Sunday, July 22, 2012

Roasted Jalapenos with Sauce (Kozlenmis Soslu Jalapeno Biberi)

1 lb fresh jalapeno pepper, washed
3-4 Tbsp vinegar
5 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt to
1 tsp sugar (optional)
6 medium cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced
¼ cup fresh parsley, finely chopped (optional)
1 tsp peppercorns (optional)

Lightly roast the jalapenos either over a grill or a stove until they get a couple of dark spots on each side. Make sure not to over roast, we would not want the skins to be removable. Let them cool for a while. Then, preferably remove the stems or you may keep them on. In a bowl, combine vinegar, olive oil, sugar, parsley and
salt. Add the roasted jalapenos and mix them all. Either use glass jars or other storage containers to store the jalapenos.
Divide the garlic cloves and peppercorns evenly between the containers. I usually prefer glass jars with tight caps if I am going to store them for a long time. Place some peppercorns and garlic in the bottom of the container and add a thick layer of roasted japalenos. Then continue layering with garlic, peppercorns and jalapenos until the container is full to the top. Try not to leave much space in between the jalapenos by pushing from the top.
Pack all the containers the same way and then distribute the remaining olive oil-vinegar sauce between the containers. All the jalapenos do not need to be covered with the sauce, so just use what you have. Close the lids tight. Keep the jars/containers in the refrigerator and you may serve these roasted jalapenos with any kind of dish.

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½ kg jalapeno (Meksika) biberi, yikanip kurulanmis
3-4 yemek kasigi sirke
5 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 tatli kasigi seker (istege bagli)
6 dis orta boy sarimsak, soyulmus ve dilimlenmis
½ cay bardagi taze maydanoz (istege bagli)
1 tatli kasigi tane karabiber (istege bagli)

Jalapeno biberlerini izgara ya da ocagin uzerinde her taraflarinda esit kucuk siyah kabarciklar olana dek hafifce kozleyin dek pisirin. Biberlerin kabuklarinin ayrilmasini istemedigimizden dolayi fazla kozlememeye dikkat edin. Kozlediginiz jalapenolari sogumaya birakin. Tercihen saplarini koparin ya da saplariyla birlikte de kullanabilirsiniz. Bir kasede, sirke, zeytinyagi, seker, maydanoz ve tuzu guzelce karistirin. Kozlenmis biberleri ilave edin ve harmanlayip karistirin.
Hazirladiginiz biberleri sster cam kavanoz isterseniz de saklama kaplarinda koruyabilirsiniz. Ben genelde uzun sureli saklayacagim zamanlar agzi guzel kapanan cam kavanozlari tercih ediyorum. Sarimsaklari ve tane biberleri kullanacaginiz kaplar arasinda esit paylastirin. Once kaplarin dibine biraz karabiber ve sarimsak koyun sonra bir miktar kozlenmis jalapeno ilave edin, sonra tekrar sarimsak ve karabiber, jalapeno olamk uzere tabakalar halinde kaplari agzina kadar doldurun. Arada bosluk kalmamasi icin uzerinden biberleri hafifce bastirabilirsiniz. Butun jalapenolari kaplara yerlestirdikten sonra geriye kalan zeytinyagli sirkeli sosu esit olarak bitin kaplara paylastirin. Biberlerin tamamen sos ile kaplanmasina gerek olmadigi icin elinizde ne kadar sos varsa onu kullanin. Kapaklarini sikica kapatin ve buzdolabinda saklayin.
Kozlenmis soslu jalapenolari her turlu yemek cesidi ile birlikte servis yapabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

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