Friday, November 30, 2012

Quince Dessert (Ayva Tatlisi)

4 medium quinces
2 cups water
1 ½ cups sugar
7 pieces of clove
1 cinnamon stick (optional)
Seeds of quinces
2 Tbsp pomegranate flowers/ a pinch of red food coloring (optional)

For garnish:
Ice-cream/whip cream/thick cream
Crushed nuts

Peel the quinces and cut them in half, remove the seeds but do not discard. You may want to flatten the bottom of the quince halves for a better standing in the serving plate. Set them aside for later use. If not using the quinces you may want to dip them in lemon juice water to prevent browning. 
Place water, cloves, cinnamon stick, pomegranate flowers/red food color and quince seeds (for thick syrup) in a shallow pot or saucepan. Bring to a boil and place the quince halves bottoms up (seeded parts facing down). Simmer on low medium for 15 minutes with lid is half closed. Then, flip the quince halves now the seeded parts facing up and add sugar filling the seeded holes. Simmer for 10 more minutes with lid open or half closed. Check them with a fork and if they are soft enough.
Take them over the serving plate sliced part facing up and spoon some of the syrup in the bottom of the plate. Let them cool for 20-30 minutes. Then you may use either whip cream or thick cream or even ice cream to fill up the holes. If desired, sprinkle with come crushed nuts and serve.

4 tane orta boy ayva
2 su bardagi su
1 ½ su bardagi seker
7 tane karanfil
1 cubuk tarcin (istege bagli)
ayvanin cekirdekleri
2 yemek kasigi nar cicegi/ bir tutam kirmizi gida boyasi (istege bagli)

Uzeri icin:
Dondurma/krem santi/kaymak
Cekilmis antep fistigi/findik/ceviz

Ayvalarin kabuklarini soyup ikiye bolun. Cekirdeklerini cikarin ve daha sonra kullanmak uzere ayirin. Yuvarlak kisimlarini biraz duzleyip servis yaparken duzgun durmasini saglayabilirsiniz. Eger ayvalari hemen kullanmiyorsaniz, kararmasini engellemek icin limonlu su icine koyun.
Cok derin olmayan genisce bir tencereye; su, karanfil, tarcin cubugu ve nar cicegi/kirmizi gida boyasini koyun ve kaynatin. Sonra, ayvalari yuvarlak kisimlari yukari gelecek sekilde tencereye yerlestirin ve 15 dakika kisik ateste kapagi yari kapali sekilde pisirin. Ayvalari ters cevirin ve cukur cekirdek kisimlarini dolduracak sekilde sekeri ilave edin. Yine kapagi yari aralik sekilde 10 dakika kadar ya da ayvalar yumusayana dek pisirin.
Servis tabagina alin ve surubundan da dibine koyarak yaklasik 20-30 dakika sogumasini bekleyin. Sonra, cukur kisimlarini istege bagli olarak kaymak/krem santi ya da dondurma ile doldurun. Ogutulmus antep fistigi/ceviz/findik serperek servis yapin.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Muhammara (Red Pepper Walnut Dip)

1-1 ½  cup roasted red peppers, drained
1/2 cup fresh bread crumbs
1/3 cup walnuts, finely chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 Tbsp pomegranate molasses
½-1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp hot red pepper flakes (optional)
2-3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
½ tsp salt to taste

Blend all the ingredients but the olive oil in a food processor blend until mixture is smooth. You may also leave it a little chunky if you like it that way. Stir in oil gradually. Transfer muhammara to a serving bowl and if desired, garnish with fresh parsley/mint. Serve it with crudities, pita triangles or fresh bread. May be refrigerated for up to 24 hours.
Serve at room temperature.
Muhammara is also very good at breakfasts.
1 su bardagi kozlenmis kirmizi biber, suzulmus
1/3 su bardagi ceviz ici, ufalanmis
2-3 dis sarimsak, dovulmus
1 yemek kasigi taze limon suyu
1 yemek kasigi nar eksisi
½-1 tatli kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi aci kirmizi pul biber (istege bagli)
2-3 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
1 cay kasigi tuz

