Friday, January 30, 2009

Cauliflower with Bechamel Sauce (Beshamel Soslu Karnibahar)

1 bunch of cauliflower, separated into florets
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
2 potatoes, peeled and chopped
½ cup sweet peas (optional)
1 tsp salt to taste
A pinch of black pepper
1/3 cup mozzarella/cheddar cheese, shredded (optional)
Bechamel Sauce:
2 cups milk
2 tbsp flour
5-6 tbsp butter/margarine
1 egg, beaten
½ tsp salt to taste

Boil the vegetables in salty water till they are soft. Do not over boil them since we do not want them to be smashed. Then drain and transfer them to a Pyrex or baking dish.
Béchamel Sauce:
Place the butter in a pot and melt. Add the flour and sauté over low heat till its color change to yellow. Then, add milk and stir continuously to make Béchamel sauce smooth and even. If flour particles don’t dissolve use a blender. Add salt and cook for 3 minutes. Finally stir in the egg and sprinkle some black pepper if you like.
Pour the Béchamel sauce evenly on top of the vegetables and sprinkle cheese. Preheat the oven to 400F (200C) and bake until its surface turns to light golden brown (about 20-25 minutes).


1 bas karnibahar, kucuk parcalara ayrilmis
2 havuc, dogranmis
2 patates, soyulup dogranmis
½ su bardagi bezelye (istege bagli)
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1/3 su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis (istege bagli)
Beshamel Sos:
2 su bardagi sut
2 yemek kasigi un
5-6 yemek kasigi tereyag/margarin
1 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam karabiber

Sebzeleri tuz ile birlikte yumusayana dek haslayin. Fakat gereginden fazla haslarsaniz sekilleri bozulur ve dagilirlar. Suyunu suzun ve haslanmis sebzeleri firin tepsisine ya da borcam tepsiye alin.
Besamel Sos:
Bir tencerede margarini eritin ve unu ilave edip kisik ateste sararana kadar kavurun. Sonra sutu ve tuzu ilave ederek, surekli karistirin. Eger un parcalari dagilmazsa blendir ile krema kivamina getirin. Kisik ateste 3 dakika kadar pisirin. Son olarak, cirpilmis yumurtayi ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin. Isterseniz biraz karabiber serpebilirsiniz.
Hazirladiginiz besamel sosu sebzelerin uzerine esit olarak yayin ve rendelenmis kasar peynirini serpin. Onceden isitilmis 200C (400 F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek pisirin (yaklasik 20-25 dakika).

Thursday, January 29, 2009

White Beans with Meat (Etli Kuru Fasulye)

White Beans with Meat is a very traditional and common dish in Turkey, especially when it is served with pilaf and pickles. Turkish people just love this dish.

2 cups white/butter beans
½ lb beef/lamb meat, chopped
2 onions, chopped
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 dried red pepper/green pepper, chopped
½ tsp baking soda (optional)
¼ tsp chili red pepper flakes (optional)
1 tbsp salt to taste
1 cup hot water

Wash white beans, place them in a pot and cover with water (approximately 1 inch above the beans). Leave them in water overnight or for at least 12 hours. The next day, cook them with the same water till beans get soft over low heat. You could add baking soda to have softer beans quicker. When they are soft, add ½ tbsp of salt.
In another pot, sauté chopped meat with oil till they are brown. Then add onions and sauté for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Stir in peppers and tomato paste. Add one cup of hot water and the remaining salt, and then simmer till the meat is soft. Transfer the cooked white beans into the pot. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
Serve White Beans with Meat, with pilaf or over pilaf. Also cacik and pickled vegetables are good to go with this recipe.
P.S: You can also use 2 cans of white beans and skip the instructions given in the first paragraph, but it may not be as delicious as the one with dried beans.

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Kuru fasulye Turkiye’ nin geleneksel yemeklerinden biridir. Ozellikle pilav ve tursu ile servis yapildiginda genelde butun Turklerin sevdigi bir yemektir.

2 su bardagi kuru fasulye
250 gr dana/koyun eti, dogranmis
2 sogan, dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
1 kurutulmus kirmizi biber/yesil biber, dogranmis
1 cay kasigi karbonat (istege bagli)
½ cay kasigi kirmizi pul biber (istege bagli)
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 su bardagi sicak su

Aksamdan kuru fasulyeyi yikayin ve bir tencereye koyup uzerini 2-3 parmak kaplayacak kadar su ile doldurun. En az 12 saat bekletin. Sonra ayni su ile kuru fasulyeler yumusayana dek pisirin. Isterseniz 1 cay kasigi karbonat ilave edip fasulyelerin daha kisa surede yumusamasini saglayabilirsiniz. Pismeye yakin ½ yemek kasigi tuz ilave edin.
Diger bir tencerede once etleri yag ile kavurun ve sogani ilave edin. Sonra salcayi ve biberleri ilave edip kavurun. Bir bardak sicak su ve geri kalan tuzu ilave edin ve etler yumusayana dek pisirin. Sonra pisirdiginiz kuru fasulyeleri etlerin bulundugu tencereye ilave edin ve hafif ateste 10 dakika kadar pisirin.
Etli Kuru Fasulyeyi pilav ile ya da pilav ustu servis yapin. Yaninda cacik ya da tursu ile guzel olur.
NOT: Bu tarifi 2 kutu konserve kuru fasulye ile ilk paragraftaki uygulamalari atlayarak da yapabilirsiniz, fakat konserve ile yapinca aradiginiz lezzeti bulamayabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Easy Fried Dough (Kolay Hamur Kizartmasi)

3-4 cups flour
1 cup yogurt
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp baking soda
1 egg
1 cup oil for frying

Mix all the dough ingredients in a large bowl. Knead the dough till it becomes elastic and not sticky. Sprinkle some flour on the counter and place dough. Flatten dough with a roller about 1/5 inch. Then cut them square pieces or in circular shapes with the help of a cup (see the picture).
Sizzle oil in a frying pan and fry both sides of the dough pieces over medium heat. Place them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve warm.
Easy fried dough is good to go at breakfasts.
3-4 su bardagi un
1su bardagi yogurt
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karbonat
1 yumurta
1 su bardagi sivi yag, kizartmak icin

Butun hamur malzemelerini genis bir kasede karistirin. Elastik ve elinize yapismayan bir hamur elde edene dek yogurun. Tezgaha un serpin ve hamuru oklava ile ½ cm kalinliginda acin. Actiginiz hamuru kareler halinde ya da bardak agzi ile yuvarlak sekillerde kesin (resime bakiniz).
Kizartma tavasinda yagi kizdirin ve hamurlarin her iki tarafi kizarana dek orta ateste kizartin. Hamurlarin fazla yagini almasi icin kizattiginiz hamurlari kagit havlu uzerine koyun. Sicak servis yapin.
Kolay hamur kizartmasi ozellikle kahvaltida cok guzel olur.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ground Beef Etouffee (Kiymali Bulamac)

This emulsion is one of my favorite practical recipes, which reminds me of my childhood and takes me to 1980s.

