Using a mixer or your hands mix the butter with sugar until smooth. Once the mixture is light and fluffy beat in the eggs, then mix in the vanilla and pumpkin puree. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and the spices. Slowly beat the flour mixture into the batter and stir in the walnuts and raisins.
Learn how to cook healthy, nutritious, delicious, traditional and authentic food from my simple and easy-to-cook recipes
Monday, October 30, 2017
Pumpkin Cookies (Balkabakli Kurabiye)
Using a mixer or your hands mix the butter with sugar until smooth. Once the mixture is light and fluffy beat in the eggs, then mix in the vanilla and pumpkin puree. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, and the spices. Slowly beat the flour mixture into the batter and stir in the walnuts and raisins.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sesame Paste (Tahini) & Walnut Cookies (Tahinli&Cevizli Kurabiye)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Turkish Savory Cookies (Tuzlu Kuru Pasta)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Coconut Cookies (Hindistan Cevizli Kurabiye)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Coconut Topped Cookies (Hindistan Cevizli Kurabiye)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Turkish Shortbread (Un Kurabiyesi)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Double Coloured Cookies (Iki Renkli Kurabiye)
½ cup canola oil
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla powder/extract
1 cup starch (any kind)
1 ½ cup all purpose flour
3-4 tbsp cocoa
Combine margarine/butter with powdered sugar and knead with your hands. Stir in canola oil, vanilla and starch. Continue kneading and add flour. You’ll get a soft cookie dough. You do not have to use all the flour if you already got the softness in dough.
Separate the dough in two pieces. Then, add the cocoa in one piece and knead the dough well enough to dissolve cocoa evenly.
Flatten both of the dough pieces with roller. Make two pieces of flat and long dough. Then, place them on top of each other and roll them up, so you’ll get a long roll. Cut walnut size pieces from the roll and make ball shapes with your palms. Place them over a greased oven tray leaving some room in between. Store them in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.
Bake them in a preheated 325-340F (160-170C) oven for about 25 minutes. Take them out before getting pink.
Let them cool over a cooling rack and serve.
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250 gr margarin/tereyag, oda sicakliginda yumusak
½ su bardagi kanola yagi
1 su bardagi pudra sekeri
1 tatli kasigi vanilya
1 su bardagi nisasta (herhangi bir cesit)
1 ½ su bardagi un
3-4 yemek kasigi kakao
Once margarin/tereyag ile pudra sekerini iyice elinizle yogurun. Kanola yagi, vanilya ve nisastayi ilave edin. Guzelce yogurun ve unu ilave edin. Yumusak bir kurabiye hamuru elde edin. Eger un fazla gelirse, un miktarini azaltabilirsiniz.
Hamuru iki esit parcaya ayirin ve hamurun bir yarisina kakaoyu ilave edin. Kakao hamur ile iyice butunlesinceye dek yogurun.
Her iki hamuru da oklava ile uzunca bir sekilde acin. Hamurlari ust uste koyup rulo sekilinde sarin. Sonra rulodan ceviz buyuklugunde parcalar koparip elinizle yuvarlayin. Yaglanmis firin tepsisine aralikli olarak dizin. Buzdolabinda 5-10 dakika bekletin.
Onceden isitilmis 160-170C (325-340F) firinda yaklasik 25 dakika pisirin. Uzerleri pembelesmeden cikarin.
Ana Sayfaya Don
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Flower Cookies (Cicek Kurabiye)
250 gr (~2 sticks) margarine/butter, at room temperature
2 tbsp cocoa
1 egg
½ tsp baking powder
1 package vanilla/1 tsp vanilla extract
1 ½ cup starch
1 ½ -2 cups flour
In a large bowl combine sugar and soft margarine/butter. Then crack the egg in. Start kneading and add starch, baking powder and vanilla. Then add flour slowly while kneading. Form a soft lump of cookie dough.
Divide ¼ of the dough and add cocoa in it. Knead until the cocoa dissolves and the dough becomes even. Garb hazelnut size pieces and round them in your palms. Continue till both the plain and cocoa dough are used up. Then, place one cacao in the center and 5-6 plain balls around it. Then press gently them to stick together and form a flower.
Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C) and arrange the cookies over an oven tray with parchment paper, making some room between each other. Cook for 15-18 minutes. Make sure they do not get pink. They should remain white. Take them out and cool over a cooling rack.
This recipe makes 25-30 Flower Cookies.
P.S: You can use food coloring to make different colored cookies.
1 su bardagi seker
250 gr margarin/tereyag, oda sicakliginda
2 yemek kasigi kakao
1 yumurta
1 paket/1 cay kasigi kabartma tozu
1 paket vanilya/1 tatli kasigi vanilya ekstrakti
1 ½ su bardagi nisasta
1 ½-2 su bardagi un
Genis bir kasede once seker ve margarine/tereyagini guzelce karistirin. Ardindan yumurtayi ilave edin. Nisasta, kabartma tozu ve vanilyayi ilave edin ve yogurun. Sonra yavas yavas unu ilave ederek yumusak bir kurabiye hamuru elde edin.
