Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Benefits of Fish

Most fish are low in fat and cholesterol and a good source of protein, which makes them a good choice for a healthy diet. Our bodies require a certain amount of protein daily and the body does not store protein so we need to replenish it in our daily diet. All fish are a good source of B vitamins and oil-rich fish are a good source of vitamins A and D. Many fish also provide a good source for calcium.
Oil-rich fish, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardines, are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential to our diet. Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body so it is important that we bring them into our diet and eating oil-rich fish provides the Omega-3 fatty acids we need. Some of the benefits of the Omega-3 oil in fish are shown below.

*Reduces the risks of heart attacks.
*Makes the blood flow easier through the body, reducing blood pressure.
*It is felt that it helps the heart beat steadier and reduces the chances of suffering from a stroke.
*Some experts think that it can help prevent cancer cells from developing to the tumor stage.
*It is also thought to reduce the inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
*Omega-3 fatty acids can also help in development of the brain, nerves and eyesight.

Fish is a good food for a low fat diet. It is low in calories and many types of fish do not contain any unsaturated fat. The chart below lists the calories, fat, protein and cholesterol in many types of fish. The nutritional value of fish will vary slightly according to the location it is harvested, the cut of fish, and the age of the fish. The method used for cooking will have an effect on it also.

Aspartame (Low Calorie Sweetener)

Aspartame is an artificial, non-saccharine sweetener, aspartyl-phenylalanine-1-methyl ester. It is 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is prepared from phenylalanine and aspartic acid; break down products include methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid.
This sweetener is marketed under a number of trademark names, including Equal, NutraSweet, and Canderel, and is an ingredient of approximately 6,000 consumer foods and beverages sold worldwide. However, aspartame is not always suitable for baking because it often breaks down when heated and loses much of its sweetness. Aspartame is also one of the sugar substitutes used by people with diabetes.
While aspartame, like other peptides, has a caloric value of 4 kilocalories (17 kilojoules) per gram, the quantity of aspartame needed to produce a sweet taste is so small that its caloric contribution is negligible, which makes it a popular sweetener for those trying to avoid calories from sugar. The taste of aspartame is not identical to that of sugar: the sweetness of aspartame has a slower onset and longer duration than that of sugar.
Some critics believe it to be the cause of cancer and a number of illnesses. To this day, the health effects of aspartame have been under intensive study.
Health problems, due to aspartame are: fatigue, irritability, headache, MS-like symptoms, depression, anxiety, dizziness, memory loss, vision problems, hyperactivity, migraine, aggression & insomnia…
Aspartame is not recommended for children or women during pregnancy.

Honey and its Benefits

It is believed that honey history dated as far back as 10 to 20 million years ago and the practice of beekeeping to produce honey, apiculture, dates back to at least 700 BC.
In ancient times, Eygptians sacrificed honey by the tons to their river gods, Roman legions slathered honey on the wounds as a natural cure to promote healing, and medieval lords reserved honey for their private use. It's told that the body of Alexander the Great was preserved and embalmed with honey. As honey was then expensive and not all could afford it, its use in cooking was reserved only for the wealthy. And ancient myths and writings on alcoholic beverages throughout the world also contain references to mead, or honey wine, which is known as the world's oldest fermented beverage.
All nectar contains some kind of yeast which can reproduce in higher-moisture content honey and cause fermentation. While fermentation does not necessarily pose any health risk, some manufacturers do pasteurization whereby the honey is heated very quickly to kill any yeast cell without damaging the product too much and then rapidly cooled. Pasteurized honey also has a slower granulation process and will last longer in its liquid state.
Hence, honey is a source of carbohydrates, containing

* 80% natural sugar -- mostly fructose and glucose. Due to the high level of fructose, honey is sweeter than table sugar.

* 18% water. The less water content the honey has, the better the quality of honey.

* 2% minerals, vitamins, pollen and protein.

