2 cups milk
1 carrot, chopped
½ lb ( 4-5 ) button mushroom, sliced
½ stick butter (50-65 gr)
2 Tbsp flour, heaping
1 Tbsp salt (for soup)
1 tsp salt (for boiling chicken)
½ bunch of fresh dill, thinly chopped or 1 tsp of dried dill (optional)
2 Tbsp cooking oil
Boil the chicken breast with the chopped carrots until they are both soft and tender with adding 1 tsp salt. When it’s done, pour the remained water in a bowl for using it as the chicken stock in the soup.
After the cooked chicken breast cools a little, cut it into small pieces.
Meanwhile, in a skillet place the butter and sliced mushrooms. You can sprinkle a pinch of salt on them. Saute them on a low-medium heat, till they get soft and tender, for about 8-10 minutes.
In a large pot, add the oil and flour and stir continuously while cooking on low- medium heat, for about 2-3 minutes. When the flour and oil mixture starts to change in color, add milk, salt and the chicken stock when you set apart before. Stir well in order to obtain a smooth creamy soup.
Finally add the chicken pieces, carrots and cooked mushrooms into the soup. Then cook for about 8- 10 minutes stirring occasionally (optional). When it’s done sprinkle with dill on top before serving.
Serve it while still hot or warm.
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½ tavuk gogsu, haslanmis
2 su bardagi sut
1 havuc, halka halka dogranmis
200-250 gr (4-5) kultur mantari, dogranmis
50-65 gr tereyagi
2 yemek kasigi tepeleme un
1 yemek kasigi tuz (corba icin)
2 cay kasigi tuz (tavugu haslamak icin)
½ demet dereotu, ince ince dogranmis ya da 2 cay kasigi kuru dereotu (istege bagli)
2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
Tavuk gogsunu havuclarla birlikte 2 cay kasigi tuz ilave ederek haslayin. Tavuk ve havuclar yumusayinca kalan suyu bir kaseye alip, corbada kullanmak icin ayirin.
Haslanmis tavuk biraz soguyunca, kup kup dograyin.
Bu sirada, tereyagini bir tavaya alin ve dogranmis mantarlari, bir tutam tuz ilave ederek kisik ateste, yumusayana dek, 8-10 dakika pisirin.
Buyuk bir tencereye, 1 yemek kasigi sivi yag ve unu koyup, dusuk ateste 2-3 dakika kavurun. Un-yag karisimi sararmaya basladigi zaman; sutu, tuzu ve tavugun haslama suyunu ilave edin. Puruzsuz bir corba elde etmek icin guzelce karistirin.
Son olarak ; tavuk parcaciklarini, havuclari ve mantarlari ilave edin. Ara sira karistirarak, 8-10 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Corbaniz hazir oldugu zaman uzerine dereotunu ilave edin (istege bagli), karistirin ve servis yapin.
Ana Sayfaya Don
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