Saturday, April 13, 2013

Eggs with Pastrami (Pastirmali Yumurta)

3-4 eggs
½ cup pastrami, torn into pieces
1-2 Tbsp butter (optional)
A pinch of salt
A pinch if paprika

Take the butter over the skillet and melt over medium heat. Then, tear the pastrami into small pieces and sauté in butter for 2 minutes. Crack the eggs carefully and sprinkle with salt and paprika. You may either close the lid and cook over low heat without disturbing the eggs, or give a gentle stir folding the eggs and cook until eggs are done.
Serve hot.
3-4 yumurta
½ su bardagi pastirma, parcalanmis
1-2 yemek kasigi tereyagi (istege bagli)
Bir tutam tuz
Bir tutam kirmizi toz biber
Pastirmalari ufak parcalara bolun. Tavaya tereyagini alin ve orta ateste eritin. Pastirmayi ilave edin ve 2 dakika kadar cevirin. Yumurtalari dikkatlice kirin. Uzerine tuz ve kirmizi biber serpin. Isterseniz dokunmadan uzerine kapak kapatarak dusuk ateste pisirin, isterseniz de bir kac defa karistirarak yumurtalari cok fazla dagitmadan yumurtalar sertlesene dek pisirin.
Sicak servis yapin.


Marry Jane said...

There are somany egg varieties.i like egg foods very much. i want to try this. thank you very much

Elif said...

God... I wish pastirma and pastrami were the same thing!

Anonymous said...

They are, in essence!!