Showing posts with label hamsi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hamsi. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baked Anchovy (Firinda Hamsi)

1 lb anchovy, washed and drained
1 big onion, cut in half and sliced
2 tomatoes, diced/crushed
2-3 pairs if parsley, chopped
1-2 cloves of garlic, minced (optional)
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 bay leaves, torn in quarters
3 tbsp olive oil
A pinch of black pepper
1 tsp salt to taste
½ cup water

Cut the heads off anchovy and gut them. Then wash them under cold water and drain. Sprinkle salt and drizzle half of the olive oil, then mix them all. Place the anchovy over a Pyrex dish.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and bake for 10-12 minutes. Meanwhile in a skillet, sauté onions with the rest of the olive oil. Then stir in parsley and tomatoes. Cook for 1-2 minutes over medium heat. Finally stir in black pepper, water and garlic. Turn off the oven and stir in lemon juice.
Take the anchovy out of the oven and place the bay leaves evenly over. Then pour the tomato sauce all over the anchovy. Place it back to the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes. If you like well fried anchovy, then turn to broil for the last 3-4 minutes.
Serve Baked Anchovy with lemon wedges and Turkish Coleslaw.

Click for the benefits of fish
½ kg hamsi, yikanmis ve suyu suzulmus
1 buyuk sogan, yariya kesilip, dilimlenmis
2 domates, dogranmis/rendelenmis
2-3 dal maydanoz, dogranmis
1-2 dis sarimsak, dovulmus (istege bagli)
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu
2 defne yapragi, dorde bolunmus
3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
Bir tutam karabiber
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay bardagi su

Hamsilerin kafalarini kesin ve iclerini temizleyerek soguk su altinda yikayin. Tuzlayin ve zeytinyaginin yarisi ile hepsini harmanlayarak yaglayin. Firin tepsisine tek sira halinde dizin.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400F) firinda yaklasik 10-12 dakika pisirin. Bu arada bir tavada geri kalan zeytinyagi ile soganlari hafif kavurun ve maydanozla domatesi ilave edin. 1-2 dakika orta ateste cevirin. Son olarak sarimsak, su ve karabiberi ilave edin, ocaktan alin. Limon suyunu ilave edin ve karistirin.
Firindan cikardiginiz hamsilerin uzerine defne yapraklarini esit olarak yerlestirin ve domatesli sosu uzerine yayin. Tekrar firina koyun ve 10-15 dakika daha pisirin.
Eger daha cok kizarmasini isterseniz, son 3-4 dakika ustten kizartma yapabilirsiniz.
Firinda hamsiyi limon dilimleri ve lahana salatasi ile servis yapabilirsiniz.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fried Anchovy (Hamsi Tava)

1 pkg (454gr- 1lb) frozen anchovy, defrosted
1/3 cup flour
1tsp salt
½ cup sunflower oil/ canola oil/ corn oil (optional)

Cut the heads off (optional, heads absorb too much oil). Gut the anchovy and wash with cold water, drain. Put them in a bowl, sprinkle the salt and blend.
Pour the oil into a large skillet and heat it up over high-medium heat. Place the flour in a plate and dip the anchovy by holding from its tail. To remove the excess flour, shake the fish off.
Fry till they turn to a red fried color, approximately for 4-5 minutes. Turn halfway through. When they are done, place the fried anchovy on a plate with paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve with lemon.
Also arugula, lemon, onion and radish go well with fried anchovy.
PS: While thawing the frozen fish, first leave it in the fridge (4C) for 12 hours, then thaw it at room temperature for 4-5 hours and cook immediately. Also, you can thaw in cold water. Make sure that you do not leave the frozen fish directly at the room temperature. This would cause the pathogenic organisms to grow and spread over the fish quickly.
½ kg (500 gr) donmus/taze hamsi
1/3 su bardagi un
2 cay kasigi tuz
½ su bardagi sivi yag

Hamsilerin kafalarini keserek ya da kesmeden pisirebilirsiniz. Kafalari cok fazla yag cekecektir. Karinlarindan yarip, iclerini temizleyin ve soguk suda guzelce yikayip, suzulmesini bekleyin.
Yikanmis baliklari bir kaseye alin ve tuz serpip, harmanlayin. Genis bir tavada yagi kizdirin. Unu bir tabaga alin ve hamsileri kuyruklarindan tutarak una bulayin, fazla unu silkeleyin ve kizgin yaga koyun.
Orta ateste, hamsiler kizarana dek her iki tarafini da pisirin. Pisirdiginiz hamsileri uzerinde kagit havlu bulunan bir tabaga alin, boylece fazla yag havluya gececektir. Sonra servis tabagina alin ve limon ile servis yapin.
Ayrica, hamsi ile roka, turp, sogan ve limon iyi gider.
NOT: Dondurulmus balik cozundururken; once dolapta (4C) 12 saat boyunca bekletin. Sonra oda sicakliginda 4-5 saat boyunca cozundurun ve hemen pisirin. Ya da soguk su icinde cozundurun. Dondurulmus baligi direk oda sicakliginda cozundurmemeye dikkat edin. Cunku bu hastalik yapici organizmalarin hemen gelismesine ve baligin uzerinde yayilmasina sebep olacaktir.