4 salmon fillets
2-3 Tbsp olive oil
2 small tomatoes, finely chopped
1-2 chopped shallots
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
½-1 tsp dried thyme
Fresh ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C). Meanwhile, rub salmon fillets with salt, and pepper. Sprinkle with olive oil on both sides. Stir the tomatoes, shallots, lemon juice and thyme in a medium bowl to blend.
Place a salmon fillet over a sheet of foil. Wrap the ends of the foil to form a spiral shape. Spoon the tomato mixture over the salmon, layering evenly. Fold the sides of the foil over the fish and tomato mixture, covering completely. Seal the packets closed. Place the foil packets on an oven tray. Bake until the salmon is cooked through, about 25 minutes. Using a large metal spatula, transfer the foil packets to plates and serve hot.
2 tane somon fileto
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 tane kucuk domates, kucuk dogranmis
1-2 taze sogan/arpacik, dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi taze limon suyu
½-1 tatli kasigi kuru kekik
Taze ogutulmus karabiber
Firini 200 C (400 F)’ye isitin. Somon baliklarini tuz ve karabiber ile ovalayin. Zeytinyagi ile her iki tarafini yaglayin. Kucuk bir kasede domates, sogan, limon suyu ve kekigi karistirin.
Her bir somon filetoyu genis birer parca aluminyum folyonun uzerine yerlestirin. Aluminyum folyonun kenarlarini yukari dogru kivirarak spiral bir sekil yapin. Sonra, somonlarin uzerine domates karisimini yayarak kaplayin. Aluminyum folyoyu somonlarin uzerinden kapatin ve kenarlarini iyice kivirip guzelce kapatin. Kapattiginiz aluminyum paketlerini firin tepsisine yerlestirin.
Firina verin ve yaklasik 25 dakika somonlar iyice pisene dek pisirin. Buyuk bir metal spatula ile aluminyum paketleri servis tabaklarina koyun ve sicak servis edin.
Baligin Faydalari
Baligin Faydalari
Thanks so much for this recipe! I tried it today because I had salmon..and it tastes just great!
I have been seeing a lot of salmon recipes...I was tired of making salmon for a long time because I got tired of it. I also tried your recipe and it was truly delicious....
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