Welcome to my webpage. I am Hayriye, as you might guess from the name of the website I am Turkish. I was born in Bulgaria and immigrated to Yalova, Turkey in 1989 with my family. After my marriage, I moved to USA with my husband in 2007. I am a Food Scientist and Engineer with a PhD degree. I am also a mother to a sweet son. Relating to my profession, I enjoy both preparing diverse variety of healthy and nutritious meals and learning the science behind.
I’ve grown up with traditional Turkish dining culture. Turkey is and has been a bridge between East and West, Europe and Asia, modernism and traditionalism for centuries. Due to its unique geopolitical condition Turkish dining culture has also been affected. It is composure of Ottoman, Balkan, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and European dining cultures and known as one of cuisines with the largest varieties of dishes in the world for centuries.
Being abroad from Turkey, I’ve realized that every country has a very different and unique dining culture. This led me to claim my wide dining culture and share it with anyone interested. With the support and help of my husband, I have started publishing the recipes and the photographs of my dishes I cook at home at this Turkish food and recipes site. All the photographs are taken by me and are copyright, Turkish Food and Receipes. Also, the ingredients I use are easy to find and budget-friendly. All the recipes are tested by me, my family and my friends. I make improvements and updates, as I cook the recipes several times. So, it's a kind of work in a progress. I will be posting new recipes continuously and feel free to contact with me for questions, comments or suggestions (turkishfoodandrecipe@gmail.com). You can also subscribe to my blog by entering your email address to the address window on the right side. If you do this, you will receive the content via email when I publish a new post.
My mother, an excellent cook, is my master who has inspired me for cooking since my childhood. Now I am trying to be as ingenious as my mom in the kitchen and I am looking forward to sharing my cooking experiences in US with you.
Additionally; I will be sharing my professional advice on how to cook nutritious, non-contaminated, microbiologically safe meals. I will help you to cook hygienic foods and learn the cooking tips for having the maximum nutritional benefits from all foods.
I would like to thank everyone who made contributions to this website. Special thanks go to my mom for providing invaluable advices and making me gain precious experience on cooking, my dad and sister for their support, and my husband for always being on my side and his endless help and support.
Being a good cook requires hard work and special care. Every dish you cook deserves a smile and appreciation. There is a Turkish saying that we use to thank to the cook and appreciate what he/she did: “Ellerinize saglik” which can be translated to English as “Thanks to your hands”. I would like to say “Ellerinize saglik” of all.
I hope you like my website. Enjoy all the food and recipes.
Ben Hayriye, websiteme hosgeldiniz. Websitemin isminden de anlasilabilecegi gibi Turkum. Kisa bir ozgecmis vermek gerekirse; Bulgaristan dogumluyum. 1989 yilinda, kucuk bir kiz iken milyonlarca Osmanli kokenli Turk ile birlikte, anavatanimiz Turkiye’ye goc ettik ve Yalova'ya yerlestik. Universiteyi Gida muhendisi olarak bitirdikden sonra, evlenip esimle birlikte Amerika’ya geldim. Yakin zamanda gida uzerine doktorami aldim ve vaktimin cogunu tatli ogluma annelik yaparak geciriyorum .
Kucuklugumden beri geleneksel Turk yemek kulturuyle buyudum. Turkiye'nin yuzyillardir Dogu ile Bati’nin, Avrupa ile Asya’nin modernizmi ve geleneginin bulustugu bir kopru olusu ve bu ozel jeopolitik konumu; Turk yemek kulturunu de etkilemistir. Sonuc olarak; yemek kulturumuz Osmanli, Balkan, Akdeniz, Ortadogu ve Avrupa yemek kulturlerinin bir karisimi olarak; dunyanin en zengin yemek kulturleri listesinin bas siralarinda yerini almistir.
