2 potatoes, grated
1 large onion, grated/finely chopped
2 eggs
¼ cup flour
½ tsp black pepper
1 tsp salt to taste
½ cup canola oil for frying
Ripe tomato slices and basil for top
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, but eggs and oil. Then stir in beaten eggs and get ready for frying (eggs make the mixture juicy). If your mixture gets juicy, drain the excess water.In a wide skillet, sizzle oil and drop 2 table spoon of mixture into it. Then press gently to flatten and give a pate shape. Fry both sides till they get golden brown over high medium heat. Place fried Zucchini-Potato Fritters over a paper towel to get rid of the excess oil.Serve Zucchini-Potato Fritters cold or warm with tomato and basil on top.
***This is a vegetarian recipe.
1 sakiz kabagi, rendelenmis
2 patates, rendelenmis
1 buyuk sogan, rendelenmis/kucuk dogranmis
2 yumurta
¼ su bardagi un
1 cay kasigi karabiber
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ su bardagi sivi yag (tercihen kanola yagi)
Uzeri icin domates dilimleri ve feslegen
1 sakiz kabagi, rendelenmis
2 patates, rendelenmis
1 buyuk sogan, rendelenmis/kucuk dogranmis
2 yumurta
¼ su bardagi un
1 cay kasigi karabiber
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ su bardagi sivi yag (tercihen kanola yagi)
Uzeri icin domates dilimleri ve feslegen
Yumurta ve sivi yag haric butun mucver malzemelerini bir kasede guzelce karistirin. En sonunda cirpilmis yumurtayi ilave edip karistirin ve cok bekletmeden kizartmaya baslayin (yumurta karisimi sulandirir). Eger karisiminiz sulandiysa, fazla suyunu suzun.Genis bir kizartma tavasinda yagi kizdirin ve iki yemek kasigi mucver malzemesi alip kizgin yaga koyun, hafifce uzerine bastirarak duzlestirin ve kofte seklini verin. Mucverlerin her iki tarafi da kizarana dek orta ateste kizartin. Kizarttiklarinizi kagit havlu uzerine koyarak fazla yagini alin.Kabak-Patates Mucverini sicak ya da soguk olarak uzerinde feslegen ve domates ile servis yapin.
***Bu bir vejeteryan yemegidir.
Those fritters look delicious!
I would add Some green peppers for chilli, a bit of cumin, and mint
To give it just a bit more of flavor and kick
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