2-3 banana peppers/1 green bell pepper, cut in bite sizes
3-4 medium tomatoes, sliced round
2/3 cup canola oil for frying
Tooth picks
For the Meatloaf:
1 lb ground beef
1 egg
1 onion, chopped finely
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced/grated
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper
For the sauce:
1 cup crushed/grated tomatoes
1 tbsp oil
A pinch of salt and sugar to taste
1/3 cup hot water
Wash and peel the eggplants in strip shapes or totally. Slice them lengthwise 1/3 inch thick. Then soak them in water or salt and leave them with salt for about 15 minutes.
In a frying pan, fry both sides of eggplant slices lightly. Leave aside. In a bowl, combine all of the meatloaf ingredients and knead with your hands till the mixture gets thick. Then, grab plum size pieces and round them in your palms.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C). Place the meatloaves in a Pyrex Dish and bake for 15-18 minutes till they are cooked. Take out and let them cool.
In a small bowl, place two eggplant slices perpendicular to each other like a cross. Then, place the meatloaf in the middle and wrap it with the eggplant slices. Grab it and place upside down over a tray or Pyrex. First put tomato and then pepper on top and insert a toothpick. Bake for 15-20 minutes in the 400 F (200 C) oven.
Meanwhile, place oil and crushed tomatoes in a small pan and sauté for 3-4 minutes over medium heat. Stir in salt, sugar and water. Cook over low heat till the sauce thickens (about 5 minutes).
Spoon the sauce over a serving plate and place Islim Kebab over. Serve warm.

2-3 carliston biber, kibrit kutusu buyuklugunde kesilmis
3-4 orta boy domates, yuvarlak dilimlenmis
2/3 su bardagi sivi yag
Kofte icin:
½ kg kiyma
1 yumurta
1 sogan, kucuk dogranmis
2-3 dis sarimsak, ezilmis/rendelenmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber
Sos icin:
1 su bardagi ezilmis/rendelenmis domates
1 yemek kasigi siviyag
Bir tutam tuz ve seker
1/3 su bardagi sicak su
Patlicanlari yikayin ve isterseniz tam olarak soyun ya da yollu olarak soyun. Uzunlamasina 1 cm kalinliginda dilimleyin. Sonra, su icinde ya da tuzlayarak tuzlu olarak 15 dakika boyunca bekletin.
Bir kizartma tavasinda patlicanlarin her iki tarafini da hafifce kizartin. Bir kenara ayirin. Genis bir kasede butun koftelik malzemeleri karistirin ve elinizle yogurarak kivamli bir karisim elde edin. Erik buyuklugunde parcalar alin ve avuc icinizde yuvarlayarak yuvarlak kofteler yapin.
Firini onceden 200 C (400 F)’ye isitin. Kofteleri firin tepsisine ya da borcam tepsiye dizin ve pisene dek yaklasik 15-18 dakika kadar pisirin. Firindan cikarin ve sogumasini bekleyin.
Kucuk bir kaseye iki tane patlican dilimini capraz gelecek bicimde ust uste koyun ve bir arti isareti elde edin. Ortasina bir tane kofte yerlestirin ve patlicanlari uzerien kapatarak sikica sarin. Elinizle alin ve ters cevirerek firin tepsisine yerlestirin. Uzerine once bir dilim domates ve sonar bir parca biber koyun. Uzerine kurdan batirarak sabitleyin. 200 C (400 F) firinda yaklasik 15-20 dakika pisirin.
Bu sirada, bir tavada sosu hazirlamak uzere sivi yag ve domatesi 3-4 dakika boyunca orta ateste pisirin. Tuz, seker ve suyu ilave edin. Kisik ateste sos biraz koyusana dek pisirin (yaklasik 5 dakika).
Bir iki kasik sosu servis tabagina alin ve uzerine Islim Kebabi’ni yerlestirin. Sicak servis yapin.