This recipe is from my dear cousin, I want to thank to her for this mouth watering salad.
1lb roasted eggplant
1-2 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tomatoes, diced
2-3 green peppers, chopped
2 roasted red peppers (optional)
¼ cup olive oil
A pinch of red pepper flakes (optional)
1 tsp salt to taste
2/3 cup yogurt
1 clove of garlic, minced
A pinch of salt to taste
1 tbsp butter
¼ tsp paprika
2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
Take olive oil and peppers in a pan and cook them over medium heat. Stir in garlic and cook for additional 1-2 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook over low heat till it absorbs its own juice.
Roast eggplants and red pepper over the grill or in the oven. Skin them and cut into bite sizes. Stir them in tomatoes. Add salt and red paper flakes, cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Once it’s cooked let it cool. Transfer it to a serving plate and serve it either plain or with yogurt sauce on top.
For the sauce, mix yogurt, garlic and salt in a bowl. Meanwhile, in a small frying pan sizzle the butter and stir in paprika and turn the heat off. Let it cool for a while. Pour the yogurt sauce all over the salad and drizzle butter mixture on top. Garnish with parsley and serve.
Bu istah acici tarif icin sevgili kuzenime cok tesekkur ediyorum.
½ kg kozlenmis patlican
2 kozlenmis kirmizi biber (istege bagli)
2 dis sarimsak, kucuk dogranmis
¼ su bardagi zeytinyagi
2 domates, dogranmis
2-3 carliston biber, dogranmis
Bir tutam pul biber (istege bagli)
1 tatli kasigi tuz
2/3 su bardagi yogurt
1 dis sarimsak, kucuk dogranmis
Bir tutam tuz
1 yemek kasigi tereyag
½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
2 yemek kasigi maydanoz, dogranmis
Zeytinyagini bir tavaya alin ve biberleri yumusayana dek orta ateste soteleyin. Sonra sarimsagi ilave edin ve 1-2 dakika daha cevirin. Domatesleri ilave edin ve kisik ateste suyunu cekene dek pisirin.
Ocakta ya da firinda patlican ve biberleri kozleyin. Kabuklarini soyun ve istediginiz buyuklukte dograyin. Sonra, domatesli karisima ilave edin. Tuz ve pul biberi de ekleyin ve ara sira karistirarak 10-15 dakika boyunca kisik ateste pisirin. Pistikten sonra sogumasini bekleyin. Servis tabagina alin ve isterseniz sade olarak ya da uzerine yogurtlu sos dokerek servis yapin.
Sos icin bir kasede; sarimsak, yogurt ve tuzu guzelce karistirin. Kucuk bir kizartma tavasinda tereyagini eritin ve kizinca icine kirmizi toz biberi ilave edin. Karistirip atesten indirin ve biraz sogumasini bekleyin. Salatanin uzerine yogurt sosunu dokun ve en ustune tereyagini gezdirin. Maydanoz ile susleyin ve servis yapin.
Ana Sayfaya Don