½ cup milk
1 cup feta cheese/crumbling cheese/mozzarella, shredded
2 tbsp butter
¼ tsp salt to taste
Black pepper (optional)
In a bowl beat eggs and stir in the rest of the ingredients, but the butter.
Then, melt butter in a skillet over medium heat and pour the egg mixture. Cook both sides of the cheese omelet till the eggs are cooked (4-5 minutes).
Serve warm with bologna slices.
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3-4 yumurta
½ su bardagi sut
1 su bardagi beyaz peynir/lor/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
2 yemek kasigi tereyag
½ cay kasigi tuz
Karabiber (istege bagli)
Bir kasede tereyagi hariz butun malzemeleri cirpin. Sonra, bir tavada tereyagini eritin ve orta ateste yagi biraz kizdirin. Yumurta karisimini dokun ve omletin her iki tarafini da toplam 4-5 dakika boyunca pisirin.
Peynirli omleti yaninda salam ya da jambon dilimleri ile sicak servis yapin.