¼ lb ground beef
1 small onion, chopped (optional)
1-2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp flour
1 1/2-2 cups water
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp paprika
¼ tsp cumin
Dried mint/thyme for garnish

In a large skillet place oil and ground meat. Over medium heat cook till the meat turns brown, then stir in onions and sauté. Stir in flour and sauté for 2-3 minutes. If the flour does not dissolve into the oil, add some more oil.
Stir in paprika, salt, cumin and mix. Then add water and stirring continuously, make a smooth emulsion. Simmer the etouffee until becomes thick, for about 2-4 minutes.
You can sprinkle some dried mint or thyme on top.
Bu tarif bana cocuklugumu hatirlatan ve beni 1980li yillara surukleyenen en sevdigim pratik yemeklerden biridir.

100 gr kiyma
1 kucuk sogan, dogranmis (istege bagli)
1-2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
2 yemek kasigi un
1 1/2 -2 su bardagi su
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
½ cay kasigi kimyon
Uzeri icin kuru nane/kekik

Bir tavada once sivi yag ile kiymayi guzelce kavurun, sogan kullanacaksaniz soganlari da ilave edip soganlar pembelesene dek orta ateste kavurun. Unu ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika daha un ile kavurmaya devam edin. Eger un yagin icinde dagilmazsa biraz daha yag ilave edin.
Kirmizi toz biber, tuz ve kimyonu ilave edip, karistirdiktan sonra suyu koyun. Surekli karistirarak unun su icinde puruzsuz bir sekilde dagilmasini saglayin. Bulamac kaynamaya baslayinca hafif ateste koyulasana dek, yaklasik 2-4 dakika pisirin.
Uzerine nane ya da kekik serperek servis yapabilirsiniz.

Veggie Omelet (Sebzeli Omlet)

3 eggs, beaten
3-4 tbsp milk
3 tbsp butter
2/3 cup broccoli florets, cut into bite sizes
½ tomato, diced
2-3 button mushrooms, sliced
1 small onion, chopped finely
1 tsp salt to taste
¼ tsp black pepper

Place half of the butter and onions in a skillet and sauté over medium heat. Then stir in mushrooms and broccoli. Sauté till they become soft, then stir in tomatoes, half of the salt and cook for 1 minute. Transfer cooked vegetables in a bowl.
Meanwhile, beat the eggs and milk adding the rest of the salt. Melt the remaining butter in the skillet and pour the beaten egg-milk mixture. Over medium heat cook till the eggs are cooked. Then turn the omelet upside down and cook the other side.
Transfer the omelet in a serving plate and place the vegetables over. Sprinkle some black pepper. You can serve this way or you can fold the omelet over vegetables.

3 yumurta, cirpilmis
3-4 yemek kasigi sut
3 yemek kasigi tereyag
2/3 su bardagi brokoli, dogranmis
½ domates, dogranmis
2-3 kultur mantari, dilimlenmis
1 kucuk sogan, ince dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karabiber

Tavaya tereyagin yarisini koyun ve once soganlari pembelesene dek orta ateste kavurun. Sonra mantarlari ve brokolileri ilave edip, yumusayana dek 3-4 dakika pisirin. Son olarak domatesi ilave edin ve tuzun yarisini serpip, biraz daha pisirin.Pisen sebzeleri bir kaseye alin.
Bir kasede yumurta geri kalan tuz ve sutu cirpin. Kalan tereyagini tavaya koyun ve cirpilmis yumurta-sut karisimini ilave edin. Orta ateste yumurta pisene dek pisirin ve alt ust ederek diger tarafini da pisirin.
Omleti servis tabagina alin ve sebzeleri uzerine dokun. Isterseniz karabiber serpebilirsiniz. Isterseniz boyle ya da omletin kenarindan kaldirip, ice dogru bukup sebzelerin uzerine kapatarak servis yapabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Monday, January 26, 2009

Noah's Pudding (Asure)

2 ½ cup barley/wheat
½ cup kidney beans
½ cup chick peas
½ cup rice
6 cups sugar
½ cup raisins
½ cup dried apricots, washed and finely chopped
Skin of 2 orange, finely chopped
½ cup black currant
For garnish crushed walnuts, cinnamon and pine nuts

In the evening, wash wheat/barley and rice, then place them in a pot covered with 2 inch of water. Place raisins, dried apricots, chick peas and kidney beans in different bowls and cover them with of 2 inch water.
The next morning, wash the wheat/barley and rice and then drain. Place them in a pot, covered with 2 inch water and simmer it over low heat, till they are soft. Repeat the same procedure with chick peas, kidney beans, raisins and chopped orange skins in different pots.
Then stir in dried apricots, black currants and all the ingredients you cooked to the rice and wheat/barley. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. You can adjust the thickness with adding more hot water.
Finally stir in sugar and cook for 5-10 minutes. Transfer the Noah’s pudding in small bowls or cups. Then, garnish with pine nuts, crushed walnuts and cinnamon.
Keep Noah’s Pudding in the fridge.
P.S: You can also use canned kidney beans and chick peas.

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2 ½ su bardagi asurelik bugday
1 cay bardagi kuru fasulye
1 cay bardagi nohut
1 cay bardagi pirinc
6 su bardagi seker
1 cay bardagi cekirdeksiz kuru uzum
½ su bardagi kuru kayisi, yikanip ufak dogranmis
2 adet portakal kabugu, ince kiyilmis
1 cay bardagi kus uzumu, washed
Suslemek icin cam fistigi, ceviz ici ve tarcin

Aksamdan bir tencereye pirinc ve bugdayi koyun ve yikayin. Uzerini kaplayip, 4 parmak gececek sekilde su koyun. Ayri bir yerde kuru uzum ve kayisiyi (dogranmis) uzerini gececek kadar su koyup, islatin. Nohut ve fasulyeyi de ayni sekilde ayri kaplarda islatin.
Ertesi sabah sisen bugday ve pirinci duru su cikana kadar yikayin ve suzun. Sonra uzerine 4 parmak gececek kadar su koyun ve orta ateste kaynatin. Kaynamaya baslayinca hafif atese alin ve bugdayla pirincler iyice yumusayana dek pisirin. Nohut ve fasulyeyi de ayri tencerelerde ayni sekilde su ilave ederek pisirin. Pistikten sonra kabuklari temizlenirse daha iyi olur. Uzum ve ince kiyilmis portakal kabuklarini da ayri yerlerde yumusayana dek haslayin.
Sonra haslanan malzemelerin hepsini, kus uzumu ve kayisilari pisen pirinc ve bugdayin icine ilave edin. Tahta kasikla ara sira karistirarak kaynatin. Suyu az gelirse biraz sicak su ilave edip, kivamini istediginiz gibi ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Son olarak sekeri ilave edin ve 5-10 dk daha kaynatin. Asureyi kaselere doldurun ve uzerini istediginiz sekilde tarcin, ceviz ici ve cam fistigi ile susleyin.
Asureyi buzdolabinda muhafaza edin.
NOT:Nohut ve fasulyeleri konserve de kullanabilirsiniz.

