Sunday, December 18, 2011

Celery Root with Orange (Portakalli Kereviz)

2 celery roots, chopped
1 medium carrot, chopped
1 medium potato, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 cup orange juice
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp sugar

Saute onions with olive oil over medium heat and then, stir in chopped carrots, potatoes and celery root. Cook for about 4-5 minutes. Add salt, sugar and orange juice. Close the lid and cook over low heat for about 15-20 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked.

2 tane kereviz koku, dogranmis
1 su bardagi portakal suyu
1 tane havuc, dogranmis
1 orta boy patates, dogranmis
1 tane sogan, dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi seker

Once soganlari zeytinyaginda kavurun. Ardindan kup seklinde dogranmis; kereviz, havuc ve patatesleri ilave edin. Yaklasik 4-5 dakika orta ateste kavurun.Tuz, seker ve portakal suyunu koyun. Kisik ateste kapagi kapali olarak 15-20 dakika pisirin.


Platanos, Mangoes and Me! said...

I have prepared celery root, but never this way. Looks quite good with the addition of orange.

tom said...

Nice recipe i must to try

zelandali said...

yav hep lokanta yemekleri koymussunuz, hani borekleeeer, tatlilar pogcalarrrrr