3 eggs
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup cold water
3/4 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp powdered sugar
1 cup raspberry jelly or preserves (more if desired or needed)
Prepare roll cake pan with non-stick spray or grease. Line pan with wax paper which has been greased and lightly floured.
In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with electric mixer approximately 3-4 minutes. Slowly add the sugar while mixing. Beat in water and vanilla. Add flour, baking powder and salt. Beat until the mixture gets smooth.
Preheat oven to 400 F (200 C). Pour evenly into prepared pan and bake 12-15 minutes. Loosen edges of cake with a knife. Immediately after removing pan from oven, place a towel that has been dusted with powdered sugar over the top of the roll. Turn the pan upside down on the towel. Carefully remove wax paper. While still hot, roll cake tightly. Cool thoroughly. Then, unroll cake and remove towel.
Spread raspberry preserve/jelly over entire cake. Roll it up and frost with any kind of frosting you like (OR dust with powdered sugar). Cover and chill overnight.
Slice and garnish if desired.
3 yumurta
1 su bardagi seker
¼ su bardagi su
¾ su bardagi un
2 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu
1 tutam tuz
1 tatli kasigi vanilya
1 yemek kasigi pudra sekeri
1 su bardagi frambuaz receli (istege gore miktari ayarlanabilir)
Dikdortgen firin tepsisini yaglayin ve uzerine yagli kagit yerlestirin. Tekrar yaglayin ve hafifce un serpistirin.
Bir kasede, yumurtalari mikser ile cirpin (3-4 dakika). Yavasca sekeri ilave ederek karistirmaya devam edin. Su ve vanilyayi da ilave edin. Son olarak, un, tuz ve kabartma tozunu ilave edin. Karisim puruzsuz olana dek karistirin.
Firini 200 C (400 F)’ye isitin. Kek karisimini tepsiye dokun ve 12-15 dakika boyunca pisirin. Firindan cikinca, kenarlarini bicak yardimiyla gevsetin. Onceden hazirlanmis olan ve uzerine pudra seker serpilmis bir havlunun uzerine tepsiyi ters yuz edin. Dikkatlice yagli kagidi cikarin. Kek hala sicakken sikica rulo seklinde havlu ile beraber sarin. (Rulonunu uzerinde pudra sekeri olacak sekilde). Sogumasini bekleyin. Sonra, ruloyu yavasca acin, havluyu alin.
Frambuaz recelini kekin uzerine esit olarak yayin. Tekrar rulo seklinde sarin ve uzerini istediginiz krema ile kaplayin (ya da sadece pudra sekeri serpebilirsiniz). Uzeri kapali olarak buzdolabinda bir gece boyunca bekletin.
Dilimleyin ve arzuya gore susleyerek servis yapin.
This is so beautiful...I enjoy these type of cakes.
Nice Cake,when i visit restaurant i must taste this,i really like this i want to cook this at home but there is some fault on cooking time.Children also like this type of food.
Zubaida tariq totkay in Urdu
What frosting did you use?I like your presentation very much.
What is the measurement of pan did u use? 8x11 or bigger?
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