Roasted Beef Tail (Firinda Dana Kuyrugu)

1 lb (~450 gr) beef or ox tail
1 cup rice, washed and drained
1-2 potatoes, peeled and sliced circularly
2 cups hot water
1 tbsp salt to taste
¼ tsp black pepper

Boil beef/ox tails in a pot with ½ tbsp of salt till they become soft and tender. Place rice and potato slices in a Pyrex dish and sprinkle the rest of salt evenly. Arrange the boiled ox/beef tails on rice and add 2 cups of hot water or the water you boil the tails.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and cook till the rice absorbs all the water and tails turn to golden brown (40-50 minutes). Sprinkle some black pepper on top and serve warm.
½ kg dana kuyrugu
1 su bardagi pirinc, yikanmis ve suzulmus
1-2 patates, soyulmus ve yuvarlak dilimlenmis
2 su bardagi sicak su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karabiber

½ yemek kasigi tuz ile dana kuyruklarini bir tencerede yumusayana dek haslayin. Borcam ya da firin tepsisine pirinci koyun ve patatesleri araliklarla yerlestirin. Geri kalan tuzu esit olarak serpin ve haslanmis dana kuyruklarini pirincin uzerine yerlestirin. 2 su bardagi sicak su ya da kuyruklari hasladiginiz sudan ilave edin.
Onceden isittiginiz 200 C (400F) firinda etler kizarip, pirincler suyunu cekene dek yaklasik 40-50 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca uzerine karabiber serpin ve sicak servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Veggie Pasta (Sebzeli Makarna)

1 package pasta (preferably 3 color bow-tie)
½ cup sweet corn, boiled/can
½ cup sweet peas, boiled/can
½ cup carrot, chopped and boiled/can
½ cup green beans, chopped and boiled/can (optional)
2 tbsp butter/margarine
1/3 cup black olives, pitted and sliced
Parmesan cheese for top (optional)
Any kind of pasta sauce (optional)

Boil the pasta with salty water according to the the instructions on the label. and then drain. Stir and melt in butter/margarine. Place pasta on a serving plate and add the sauce you like (optional). I used garlic yogurt as the sauce.
Then add vegetables, you can either mix them all or just leave on top. Garnish with black olive slices and sprinkle Parmesan Cheese (optional).

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1 paket makarna (tercihen 3 renkli fiyonk makarna)
½ su bardagi misir, haslanmis/konserve
½ su bardagi bezelye, haslanmis/konserve
½ su bardagi havuc, dogranmis ve haslanmis/konserve
½ su bardagi yesil fasulye, dogranmis ve haslanmis/konserve (istege bagli)
2 yemek kasigi tereyagi/margarin
1/3 su bardagi siyah zeytin, cekirdegi cikarilmis ve dilimlenmis
Uzeri icin rendelenmis Parmesan/kasar peyniri (istege bagli)
Istediginiz cesit makarna sosu (istege bagli)

Makarnayi paketteki pisirme talimatina gore tuzlu suda pisirin ve suyunu suzun. Terayagi ya da margarini icine atip, eritin. Sonra servis tabagina alin ve istediginiz herhangi bir makarna sosunu ilave edin (istege bagli). Ben sarimsakli yogurt kullandim.
Uzerine kullanacaginiz sebzeleri ilave edin, karistirin veya oylece ustunde birakin . Siyah zeytin ile susleyin ve arzu ederseniz uzerine Parmesan/kasar peyniri rendesi serpin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Shallow Fried Spicy Potatoes (Baharatli Patates Dilimleri)

3 potatoes, boiled and peeled
2-3 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp salt to taste
½ tsp paprika
½ tsp dried mint/basil

Let the boiled potatoes cool and then slice them 1/5 inch thick in circular shapes. Sizzle the oil in a skillet and place potato slices. Sprinkle salt, paprika and mint/basil. Shallow fry both sides till they turn to a light golden brown color over medium heat.
You can serve Shallow Fried Spicy Potatoes at breakfast or as a side dish.

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3 patates, haslanmis ve soyulmus
2-3 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 cay kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
1 cay kasigi kuru nane/feslegen

Haslanmis patatesler soguduktan sonra, ½ cm kalinliginda yuvarlak dilimleyin. Teflon bir tavada sivi yagi kizdirin patatesleri koyun ve uzerlerine tuz, kirmizi biber ve nane/feslegen serpin. Orta ateste hafif kizarana dek her iki taraflarini da kizartin.
Baharatli Patates Dilimlerini sabah kahvaltisinda ya da yan yemek olarak servis yapabilirsiniz.

Carrot Cake (Havuclu Kek)

3 eggs
1 ½ cup sugar
1 cup oil/7 Tbsp melted butter or margarine
1 cup carrot, shredded
1 cup walnut/pecan, crushed
2 cups flour
1-2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp orange/lemon zest
1 tsp baking powder

Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer till it becomes foamy (3 mins). Add oil/margarine and mix for a while. Then mix in shredded carrots, lemon/orange zest and crushed walnuts/pecans. Finally add flour, cinnamon and baking powder and mix for 3-4 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C) and grease the cake pan and pour the cake mixture in.
Bake the Carrot Cake until it becomes golden brown, for 40-50 minutes. To check whether the cake is ready, insert a toothpick in the center and pull it out, if it comes out clean, your cake is done.
P.S: To remove the cake form the pan easily, cover its bottom with a wet cloth and allow to cool 10 to 15 minutes before removing.

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3 yumurta
1 ½ su bardagi seker
1 su bardagi sivi yag/ 100 gr erimis margarin/tereyag
1 su bardagi havuc, rendelenmis
½ su bardagi ceviz, ufalanlanmis
2 su bardagi un
1-2 tatli kasigi tarcin
1 yemek kasigi rendelenmis limon/portakal kabugu
1 paket/1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu

Yumurta ve sekeri mikser ile kopuk haline gelene kadar cirpin (3 dakika). Sivi yagi ilave edip biraz daha karistirin. Sonra havuc, ceviz ve limon/portakal kabugunu ilave edin. Biraz daha karistirip, un, tarcin ve kabartma tozunu ekleyip 3-4 dakika daha karistirin.
Kek karisimini, yagladiginiz kek kalibina dokun ve onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek yaklasik 40-50 dakika pisirin.
Bir kurdani kekin ortasina batirarak pisip pismedigini kontrol edebilirsiniz. Eger kurdan temiz cikarsa kekiniz hazir demektir.
NOT: Keki kalibindan kolayca cikarmak icin, firindan cikarinca kek kalibinin dibini islak bir bez ile sarin ve 10-15 dakika sogumasini bekleyin. Kekin kaliptan kolayca ciktigini goreceksiniz.

Potato Salad (Patates Salatasi)

3 potatoes, boiled and peeled
2 green onions/ 1 small onion, chopped (optional)
2-3 leaves of lettuce, chopped finely
½ cup fresh dill/parsley, chopped
1 tsp salt to taste
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp lemon juice (optional)
Red pepper flakes (optional)
Small radish slices for garnish

Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Or mix salt, lemon juice, olive oil and vinegar in another bowl, then pour over the other ingredients. You can garnish the top with radish slices.
Potato Salad is good to go with fish and seafood dishes.

