½ -1 head white cabbage, chopped in chunks
½ cup vinegar (apple/grape)-optional
2-3 tbsp salt
3-4 cloves of garlic, peeled/1 onion, sliced
½ tsp coriander
½ tsp red pepper flakes/1 jalapeno (optional)
Purified Water
1-1½ lt (20-30 oz) jar (preferably glass)
Take out the outer leaves of cabbage and wash. Place the chopped cabbage in a large bowl, sprinkle salt and mix them. Cover and leave overnight. The next day, fill the glass/plastic containers with cabbage tightly and place garlic/onion slices, pepper flakes and coriander in between cabbage. Press from the top to fill as much as you can. Then add vinegar till there is about ½ inch vinegar on the bottom (optional). Fill it up with water. Place plastic wrap over the container and close the lid, make sure it is sealed well. To mix the salt and vinegar equally, shake the container for a while.Store it in a dark place. If the place is cold, the fermentation will take place in 3-4 weeks. If it is warm/at room temperature, then it will be ready to eat in 10-15 days.
P.S: Once you open the lid of Pickled Cabbage keep it in the fridge or somewhere cold, otherwise it will be spoiled easily at room temperature.
½-1 bas beyaz lahana, iri dogranmis
½ su bardagi sirke (elma/uzum)-istege bagli
2-3 yemek kasigi tuz
3-4 dis sarimsak, soyulmus/1 sogan, dilimlenmis
1 cay kasigi kisnis
1 cay kasigi kirmizi pul biber/1 tane kirmizi aci biber (istege bagli)
1-1½ lt (20-30 oz) bidon/kavanoz (tercihen cam)
Lahanin dis yapraklarini temizleyin ve yikayin. Iri iri dograyin ve genis bir kaba koyun. Tuz serperek harmanlayin ve uzerini ortun. Bir gece boyunca bekletin. Ertesi gun, agzi siki kapanabilen kavanoz/bidona sikica bastirarak yerlestirin. Aralara sarimsak/sogan, pul biber ve kisnisi serpistirerek, doldurabildiginiz kadar lahana ile doldurun. Ustten sikica bastirin ve dibinde 1 parmak yuksekliginde sirke olana dek sirke ilave edin (istege bagli). Su ile agzina kadar doldurun. Uzerine strec film koyun ve onun uzerinden kapagini sikica kapatin. Tuz ve sirkenin esit olarak dagilmasi icin kavanozu bir kac defa alt ust ederek sallayin.Karanlik ve nemsiz bir ortamda birakin. Ortam soguksa 3-4 hafta sonra lahana tursunuz fermente olmus ve yemek icin hazir hale gelmis olacaktir. Eger ortam ilik/oda sicakliginda ise; tursunuz 10-15 gun icinde hazir olur.
NOT: Tursunuzun agzini actiktan sonra oda sicakliginda saklarsaniz cabuk bozulur. Bunu onlemek icin acildiktan sonra tursuyu buzdolabinda ya da serin ortamda muhafaza edin.
Ana Sayfaya Don