef (Kiymali Biber Dolmasi)

2 lb (~1kg) bell/large peppers
1 cup rice, washed and drained
½ lb ground beef
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tomato, petite diced
1 tsp tomato paste
½ cup olive oil
1-2 cups hot water
1 Tbsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
1- ½ tomato, sliced in pieces for tops (optional)

Wash the bell/large peppers, cut the tops off, and remove seeds. In a bowl, place all the stuffing ingredients, but water. Mix them all and with a spoon fill the peppers up to 2/3 with the mixture. If desired, place one slice of tomato as a cap on top of each pepper. In a large saucepan or pot, place the stuffed bell peppers and add hot water, enough to almost cover half height of the peppers.
Close the lid and cook on low-medium heat, until the peppers get soft and rice is cooked, for about 20-30 minutes. Serve hot or warm.

~1kg dolmalik/buyuk uzun biber
1 su bardagi pirinc, yikanip suzulmus
200-250 gr kiyma
1 sogan, ince dogranmis
1 domates, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi zeytin yagi
1-2 su bardagi sicak su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber
1- ½ domates, dilimlenmis (biberlerin uzerine koymak icin)-istege bagli

Biberleri yikayin ve tepesini duzgunce kesin (ya da saplarini cikarin), cekirdeklerini temizleyin. Genis bir kaseye butun ic malzemelerini (su haric) alin ve hepsini guzelce karistirin. Bir kasik yardimiyla biberlerin icini 2/3’u dolu olacak sekilde doldurun. Her biberin uzerine dilimlediginiz domatesten bir parca koyun(istege bagli). Genis bir tava ya da tencere dibine doldurdugunuz biberleri yerlestirin. Biberlerin yuksekliginin yarisina cikacak kadar sicak su ilave edin.
Kapagini kapatip, kisik ateste biberler ve pirincler pisene dek yaklasik 20-30 dakika pisirin. Sicak ya da ilik servis yapin.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Zucchini Stew with Mushroom (Mantarli Kabak Yemegi)

1-2 red bell peppers, julienne cut
1 onion, chopped
2 zucchinis, chopped
½ lb mushrooms, cut in four
2-3 tbsp olive oil
1/3 cup hot water
1 tsp salt to taste
Black pepper to taste

Saute onions with olive oil over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Stir in peppers and sauté for additional 2-3 minutes. Add mushrooms and zucchinis and cook for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Add water and salt. Bring to a boil and then close the lid and lower the heat. Cook for about 20 minutes over low heat.
Serve warm or cool.

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1-2 kirmizi dolmalik biber, julyen kesilmis
1 sogan, dogranmis
2 sakiz kabagi, buyuk dogranmis
200 gr mantar, dorde bolunmus
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1/3 su bardagi sicak su
1 tatli kasigi tuz
Bir tutam karabiber
Sogani zetinyaginda 3-4 dakika kadar orta ateste kavurun. Biberleri ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika cevirin. Mantar ve kabaklari da ilave edin ve 5 dakika kadar kavurun. Tuz ve sicak suyu ilave edin ve kaynamaya baslayinca atesi kisin. Kapagi kapali olarak yaklasik 20 dakika kadar pisirin.
Sicak veya soguk olarak ikram edebilirsiniz.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Roasted Eggplant Salad (Kozlenmis Patlican Salatasi)

2 medium eggplants
1-2 bell peppers (green/red/yellow)
1 tomato
1-2 cloves of garlic, minced
¼ cup olive oil
½ lemon’s juice
2-3 sprigs parsley, chopped
1 tsp salt to taste

To prepare the sauce, place lemon juice, olive oil and minced garlic in a wide bowl. Mix them all.
Roast the eggplants and bell peppers over the stove or in the oven till they get soft. If desired roast the tomato too. Then, remove the skins. Cut them all in cubes. If you do not roast the tomato, also cut it into cubes. Place them into the sauce and add parsley. Sprinkle salt over and with a wooden spoon stir slowly making sure not to crush the vegetables.
Take them over a serving plate and if desired serve with lettuce, arugula or other greens.
***This is a vegetarian dish.

