3 potatoes, peeled
4-5 banana/green peppers, washed
2 cups canola oil for frying
Salt to taste
For the Tomato Sauce:
3 tomatoes, grated/crushed
1 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp salt to taste
A pinch of sugar
Garlic Yogurt Sauce
Peel the eggplants totally or in strip shapes. Then slice them lengthwise or round, 1/3 inch thick as you like (see the picture). Salt them and leave aside for 15-20 minutes.
Peel the potatoes and slice them thin just like the French fries. And then chop peppers in bite sizes (see the picture).
Place the frying oil in a frying pan or pot, turn the heat high and wait till the oil sizzles. And then, first place the eggplant slices and fry both sides. Then take them out and place over a paper towel to soak the excess oil. Fry the potatoes and the peppers the same way and place them over the paper towel. Sprinkle salt all over.
Meanwhile prepare the tomato sauce. Place the tomatoes in a pan and cook with a tbsp of oil, ¼ tsp salt and a pinch of sugar over low-medium heat. Cook till the sauce thickens for about 15 minutes.
Mix all the fried vegetables or serve them separately as you desire. Pour the tomato sauce or garlic yogurt sauce on top. Serve warm.
½ kg patlican, yikanmis
3 patates, soyulmus
4-5 tane carliston/yesil biber, yikanmis
2 su bardagi sivi yag (tercihen kanola), kizartmak icin
Domates Sosu icin:
3 domates, rendelenmis/ezilmis
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam seker
Sarimsakli Yogurt
Patlicanlari yollu ya da tam olarak soyun. Sonra 1 cm kalinliginda yuvarlak ya da uzun olarak dilimleyin (resime bakiniz). Tuzlayin ve 15-20 dakika kadar bekletin.
Patatesleri soyun ve ince uzun dilimleyin. Sonra biberleri buyuk lokmalar halinde kesin (resime bakiniz).
Kizartma yagini tavaya ya da tencereye alin ve yuksek ateste kizdirin. Kizgin yagda patlicanlarin her tarafini kizartin. Kizarttiginiz patlicanlari kagit havlu uzerine alin. Sonra patates ve biberleri de ayni sekilde kizartin ve kagit havlu uzerine alin. Uzerlerine tuz serpin.
Bu sirada domates sosunu hazirlamak icin sos malzemelerini bir tavaya alin. Orta ateste sosun kivami koyulasana dek yaklasik 15 dakika pisirin.
Kizartmalari ayri ya da hepsini harmanlayarak servis tabaklarina alin. Uzerine domates ya da sarimsakli yogurt dokerek servis yapin.
1 comment:
nefiz gorunuyor..hele yaz geldi ya daha cok ozlendi ..
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