1 egg
1 cup bread crumbs
2 Tbsp parmesan cheese (optional)
½ tsp salt to taste
Cooking oil spray
Remove the skin of the salmon and cut it into strips. Rub
the salmon strips with salt. Whisk the egg in a small bowl. If desired combine
the shredded parmesan cheese with the bread crumbs. First, dip the salmon
strips into egg making sure they are fully coated with egg. Then, cover them
with bread crumbs by gently pressing down so that all sides of the strip is
coated. Arrange them over a greased oven tray. Spray with the cooking oil. Bake
them at a 400 F (200 C) preheated oven for 15-20 minutes (depending on the
thickness of the strips) flipping halfway through.
Serve hot with lemon, tartar sauce or tomato sauce if
½ kg somon baligi fileto
1 yumurta
1 su bardagi galeta unu
2 yemek kasigi parmesan peyniri rendesi (istege bagli)
½ tatli kasigi tuz
Sivi yag spreyi
Somon baliginin derisini alin ve parmak kalinliginda
seritler kesin. Tuz ile ovalayin. Yumurtayi kucuk bir kasede cirpin. Arzuya
gore parmesan peynirini galeta unu ile karistirin. Once, somon baligi
seritlerini yumurtaya batirin, sonra galeta ununa hafifce bastirarak her
taraflarinin kaplanmasini saglayin. Hazirladiginiz balik seritlerini yaglanmis
firin tepsisine dizin. Uzerlerine sivi yag spreyi ile kaplayin. Onceden
isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda, arada ters yuz ederek, toplam 15-20 dakika
kadar baliklar kizarana dek pisirin. Pisirme suresi balik seritlerinin
kalinligina gore degisecektir.
Yaninda limon, tartar sosu
veya domates sosu ile sicak servis yapin.
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