Zeytinyagi haric butun malzemeleri mutfak robotunda puruzsuz hale gelene dek pure haline getirin. Istege bagli olarak iri parcali da birakabilirsiniz.Zeytinyagini da yavas yavas karistirin. Servis tabagina alin ve arzu ederseniz taze maydanoz/nane ile susleyin. Taze ekmek, pitaucgenleri ya da sebze ile servis edebilirsiniz. Buzdolabinda 24 saate kadar saklayabilirsiniz. Oda sicakliginda servis edin. Muhammara kahvalti sofralariniza da cok iyi yakisacaktir.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kebapche-Bulgarian (Bulgaristan Usulu Kebap)

2 lbs minced meat (60% lamb, 40% beef)
1 Tbsp salt
1 Tbsp fresh ground black pepper
½ tsp cumin
1-2 glove garlic, minced (optional)
Mix all ingredients together well. Leave in the fridge for 4-12 hours. Take out and roll in sausage like pieces. About 1 inch in diameter and 6 inches in length. Makes about 30 pieces.
Cook over the grill until both sides are done.
1 kg kiyma (60% koyun, 40% dana)
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 yemek kasigi taze ogutulmus karabiber
½ tatli kasigi kimyon
1-2 dis sarimsak, ezilmis (istege bagli)
Butun malzemeleri guzelce karistirin. Buzdolabinda yaklasik 4-12 saat dinlendirin. Sonra, kiymadan yaklasik 2.5 cm capinda ve 15 cm uzunlugunda uzun yuvarlak sucuklar yapin.Yaklasik 30 adet cikar.
Mangal ya da izgara uzerinde her iki taraflari kizarana dek pisirin.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cheese Stuffed Jalapenos (Peynirli Jalapeno Biber Dolmasi)

12 jalapeno peppers
2 cloves of garlic, minced
½ cup cream cheese
¼ tsp cumin
¼ tsp paprika
1 tsp salt to taste
¼ cup jack cheese, shredded

Preheat the oven to 375F (190C). Either slice the jalapenos in half lengthwise or slice off the top one-third (lengthwise) of each jalapeno to make a boat shape out of each pepper. (The halved jalapenos will be twice as many stuffed peppers, but you can put more filling into the boat-shaped peppers). If you choose to make the boats, you can mince the tops and add them to the filling if you want some extra heat, or save them for another recipe. Scrape out all the seeds and ribs from each jalapeno with a spoon.
Mix together all the filling ingredients and pack the filling into the jalapenos. Arrange the peppers on a baking sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbly and lightly browned, and the peppers are cooked. Serve warm.

12 jalapeno biberi
2 dis sarimsak, ezilmis
½ su bardagi krem peynir
½ cay kasigi kimyon
½ cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
1 cay kasigi tuz
¼ su bardagi jack/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis

Firini 190C (375F)’ye isitin. Jalapenolari isterseniz boyuna ikiye kesin, ya da sap kismindan 1/3 unu boyuna keserek kayak seklini verin. (Yariya kestiginiz biberlerden iki kati peynirli biber cikarken, kayak seklindekiler de daha fazla peynirli ic alacaktir). Eger kayak seklini tercih ederseniz, kestiginiz kucuk parcalari minik mink dograyarak peynirli ice karistirarak biraz daha aci elde edebilir ya da daha sonra kullanmak uzere saklayabilirsiniz. Jalapenolarin icindeki butun cekirdek ve dammar kisimlarini  bir kasik yardimiyla kaziyarak temizleyin.
Butun diger ic malzemeyi karistirin ve biberlerin icine doldurun. Peynirli jalapenolari yagli kagit serdiginiz firin tepsisine yerlestirin ve yaklasik 20-30 dakika, ya da uzerleri hafif pembelesip biberler pisene dek pisirin. Sicak veya ilik servis yapin.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Peppers with Milk and Cheese (Lorlu-Sutlu Biber ) Rumeli-Trakya