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3 patates, haslanmis ve kabuklari soyulmus
2 yesil sogan/1 kucuk sogan, dogranmis (istege bagli)
2-3 yaprak kivircik/marul, ince dogranmis
½ su bardagi taze maydanoz/dereotu, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
1 yemek kasigi sirke
1 tatli kasigi limon suyu (istege bagli)
Kirmizi pul biber (istege bagli)
Suslemek icin kucuk kirmizi turp dilimleri

Butun malzemeleri bir salata kasesine alip karistirin. Isterseniz limon suyu, sirke, zeytinyagi ve tuzu ayri bir yerde karistirip diger malzemenin uzerine dokup karistirabilirsiniz. Uzerini kucuk kirmizi turp ile susleyebilirsiniz.
Patates salatasi balik ve deniz urunlerinin yaninda guzel olur.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oven Baked Flounder (Firinda Dil Baligi)

1 lb (~450-500gr) flounder or sole fillets
1 big onion, sliced in ring shapes
4-5 button mushrooms, brushed and sliced
1 carrot, chopped in bite sizes
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil/butter
2 tbsp lemon juice
½ tsp salt to taste
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp paprika

Rub the flounder or sole fillets with salt and then mix extra virgin olive oil/butter, lemon juice, paprika and black pepper. Dip the fillets into it and marinate in the fridge at least 2 hours, preferably over night.
Place sliced onions, mushrooms and carrots on the bottom of a Pyrex or oven tray(see the picture). Then place flounder or sole fillets over them, discard the marinade sauce.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200C) and cook for about 15-20 minutes till fish turn to light golden brown.
Benefits of Fish

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½ kg dil baligi fileto
1 buyuk boy sogan, yuvarlak dilimlenmis
4-5 tane kultur mantari, yikanip, dilimlenmis
1 havuc, istenen buyuklukte dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi/tereyag
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu
1 cay kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karabiber
½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
Tuzu ellerinizle ovalayarak balik filetolarina yedirin. Sonra bir tabakta zeytinyagi/tereyagi, limon suyu, karabiber ve kirmizi biberi karistirin ve balik filetolarini bu sosa bulayip, en az 2 saat, tercihen gece boyunca buzdolabinda marine edin.
Sogan dilimlerini, mantar ve havuclari borcam ya da firin tepsisinin dibine yayin (resime bakiniz) ve uzerine marine edilmis dil baliklarini dizin. Marine sosunu atin.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda 15-20 dakika, baliklar kizarana dek pisirin.
Baligin Faydalari

Shrimp Kebab (Karides Kebabi)

1 lb shrimp, cleaned and deveined
¼ cup olive oil
1 tbsp garlic, minced
2 tbsp lemon juice
¼ tsp black pepper
2 tbsp soy sauce
A pinch of parsley, finely chopped (optional)
½ tsp salt to taste
Metal or wooden skewers

2 hours prior to cooking, prepare the marinade. Mix olive oil, lemon juice, black pepper, soy sauce, parsley, salt and garlic. Dip the fish into it and marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Remove shrimp from marinade and discard the marinade. If you are using metal or steel skewers, lightly coat them with oil. Place shrimp on skewers (about 5 shrimps per skewer) and then cook them over grill 3 minutes each side. Do not overcook. You can also cook them in the oven 8-10 minutes or until they get pink at 350 F (400 F).
You can serve shrimp kebabs over a bed of rice or pilaf with fresh lemon wedges.

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½ kg karides, temizlenmis
¼ su bardagi zeytinyagi
1 yemek kasigi sarimsak, dovulmus
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu
½ cay kasigi karabiber
2 yemek kasigi soya sosu
Bir tutam taze maydanoz, kucuk dogranmis (istege bagli)
1 cay kasigi tuz
Metal ya da tahta sis

Karidesleri pisirmeden en az 2 saat once marine sosunu hazirlayin. Zeytinyagi, limon suyu, sarimsak, karabiber, tuz, soya sosu ve maydanozu karistirin. Karidesleri bu sosa bulayin ve sosa yatirarak en az 2 saat buzdolabinda marine edin.
Daha sonra karidesleri sislere araliklarla dizin (bir sise 5-6 tane) ve marine sosunu atin. Eger metal sis kullaniyorsaniz karidesleri dizmeden once sisleri hafifce yaglayin. Izgara ya da mangalda her iki tarafini da 3'er dakika pisirin. Fazla pisirmeyin. Karides kebabini firinda 180 C (350 F)' de yaklasik 8-10 dakika karidesler pembelesene dek pisirebilirsiniz.
Karides Kebabini pirinc ya da pilav uzerinde taze limon dilimleriyle servis edebilirsiniz.

Green Onion Yogurt Dip (Yesil Soganli Yogurt)

2-3 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
¼ tsp paprika
1 cup yogurt
Salt to taste

In a small skillet, sauté green onions with olive oil over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Then stir in paprika, salt and combine with yogurt.
2-3 yesil sogan, dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
1 su bardagi yogurt

Kucuk bir tavada zeytinyagi ile soganlari hafif ateste 1-2 dakika kavurun ve kirmizi toz biber ile tuz ilave edin. Yogurt ile karistirin ve ikram edin.

Eggs with Ground Meat (Kiymali Yumurta)

3 eggs, beaten
¼ lb (~100gr) ground meat
1 tomato, diced
1-2 banana/green peppers, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
1-2 tbsp oil
½ tsp salt to taste
A pinch of black pepper

In a large skillet, sauté ground meat with oil and stir in onion and peppers. Saute them over medium heat till they are tender and their color change. Then add tomatoes and salt, cook for 1-2 minutes. Stir in eggs and cook over low heat till eggs are cooked. Sprinkle black pepper on top and serve warm.

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3 yumurta, cirpilmis
100-125 gr kiyma
1 domates, dogranmis
1-2 carliston/yesil biber, dogranmis
1 kucuk sogan, dogranmis
1-2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam karabiber

Genis bir tavada sivi yag ve kiymayi kavurun, sonra sogan ve biberi ilave edip yumusayip, renkleri degisene dek orta ateste kavurun. Domates ve tuzu ilave edin ve 1-2 dakika sonra yumurtayi ilave edin. Yumurta pisene dek kisik ateste pisirin, uzerine karabiber serperek sicak servis yapin.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Honey-Butter Dip (Balli Tereyag)

3 tbsp butter, soft at room temperature
3 tbsp honey

In a small bowl whisk honey and butter till the mixture becomes smooth and creamy.
Honey butter dip is good to go with warm bread.

Benefits of Honey

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3 yemek kasigi tereyag, oda sicakliginda yumusak
3 yemek kasigi bal

Bir kasede bal ve tereyagini karistirin ve krema kivamli putursuz bir karisim elde edin.
Balli Tereyagi sicak ekmek ile cok guzel olur.

