Showing posts with label sehriye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sehriye. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tomato Soup with Potatoes (Patatesli Domates Corbasi)

1 onion, chopped
2 medium/1 cup tomatoes, petite diced
2 medium potatoes, petite diced
2/3 cup vermicelli/orzo
2 tbsp canola/olive oil
1 tbsp salt to taste
8 cups hot water
1 chicken bouillon (optional)
2 tbsp yogurt
1 egg
Black pepper

Saute onions with canola/olive oil in a pot for 2-3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and continue sautéing over medium heat for a while. Add hot water, salt and chicken bouillon (if using). Once it starts bubbling, stir in potatoes and simmer over low-medium heat for about 10-15 minutes.
Stir in vermicelli/orzo. Cook for about 8-10 more minutes till the vermicelli/orzo and potatoes are cooked. Turn the heat off.
For the sauce, beat the egg and yogurt in a bowl. Take a ladle of soup and slowly stir in the sauce to reduce the heat difference between the soup and sauce. Then, slowly stir the sauce into soup. Sprinkle black pepper and serve warm.
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1 sogan, dogranmis
2 domates/1 su bardagi domates, kucuk dogranmis
2/3 su bardagi tel/arpa sehriye
2 yemek kasigi kanola/zeytinyagi
1 yemek kasigi tuz
8 su bardagi sicak su
1 tavuk bulyon (istege bagli)
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
1 yumurta

Bir tencereye kanola/zeytinyagini ve sogani alin. Orta ateste 2-3 dakika kavurun. Domatesi ilave edin ve bir sure daha kavurmaya devam edin. Sicak su, tuz ve kullaniyorsaniz bulyonu ekleyin. Kaynamaya baslayinca patatesleri ilave edin. Kisik ateste yaklasik 10-15 dakika pisirin.
Sonra, sehriyeyi ilave edin ve karistirin. Sehriye ve patatesler pisene dek yaklasik 10 dakika boyunca pisirin. Altini kapatin.
Corbanin terbiyesi icin bir kasede yumurta ve yogurdu mumkun oldugu kadar iyi cirpin. Bir kepce ile sicak corbadan alin ve yavasca cirpmis oldugunuz terbiye sosunun icine karistirin. Boylece terbiye sosu ve corbanin arasindaki sicaklik farkini azaltmis olursunuz. Son olarak terbiye sosunu yavas yavas karistirarak corbaya ilave edin. Karabiber serpin ve sicak servis yapin.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Carrot Soup (Havuc Corbasi)

2 big carrots, finely grated
1-2 cloves of garlic, grated
3 tbsp canola oil
1 tsp flour
2/3 cup orzo/vermicelli
6-7 cup water
2 tbsp yogurt
1 egg
1 tbsp salt to taste

Saute carrot in canola oil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Then, stir in garlic and flour. Saute for a while and then add water and stir well to dissolve flour inside.
Once it gets bubbling stir in orzo/vermicelli and salt. Lower the heat. Close the lid half way and simmer till the orzo/vermicelli is cooked.
Meanwhile, in a small bowl beat the egg and yogurt. Laddle the soup into the yogurt mixture slowly and stir. Then, pour the yogurt mixture into the soup slowly and stir well to make it even. Serve Carrot Soup warm or hot.

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2 buyuk boy havuc, ince rendelenmis
1-2 dis sarimsak, rendelenmis
3 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 tatli kasigi un
2/3 su bardagi tel/arpa sehriye
6-7 su bardagi su
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
1 yumurta
1 yemek kasigi tuz

Once sivi yagda havuclari 2-3 dakika boyunca orta ateste kavurun. Sarimsak ve unu ilave edip biraz cevirin. Suyu ilave edin ve surekli karistirarak havuclarin su icinde esit olarak dagilmasini saglayin.
Kaynamaya baslayinca tel/arpa sehriyeyi ve tuzu ilave edin. Atesin altini kisin ve sehriyeler pisene dek pisirin.
Bu arada bir kasede yumurta ve yogurdu guzelce cirpin. Corbadan bir miktar alip yavas yavas bu karisimin icine dokerek karistirin. Sonra yogurt karisimini yavas yavas ve karistirarak corbaya dokun.
Havuc Corbasi’ni sicak servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Green Lentil Dish (Yesil Mercimek Yemegi)

1 cup green lentil, soaked in water overnight, washed and drained
3 cups hot chicken stock/hot water and chicken bouillon
1 tomato, grated/ 2/3 cup crushed tomato
2-3 tbsp olive oil
½ cup orzo/vermicelli/angel hair (optional)
1 onion, chopped finely
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp cumin (optional)
2 cloves of garlic, sliced (optional)