2 lbs sweet banana peppers
3-4 lbs ricotta cheese (preferably fresh)
3-4 cups milk
Salt to taste
Bring the milk to boil and add some salt to ricotta if you like. Let the milk cool aside (it should be a little cooler than the milk for yogurt making, 33-37 C). Chop the peppers about 1 inch long and put them in 1L or any size you like glass jars. Make sure to fill half of the jars. Then, fill the ¾ of the jars with ricotta cheese, covering the peppers almost 1 inch. Once the milk gets to the right temperature (33-37 C), fill the jars with milk to the top. Close the lids tight and place the jars upside down over a blanket or any other thick cloth, just as you make yogurt. Wrap the blanket around the jars tightly and let them ferment for 2 days. You may check sometime to see if there are any spills. Take them to the refrigerator when they get as thick as yogurt, or maybe thicker.
Let them rest in the fridge for 10 days and then they are ready to eat. The longer they stay in the fridge the thicker and more acidic they become as in pickles. They will have a more sour and strong taste.
1 kg carliston biber
1.5-2 kg taze tam yagli lor
3-4  bardak sut
Sutu iyice kaynatin. Lor peynirinin tuz oranına gore arzu ettiginiz oranda tuz ilave edin. Sut bir kenarda sogumaya birakilir. (Yogurt mayalanacak sutten biraz daha ilik olmalidir). Biberleri 2-3 cm uzunlugunda dograyin ve 1 litrelik ya da kullandigiz herhangi bir boyuttaki kavanozun yarisina kadar doldurun. Kavanozdaki biberlerin uzerini bir-iki parmak gececek kadar (kavanozun 4’te 3u) lor peynirle doldurun. Sut, yogurt yapimi icin tercih edilen sicakliktan biraz daha ilik olunca, kavanozlarin agzina kadar doldurun. Kavanozlari sikica kapatin.Yogurt mayalar gibi, bir battaniye uzerine kavanozlari ters sekilde koyun ve etrafini battaniye ya da baska bir kalin ortuyle sikica sarin ve yaklasik 2 gun mayalamaya birakin. Arada kontrol ederek kavanozlarin sizinti yapmadigindan emin olun. Yogurt kivamindan daha sert bir kivama geldiklerinde kavanozlari buzdolabina alabilirsiniz.
Buzdolabinda 10 gun bekletttikten sonra tuketebilirsiniz. Buzdolabinda bekleme suresi arttikca kivami ve lezzeti artacak, ayni tursu gibi daha asidik, keskin ve eksimsi bir tad alacaklardir.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Roasted Grape Tomatoes ( Firinlanmis Kiraz Domates)

3 cups grape/cherry tomatoes
5 button mushrooms, sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 Tbsp brown sugar
½ tsp sea salt
2 Tbsp fresh basil, finely chopped
Preheat oven to 400F (200C). Combine all the ingredients in a medium bowl. Transfer them over a glass baking dish ensuring they are in just one layer. Roast for about 20 minutes or until the tomatoes begin to shrivel. You may garnish with fresh basil. Serve hot from oven.
3 su bardagi kiraz domates
5 tane kultur mantari, dilimlenmis
2 dis sarimsak, dovulmus
3 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi balsamic sirke
1 yemek kasigi esmer seker
1 cay kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi taze feslegen, ince dogranmis
Firini onceden 200C (400F)’ye isitin. Orta boy bir kasede butun malzemeleri karistirin ve tercihen borcam bir tepsiye tek sira halinde yerlestirin. Firina verin ve yaklasik 20 dakika ya da domatesler kuculup, burusmaya baslayana dek pisirin. Firindan cikar cikmaz sicak servis yapin. Arzuya gore uzerine taze feslegen yapraklari ilave edebilirsiniz.