Friday, August 27, 2010

Ricotta Stuffed Red Peppers (Lor Dolgulu Kirmizi Biber)

½ lb ricotta cheese
10 big red peppers, roasted
1 egg
1 tsp salt to taste
1-2 eggs for egg wash
½ cup canola oil for frying

Take out the skins and stalks of roasted peppers. Remove the seeds. In a bowl; mix ricotta cheese, one egg and half of the salt. Take 2-3 Tbsp of this mixture and fill in the peppers. Gently press over peppers to spread the mixture evenly inside. Fill all the peppers in the same way. Sprinkle with the remaining salt. Adjust the amount of ricotta mixture as you like.
Meanwhile, whisk 1-2 eggs in a wide plate. Take canola oil in a frying pan and heat it up. Dip stuffed peppers into egg wash and fry both sides over high heat.
Serve hot/warm.

250-300 gr lor peyniri
10 tane buyuk kirmizi biber, kozlenmis
1 yumurta
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1-2 yumurta, pisirmek icin
½ su bardagi kanola yagi, kizartmak icin

Kozlenmis biberlerin kabuklarini soyun ve saplarini cikararak cekirdeklerini temizleyin.
Bir kapta; lor peyniri, 1 yumurta ve tuzun yarisini karistirin. Bu karisimdan biberlerin icine yaklasik 2-3 yemek kasigi olacak sekilde doldurun . Biberlerin uzerinden hafifce bastirarak lor karisiminin icerde esit olarak yayilmasini saglayin. Butun biberleri bu sekilde doldurun. Geri kalan tuzu uzerlerine serpin. Lor miktarini istediginiz gibi ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Ote yandan, 1-2 yumurtayi genis bir kapta cirpin. Kizartma tavasina kanola yagini alin ve kizdirin. Birberleri yumurta karisimina daldirin ve kizgin yagda her iki tarafi da kizarana dek pisirin.
Butun biberleri ayni sekilde kizartin ve sicak servis yapin.


smspizza said...

That looks awesome, i will try it. please do not put this kind of pic, makes me hungry smspizza :)))

regülatör said...

That looks awesome, i will try it.

Servo Regülatör