1 yufka (Turkish pastry)
¼ lb (100 gr) ricotta/feta cheese
1 egg
1tsp butter, at room temperature
1 cup canola oil for frying
Whisk the egg in a small bowl and add butter and cheese. Mix
well. Cut the yufka in half and place them on top of each other. Then, starting
from the wide part cut 1 ½ inch strips in width. Place one tsp of the cheese
filling on the wide side of each strip. Then, fold from side to side to form a
triangle. Keep folding until the end of the strip. Then, wet the edge with
water and stick to the triangle. Fold all the pieces the same way. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry both sides
of the triangle boreks.
1 yufka
100 gram lor peyniri/beyaz peynir
1 yumurta
1 tatli kasigi tereyag, oda sicakliginda
Kizartmak icin 1 su bardagi kanola yagi
Yumurtayi kucuk bir kaseye alin ve cirpin. Tereyagi ve peyniri
ilave edin, guzelce karistirin.
Yufkayi ortadan ikiye
kesin ve ust uste koyun. Enine dogru yaklasik 4 parmak genisliginde seritler
kesin. Her parcanin genis kismina peynirli icten yaklasik 1 tatli kasigi kadar
koyun ve ucgen seklinde saga sola dogru katlayarak muska seklinde katlayin. Son
kismini suya batirin ve borege yapistirin. Butun parcalari bu sekilde katlayin.
Kizgin yagda her iki taraflari kizarana kadar kizartin.
1 comment:
This is by far one of my favorite...
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