Sonra hamurun ¼ unu ayirin ve kakaoyu ilave edip, kakao esit olarak dagilana dek yogurun. Hamurdan findik buyuklugunde parcalar alip elinizle yuvarlayin. Hem beyaz hem de kakaolu hamuru yuvarladiktan sonra; bir kakolu topun etrafina 5-6 tane beyaz gelecek sekilde cicek yapin ve birbirlerine hafifce bastirarak yapistirin.
Firini onceden 180 C (350 F)’ye isitin. Yagli kagit serilmis firin tepsisine kurabiyeleri aralikli olarak dizin ve pembelesmelerine izin vermeden 15-18 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarin ve sogumasini bekleyin.
Yaklasik 25-30 tane kurabiye cikiyor.
Not: Degisik renkte kurabiyeler yapmak icin gida boyasi kullanabilirsiniz.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Coconut Macaroons (Hindistan Cevizli Toplar)
In a wide bowl, mix sugar and egg whites with a mixer, till it gets foamy (3-4 minutes). And then, stir in coconut and lemon/lime zest. Mix them all with a spoon.
Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). Grab walnut size or smaller pieces and form a ball shape in your palms. Arrange them over a tray with baking paper. Bake them about 10-14 minutes. Make sure they do not get pink, they should be white.
Let them cool and serve.
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2 su bardagi hindistan cevizi rendesi
½ su bardagi seker
2 yumurta aki
1 yemek kasigi limon kabugu rendesi
Derin bir kasede seker ve yumurta aklarini mikser ile beyaz kopuk olana dek yaklasik 3-4 dakika cirpin. Sonra hindistan cevizi ve limon kabugu rendesini ilave edin. Bir kasik yardimiyla guzelce karistirin.
Firini onceden 180 C (350 F)’ye isitin. Karisimdan ceviz ya da cevizden biraz ufak parcalar alin ve elinizde yuvarlayarak minik toplar yapin. Yagli kagit serilmis tepsiye dizin. Yaklasik 10-14 dakika pembelesmelerine izin vermeden pisirin. Beyaz kalmalari gerekiyor.
Soguduktan sonra servis yapin.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Turkish Shortbread (Un Kurabiyesi)
½ lb (250 gr) margarine/butter, soft at room temperature
½ cup oil
2 cups corn starch
2-2 ½ cups flour
1 tsp/1 package vanilla
½ cup powdered sugar for top
In a large bowl, combine sugar, oil and margarine/butter. Then add starch, vanilla and knead. Add flour slowly and knead to make the dough smooth and soft.
Grab walnut size or smaller dough pieces and round them in your palms. Arrange them over a greased tray or tray with a baking paper. Make at least one inch room between each other.
Preheat the oven to 335-350 F (170-180 C) and bake for about 25-30 minutes. Do not over bake, otherwise they will get brown.
Take them out of the oven and cool. Sprinkle powdered sugar all over before serving.
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1 ½ su bardagi pudra sekeri
250 gr margarin, oda sicakliginda yumusak
1 cay bardagi sivi yag
2 su bardagi nisasta
2- 2 ½ su bardagi un
Uzerine serpmek icin 1 cay bardagi pudra sekeri
1 paket/1 tatli kasigi vanilya
Derin ve genis bir kasede seker, siviyag ve margarini karistirin. Sonra nisastayi ilave edip yogurun. Son olarak vanilya ve unu yavas yavas yedirerek ilave edin. Puruzsuz ve yumusak bir kurabiye hamuru elde edin.
Hamurdan ceviz buyuklugunde ya da daha kucuk parcalar koparip, avuc icinizde yuvarlayin. Yuvarlak toplar elde edin ve hafifce uzerinden bastirin. Yagli kagit serilmis tepsi uzerine ya da yaglanmis firin tepsisine 2-3 cm araliklarla dizin.
Onceden isitilmis 170-180 C (335-350 F) firinda kurabiyeler hafif sararincaya dek yaklasik 25-30 dakika pisirin. Fazla pisirirseniz kurabiyeler kahverengiye doner.
Firindan cikarin ve soguduktan sonra uzerlerine pudra sekeri serperek servis yapin.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Apple Cookie Rolls (Elmali Kurabiye)
1 cup sugar
250 gr margarine/butter, melted
1 egg
1 tsp baking powder
7-8 cup flour
½ cup confectioner’s sugar for garnish
3 apples, peeled, cored and shredded
3 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
½ cup crushed walnuts/pecans
Mix all the dough ingredients, but flour and confectioner’s sugar. Add flour slowly and form a non sticking dough. Knead for 4-5 minutes. Then, cover the dough with a clean cloth and leave for resting.
