Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stuffed Onions (Sogan Dolmasi)

5-6 medium white onions
1 cup rice, washed and drained
1 tomato, diced
1 tsp tomato paste
½ cup olive oil
1-2 cups hot water
1 Tbsp dried mint
½ tsp allspice
½ tsp sugar
1 Tbsp salt to taste

Cut the both ends of onions and remove skins. Make sure the onions can stand still on the root side in the saucepan. Scoop the onions using a metal spoon. Try keeping at least 3 outer layers and the root part as the base. Chop the scooped parts for stuffing. Mix all the other ingredients but the water in a bowl. With a spoon fill the 2/3 of onions with the stuffing mixture. In a large saucepan or pot, place the stuffed onions. Add 1 cup or enough hot water to almost cover 1/3 height of the onions.
Close the lid and cook on low-medium heat, until the onions and rice get cooked, for about 30-40 minutes.

5-6 orta boy sogan
1 su bardagi pirinc, yikanip suzulmus
1 domates, dogranmis
1 tatli kasigi domates salcasi
½ su bardagi zeytin yagi
1-2 su bardagi sicak su
1 yemek kasigi kuru/taze nane
1 cay kasigi yenibahar
1 cay kasigi seker
1 yemek kasigi tuz

Soganlarin tepesini ve koklu kismini duzgunce kesin ve kabuklarini soyun. Kok kismi dipte olacak sekilde tepesinden baslayarak metal bir tatli kasigi ile soganlarin icini oyun. Soganin disinda en az 3 tabaka kalacak sekilde, dibini birakarak oyun. Oydugunuz kisimlari kucuk kucuk dograyarak ic malzeme icin hazirlayin. Geriye kalan ic malzemeleri bir kasede karistirin.
Bir kasik yardimiyla soganlarin icini ustten 1/3 kismi bosta kalacak sekilde doldurun. Tencerenin dibine doldurdugunuz soganlari yerlestirin. Soganlarin yuksekliginin 1/3 unu gececek sekilde veya 1-2 su bardagi sicak su ilave edin.
Kapagini kapatip, kisik ateste soganlar ve pirincler pisene dek yaklasik 3-40 dakika pisirin.

1 comment:

turkish cook said...

Anatolian dishes are really great!