Today is Regaip Kandil and I’d like to bake Kandil Simits and share them with you. I wish an auspicious Kandil for you all.
2 sticks butter/margarine (250 gr), melted
½ cup canola oil
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup vinegar
1 egg yolk
1 tbsp mahaleb
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
4 cups flour
1 egg white
1 cup sesame seeds
Place the main ingredients but the flour and baking powder in a large bowl. Mix them all and then add flour and baking powder slowly. Knead until the dough becomes soft.
Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C). Grab pecan size dough pieces and make 2-2 ½ inch (5-6 cm) long pencil like pieces and stick the ends to form a ring. And then, in a bowl whisk the egg white and place sesame seeds in a flat plate. First dip all the rings in the egg white and then dip into the sesame seeds.
Arrange them over a baking paper or greased oven tray. Bake until they all turn a light brown color (for about 20-25 minutes). Make sure not to leave them in the oven once they are baked. Otherwise they would become drier.
Kandil Sesame Rings are good to go with tea or coffee at brunches.
P.S: This recipe makes 40-45 Kandil sesame rings.
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Kandil Simidi Kandillerde yapilip, ikram edilen geleneksel bir Turk simididir. Kandiller Islam Dunyasi’nda butun cami minarelerinin aydinlatildigi ve ibadet edilen 5 kutsal geceden olusur: Mevlit, Regaip, MiraƧ, Berat, Kadir. Kandil gecelerinde, bu lezzetli minik simitler yapilir ve Allah rizasi icin komsu-akrabalara dagitilir.
Bugun Regaip Kandili oldugu icin ben de kandil simidi yapip sizinle paylasmak istedim. Hepinizin Kandili Mubarek Olsun.
250 gr margarin/tereyag, erimis
½ su bardagi sivi yag
¼ su bardagi seker
¼ su bardagi sirke
1 yemek kasigi mahlep
1 yumurta sarisi
1 tatli kasigi tuz, silme
1 paket/ 1 tatli kasigi silme kabartma tozu
4 su bardagi un
1 yumurta aki
1 su bardagi susam
Genis bir kaba un ve kabartma tozu haric butun malzemeleri alin ve karistirin. Unun icinde kabartma tozunu karistirin ve unu yavas yavas yedirerek yogurun. Kulak memesi gibi yumusak bir hamur elde edin.
Hamurdan ceviz buyuklugunde parcalar koparin ve elinizle 5-6 cm uzunlugunda parcalar yapin. Uclarini birlestirerek halka seklini verin. Yaptiginiz her halkayi onceden cirptiginiz yumurta beyazina batirin. Son olarak duz bir tabaga susamlari dokun ve yumurta sarisina batirdiginiz simit halkalarini susama bulayin. Yagli kagit serilmis ya da yagladiginiz firin tepsisine aralikli olarak dizin.
Onceden 180 C (350 F) isittiginiz firinda uzerleri pembelesene dek pisirin (yaklasik 20-25 dakika). Piser pismez firindan cikarin, boylece kurumasini engellersiniz.
NOT: Bu tariften 40-45 tane Kandil Simidi cikiyor.
Kandil simidi almak , dagitmak ne guzel bir gelenek. Seninkilerde pek hos olmuslar.
I made these but they didn't come out good. I wonder if the vinegar shouldn't be in it or 1/4 cup is alot. And the dough wasn't soft. Can you please tell me how it's made because i really want to make these. Thanks
I'm not sure why they did not come out good, but I don't think it's because of the vinegar. Vinegar makes them melt in the mouth. But you can try to reduce the amount to see the result.
The dough should be soft, so maybe you can reduce the amount of flour. I hope this would help.
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