Friday, December 26, 2008

No Knead Bread (Yogurmadan Ekmek)

3 cups flour
1 ½ cup and 2 tbsp water
¼ tsp instant yeast
1 ½ -2 tsp salt

In a large bowl, place the flour, water, instant yeast, salt and combine them with a wooden spoon/spatula (see the picture). Wrap it up with a plastic cover (see the picture). Leave the dough for all night (12-20 hours) in a warm place (65-70 F).
In the morning (see the picture) spread some flour on the counter, wet your hands and place the bread dough on the counter. Wetting your hands prevents the dough to stick to your hands. Grab the dough and fold over all ends towards the middle (see the picture). Gently move the dough onto a floured towel or floured plastic wrap. Let it nap for 2 hours to be puff up and double in size.
Use a 5 qt or larger and at least 4“ tall cast iron, Pyrex, stainless steel, ceramic or enamel pot with a lid. Make sure that it does not have plastic handles or other plastic parts and it could resist to high heat.
Half an hour before the nap ends, place the covered pot into the oven. Turn the heat to 450 F and preheat for 30 minutes. To prevent the dough to stick to the pot, place a parchment paper in the pot first. Place the dough into the pot, cover and then put back into the oven (see the picture). Bake for 30 minutes with the lid on. Then take the lid off and bake additional 15-20 minutes until it turns to golden brown.
Take the pot out and cool. You can hear the crust crackling.

P.S: If you cannot consume the whole no knead bread, you can freeze and store it in the freezer. Then reheat in the oven at 350 F for 10 minutes. It will be as warm and crispy as before.

P.S2: Do not use metal container when kneading or resting the dough. Metal spoils the texture of dough.

3 su bardagi un
1 ½ su bardagi ve 2 yemek kasigi su
½ cay kasigi instant maya
1 ½ -2 tatli kasigi tuz

Genis bir kapta un, su, maya ve tuzu tahta kasik ile karistirin (resime bakiniz). Uzerini plastik film ile kaplayin ve gece boyunca, ilik ortamda (20 C), 12-20 saat dinlendirin (resime bakiniz).
Sabah olunca (resime bakiniz), tezgah uzerine un serpin ve ellerinizi islatip hamuru tezgaha alin. Ellerinizi islatmaniz hamurun elinize yapismasini engeller. Hamurun kenarlarindan tutup ortaya dogru kivirin (resime bakiniz) ve unladiginiz bir havluya ya da plastik film icine koyun. 2 saat dinlendirin. Ekmek hamuru iki kati kadar kabaracaktir.
4-5 lt lik ya da daha buyuk, en az 8-10 cm derinliginde; dokme demir, paslanmaz celik, borcam, seramik ya da emaye, kapakli bir tencereye ihtiyaciniz var. Plastik kulplari ya da plastik parcalari olmamasina ve yuksek isiya dayanikli olduguna emin olun.
Hamurun dinlenmesinin bitmesine yarim saat kala, kapagini kapattiginiz tencereyi firina koyun ve 230 C (450 F) ye ayarlayip 30 dakika icerde bekletin.Hamuru tencereye koymadan once, yagli kagit koyarak hamurun tencereye yapismasini onleyebilirsiniz. Sonra hamuru tencereye koyup, kapagini kapatin ve firina koyun (resime bakiniz). Kapagi kapali olarak 30 dakika pisirin. Sonra kapagini acin ve uzeri kizarana dek 15-20 dakika daha pirisin.
Son olarak disari cikarin ve sogutun. Sogurken ekmegin kabugundan gelen citirti sesleri duyacaksiniz.

NOT: Eger ekmegin hepsini tuketemezseniz, geri kalan ekmegi buzlukta dondurarak muhafaza edebilirsiniz. Tekrar 180 C (350 F) sicakliktaki firinda 10 dakika isitarak, taze ekmek gibi sicak ve citir bir ekmek elde edebilirsiniz.

NOT2: Hamuru yogurmak ya da dinlendirmek icin metal kap kullanmayin. Metal hamurun yapisina zarar verir.


mel said...

hello! i want to make this bread and am trying to figure out a good container to bake the bread in. the closest i could find was a clay pot: but i am a little worried that the max. temperature for that is 450 which is the temperature for the bread. do you have any specific suggestions for baking containers for the bread?

turkishfoodandrecipes said...

I've used a regular stainless steel pot with a glass lid. But the cast iron pots are recommended for this recipe. I can not tell whether the clay pot will work.
Good luck!
