Monday, March 23, 2009

Spicy Potatoes with Egg (Yumurtali&Baharatli Patates)

4 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced in wedges
2 eggs½ tsp dried mint tsp paprika¼ tsp paprika
¼ tsp cumin
½ tsp salt to taste
2 tbsp olive oil

Place all the ingredients, but the eggs in a bowl and mix them all. For the microwave, place them in a microwaveable tray and bake till they become soft and tender (8-10 minutes).For baking in the oven, preheat oven to 425 F (220 C) and bake for about 20-30 minutes till potatoes become soft and tender.
Then when the potatoes are cooked. Arrange them in a round 6-8 inch, greased Pyrex dish. Then crack the eggs all over the potatoes. I separated the yolks and after spreading the whites all over, place the yolks in the middle. So it was like a sunflower.
Broil till the eggs are cooked, for about 2-3 minutes.Serve warm.

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4 orta boy patates, soyulup, uzun dilimlenmis
2 yumurta
1 cay kasigi kuru nane½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
½ cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi tuz
2-3 yemek kasigi zeytin yagi

Butun malzemeleri bir kasede harmanlayin. Mikrodalgada pisirmek icin, mikrodalgaya uygun, borcam, cam ya da porselen bir tepside patatesler yumusayana dek pisirin (8-10 dakika).Firin icin, patatesleri firin tepsisine alin ve 220 C (425 F) de yumusayana dek yaklasik 20-30 dakika pisirin.
Sonra 15-20 cm capinda yaglanmis bir borcam tepsiye patatesleri dizin ve uzerine yumurtalari esit sekilde kirin. Ben yumruta sarilarini ayirdim. Once beyazlari patateslerin uzerine yaydim ve sarilarini ortaya koyarak, aycicegine benzer bir goruntu elde ettim.
Sonra firinin ustten kizartma ayarinda yumurtalar pisip hafifce kizarana dek, yaklasik 3-4 dakika firinda pisirin.Sicak servis yapin.

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