Balin Faydalari

Ana Sayfaya Don

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Turkish Pide Bread (Ramazan Pidesi)

 2 tsp dry yeast/25-30 gr active fresh yeast
½ tsp sugar
1 ¼ lukewarm water
3 ¾ cups bread flour/all purpose flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil

For glaze:
1 egg and 1 tbsp water, beaten
1 tsp nigella seeds or sesame seeds

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast. Add the salt, olive oil and flour; knead for 10 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap or a clean cloth (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then try to flatten the dough with your hands to fit to the tray (Use a 8-12 inch round tray or Pyrex). Then place it into the baking tray with baking paper and flatten it to fit the tray. Brush surface of the Turkish Pide Bread with egg wash and press all over it with your finger tips. Then sprinkle nigella seeds or sesame seeds on top (see the picture). Cover it with a clean cloth and leave it for ½-1 hours to rise in a warm place (If you have time let it rest for 2 hours).
Preheat the oven to 425F (220C). Put some water in an oven-safe bowl and place it on the bottom of the oven. Place the bread on the middle rack. Bake for 10-15 minutes, till it becomes golden brown.After taking it out of the oven cover with a clean cloth or towel to keep them soft.
It is good to go with butter, honey-butter dip or spicy olive oil dip when warm.
P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

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2 tatli kasigi instant toz maya/25-30 gr yas maya
1 cay kasigi seker
1 ¼ su bardagi ilik su
3 ¾ su bardagi ekmek unu/ all purpose flour
1 tatli kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi

Uzeri icin:
1 yumurta ve 1 yemek kasigi su, cirpilmis
1 tatli kasigi corek otu/ susam

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin. Sonra, zeytinyagi, un ve tuzu ilave ederek, 10 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Uzerini seffaf film ya da temiz bir bez ile ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz).
Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve 20-25 cm capinda yuvarlak bir tepsiye sigacak sekilde elinizle acin ve uzerinde yagli kagit olan tepsiye koyun. Uzerine cirpilmis yumurta ile su karisimini surun ve parmak uclarinizla hamurun yuzeyini bastirin. Corek otu ya da susam serpin (resime bakiniz) ve hamur iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik ½ -1 saat bekletin (Vaktiniz varsa 2 saat beketin).
Firini onceden 220 C (425F) ye isitin ve firina dayanikli bir kase icine su koyup alt rafa yerlestirin. Ekmegi orta rafa koyun ve uzeri kizarana dek 10-15 dakika pisirin. Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engelleyin. Boylece Ramazan Pideniz yumusacik olacaktir.
Ramazan pidesi sicakken, tereyagi, balli tereyag ya da baharatli zeytinyagi ile cok guzel olur.
NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Chicken Macaroni in the Oven (Firinda Tavuklu Makarna)

1 package of any type macaroni
1 chicken breast
1 cup mozzarella/cheddar, shredded
1-2 cups cream of chicken soup
1 cup milk
2 cups water
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper

Wash chicken breast under cold water and boil with 2 cups of water. Then chop the boiled chicken breast in bite sizes and leave the chicken stock to use later.
Cook the macaroni 2-3 minutes less than the minutes given by the directions on the package for an al dante texture. Drain the macaroni and transfer into a wide Pyrex. Mix with chopped chicken.
Meanwhile in a pot, cook milk and cream of  chicken soup. Simmer until the mixture thickens. Adjust the thickness by adding water. Stir in beaten egg and black pepper. Then pour the mixture over the macaroni and mix them all. Spread shredded mozzarella/cheddar over.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200 C) and bake for about 20-30 minutes till the surface turns light golden brown.
Serve Chicken Macaroni in the Oven warm.
TURKCE1 paket herhangi bir cesit makarna
1 tavuk gogsu
1 su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
1 su bardagi sut
2 su bardagi su
1 paket kremali tavuk corbasi/1 kutu kremali tavuk corbasi
1 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber

Tavuk gosgusunu yikayin ve 2 su bardagi su ile haslayin. Sonra pismis tavuk gogsunu kucuk lokmalar halinda dograyin. Suyunu corbayi pisirimek icin ayirin.
Makarnayi paketin uzerindeki talimatlara gore haslayin, fakat biraz diri kalmasi icin 2-3 dakika daha az pisirin. Sonra makarnanin suyunu suzup genis bir borcam tepsiye aktarin. Dogranmis tavugu ilave edip, harmanlayin.
Bu arada bir bardak sut ve tavugu hasladiginiz su ile kremali tavuk corbasini pisirin. Atesten almadan once yumurtayi ve karabiberi ilave edin ve karistirin. Koyu kivamli bir karisim elde edeceksiniz. Eger kutu/konserve tavuk corbasi kullaniyorsaniz ve koyu kivam olusmadiysa, bir tatli kasigi nisasta ilave edip kivamini ayarlayabilirsiniz. Bu karisimi makarnanin uzerine dokun ve esit olarak dagitmak icin karistirin. Uzerine kasar peyniri serpin.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek pisirin (20-30 dakika).
Firinda Tavuklu Makarnayi sicak olarak servis yapin.

Strawberry Jam (Cilek Receli)

2 lb (~1 kg) strawberry (preferably small)
75-800 gr sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice

Wash the strawberries, drain and clean stems and leaves. In a large pot, place one layer of strawberry and spread some sugar on them. Then repeat this process till all strawberries are placed. Cover the lid and leave over the night.
The next day, place the pot over low heat and cook until you see bubbles. Then turn the heat to medium and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. To check whether your jam is ready take some jam with a wooden spoon and drop it on a plate. If the drop is dense and it keeps its shape when it cools, add the lemon juice and stir. Otherwise, simmer for a few minutes and repeat the drop test.
Some of the fruits form foam on the surface. If it is the case, remove the foam from the surface with a spoon. The jam will go sour, if foam mix into the jam.Turn the heat off and transfer the jam to clean and dry glass jars. Close the lids tightly. To keep the temperature, cover the jars with a thick cloth like a blanket and leave them for 2-3 hours. Then keep the strawberry jams in a cool and dark place.

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1 kg (~2lb) cilek (tercihen kucuk)
750-800 gr seker
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu

Cilekleri yikayip, suyunu suzun ve saplarini temizleyin. Bir tencereye bir tabaka cilek bir tabaka seker olacak sekilde, sekerle birlikte tencereye yerlestirin. Tencerenin kapagini kapatip, bir gece boyunca bekletin.
Ertesi gun, kisik ateste kaynatmaya baslayin. Arada sirada karistirin. Kaynamaya baslayinca atesi orta dereceye getirin.Meyvenin cinsine gore kopuk olusumu gozlenebilir. Eger kopuk olusursa kopukleri alin. Kopuk recele karisirsa eksime yapar.
Yaklasik 15-20 dakika karistirdiktan sonra, recelden bir tahta kasikla alip bir tabaga damlatin, soguduktan sonra damla koyu bir sekilde ve kalip gibi duruyorsa receliniz olmus demektir. Limon suyunu ilave edin ve karistirin.Receli atesten alin ve sicakken cam kavanozlara doldurun ve agzini sikica kapatin. Sicak kalmasi ve sterilizasyon isleminin gerceklesmesi icin, battaniye gibi kalin bir ortu ile recel dolu kavanozlari ortun ve 2-3 saat bekletin. Hazir olan cilek recellerini serin ve karanlik bir ortamda muhafaza edin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mushroom Omelet (Mantarli Omlet)

4-5 mushrooms, brushed and sliced evenly
3 eggs, beaten
3 tbsp crushed tomato
¼ tsp salt to taste
A pinch of basil (optional)
2 tbsp butter

In a skillet, melt the butter and sauté mushrooms till they become soft. Then stir in tomatoes, salt and sauté for a couple of minutes. Pour the eggs evenly and sprinkle basil (optional). Cook both sides over medium heat, till eggs are cooked.
Serve warm.

