Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pepper with Yogurt (Biberli Yogurt)

2 green/red peppers, chopped (preferably cut in strips)
2 tbsp olive oil
½ tsp salt to taste
½-1 cup yogurt
1-2 gloves of garlic, minced (optional)

In a skillet, sauté peppers with olive oil over medium heat till they get soft (for about 6-8 minutes). Then, add salt and cook over low heat, till peppers are cooked.
Turn the heat off and let peppers cool for a while. Meanwhile mix garlic (optional) and yogurt. And then, pour over the peppers.
Pepper with Yogurt is a very easy side item which is good to go with all kinds of dishes.
2 yesil carliston/sivri biber/kirmizi biber, dogranmis (tercihen uzun cubuk seklinde)
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 cay kasigi tuz
½ -1 su bardagi yogurt
1-2 dis sarimsak, dovulmus (istege bagli)
Bir tavada zeytinyagi ile istediginiz sekilde dogradiginiz biberleri orta ateste kavurun. Yaklasik 6-8 dakika sonra biberler yumusamaya baslayinca tuzu ilave edin ve biberler yumusayip pisene dek pisirin. Ocaktan aldiginiz biberleri sogumaya birakin. Sarimsakli yapacaksaniz, dozvulmus sarimsak ve yogurdu karistirin ve biberlerin uzerine ilave edin.
Biberli yogurt et, tavuk ve sebze yemeklerinin yanina yakisan guzel ve hafif bir alternatiftir.

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