The vitamins present in honey are B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids. The minerals found in honey include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. I learnt that "conductivity" is an indirect way of measuring the mineral content of a honey. Manuka honey has a higher than normal conductivity -- about 4 times that of normal flower honeys. The higher the conductivity, the better the value of the honey.
It was reported that archaeologists found 2000 year old jars of honey in Egyptian tombs and they still tasted delicious! So, real honey facts ; there is no expiration date for honey, it is a miracle food; it never goes bad! Many people find it rather surprising that bacteria cannot grow in honey because all things being equal, bacteria love sugar. The unique chemical composition of low water content and relatively high acidic level in honey creates a low pH (3.2-4.5) environment that makes it very unfavorable for bacteria or other micro-organism to grow. "Best Before" dates on honey buckets indicating honey shelf life thus do not seem to be very important after all.

***The benefits of honey go beyond its great taste. A great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes.

***It can be a powerful immune system booster. Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties can help improve digestive system and help you stay healthy and fight disease.

***For thousands of years, honey has been recognized as one of the most natural home remedies to treat a wide range of ailments and complaints including yeast infection, athlete foot, and arthritis pain. Its antiseptic properties inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and helps keep external wounds clean and free from infection. Honey has been used as a natural care first aid treatment for wounds, burns and cuts as it is able to absorb moisture from the air and promote healing. Its antibacterial properties prevent infection and functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing both swelling and pain, and even scarring.

***Honey has a hygroscopic nature, which means when exposed to air; it naturally absorbs moisture in from the air. In treating open wounds, honey is useful as it could help prevent scarring by keeping the skin moist, encourage the growth of new tissues, and allow easy removal of any dressing by preventing dressing from becoming stuck to the skin.

***Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Studies also found that dark-color honeys such as Buckwheat seem to possess more antioxidants than light-color varieties. Not only could honey’s antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth of new tissue.

***The effective antimicrobial agent in honey prohibits the growth of certain bacteria. It contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide which is believed to be the main reason for the antimicrobial activity of honey. As such, honey is a useful treatment for wounds and scalds. Cuts, abrasions and scalds can be covered in honey to prevent bacteria from entering the wound and promote healing.

***Honey can help treat minor acne by attacking the bacteria that cause the outbreaks while moisturizing the skin to aid rejuvenation.

***When you get a hangover from drinking too much alcohol, combat its effects by applying honey remedy. Honey is gentle on the stomach and contains a mix of natural sugars such fructose which is known to speed up the oxidation of alcohol by the liver, acting as a 'sobering' agent.

***One of the better known health benefits of honey is that it is able to help treat sore throats. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey not only soothes throats but can also kill certain bacteria that cause the infection.

***A daily spoonful or two of honey taken prior to bedtime can help us sleep better and lose weight at the same time.

Bal ve Faydalari

Bal, bozulmayan bir gida maddesidir. Eski misirlilarin mezarlarinda bulunan 2000 yillik ballar, gunumuzde bile yenilebilir durumdadir. Diger bozulmayan gida ise, kuru hurmadir.
Bitkilerden topladiklari nektar ve salgilardan bal yapan arilarin 20 milyon yildir bal urettigi bilinmektedir.Bal arilarindan olusan bir kolonide bir ana ari, on binlerce isci ari ve yuzlerce erkek ari bulunur. Bunlar bir kovan icerisinde birlikte yasarlar.
Bal arisi kolonisi tum faaliyetlerini, kovan icerisinde, kendi vucudundan salgiladigi balmumu ile olusturdugu peteklerde yurutur. Nektar, genellikle ciceklerden toplanan seker, su ve bazi baska eser miktardaki maddeleri iceren ve arinin bal kesesinde kovana tasidigi sividir.
Bal, arilarin ciceklerden topladigi nektarin, kendi vucutlarindan salgiladiklari bir takim enzimlerle islenmesi sonucu, dayanikli, yogun ve yuksek besin degeri iceren bir gida maddesine donusturulmesi ile elde edilir. 450 gr bal elde etmek icin, 17.000 ari ortalama 10 milyon cicegi ziyaret etmek durumunda kalir. Market raflarina 1 kg bal uretmek icin ari kolonisi dunyanin cevresini 6 kez dolasacak kadar ucmak durumunda kalir.

Balin Faydalari
*Bal, vitamin, mineral, aminoasit ve enzimler gibi pek cok yasamsal madde icermektedir.

