2 medium size quince
½ cup sugar
4 cups water
2-3 cloves, optional
1 cinnamon stick, optional
Wash the quince and remove the seeds. Chop them up
equally and transfer to a pot. Add the sugar, water and if desired cloves and
cinnamon as well. Let the sugar dissolve over medium heat stirring
occasionally. Then, once it boils, turn the heat down and cook until the quince
gets soft.
You may adjust the water and sugar amount according
to your like.
Serve either cold or lukewarm.
P.S. For additional health benefits (vitamins and
minerals) add the seeds in and cook with them. You may remove them before
2 adet orta boy ayva
1/2 su bardagi toz seker
4 su bardagi su
2-3 karanfil, istege gore
1 adet çubuk tarcin, istege gore
Ayvalari iyice yikadiktan
sonra cekirdeklerini cikarin ve esit buyuklukte kup kup dograyin.
Ayvalari ve suyu, arzuya
gore de karafilleri ve tarcini bir tencereye alin. Ara sira karistirarak seker eriyene
dek pisirin. Kaynayan kompostonun altini kisin ve ayvalar yumusayana dek kisik
ateste pisirin.
Su ve seker miktarini
arzu ettiginiz sekilde ayarlayabilirsiniz.
Istege bagli olarak ilik
ya da soguk servis yapabilirsiniz.
NOT: Ayva cekirdeginin
sinirsiz faydalarindan (vitamin ve mineraller) yararlanmak icin konmpostoyu
cekirdekleriyle beraber kaynatin. Servis yapmadan once cekirdekleri cikarip
My husband loves quince jam and I make it every year. I always tie the seeds in a little cheesecloth and cook with the pieces of peeled quince. This year, I cooked it all night in a slow cooker. The jam was magnificent!
Çok güzel yaz yaklaşıyor yapıp soğutum içebiliriz. teşekürler..
Hamur işi tarifleri
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