Turkiye’den uzakta gecirdigim sure icinde, her ulkenin farkli ve kendine ozgu bir yemek kulturu oldugunu farkettim. Bu durum; Turk yemek kulturumuzu sahiplenmeme ve ilgilenen herkesle paylasma istegine yol acti. Esimin de yardimi ve destegiyle evde pisirdigim Turk yemeklerinin tariflerini ve fotograflarini bu sitede yayinlamaya karar verdim. Sitemde bulunan butun fotograflari kendim cektim ve isim hakkina sahibim. Kullandigim butun malzemeler, kolayca bulunabilecek, hesapli malzemelerdir.Butun yayinladigim tarifler; kendim, ailem ve arkadaslarim tarafindan test ediliyor. Tarifleri defalarca yaptigimda, uzerlerinde yeni gelismeler ve guncellemeler yapiyorum; yani suregelen bir calisma icerisinde olup, devamli yeni tarifler yayinliyorum. Yayinladigim yemek tarifleriyle ilgili sorularinizi, goruslerinizi ve onerilerinizi her zaman yorumlara yazabilir yada adresime gonderebilirsiniz (turkishfoodandrecipe@gmail.com). Ayrica yandaki kutucuga emailinizi girerek bloguma uye olabilirsiniz. Boylelikle yayinladigim yeni tarifler size email olarak bildirilecektir.
Cocuklugumdan beri; yemek yapma konusundaki merakimi ve bundan buyuk zevk almami, mukemmel bir asci olan anneme borcluyum. O benim icin her zaman kusursuz bir ornek olmustur. Simdi ben de annemden ogrendigim bilgiler ile mesleki bilgilerim dogrultusunda, mutfakta onun gibi marifetli olmaya calisiyorum ve Amerika’daki mutfak ve yemek tecrubelerimi sizlerle paylasmak icin sabirsizlaniyorum.
Ayrica: besleyici, lezzetli, kontamine olmamis, hijyenik ve mikrobiyolojik olarak guvenli, kisacasi daha saglikli yemek pisirmek ve daha saglikli beslenmek icin mesleki bilgilerimi sizlerle paylasiyor olacagim. Pratik bilgiler ve ipuclari ile, tuketmis oldugunuz gidalardan maksimum duzeyde yararlanmanizi saglamaya calisacagim.
Bu sitenin ortaya cikmasinda emegi gecen; bana ogrettigi degerli bilgiler ve kazandirdigi tecrubeler icin sevgili anneme; destekleri icin kardesim ve babama; sonsuz destek, fikir ve yardimlariyla her zaman yanimda olan esime cok tesekkur ediyorum.
Iyi ve guzel yemek yapmak; emek ve ozen gerektirir. Yapilan her yemek bir tebessum ve “Ellerine saglik” hak eder. Simdiden hepinizin ellerine saglik!
Umarim sitemi begenirsiniz. Size simdiden afiyet olsun.
Privacy Policy
Ben Hayriye, websiteme hosgeldiniz. Websitemin isminden de anlasilabilecegi gibi Turkum. Kisa bir ozgecmis vermek gerekirse; Bulgaristan dogumluyum. 1989 yilinda, kucuk bir kiz iken milyonlarca Osmanli kokenli Turk ile birlikte, anavatanimiz Turkiye’ye goc ettik ve Yalova'ya yerlestik. Universiteyi Gida muhendisi olarak bitirdikden sonra, evlenip esimle birlikte Amerika’ya geldim. Yakin zamanda gida uzerine doktorami aldim ve vaktimin cogunu tatli ogluma annelik yaparak geciriyorum .
Kucuklugumden beri geleneksel Turk yemek kulturuyle buyudum. Turkiye'nin yuzyillardir Dogu ile Bati’nin, Avrupa ile Asya’nin modernizmi ve geleneginin bulustugu bir kopru olusu ve bu ozel jeopolitik konumu; Turk yemek kulturunu de etkilemistir. Sonuc olarak; yemek kulturumuz Osmanli, Balkan, Akdeniz, Ortadogu ve Avrupa yemek kulturlerinin bir karisimi olarak; dunyanin en zengin yemek kulturleri listesinin bas siralarinda yerini almistir.
