Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pan Fried Sardines (Sardalya Tava)

1 lb sardines,
½ cup canola oil
½ cup flour
1 tsp salt to taste
Lemon wedges, onion and lettuce for garnish

Cut the heads off (optional, heads absorb too much oil). Gut the sardines and wash with cold water, drain. Put them in a bowl, sprinkle the salt and blend.Pour the oil into a large skillet and heat it up over high-medium heat. Place the flour in a plate and dip the sardines by holding from their tail. To remove the excess flour, shake the fish off. Fry till they turn to a red fried color, approximately for 4-5 minutes. Turn halfway through. When they are done, place the fried sardines on a plate with paper towel to absorb the excess oil. Serve with lemon wedges, onion and lettuce.

Back to Main PageTURKCE½ kg sardalya
½ su cardagi sivi yag (tercihen kanola)
½ su bardagi un
1 tatli kasigi tuz
Suslemek icin limon dilimleri, sogan ve kivircik

Sardalyalarin kafalarini keserek ya da kesmeden pisirebilirsiniz. Kafalari cok fazla yag cekecektir. Karinlarindan yarip, iclerini temizleyin ve soguk suda guzelce yikayip, suzulmesini bekleyin.Yikanmis baliklari bir kaseye alin ve tuz serpip, harmanlayin. Genis bir tavada yagi kizdirin. Unu bir tabaga alin ve baliklari kuyruklarindan tutarak una bulayin, fazla unu silkeleyin ve kizgin yaga koyun.Orta ateste, sardalyalar kizarana dek her iki tarafini da pisirin. Pisirdiginiz sardalyalari uzerinde kagit havlu bulunan bir tabaga alin, boylece fazla yag havluya gececektir. Servis tabagina alin, limon, sogan ve kivircik ile servis yapin.

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