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2 orta boy patlican
1-2 dolmalik biber (yesil/kirmizi/sari)
1 domates
1-2 dis sarimsak, dovulmus
¼ su bardagi zeytinyagi
½ limonun suyu
2-3 dal maydanoz, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Once sosunu hazirlayin. Bir kabin icine, limon suyu, zeytinyagi ve dovulmus sarimsagi alin. Guzelce karistirin.
Patlican ve biberi ocak uzerinde ya da firina vererek yumusayip kabugundan ayrilana dek kozleyin. Arzu ederseniz domatesi de kozleyebilirsiniz. Kozlediktan sonra hepsinin kabuklarini soyun ve kup kup dograyin. Domatesi kozlemediyseniz direk dograyin. Hepsini sosun icine alin ve dogranmis maydanozu ilave edin. Uzerine tuz serpin ve tahta kasikla ezmeden karistirin.
Servis tabagina alin ve arzu ederseniz kivircik, roka gibi yesilliklerle susleyerek servis yapin.
***Bu bir vejeteryan tarifidir.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stir Fried Vegetables (Sebze Kokteyli)

1 zucchini/yellow squash, washed and chopped
1 cup broccoli florets
4-5 pieces of asparagus, cut in 3 pieces
1 cup carrots, chopped
1 red/yellow bell pepper, cut in strips
1 cup green beans, chopped
½ cup noodles (optional)
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
¼ tsp ginger
¼ tsp black pepper
1/3 cup hot water
1 tsp salt to taste

Place all the ingredients, but the hot water and soy sauce in a wide skillet and sauté over medium heat for about 10-12 minutes. And then, stir in hot water and soy sauce. Cook over low heat till the noodles and vegetables are cooked.
Stir Fried Vegetables are very healthy and this is a very good alternative for vegetable lovers.
***This is a vegetarian dish.

1 sakiz kabagi, yikanmis ve dogranmis
1 su bardagi brokoli, dogranmis
4-5 tane kuskonmaz, 3’e bolunmus
1 su bardagi havuc, dogranmis
1 kirmizi/sari biber, dogranmis
1 su bardagi yesil fasulye, dogranmis
½ su bardagi tel sehriye (istege bagli)
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi soya sosu
½ cay kasigi zencefil
½ cay kasigi karabiber
1/3 su bardagi sicak su
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Sicak su ve soya sosu haric butun malzemeleri genis bir tavada orta ateste yaklasik 10-12 dakika kavurun. Sonra sicak su ve soya sosunu ilave edin ve kisik ateste sebzeler ve tel sehriye pisene dek pisirin.
Sebze kavurmasi, cok saglikli ve sebze severler icin cok lezzetli bir tariftir.
***Bu bir vejeteryan tarifidir.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mushroom Saute (Mantar Sote)

1 lb button/Portobello mushrooms, washed and sliced
1 onion, chopped
1-2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tomato, diced/1 cup crushed tomatoes
2 peppers, cut in strips
1 tsp salt to taste
¼ tsp black pepper
1/3 cup hot water

In a pan, sauté onions with olive oil over medium heat. Then stir in peppers and sauté for a while. Stir in mushrooms and sauté for 2-3 minutes. And then, add salt, tomatoes, garlic and hot water.
Cook over low heat till the mushrooms are soft, for about 15-18 minutes. Sprinkle some black pepper prior to serving.
You can serve Mushroom Saute with any kinds of pilaf.

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½ kg kultur/Portobello Mantari, yikanmis ve dilimlenmis
1 sogan, dogranmis
1-2 dis sarimsak, ezilmis/rendelenmis
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 domates, dogranmis/1 su bardagi domates puresi
2 biber, seritler halinde dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karabiber
1/3 su bardagi sicak su

Genis bir tavada once sogani zeytinyagi ile orta ateste kavurun. Sonra biberleri ilave edip biraz cevirin ve mantarlari ilave edin. Mantarlari 2-3 dakika kavurduktan sonra, tuz, domates, sarimsak ve sicak suyu ilave edin.
Kisik ateste mantarlar pisene dek yaklasik 15-18 dakika kadar pisirin. Servis yapmadan once karabiber serpebilirsiniz.
Mantar Sote’yi her cesit pilav ile servis yapabilirsiniz.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bulgur Pilaf (Bulgur Pilavi)

1 cup bulgur wheat, whole grain large, washed and drained
1 onion, chopped
1 tomato, diced
1 tsp tomato paste (optional)
1 banana/green pepper, chopped
2 tbsp butter/oil
2 cups hot chicken stock/2 cups hot water and chicken bouillon
1 tsp salt to taste (1/2 tsp if using chicken bouillon)

