Showing posts with label roasted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roasted. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Roasted Pepper Salad (Kozlenmis Biber Salatasi)

1 lb banana/green/red pepper, washed 
2-3 tbsp vinegar
5-6 tbsp olive oil/canola oil
1 tsp salt to taste
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped (optional)

Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and place peppers over an oven tray with baking paper. Roast them for an hour or till they turn partly light brown (see the picture). You can also roast peppers over a grill/barbecue. Take out and let them cool down. Then peel and make a cut in the middle lengthwise with a knife (see the picture). In a bowl, combine vinegar, olive oil/canola oil and salt. Stir in roasted peppers, parsley (optional) and mix them all. Cover and leave in the fridge for about 2-3 hours. Then, place the peppers over a serving plate and serve Roasted Pepper Salad with any kind of dish.

Back to Main Page TURKCE
½ kg carliston/yesil/kirmizi biber, yikanip kurulanmis
2-3 yemek kasigi sirke
5-6 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi/ sivi yag
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ cay bardagi taze maydanoz (istege bagli)

Firini onceden 200 C (400 F)’ye isitin. Yagli kagit koydugunuz firin tepsisine biberleri dizin ve yaklasik bir saat boyunca ya da biberler hafifce kozlenene dek pisirin (resime bakiniz). Ayrica, mangal/izgara ve kor uzerinde de kozleme islemini yapabilirsiniz. Kozlediginiz biberleri sogumaya birakin. Sonra, kabuklarini soyun (resime bakiniz) ve uzunlamasina ortasindan bicak ile bir kesik yapin (Fakat ikiye bolmeyin). Bir kasede, sirke, zeytinyagi/sivi yag ve tuzu guzelce karistirin. Kozlenmis biberleri ve maydanozu (istege bagli) ilave edin ve harmanlayip karistirin. Uzerini kapatarak bozdolabinda yaklasik 2-3 saat kadar dinlendirin. Sonra, kozlenmis biberleri servis tabagina alin.
Kozlenmis Biber Salatasi’ni her turlu yemek cesidi ile birlikte servis yapabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Friday, January 2, 2009

Roasted Turkey (Firinda Kizarmis Hindi)

½ turkey (6-7lb)
3 tbsp oil/melted butter
1 tsp tomato paste (optional)
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp thyme

Instead of cooking the whole turkey (if it is too big to eat soon) you can cut the turkey in half or small pieces and then follow the directions below.
The night or a day before you cook the turkey, sprinkle salt and lemon juice to all over the turkey and then rub with your hands. Then mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and use them to brush all over the turkey.
Leave the turkey in the fridge for at least 10-12 hours. This method will make turkey to absorb the flavor of spices and salt and result in a more delicious turkey.
Before placing the turkey in the oven, brush its surface with some oil to have a golden brown color. Preheat the oven to 400F (200 C) and bake for 30 minutes. Then turn the heat down to 350 F (180 C) and bake for about 2 hours. 30 minutes before taking it out, you can turn it over (Cooking time may vary according to the size of your turkey and turkey pieces).
When its surface turns to golden brown, insert a knife to make sure that it is fully cooked.

Back to Main Page TURKCE
½ hindi (3-4 kg)
3 yemek kasigi sivi yag/erimis tereyag
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi (istege bagli)
1/3 su bardagi limon suyu
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi kirmizi toz biber
1 tatli kasigi kekik

Butun hindiyi tam olarak ortadan ikiye bolerek yarim bir hindi elde edebilirsiniz ya da parcalara ayirarak da pisirebilirsiniz.
Once hindinin her tarafini tuzlayin ve sonra limon suyunu da ilave edip hindinin her yerini ovalayarak limon suyu ve tuzu yedirin. Geri kalan malzemeleri bir tabakta karistirin ve hindinin her yerine yayarak surun.
Bu sekilde hindiyi 10-12 saat boyunca buzdolabinda bekletin. Boylece baharat ve diger malzemelerin aromasi hindiye gececek ve daha lezzetli bir hindi pisirmis olacaksiniz.
Firina koymadan once isterseniz uzerine bir miktar yag surerek daha guzel kizarmasini saglayabilirsiniz.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda 30 dakika kadar pisirin. Sonra dereceyi 180 C (350 F) ye dusurun ve 2 saat kadar daha pisirin. Pismesine 30 dakika kala hindiyi ters cevirirseniz daha iyi piser.
Uzeri iyice kizarinca bicak ile pisip pismedigini kontrol edebilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baked Mahi Mahi (Firinda Lambuka Baligi)

1 lb (450-500 gr) Mahi Mahi fillets /steak
1 onion, sliced in circular shapes
¼ tsp oregano
¼ tsp ginger
½ tsp paprika
¼ tsp black pepper
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp lemon juice

Wash Mahi Mahi and drain well. Grease the Pyrex dish with oil. Then, place the fish and spread the oil on both sides. Sprinkle all the spices and salt, and then rub. Add lemon juice and onion slices.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C) and bake for 23-30 minutes until the surface of the fish is golden brown.
Benefits of Fish
½ kg (1 lb) Lambuka Baligi
1 sogan, yuvarlak dilimlenmis
½ cay kasigi mercankosk
½ cay kasigi zencefil tozu
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
½ cay kasigi karabiber
2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 tatli kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi limon

Oncelikle baligi yikayin ve suyunu suzun. Sonra borcamin dibine sivi yagi dokun ve yayin. Baliklari da bu sivi yagla yaglayin. Baharatlari ve tuzu baliklarin uzerine serpistirin ve elinizle ovarak yedirin. Limon suyunu ilave edin ve dilimlenmis soganlari uzerine koyun.
Onceden 200C (400F) ye isittiginiz firinda 25-30 dakika baliklarin uzeri kizarana dek pisirin.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baked Whole Chicken (Firinda Kizarmis Butun Tavuk)

1 whole chicken
4 potatoes, chopped or sliced
1 carrot, sliced or 6 baby carrots
½ tsp salt (for potatoes and carrots)
1 tsp salt (for chicken)
½ lemon juice
2 tbsp yoghurt
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp thyme
1 tbsp oil

Place the chopped or sliced potatoes and carrots in a Pyrex dish, spread the salt and mix them. You might take the chicken’s skin off if you wish. I have taken the skin out. Then, spread salt all over the chicken with your hands. Then, mix the lemon juice, yoghurt, paprika, cumin, thyme and oil. Apply it all over the chicken with a brush.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200C) and cook for about 60 minutes until it is golden brown.
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1 butun tavuk
4 patates, istenilen sekilde dogranmis
1 havuc, dogranmis
1 cay kasigi tuz ( patates ve havuclar icin)
1 tatli kasigi tuz (tavuk icin)
½ limon suyu
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
2 cay kasigi kirmizi biber
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi kekik
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag

Dogranmis patates ve havuclari borcam tepsiye koyun, uzerlerine tuz serpip, karistirin. Tavugun derisini alabilirsiniz ya da derisi ile pisirebilirsiniz. (Ben derisini alarak yaptim) Tavugun her yerini ellerinizle guzelce tuzlayin, ovalayin. Sonra limon suyu, yogurt, kirmizi biber, kimyon, kekik ve siviyagi karistirin. Bir firca yardimiyla tavugun her yerine bu karisimi surun.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda, tavugun uzeri kizarana dek 60 dakika pisirin. Firinda kizarmis tavugunuz hazir.