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4-5 mantar, firca ile temizlenip dilimlenmis
3 yumurta, cirpilmis
2 yemek kasigi tereyagi
3 yemek kasigi domates puresi/rendelenmis domates
1 cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam kuru feslegen (istege bagli)

Tereyagini genis bir tavada eritin ve mantarlari yumusayana dek kisik ateste kavurun. Sonra domatesi de ilave edip biraz kavurunca, tuzu ilave edin ve yumurtayi esit sekilde dokun. Isterseniz uzerine feslegen serpin. Orta ateste her iki tarafini da guzelce pisirin.
Sicak servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Friday, January 16, 2009

Okra Stew with Ground Meat (Kiymali Bamya)

1 lb (~450 gr) whole or cut okra, fresh/frozen
¼ lb ground meat
1 tbsp oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tsp tomato paste
1 tomato, diced/ crushed (3 tbsp)
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp lemon juice
A pinch of sugar
¾ cup hot water
½ tsp black pepper

In a pot, cook ground meat with oil till the meat changes its color. Then stir in onions and sauté for a couple of minutes. Then stir in tomato paste and tomatoes, sauté for 2 minutes.
Stir in okras and cook until they change in color, stirring occasionally.
Then add hot water, sugar, lemon juice and salt. Close the lid and cook over low heat till okras are soft and tender, about 30 minutes. Sprinkle black pepper and serve warm.

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½ kg bamya, butun ya da kesilmis, taze/dondurulmus
~100 gr kiyma
1 tbsp oil
1 orta boy sogan, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
1 domates, dogranmis/pure (3 yemek kasigi)
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi limon suyu
Bir tutam seker
¾ su bardagi sicak su
1 cay kasigi karabiber

Bir tencerede sivi yag ve kiymayi bir kac dakika kavurun ve soganlari ilave ederek, renk degistirene dek kavurmaya devam edin. Sonra salca ve domatesi ilave edin. Biraz kavurduktan sonra bamyalari ilave edin ve renkleri degisene dek kavurun.
Son olarak sicak suyu, sekeri, limon suyunu ve tuzu ilave edip, kapagini kapatin ve kisik ateste bamyalar pisene dek, yaklasik 30 dakika pisirin. Uzerine karabiber ilave edip, servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stuffed Mushrooms (Mantar Dolmasi)

1 lb (~450 gr) button mushrooms
½ cup mozzarella/cheddar, shredded
2-3 tbsp cream cheese (optional)
¼ tsp salt to taste
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of basil (optional)
1 tbsp olive oil

Clean mushrooms with a damp paper towel or brush. If mushrooms contact with water so long, they will absorb water like a sponge.
Discard the stalks of mushrooms and chop them finely. Saute them with olive oil over low heat, for about 2-3 minutes. Then stir in black pepper, salt and basil. Mix with cream cheese (optional) and shredded cheese.
With a teaspoon, put this mixture into the mushrooms and press firmly (see the picture). Preheat the oven to 350F (180C) and bake the stuffed mushrooms for about 18-20 minutes.

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½ kg kultur mantari
½ su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
2-3 yemek kasigi krem peynir (istege bagli)
½ cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam karabiber
Bir tutam kuru feslegen (istege bagli)
1 yemek kasigi zetyinyagi

Mantarlari nemli bir kagit havlu ile ya da nemli bir firca ile temizleyin. Mantar su ile uzun sure temas ederse, sunger gibi suyu cekecektir.
Mantarlarin saplarini cikarin ve kucuk kucuk dograyarak zetinyagi ile 2-3 dakika kavurun. Sonra karabiber, feslegen ve tuzu ilave edip, karistirin. Sonra krem peynir (istege bagli) ve rendelenmis kasari ilave edip karistirin.
Bu karisimi mantarlarin icine doldurarak hafifce bastirin (resime bakiniz). Onceden 180C (350F) ye isitilmis firinda yaklasik 18-20 dakika pisirin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Peppers with Tomato Sauce (Domates Soslu Biber)

2-3 green peppers, cut into bite sizes
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tomatoes, crushed/6-7 tbsp crushed tomato in a can
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
½ tsp salt to taste

In a skillet shallow fry peppers with olive oil. Sprinkle half of the salt. When peppers become soft and light brown, place them in a plate. Then place crushed tomatoes, minced garlic and remaining salt in same skillet. The remaining oil in the skillet will be enough for tomatoes. Cook tomatoes over low heat for 3-4 minutes.
Finally pour the tomato sauce on shallow fried peppers. You can garnish with sweet corn pieces.
You can serve Peppers with Tomato Sauce cold or warm with any kind of meat and poultry dishes.

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2-3 yesil biber, buyuk dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 domates, rendelenmis/6-7 yemek kasigi domates puresi
2-3 dis sarimsak, rendelenmis/dovulmus
1 cay kasigi tuz

Tavada yag ve biberleri, biberler yumusayip hafif kizarana dek kisik ateste kavurun. Tuzun yarisini biberlerin uzerine serpin.
Biberler hazir olunca servis tabagina alin. Tavaya domatesleri ilave edin, tavada kalan yag domatesler icin yeterli olacaktir. Geri kalan tuzu ve sarimsaklari da ilave edip, kisik ateste , domatesler suyunu cekene dek 3-4 dakika pisirin.
Hazir olan domates sosunu biberlerin uzeine dokun. Uzerini misir taneleri ile susleyebilirsiniz.
Domates Soslu Biberleri sicak ya da soguk olarak et ve tavuk yemeklerinin yaninda servis edebilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Potato Patties (Patates Koftesi)

1 lb (1/2 kg) potato, boiled without peeling
1 big onion, shredded/chopped finely
1 tsp salt to taste
1 tsp paprika
1 egg
½ bunch fresh parsley, chopped finely (optional)
1 tsp basil
½ cup any kind of cheese, shredded (istege bagli)
½ cup flour
½ cup oil for frying

Peel the potatoes and then mash. Mix all the ingredients, but oil in a large bowl using your hands. Leave the mixture for cooling in the fridge at least 30 minutes.
Then take plum size pieces and make slightly flat, long patties.
Place the oil in a skillet and sizzle. Place the flour in a plate and dip the Potato Patties. Make sure all sides are covered with flour. Then shallow fry them over medium heat, till both sides are golden brown.
Potato Patties are good to with meat and poultry dishes and yogurt or cacik.

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½ kg patates, kabuklari soyulmadan haslanmis
1 buyuk sogan, rendelenmis/ince dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 ½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
½ demet maydanoz, ince dogranmis (istege bagli)
1 tatli kasigi kuru feslegen
1 yumurta
½ su bardagi herhangi cesit peynir, rendelenmis (istege bagli)
½ su bardagi un
½ su bardagi sivi yag, kizartmak icin

Patateslerin kabuklarini soyup, ezin ve sivi yag haric butun malzemeleri ilave edip, elinizle guzelce karistirin. Bu karisimi sogumasi icin en az 30 dakika buzdolabinda bekletin.
Sonra cevizden biraz daha buyuk parcalar alin ve elinizde yuvarlayarak oval sekilli uzun ve yassi kofteler yapin. Bir tabaga unu koyun ve yaptiginiz koftelerin her yerini una guzelce bulayin ve sonra az yagda her iki tarafi kizarana dek pisirin.
Patates koftesi et, tavuk yemekleri yaninda ve yogurt ya da cacik ile guzel gider.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Italian Broccoli with Tomatoes (Italyan Domatesli Brokoli)

3 cups of broccoli florets
2 tomatoes, cut in bite sizes
1 small onion, cut in circular shapes (optional)
½ cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
½ tsp salt to taste
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp dried Italian seasoning
¼ tsp dried parsley flakes
½ cup water
1/8 tsp black pepper

Place broccoli and water in 2-quart microwavable casserole; cover. Microwave on High, about 5 to 8 minutes or until crisp-tender; drain. You can also cook them in the oven.
Stir in tomatoes, Italian seasoning, parsley, extra virgin olive oil, onions, salt and pepper. Microwave, uncovered, on High 2 to 4 minutes or until tomatoes are hot. Sprinkle cheese on top and microwave 1 minute or until cheese melts.