In a medium saucepan, sauté butter/olive oil and onions for about 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Then stir in tomato paste and tomatoes, sauté for about 2 minutes. And then stir in peppers. After a while add bulgur and sauté for 2-3 minutes.
Add hot chicken stock/ hot water and chicken bouillon, and salt.Stir well and turn heat low when it boils. Close the lid and simmer till the bulgur absorbs all the water. Do not stir while cooking.Let it cool for a while with the lid on. Before serving, stir well with a wooden spoon. Then place to a serving plate and garnish with fresh parsley.

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1 su bardagi bulgur, pilavlik, yikanip suzulmus
1 sogan, dogranmis
1 domates, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi (istege bagli)
1 carliston/yesil biber, dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi tereyag/sivi yag
2 su bardagi sicak tavuk suyu/2 su bardagi sicak su ve tavuk bulyon
1 tatli kasigi tuz (tavuk bulyon kullanirken 1/2 tatli kasigi tuz)

Orta boy bir tencerede tereyagi/sivi yag ile sogani orta ateste 2-3 dakika boyunca kavurun. Sonra domates salcasi ve domatesi ilave edin ve 2 dakika daha kavurup biberleir ila edin. Bir sure sonra bulguru ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika daha karistirarak kavurun.
Sicak tavuk suyu/sicak su ve tavuk bulyonu ve tuz ilave edin. Kaynamaya baslayinca kisik atese alin kapagini kapatip, suyunu tamamen cekene dek pisirin. Mumkunse pilav piserken karistirmayin.Pilavin kapagini acmadan biraz ilinmasini bekleyin ve tahta kasikla guzelce karistirip servis tabagina alin. Taze maydanoz ile susleyerek servis yapin.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers (Zeytinyagli Biber Dolmasi)

2 lb (~1kg) bell peppers
1 cup rice, washed and drained
2 onions, finely chopped
1 tomato, diced
1 tsp tomato paste
½ cup olive oil
1 cup hot water
1 tbsp dried/fresh mint
½ tsp allspice
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
½ tomato, sliced in 4 pieces for caps

Cut tops off peppers, remove seeds and wash. In a saucepan, place the olive oil and finely chopped onions. Sauté lightly. Add chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, sauté for 3 more minutes.Add the rice and braise for 5 minutes. Then add salt, sugar, allspice, cinnamon, dried mint and1 cup hot water. Stir and simmer until all liquid is evaporated.Let it cool.With a spoon fill the peppers with the mixture. Place one slice of tomato as a cap on top of each pepper. In a large saucepan or pot, place the rice stuffed bell peppers in the bottom. Add warm water, enough to almost cover half height of the peppers.
Close the lid and cook on low-medium heat, until the peppers get soft, for about 15-20 minutes. Cool before serving.

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~1kg dolma biber
1 su bardagi pirinc, yikanip suzulmus
2 sogan, ince dogranmis
1 domates, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi zeytin yagi
1 su bardagi sicak su
1 yemek kasigi kuru/taze nane
1 cay kasigi yenibahar
½ cay kasigi tarcin
1 cay kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz
½ domates, 4 parcaya ayrilmis (biberlerin uzerine koymak icin)

Biberlerin tepesini duzgunce kesin, cekirdeklerini temizleyin ve yikayin. Bir tavada, zeytinyagi ile soganlari kavurun. Domates ve salcayi ilave edip 3 dakika daha kavurun.
Yikanmis pirinci ilave edin ve 5 dakika boyunca kavurun. Sonra, tuz, seker, nane, tarcin, yenibahar ve 1 su bardagi sicak suyu ilave edin. Karistirin ve suyunu cekene dek pisirin. Harcin sogumasi icin biraz dinlendirin.
Bir kasik yardimiyla biberlerin icini harc ile doldurun. Her biberin uzerine dilimlediginiz domatesten bir parca koyun. Genis bir tava ya da tencere dibine doldurdugunuz biberleri yerlestirin. Biberlerin yuksekliginin yarisina cikacak kadar ilik su ilave edin.
Kapagini kapatip, kisik ateste biberler pisene dek yaklasik 15-20 dakika pisirin. Sogumasini bekleyin ve servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don