Sunday, October 16, 2011

Roasted Cod with Lima Beans (Firinda Bakla Icli Morina Baligi)

4-6 pieces cod
1 ½ cup lima beans, fresh/frozen
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
4 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp salt to taste
¼ tsp ground black pepper

Place 4 sheets of aluminum foil on a work surface. Divide the lima beans among the foil sheets (about 3/4 cup per sheet). Place 1 tsp of olive oil 1 Tbsp of chopped parsley, and a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper on each pile of beans and gently toss to combine. Sprinkle salt and black pepper on each cod and rub with your hands. Place one piece of cod over each pile of beans. Pour remaining olive oil over each. Seal up the foil packets.
Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C). Place the foil packets on a baking sheet. Bake for 20-30 minutes until fish get tender and flaky. Gently transfer the beans and fish to a serving plate and serve with lemon wedges if desired.

4-6 parca morina baligi
1 ½ su bardagi bakla ici, taze/donmus
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
4 yemek kasigi taze maydanoz, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi taze karabiber

Tezgahin uzerine 4 tane genisce aluminyum folyo yayin. Bakla iclerini dordune birden esit olarak paylastirin. Uzerlerine 1 tatli kasigi zeytinyagi ve 1 yemek kasigi maydanoz ilave edin. Bir tutam tuz ve karabiber serpin ve nazifce harmanlayin. Baliklara tuz ve karabiber serperek, elinizle yedirin. Her aluminyum folyoya bir-iki tane morina baligi gelecek sekilde, baliklari bakla iclerinin uzerine koyun. Geri kalan zeytinyagini baliklarin uzerine dokun. Aluminyum folyolari koselerinden yukari dogru paket seklinde kapatin.
Firini onceden 190 C (375 F)’ye isitin. Yaklasik 20-30 dakika, baliklar yumusayana dek pisirin. Balik ve bakla iclerini servis tabagina alin ve arzuya gore yaninda limon dilimleri ile servis yapin.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Stuffed Kadaifi (Kadayif Dolmasi)

1 lb kadaifi
150 grams butter
1 cup walnuts/pecans, in chunks

For the Syrup:
3 cups water
2 ½ -3 cups sugar
1 tsp lemon juice

First mix sugar and water in a pot and boil the syrup for about 5 minutes. Stir in lemon juice and let it cool.
Melt butter and drizzle all over the kadaifi. Using your hands, try to mix the butter with kadaifi evenly. If the kadaifi pieces are too long, break them into smaller pieces with your hands. After tossing the kadaifi, take a small Turkish coffee cup and fill half of it with kadaifi and make a hole in the middle. Place about 1 tsp walnuts/pecans inside and fill the rest of the cup with more kadaifi. Gently press on top of the cup. Grease an oven tray and flip the cup upside down on the tray. Make sure to press on top of the kadaifi before flipping, otherwise the shape won’t come out well. Use the same procedure for all the kadaifi left.
Bake it at 350 F (180 C) preheated oven until they get light brown. Pour the cold syrup over the hot stuffed kadaifi right after taking out of oven. Let it absorb the syrup for at least 3-5 hours.

½ kg tel kadayif
150 gr tereyagi
1 su bardagi ceviz ici, ufalalanmis

Surubu icin:
3 su bardagi seker
2 ½ -3 su bardagi seker
1 tatli kasigi limon suyu

Once surubu hazirlayin. Su ve sekeri karistirarak genis bir tencerede yaklasik 5 dakika kadar kaynatin. Icine limon suyunu ilave edin ve sogumaya birakin.
Tereyagini eritin ve tel kadayifin uzerinde gezdirin. Ellerinizi kullanarak, tereyagini kadayifin her yerine yedirmek sartiyla guzelce harmanlayin. Eger kadayifin telleri uzunsa, elinizle kopararak daha ufak parcalara ayirin.
Ufak bir kahve fincaninin yarisina kadar kadayiftan doldurun ve orta kismini cukurlastirin. Cukur kismina sigdirabildiginiz kadar ceviz koyun (yaklasik 1 tatli kasigi kadar). Bol cevizli olunca daha lezzetli oluyor. Sonra uzerine tekrar finacin agiz kismina kadar kadayif koyarak, ustten hafifce bastirin. Yaglanmis firin tepsisine fincani ters cevirin. Eger fincanin icindeki malzemeyi ustten hafifce bastirmazsaniz tepsiye ters cevirdiginizde sekli bozuk cikacaktir.
Butun kadayif malzemesini ayni sekilde yaparak sekil verin.
Onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek pisirin.
Firindan cikan sicak kadayifin uzerine soguk serbeti dokun. Yaklasik 3-5 saat boyunca surubun emilmesini bekleyin.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cabbage with Tomatoes (Domatesli Lahana)

1 head of white cabbage, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp tomato paste
½ cup crushed tomatoes
½ tsp crushed chili pepper
1 tsp salt to taste
½ cup hot water if necessary

In a pot, sauté onions with olive oil. Then add tomato paste and tomatoes, sauté over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Stir in chopped cabbage and cook over low heat covered for about 20 minutes. Then, add salt, chili pepper, and hot water if necessary. If there is no juice left in the pot then go ahead and add hot water. Close the lid and simmer over low heat until cabbage is cooked (about 20-25 minutes).
Serve with either plain or garlic yogurt on top.
***This is a vegetarian dish.

1 bas beyaz lahana, dogranmis
1 sogan, dogranmis
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi domates, rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi pul biber
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ su bardagi sicak su, ihtiyac olursa

Bir tencerede sogan ile zeytinyagini kavurun. Sonra domates salcasi ve domatesi ilave edin ve orta ateste 2-3 dakika daha kavurup dogranmis beyaz lahanayi ilave edin. Bir sure kavurduktan sonra, kapagini kapatin ve kisik ateste yaklasik 20 dakika pisirin.
Son olarak tuz, pul biber ve gerekirse suyu ilave edin. Eger tencerenin dibinde su kaldiysa tekrar su ilave etmenize gerek yoktur. Kapagini kapatarak kisik ateste lahana yumusyana dek pisirin (yaklasik 20-25 dakika).
Servis onerisi olarak; sade ya da sarimsakli yogurt ile servis yapabilirsiniz.
***Bu bir vejeteryan tarifidir.