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3 su bardagi parcalara ayirilmis brokoli
2 domates, iri dogranmis
1 kucuk sogan, halka halka dilimlenmis
½ su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi tuz
1 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
1 cay kasigi kuru Italyan baharat karisimi
½ cay kasigi kuru maydanoz
½ su bardagi su
¼ cay kasigi karabiber

Mikrodalga icin uygun bir borcam kase ya da tepsiye brokoli ve suyu koyun. Uzerine kapak kapatarak, yuksek derecede 6-8 dakika boyunca, brokoliler yumusayana dek pisirin. Ayni islemi firinda da yapabilirsiniz.
Sonra suyu suzun ve domatesleri, sogani, baharatlari, zeytinyagi ve tuzu ilave edip, uzeri acik olarak yuksek derecede mikrodalgada 2-4 dakika daha pisirin.
Son olarak kasar peyniri uzerine serpin ve yine ayni derecede 1-2 dakika daha kasar eriyene dek pisirin.

Balkan Style Green Onion Casserole (Balkan Usulu Yesil Sogan Guveci)

3-4 green onions, washed and chopped
1 cup rice/ bulgur/ half and half
1 ½ cup hot water
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 cup crumbled feta cheese/ Mexican crumbling cheese
3 tbsp oil
1 tbsp salt
¼ tsp baking soda
½ tsp paprika

Wash the rice or bulgur and leave it in a bowl covered with water for about 30 minutes. Then drain.
In a pot, sauté the onions with oil and stir in rice/bulgur. Then saute for 3-4 minutes over low heat. Add salt and hot water, close the lid and cook over low heat till the rice/bulgur absorbs all the water.
Beat eggs and milk in a bowl and stir in crumbled feta cheese/Mexican crumbling cheese and baking soda. Add this mixture to cooked rice/bulgur and mix them all. Transfer this mixture to a medium size Pyrex dish and sprinkle paprika on top.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C) and bake till the surface turns to golden brown, for about 20 minutes.

3-4 yesil sogan, yikanip, dogranmis
1 su bardagi pirinc/bulgur/yari yariya
1 ½ su bardagi sicak su
1 su bardagi sut
2 yumurta,
1 su bardagi kiriklanmis beyaz peynir/lor
3 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karbonat
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber

Pirinc ya da bulguru yikayip 30 dakika kadar ilik su icinde bekletin. Sonra suyunu suzun.
Bir tencerede sivi yag ile soganlari kavurun ve pirinc/bulgur ilave edip 3-4 dakika kisik ateste kavurun. Sonra tuz ve sicak suyu ilave edin ve kapagini kapatip suyunu cekene dek kisik ateste pisirin.
Bir kasede yumurta ve sutu cirpin, icine karbonat ve kiriklanmis peynir ya da loru ilave edin. Bu karisimi pisirdiginiz pirinc/bulgur karisimina ilave edip guzelce karistirin. Elde ettiginiz karisimi orta buyuklukteki bir borcam tepsiye dokun ve uzerine kirmizi toz biber serpin. Onceden isittiginiz 200C (400F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek yaklasik 20 dakika pisirin.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Wet Cake (Islak Kek)

3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil/8 tbsp butter (130gr)
1½ cup milk
4 tbsp cocoa
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla extract /1 package vanilla
Coconut flakes or crushed nuts for garnish

In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar, till they become foamy. Then beat in oil or melted margarine, cocoa, milk and vanilla.
Then put aside 1 cup from this mixture to use it later. Mix in flour and baking powder to the remaining mixture.
Preheat the oven to 350F (180 C).Grease the baking tray and pour the cake mixture evenly. Bake for 25-30 minutes. To check whether the cake is ready, insert a toothpick in the center and pull it out, if it comes out clean, your cake is ready.
Slice the cake and pour the mixture (you put aside before) evenly. Let it cool and garnish with coconut flakes or crushed nuts before serving.

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3 yumurta
2 su bardagi seker
1 su bardagi sivi yag/8 yemek kasigi (130 gr) margarine
1½ su bardagi sut
4 yemek kasigi kakao
2 su bardagi un
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu/ 1 paket kabartma tozu
1 tatli kasigi vanilya ekstrakti/ 1 paket vanilya
Suslemek icin hindistan cevizi ya da kiriklanmis ceviz/findik/badem

Genis bir kasede yumurta ve sekeri kopuk olusana dek mikser ile cirpin. Sonra sivi yag ya da erimis margarine, sut, kakao ve vanilyayi ilave edip karistirin.
Bu karisimdan 1 su bardagi alip, daha sonra kekin uzerine dokmek icin ayirin. Kalan karisima un ve kabartma tozunu ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin. Yaglamis oldugunuz firin tepsisine dokun ve onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda 25-30 dakika kadar pisirin.Kekin orta kismina kurdan batirarak, pisip pismedigini kontrol edebilirsiniz. Eger kurdan temiz olarak cikarsa kekiniz pismistir.
Firindan cikardiginiz keki dilimleyin ve uzerine onceden ayirmis oldugunuz karisimi esit olarak dokun. Soguduktan sonra uzerini hindistan cevizi ya da ceviz/findik/badem ile susleyerek servis yapabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Shish Kebab (Sis Kebap)

1 lb boneless beef or lamb
1 tsp salt
1-2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp paprika
1tbsp lemon juice
Green/yellow/red pepper, cut in big chunks
2-3 medium onions, cut into 4
Any kind of vegetables you like
Wooden/ metal skewers

In a bowl, combine salt, garlic, olive oil, cumin, paprika and lemon juice. Cut the meat uniformly sized 1 to 2 inch cubes for quick and even cooking.
Then add the meat into marinade sauce and mix them all. Leave for marinating at least 1 hour, preferably one night in the fridge.
Drain the meat and discard the marinade sauce, do not use it again.
Put the meat and vegetables on skewers. If you are using wooden skewers, leave them in water for 30 minutes, to prevent them catching fire over the grill.
Cook Shish Kebabs on the grill, electric grill or you can bake them in the oven at 400F (200C) till all sides are golden brown and tender.

The History of Shish Kebab

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½ kg kemiksiz dana ya da koyun eti
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1-2 sarimsak, dovulmus
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
1 yemek kasigi limon
Yesil/kirmizi/sari biber, buyuk lokmalar halinde kesilmis
2-3 tane orta boy sogan, dorte bolunmus
Her turlu istediginiz sebze
Tahta/metal mangal sisi

Bir kasede, tuz, sarimsak, zeytinyagi, kimyon, kirmizi toz biber ve limon suyunu karistirin. Etleri 3-4 cm lik kupler seklinde dograyin.
Marine sosuna etleri ilave edin ve guzelce karistirip, en az 1 saat, tercihen bir gece buzdolabinda bekletin.
Pisireceginiz zaman marine sosunu suzun ve atin, geri kalan sosu tekrar kullanmayin.
Eti ve sebzeleri sislere dizin. Eger tahta sis kullaniyorsaniz, sisleri en az 30 dakika suda bekletin. Tahta suyu cekip, mangal esnasinda alev almayacaktir.
Sis kebablari mangalda, elektrikli izgarada ya da firinda 200 C (400 F)de her taraflari kizarana dek pisirin.