Soak green lentils in water overnight to decrease the cooking time. Then, wash and drain. In a pot, sauté onions with olive oil over medium heat. Stir in green lentils and cook for 3 minutes.
Stir in tomatoes, garlic (optional) and hot chicken stock/water and chicken bouillon. Bring to a boil and add orzo/vermicelli/angel hair(optional) and salt. Cover the lid and simmer over low heat till the lentils are cooked (20-30 minutes). Sprinkle cumin before serving (optional).
Serve Green Lentil Dish with cacik.
1 su bardagi yesil mercimek, aksamdan islatilmis
3 su bardagi sicak tavuk suyu/ sicak su ve tavuk bulyonu
1 domates, rendelenmis
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 cay bardagi tel/arpa sehriye (istege bagli)
1 sogan, kucuk dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi kimyon (istege bagli)
2 dis sarimsak, dilimlenmis (istege bagli)

Yesil mercimegin kolay pismesi icin aksamdan islatin ve yikayip suzun. Tencerede sogan ile zeytinyagini orta ateste sote edin. Sonra, yikanmis mercimekleri ilave edin ve 3 dakika kadar kavurun.
Domates, sarimsak (istege bagli) ve tavuk suyunu/su ve tavuk bulyonu ilave edin. Kaynamaya baslayinca tuz ve sehriyeleri(istege bagli) ilave edin. Kisik ateste kapagi kapali olarak yaklasik 20-30 dakika pisirin. Pismeye yakin kimyon serpin (istege bagli).
Yesil Mercimek Yemegi’ni yaninda cacik ile servis yapabilirsiniz.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Milk Soup (Sut Corbasi)

Milk Soup is my dear sister’s favorite soup; I dedicate this recipe to her.

1 cup vermicelli
2 cups water
3 cups milk
1 tbsp salt to taste
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp paprika

Boil 2 cups of water in a pot and add vermicelli. Cook for 8-10 minutes over medium heat till vermicelli is soft. Then add salt and milk. When it boils, simmer for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally.
For garnish, place the butter in a small frying pan and melt over low-medium heat. When spitting starts, stir in paprika and a pinch of salt. Then pour on the soup and serve warm.

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Bu corba biricik kardesimin en sevdigi corbalardan biridir. Bu tarifi ona itham ediyorum.

1 su bardagi tel sehriye
2 su bardagi su
3 su bardagi sut
1 yemek kasigi tereyagi
1 tatli kasigi toz kirmizi biber
1 yemek kasigi tuz

2 su bardagi suyu tencereye koyun ve kaynayinca tel sehriyeleri ilave edin. Tel sehriyeler pisince (8-10 dakika) sutu ve tuzu ilave edin. Kaynayinca kisik ateste ara da karistirarak 6-8 dakika daha pisirin.
Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini kizdirin ve hafif ateste icine toz kirmizi biberi ilave edin. Baloncuklar cikmaya baslayinca ocaktana alin ve corbanin uzerine tereyagi-kirmizi biber karisimini dokun.
Sicak servis yapin.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Chicken Soup with Vermicelli (Sehriyeli Tavuk Corbasi)

1 whole chicken leg or ½ lb chicken breast
1/2 cup vermicelli
1 medium carrot, grated
3 gloves of garlic, sliced
1 tbsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp lemon juice

Place the chicken in a pot and add 6-8 cups of water. Add 1 tsp salt and boil until the chicken is cooked. Then, cool the chicken and cut into small bite sizes.
Add carrot, garlic, 1 tsp salt to the chicken broth you got before and cook over medium heat. When it boils, add vermicelli and chicken pieces. Simmer for 8-10 minutes. Let it cool for a while. Mix the beaten egg and lemon juice in a bowl and slowly stir in to the Chicken Soup with Vermicelli. Finally sprinkle black pepper on top and serve warm.

1 butun tavuk budu yada gogsu
1/2 su bardagi tel sehriye
1 orta boy havuc, rendelenmis
3 dis sarimsak, dilimlenmis
2 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber
1 yumurta, cirpilmis
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu

Tavugu ve 6-8 su bardagini bir tencereye koyun. 1 tatli kasigi tuzuda ekleyip pisene dek kaynatin. Tavugu sogutun ve kucuk parcalar halinde dograyin.
Tavuk suyuna havuclari, sarimsagi ve 1 tatli kasigi tuzu ilave edin ve orta ateste kaynatin. Kaynamaya baslayinca tel sehriyeyi ve tavuk parcalarini ekleyin ve 8-10 dakika pisirin. Ocagi kapattiktan sonra 10-15 dakika biraz sogumasini bekleyin.
Cirpilmis yumurta ile limon suyunu karistirin ve yavasca karistirirak Sehriyeli Tavuk Corbasina ilave edin. Son olarak karabiberi serpin ve sicak servis yapin.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tomato Soup With Vermicelli (Sehriyeli Domates Corbasi)