*Bal, temel karbonhidratlarin kaynagidir. İceriginde yaklasik %17 su, %82 karbonhidrat ve % 1 oraninda da proteinler, aminoasitler, vitaminler ve mineraller bulunur.

*Bir yemek kasigi bal, 64 cal enerji saglayarak kaslar icin yakit gorevi yapmaktadir.

*Bitkilerin nektarlarindan elde edildigi icin, onlarin sifa veren pek cok ozelligini

*Balin antimikrobiyal ve antifungal etkisi sayesinde yaralari dezenfekte ettigi, bakteri ve mantar gelisimini onledigi, cesitli calismalar ile gosterilmistir.

*Balin bagisiklik sistemini kuvvetlendirdigi, yara ve iltihaplarin iyilesmesinde olumlu etkiye sahip oldugu bilinmektedir.

*Balin antioksidan aktivitesi gosteren maddeler icerdigi de bilinmektedir. Bal, yapisindaki tokoferol, askorbik asit, flavonoidler ve diger fenolik maddeler nedeniyle antioksidatif etkiye sahiptir.

*Yapilan arastirmalarda balin, mide-bagirsak sistemi uzerinde duzenleyici etki gosterdigi belirtilmistir.

*Cilt uzerindeki olumlu etkilerinden dolayi pek cok kozmetik urunun iceriginde de bulunmaktadir.

*Mikrop oldurucu ozelliginden dolayi bal, goz agrilarini gidermek icin kullanilir.

*Bal, karin agrilarini keser, mideye ferahlik verir. Mide ve bagirsaktaki yaralari tedavi eder. Ulserli hastalardan 4 kilo bal yiyen ( 1 haftada ) ve buna 1 ay devam eden 100 hastadan 97 sinde ulserden kesin eser kalmadigi saptanmistir.

*Bal, soguk su ile karistirilip icilirse ishali durdurur, sicak su ile veya ilik su ile icilirse kuvvetli mushil olur.

*Bal, bogaz agrilarinda ilik nemli bezle bogaza surulup sarilirsa agri kisa zamanda gecer yok olur.

*Bal, bir miktar tuzla karistirilip, devamli icilirse balgam sokturur.

*Bal, beynin calismasini kolaylastirir. Dusunceye mukemmellik kazandirir.

*Bal, kan yapar. Kanin temizlenmesine yardimci olur. Kan dolasimini hem duzenler, hem kolaylastirir ve damar sertliginde olumlu etki yapar.

*Bal, yagin hazmini kolaylastirir, anne ve inek sutunun demir eksikligini tamamlar, istah acar ve bagirsaklara ozgu hareketleri artirarak rahatlik saglar.

*Bal, kalp carpintisindan ve yuksek tansiyondan sikayetci olanlar icin son derece yararli bir besindir.

*Bal, sinir bozukluguna ve uykusuzluk sorunlarina yardimci olur.

*Bal, altini islatan cocuklara 1-2 ay devamli verildiginde bu sorunu atlattiklari saptanmistir. Cunku balin sinirler uzerinde olumlu etkisi vardir.

*Bal, hem sabah hem aksam devamli tuketilirse, sarilik hastaliginin cok kisa zamanda tedavi edilmesinde yardimci olur.

*Bal, kusma, oksuruk, bronsit gibi hastaliklarda kaynatilmis arpa suyu ile icirilirse hastalik tedavi edilir.

*Bal, bademciklerin dogal ilacidir. Direk olarak yemek yada ilik sui le karistirilip gargara yapilarak tedaviye yardimci olur.

*Bal, vitaminler, enzimler, mineraller, aminoasitler ve vucut icin gerekli yasamsal degerde diger pek cok elementi icerir. Bu bali, sekerli urunlerden ayiran en belirgin ozelliktir. Arilar, 1 gram bal icin 4.000'den fazla cicegin nektarini toplarlar. Bal, binlerce cicegin, bitkinin besleyici degerlerini ve sifasini tasir. Kisinin beslenme ve enerji ihtiyacina buyuk olcude katki saglar. 100 gram balda, yaklasik 304 kalori(kcal) vardir. Ote yandan bal, antioksidan ve antibakteriyel ozelligiyle, vucudun direncini guclendirir. Sagligi korumaya yardimci olur.