Texas Steak (Teksas Usulu Biftek)

1 lb steak (preferably sirloin or rib)
2 tbsp yogurt
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp cumin
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp lemon juice
½-1 tsp thyme
¼ tsp paprika
1 tbsp soy sauce (optional)

Combine all the ingredients, but the steak. Then, rub the steak with this marinade sauce. Place the steak into the remaining sauce and leave at least 1 hour, preferably one night in the fridge.
Then, you can cook the steak over grill, electric grill or in a skillet over medium heat, till the both sides are golden brown.
You can serve steak with mashed potatoes, pilaf, fried potatoes or vegetables.

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½ kg biftek eti (tercihen antrkot ya da bonfile)
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
2 yemek kasigi zetyinyagi
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 yemek kasigi limon suyu
1-2 cay kasigi kekik
½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
1 yemek kasigi soya sosu (istege bagli)

Et haric butun malzemeleri bir kapta karistirin ve elde ettiginiz marine sosunu ellerinizle ovarak ete yedirin. Eti, marine sosunun icine yatirin ve en az 1 saat, tercihen 1 gece boyunca buzdolabinda birakin.
Sonra biftegi; mangalda, elektrikli izgarada ya da tavada her iki tarafi kizarana dek orta ateste pisirin.
Biftegi; patates puresi, patates kizartmasi, pilav ya da sebze ile servis edebilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Eggplant Stew with Tomatoes (Domatesli Patlican)

2 eggplants, washed and peeled
2 tomatoes, diced / 1 ½ cups diced tomato in a can
1 big onion, chopped
1 tsp tomato paste (optional)
1 green pepper, chopped
3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp basil (optional)
½ cup hot water

Cut the eggplants in cubes and place into a bowl covered with water. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and drain.
In a pot, sauté onions with olive oil. Then stir in tomato paste (optional) and peppers. Saute them over medium heat and then stir in eggplants. Saute for 3-4 minutes. Finally add salt, hot water, basil and tomatoes. Do not stir, just leave tomatoes on top and cover the lid. Cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat till eggplants are tender.
Sprinkle black pepper on top and stir.
Serve Eggplant Stew with Tomatoes warm or cool, with yogurt or cacik as you like.

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2 patlican, yikanip soyulmus
2 domates, kup seklinde dogranmis/ 1 ½ su bardagi domates konservesi1 buyuk sogan, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi (istege bagli)
3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karabiber
1 cay kasigi feslegen (istege bagli)

Patlicanlari kup kup dograyin ve ici su dolu bir kapta 15-20 dakika bekletin. Sonra durulayin ve suyunu suzun.
Tencereye zeytinyagi ve soganlari koyup, pembelesene dek kavurun. Domates salcasini ve biberleri ilave edin (istege bagli). Orta ateste biraz kavurduktan sonra patlicanlari ilave edin ve 3-4 dakika kavurun. Son olarak tuz, sicak su, feslegen ve domatesleri ilave edin. Karistirmadan oylece birakin, tencerenin kapagini kapatip kisik ateste 20-25 dakika patlicanlar yumusayana dek pisirin.
Pistikten sonra uzerine karabiber serpin ve Domatesli Patlicani karistirip sicak ya da soguk servis yapin. Yaninda yogurt ya da cacik ile servis edebilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Walnut Bread Rolls (Cevizli Ekmek)

25-30 gr fresh active yeast/7 gr instant yeast
2 cups lukewarm water
1 tbsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 egg (white goes inside, yolk for egg wash)
¼ cup oil
6 cups of flour, heaping
1 cup crushed walnut/pecan
1 tsp allspice
2 tbsp yogurt (for egg wash)

Place the lukewarm water, sugar and the yeast into a bowl. Stir well to dissolve the sugar and the yeast.
Then, add salt, egg white, ¼ cup oil and flour, knead for 5-8 minutes, till dough becomes elastic. Place a plastic wrap on the dough (see the picture) and let it rest for 2 hours in a warm place, till it rises up to double its volume (see the picture).
Place dough on the counter and punch to release air. Then sprinkle some flour on the counter and try to flatten the dough in 1/10 inch thickness with a dough roller.
Sprinkle allspice and spread the crushed walnut over dough (see the picture). Then roll it up tightly (see the picture). Cut the roll into 2 inch wide pieces (see the picture), and press gently on cut sides. Then place them into the baking tray with baking paper. Leave it for 1-2 hours to rise.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C). Mix the egg yolk and yogurt in a bowl and brush surface of the Walnut Bread Rolls with this egg wash. Bake for 12-15 minutes, then switch to 350 F (180 C) and bake for 8-10 minutes till they turn to golden brown.
After taking those out of the oven cover them with a clean cloth or towel to keep them soft. Serve warm.
This recipe makes 24-25 rolls.

P.S: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

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25-30 gr yas maya/7 gr instant toz maya
2 su bardagi ilik su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi seker
1 yumurta (beyazi icine, sarisi uzerine)
½ cay bardagi sivi yag
6 su bardagi un, tepeleme
1 su bardagi kiriklanmis ceviz/ pekan cevizi
1 tatli kasigi yenibahar
2 yemek kasigi yogurt (uzeri icin)

Ilik suyu ve mayayi bir kaseye alin, icine sekeri ilave edin ve sekerle maya cozunene kadar iyice karistirin.Sonra, yumurta beyazini, ¼ su bardagi sivi yagi, unu ve tuzu ilave ederek, 5-8 dakika hamur elastik olana dek yogurun. Uzerine seffaf film ortun (resime bakiniz) ve sicak bir ortamda, hamur iki kati kadar kabarana dek, yaklasik 2 saat, bekleyin (resime bakiniz).
Hamuru tezgahin uzerine alin ve havasini indirmek icin uzerinden bastirin ve tezgahi unlayip oklava ile hamuru ½ cm kalinliginda acin. Uzerine yenibahar serpin ve kiriklanmis cevizleri yayin (resime bakiniz). Sonra sikica rulo yapin (resime bakiniz) ve ruloyu 4-5 cm genisliginda parcalara kesin (resime bakiniz). Sonra kesik yerlerinden hafifce bastirip, uzerinde yagli kagit olan tepsiye aralikli olarak dizin. Ekmek rulolari iki kati buyuyene kadar yaklasik 1-2 saat bekletin.
Firini onceden 200 C (400F) ye isitin ve yogurt ile yumurta sarisini karistirip, rulolarin uzerine firca ile surun. 12-15 dakika pisirip, sicakligi 180 C (350F) ye dusurun ve 8-10 dakika daha uzerleri kizarana dek pisirin.
Firindan cikarinca, tepsinin uzerini temiz bir mutfak bezi ya da havlu ile ortup hava almasini engeleyin. Boylece Peynirli Ekmek Rulolariniz yumusacik olacaklar.
Sicak servis yapin.
Bu tariften 25-26 tane Cevizli Ekmek oluyor.

NOT: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.