2 Tbsp flour, heaping
4 Tbsp oil
2 cups tomatoes, crushed or grated
1 Tbsp tomato paste
3 Tbsp vermicelli (optional)
1 tsp sugar
1 Tbsp salt
2 cups milk
2-3 cups water
Shredded mozzarella/ parmesan  for top

In a pot, place the oil and flour. Over low heat, sauté the flour with oil for about 3 minutes until its color changes to yellow. Then add tomatoes and tomato paste and sauté for 3 minutes. Add cold water.
Stir constantly over high medium heat. Use a blender in order to make it smoother, if necessary. Then add milk, salt and sugar. When it boils add the vermicelli (optional) and turn the heat low. Simmer for 6-8 minutes until the vermicelli are cooked.
Serve warm and with shredded cheese on top.

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2 yemek kasigi un, tepeleme
4 yemek kasigi sivi yag
2 su bardagi domates, rendelenmis/pure
1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
3 yemek kasigi tel sehriye (istege bagli)
1 tatli kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz
2 su bardagi sut
2-3 su bardagi su
Uzeri icin rendelenmis kasar peyniri

Bir tencereye sivi yagi ve unu alin ve unun rengi sarimtrak olana dek kisik ateste kavurun. (~3 dakika) Ardindan domatesleri ve domates salcasini ilave edip 3 dakika daha kavurun. Biraz karistirip soguk suyu koyun ve orta ateste karistirmaya baslayin.
Eger topaklanma olursa blendir ile karistirip puruzsuz bir kivam elde edebilirsiniz. sut, tuz ve sekeri ilave edin ve kaynayana dek bekleyin. Kaynamaya baslayinca tel sehriyeleri ilave edin (istege bagli) ve kisik ateste 6-8 dakika, sehriyeler pisene dek pisirin.
Servis tabagina aldiktan sonra uzerine rendelenmis kasar peyniri koyarak servis edin.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Turkish Pilaf With Vermicelli (Sehriyeli Pilav)

1 cup long grain rice
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp vermicelli/ orzo
1 ½ or 2 cups of hot water/ chicken stock (explained below)
Also you can add 1 cube of chicken bouillon to hot water
1 tsp salt

Wash the rice several times with warm water and drain. Cover the rice with warm water and leave it for 15-20 minutes and drain. If you do not have time for this, just wash the rice and then drain.
Place the butter and oil in a saucepan or pot and add the vermicelli or orzo. Over low-heat, fry until their color starts changing to golden brown. Do not over fry, take the pot from the stove as soon as you see the golden brown color and add the rice. Then, again place the pot on the stove and stir for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Finally, add the hot chicken stock / water (If you leave the rice in water before cooking, use 1 ½ cup hot water otherwise use 2 cups). Add the salt and close the lid and cook over low heat, until the rice absorbs all the water. Meanwhile you can stir once or twice. Let the pilaf stand for about 5-10 minutes before serving.
Pilaf goes well with any kind of dish and yogurt. I like it with plain yogurt.
P.S: You can also add 1 tsp of lemon juice with the water, to make the pilaf shine.
1 su bardagi baldo pirinc
1 yemek kasigi tereyagi
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag
2 yemek kasigi tel sehriye/ arpa sehriye
1 ½ su bardagi sicak tavuk suyu / sicak su
Ayrica 1 kup tavuk bulyonu da kullanabilirsiniz
1 tatli kasigi tuz

Pirinci temiz su cikana dek yikayip suzun. Uzerini ilik su ile kaplayin ve 15-20 dakika dinlenmeye birakin. Sonra suzun. Eger buna zamaniniz yoksa, pirinci sadece yikayip, suzun.
Tereyagi ve siviyagini bir tava ya da tencereye alin ve sehriyeleri ilave edin. Dusuk ateste sehriyeler kizarmaya baslayana dek cevirin. Ates uzerinde fazla birakmayin, kizarmaya baslar baslamaz ocaktan alin ve pirincleri ilave edin. Orta ateste 3-4 dakika pirincleri kavurun. Son olarak, sicak tavuk suyunu/suyu ilave edin ve karistirin (Eger pisirmeden once pirinci suda beklettiyseniz, 1 ½ su bardagi sicak su, eger bekletmediyseniz 2 su bardagi kullanin). Tuzu da ilave edip kapagini kapatin. Pilav suyunu cekene dek, dusuk ateste pisirin. Pisme esnasinda 1-2 defa karistirabilirsiniz. Servis yapmadan once 15-20 dakika dinlendirin.

Pilav butun yemek cesitleriyle ve yogurt ile guzel gider. Ben pilavi yogurt ile severim.
NOT: Eger pilavinizin parlamasini ve tane tane olmasini istiyorsaniz suyu ilave ederken 1 tatli kasigi limon suyu ilave edin.