Meanwhile, cook shredded apples with sugar for about 10 minutes over low-medium heat. When they turn to brown stir in cinnamon and walnuts/pecans.
Cut the dough into 3 pieces and flatten each dough with a roller about 1/10 inch thickness. Then cut it into 8 pieces (see the picture). Put 1 tsp filling on the wide side and roll it up (see the picture). Use baking paper over the baking tray or grease it. Then place the apple cookie rolls on the tray and preheat the oven to 350F (180 C). Bake them for about 30 minutes, till they get light brown. Make sure not to over bake.
Sprinkle confectioner’s sugar on tops and serve.
1 su bardagi yogurt
1 su bardagi seker
250 gr margarin/tereyag, eritilmis
1 yumurta
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu/1 paket kabartma tozu
7-8 su bardagi un
1 cay bardagi pudra sekeri
Ic Malzeme:
3 elma, soyulmus, ici temizlenmis ve rendelenmis
3 yemek kasigi seker
1 tatli kasigi tarcin
1 cay bardagi ufalanmis ceviz
Diger yandan bir tencerede rendelenmis elma ve sekeri 10 dakika kadar orta ateste pisirin. Elmalar kahverengiye donecektir. Pisince ocaktan alin ve tarcin ile cevizi ilave edin.
Hamuru 3 parcaya ayirin. Her parcayi oklava ile ½ cm kalinliginda acin. 8 esit parcaya kesin (resime bakiniz). Genis taraflarina 1 tatli kasigi ic malzemeden koyarak rulo seklinde sarin (resime bakiniz). Kurabiyeleri yaglanmis ya da yagli kagit koydugunuz firin tepsisine aralikli olarak dizin.
Onceden isitilmis 180C (350 F) firinda kurabiyeler hafif pembelesene dek yaklasik 30 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca uzerine pudra sekeri serpin ve servis yapin.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Chocolate Chip Cookie (Cikolatali Kurabiye)
2 ¼ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
Drop dough by rounded tablespoonfuls 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until light brown. The centers will be soft. Let them cool. Remove Chocolate Chip Cookies from cookie sheet and serve.
3/2 su bardagi seker
1 su bardagi oda sicakliginda yumusamis margarin/tereyag
2 yumurta, cirpilmis
2 ¼ su bardagi un
1 tatli kasigi vanilya ekstrakti/ 1 paket vanilya
¾ tatli kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi karbonat
2 su bardagi yari tatli cikolata parcacigi
1 su bardagi pekan cevizi/ceviz/findik, ufalanmis (istege bagli)
Hamurdan bir yemek kasigi dolusu alin ve yagli kagit serilmis tepsiye yaklasik 4 cm araliklarla yerlestirin. 8-10 dakika ya da uzerleri hafif pembelesene dek pisirin. Orta kisimlari yumusak olacaktir. Cikolatali Kurabiyelerin tamamen sogumasini bekleyin ve servis yapin.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Cookies With Walnut (Cevizli Kurabiye)
1 egg
½ cup yogurt
1 cup sugar
3-4 cups flour
1/3 cup raisins
1/3 cup walnuts
½ tsp baking soda
After that, add the raisins in the dough and mix evenly. Then take walnut size pieces from the dough and round them into your palms. Insert a few pieces of walnuts on their tops.
Place them on a greased tray or tray with baking paper making some room between them. Preheat the oven to 350-360 F (180 C) and bake until they turn to light golden brown (approximately 25-30 minutes).
This recipe makes about 35 cookies with walnut.
110- 120 gr margarin /butter (oda sicakliginda beklemis, yumusak)
1 yumurta
1 su bardagi seker
½ su bardagi yogurt
3-4 su bardagi un
1/3 su bardagi kuru uzum
1/3 su bardagi parcalanmis ceviz
½ paket / 1 cay kasigi kabartma tozu
Genis bir kapta oda sicakligindaki margarin /tereyag ve sekeri iyice elinizle karistirin. Sonra yumurtayi, yogurdu, un ve kabartma tozunu yavas yavas ilave ederek yogurun. Elinize yapismayan bir hamur elde edene kadar un ilave edin ve yogurun.
Hamur kivamini bulunca, icine kuru uzumleri ilave edin ve karistirin. Hamurdan ceviz buyuklugunde parcalar alip yuvarlayin ve yuvarladiginiz hamurlarin uzerine bir kac tane ceviz parcasi batirin.
Yaglanmis firin tepsisine ya da yagli kagit serilmis tepsiye araliklarla dizin ve onceden isittiginiz 180 C (350-360 F) firinda, kurabiyelerin uzerleri hafifce kizarana dek pisirin (yaklasik 25-30 dakika).
Tariften yaklasik 35 tane cevizli kurabiye cikiyor.