Lutenitsa is a sauce-like “salad” and a special spread for bread and other food that is made from tomatoes and peppers, sometimes eggplant pureed together. It looks like a thick ketchup or a thick salsa, but it tastes a little more peppery.
It is very commonly used in Balkan countries especially in Bulgaria. My recipe is for Bulgarian Lutenitsa which I’ve grown up with and still loving it!
900-1000 gr(~2 lb) roasted red pepper /red pepper paste
6 lb tomato, crushed
1 ½ lb roasted eggplant
1 cup canola oil
1 ½ cup sugar
4 Tbsp salt to taste
4 Tbsp dried summer (balkan) savory
Take tomatoes in a big pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Then, turn the heat low and cook for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
If using roasted red peppers take the skins and seeds out. Puree them in a food processor. Stir in the pot. If using red pepper paste, just stir it in. Cook for 10 minutes stirring constantly. Take the skins of roasted eggplants out and puree them in the food processor as well. Stir them into the pot.
Once the mixture gets thicker and boils, add salt and sugar. Cook over low medium heat stirring constantly for about 10 minutes (or you can adjust the thickness as you like). Finally, add canola oil and summer (Balkan) savory. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes.
Fill either glass jars or glass containers, close the lids and store in the refrigerator. This recipe makes for about 8-9 lb Lutenitsa.
Lutenitsa, sosa benzeyen fakat “salata” olarak bilinen ekmege surulen veya yemeklerin yaninda ikram edilen domates, biber ve bazen de patlicanin pure edilerek yapildigi super bir karisimdir. Gorunusu ketcabin ya da salsanin kivamli haline benzer, fakat tadi daha biberimsidir.
Lutenitsa Balkan ulkelerinde ozellikle Bulgaristan’da cok yaygindir. Sizinle paylasmak istedigim tarif kucuklugumden beri onunla yetistigim ve hala cok sevdigim Bulgaristan Lutenitsa’sidir.
900-1000 gr kozlenmis kirmizi biber/ kirmizi biber salcasi
3 kg domates, ezilmis
~750 gr patlican, kozlenmis
1 su bardagi kanola yagi
1 ½ su bardagi seker
4 yemek kasigi tuz
4 yemek kasigi kuru Balkan mercimek otu/zahter otu
Buyukce bir tencereye once domatesi koyun ve yuksek ateste surekli karistirarak biraz koyulasmasini bekleyin. Kaynadiktan sonra kisik ateste yaklasik 15 dakika kadar pisirin.
Kozlenmis kirmizi biber kullaniyorsaniz cekirdeklerini temizleyerek mutfak robotundan gecirin. Pure haline gelen kirmizi biberleri tencereye ilave edin. Eger kirmizi biber salcasi kullaniyorsaniz direk olarak tencereye ilave edin. Karistirarak 10 dakika kadar daha pisirin. Kozlenmis patlicanlarin kabuklarini soyun ve mutfak robotundan gecirin. Tencereye ilave edin.
Tenceredeki karisim koyu bir kivama gelip kaynamaya baslayinca tuz ve sekeri ilave edin. Hafif ateste surekli karistirarak 10 dakika kadar pisirin (kivami istediginiz gibi ayarlayabilirsiniz). Son olarak kanola yagini ve Balkan zater otunu ilave edin. Karistirmaya devam ederek 2-3 dakika daha pisirin.
Kavanozlara ya da kapali saklama kaplarina koyarak buzdolabinda saklayabilirsiniz. Bu tariften yaklasik olarak 4kg Lutenitsa cikiyor.