1 orange’s grated peel
2 oranges, cut into 4 cartwheel slices
2 tbsp berries, any kind (optional)
1 banana, sliced
1+1 tbsp sugar
¼ tsp ground cinnamon
Combine the yogurt, orange peels and 1 tbsp sugar; cover and chill for about 3-4 hour. In a large bowl, combine all the remaining ingredients; cover and chill.
To serve, spoon fruit mixture into individual dessert dishes and top with the yogurt mixture. Serve cold.
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1 su bardagi yogurt
1 portakalin kabugu, rendelenmis
2 portakal, yuvarlak dilimlenmis ve 4’e bolunmus
2 yemek kasigi cilek/bogurtlen (istege bagli)
1 muz, dilimlenmis
1+1 yemek kasigi seker
½ cay kasigi tarcin
Yogurt, 1 yemek kasigi seker ve portakal kabugu rendesini karistirin. Uzerini kapatin ve 3-4 saat kadar buzdolabinda dondurun.
Portakal, muz, cilek/bogurtlen, tarcin ve geri kalan sekeri bir kapta karistirin ve uzerini kapatarak buzdolabinda sogutun.
Servis kase ya da kuplarina once meyveleri koyun sonra uzerine donmus yogurt karisimindan koyarak, soguk servis yapin.
Ana Sayfaya Don
oh wow looks delicious love orange
Dear TurkishFoodRecipes, your orange Yogurt sunday looks incredible!!! I saw it and said "Wild Thing", you make my heart sing! Loved and saved this recipe. I shall revisit you soon. Thank you for sharing.
Cheers, Gaby
You can always visit me at http://ptsaldari.posterous.com.
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