Showing posts with label ayva. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ayva. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Quince Compote (Ayva Kompostosu)

2 medium size quince
½ cup sugar
4 cups water
2-3 cloves, optional
1 cinnamon stick, optional

Wash the quince and remove the seeds. Chop them up equally and transfer to a pot. Add the sugar, water and if desired cloves and cinnamon as well. Let the sugar dissolve over medium heat stirring occasionally. Then, once it boils, turn the heat down and cook until the quince gets soft.
You may adjust the water and sugar amount according to your like.
Serve either cold or lukewarm.

P.S. For additional health benefits (vitamins and minerals) add the seeds in and cook with them. You may remove them before consumption.

2 adet orta boy ayva
1/2 su bardagi toz seker
4 su bardagi su
2-3 karanfil, istege gore
1 adet çubuk tarcin, istege gore

Ayvalari iyice yikadiktan sonra cekirdeklerini cikarin ve esit buyuklukte kup kup dograyin.
Ayvalari ve suyu, arzuya gore de karafilleri ve tarcini bir tencereye alin. Ara sira karistirarak seker eriyene dek pisirin. Kaynayan kompostonun altini kisin ve ayvalar yumusayana dek kisik ateste pisirin.
Su ve seker miktarini arzu ettiginiz sekilde ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Istege bagli olarak ilik ya da soguk servis yapabilirsiniz.

NOT: Ayva cekirdeginin sinirsiz faydalarindan (vitamin ve mineraller) yararlanmak icin konmpostoyu cekirdekleriyle beraber kaynatin. Servis yapmadan once cekirdekleri cikarip atabilirsiniz.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Quince Dessert (Ayva Tatlisi)

4 medium quinces
2 cups water
1 ½ cups sugar
7 pieces of clove
1 cinnamon stick (optional)
Seeds of quinces
2 Tbsp pomegranate flowers/ a pinch of red food coloring (optional)

For garnish:
Ice-cream/whip cream/thick cream
Crushed nuts

Peel the quinces and cut them in half, remove the seeds but do not discard. You may want to flatten the bottom of the quince halves for a better standing in the serving plate. Set them aside for later use. If not using the quinces you may want to dip them in lemon juice water to prevent browning. 
Place water, cloves, cinnamon stick, pomegranate flowers/red food color and quince seeds (for thick syrup) in a shallow pot or saucepan. Bring to a boil and place the quince halves bottoms up (seeded parts facing down). Simmer on low medium for 15 minutes with lid is half closed. Then, flip the quince halves now the seeded parts facing up and add sugar filling the seeded holes. Simmer for 10 more minutes with lid open or half closed. Check them with a fork and if they are soft enough.
Take them over the serving plate sliced part facing up and spoon some of the syrup in the bottom of the plate. Let them cool for 20-30 minutes. Then you may use either whip cream or thick cream or even ice cream to fill up the holes. If desired, sprinkle with come crushed nuts and serve.

4 tane orta boy ayva
2 su bardagi su
1 ½ su bardagi seker
7 tane karanfil
1 cubuk tarcin (istege bagli)
ayvanin cekirdekleri
2 yemek kasigi nar cicegi/ bir tutam kirmizi gida boyasi (istege bagli)

Uzeri icin:
Dondurma/krem santi/kaymak
Cekilmis antep fistigi/findik/ceviz

Ayvalarin kabuklarini soyup ikiye bolun. Cekirdeklerini cikarin ve daha sonra kullanmak uzere ayirin. Yuvarlak kisimlarini biraz duzleyip servis yaparken duzgun durmasini saglayabilirsiniz. Eger ayvalari hemen kullanmiyorsaniz, kararmasini engellemek icin limonlu su icine koyun.
Cok derin olmayan genisce bir tencereye; su, karanfil, tarcin cubugu ve nar cicegi/kirmizi gida boyasini koyun ve kaynatin. Sonra, ayvalari yuvarlak kisimlari yukari gelecek sekilde tencereye yerlestirin ve 15 dakika kisik ateste kapagi yari kapali sekilde pisirin. Ayvalari ters cevirin ve cukur cekirdek kisimlarini dolduracak sekilde sekeri ilave edin. Yine kapagi yari aralik sekilde 10 dakika kadar ya da ayvalar yumusayana dek pisirin.
Servis tabagina alin ve surubundan da dibine koyarak yaklasik 20-30 dakika sogumasini bekleyin. Sonra, cukur kisimlarini istege bagli olarak kaymak/krem santi ya da dondurma ile doldurun. Ogutulmus antep fistigi/ceviz/findik serperek servis yapin.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quince Jam (Ayva Receli)

2 lb quince
2 lb sugar
2 cups water
2 Tbsp lemon juice

Wash quinces and grate. Take them into a pot and add water. Bring to a boil. Then, cook over medium heat until they are softened (5-10 minutes). Stir in sugar and cook for additional 15-20 minutes or until it gets thick enough. Stir in lemon juice and turn the heat off.

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1 kg ayva
1 kg seker
2 su bardagi su
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu

Ayvalari yikayin ve rendeleyin. Rendelediginiz ayvalari bir tencereye alin ve suyu ilave edin. Yuksek ateste kaynayana dek pisirin. Ayvalar yumusayana dek (5-10 dakika) orta ateste pisirin. Sekeri ilave edin ve karistirin. Seker eriyip recel koyulasana dek (yaklasik 15-20 dakika), ara sira karistirarak orta ateste pisirin. Limon suyunu ilave edin, karistirin ve atesten alin.

Ana Sayfaya Don