Turkiye’den uzakta gecirdigim sure icinde, her ulkenin farkli ve kendine ozgu bir yemek kulturu oldugunu farkettim. Bu durum; Turk yemek kulturumuzu sahiplenmeme ve ilgilenen herkesle paylasma istegine yol acti. Esimin de yardimi ve destegiyle evde pisirdigim Turk yemeklerinin tariflerini ve fotograflarini bu sitede yayinlamaya karar verdim. Sitemde bulunan butun fotograflari kendim cektim ve isim hakkina sahibim. Kullandigim butun malzemeler, kolayca bulunabilecek, hesapli malzemelerdir.Butun yayinladigim tarifler; kendim, ailem ve arkadaslarim tarafindan test ediliyor. Tarifleri defalarca yaptigimda, uzerlerinde yeni gelismeler ve guncellemeler yapiyorum; yani suregelen bir calisma icerisinde olup, devamli yeni tarifler yayinliyorum. Yayinladigim yemek tarifleriyle ilgili sorularinizi, goruslerinizi ve onerilerinizi her zaman yorumlara yazabilir yada adresime gonderebilirsiniz (turkishfoodandrecipe@gmail.com). Ayrica yandaki kutucuga emailinizi girerek bloguma uye olabilirsiniz. Boylelikle yayinladigim yeni tarifler size email olarak bildirilecektir.
Cocuklugumdan beri; yemek yapma konusundaki merakimi ve bundan buyuk zevk almami, mukemmel bir asci olan anneme borcluyum. O benim icin her zaman kusursuz bir ornek olmustur. Simdi ben de annemden ogrendigim bilgiler ile mesleki bilgilerim dogrultusunda, mutfakta onun gibi marifetli olmaya calisiyorum ve Amerika’daki mutfak ve yemek tecrubelerimi sizlerle paylasmak icin sabirsizlaniyorum.
Ayrica: besleyici, lezzetli, kontamine olmamis, hijyenik ve mikrobiyolojik olarak guvenli, kisacasi daha saglikli yemek pisirmek ve daha saglikli beslenmek icin mesleki bilgilerimi sizlerle paylasiyor olacagim. Pratik bilgiler ve ipuclari ile, tuketmis oldugunuz gidalardan maksimum duzeyde yararlanmanizi saglamaya calisacagim.
Bu sitenin ortaya cikmasinda emegi gecen; bana ogrettigi degerli bilgiler ve kazandirdigi tecrubeler icin sevgili anneme; destekleri icin kardesim ve babama; sonsuz destek, fikir ve yardimlariyla her zaman yanimda olan esime cok tesekkur ediyorum.
Iyi ve guzel yemek yapmak; emek ve ozen gerektirir. Yapilan her yemek bir tebessum ve “Ellerine saglik” hak eder. Simdiden hepinizin ellerine saglik!
Umarim sitemi begenirsiniz. Size simdiden afiyet olsun.
Privacy Policy
I`m very glad to be the first who comment you . Your site is a treasure for me .. I looove your recipes .
Keep on
It's my pleasure to have you, you are very nice.
Ellerine salik hersey cok guzel en yakin zamanda tariflerini deneyecem
çok güzel....teşekkürler.
Ingilizce..... Biraz Türkçe biliyorum. Thanks for a great sıte. I am an English man living in Turkey and have started to learn to cook....I know a little Turkish...güle güle.x
It's very nice to see you! I hope you'll enjoy my recipes and also living in Turkey. I miss Turkey and life there... Gule gule
Evde yoğurt yapımı için tarif ararken sitenizi keşfettim.
Ben Türkiye'de yaşıyorum ve bu yemekleri zaten yapıyorum ama sizin beslenme konusundaki bilimsel görüşlerinize ihtiyacım var..
My Turkish boyfriend is very traditional and likes NOTHING but turkish food! So I am so glad you have written this website. THANK YOU! You have inspired me to become a more confident turkish cook!
I will be happy if I can help you.And I'm sure you can be an excellent Turkish Cook!
Merhaba (This is all I know in Turkish:) ,
You have a wonderful site with lots of delicious looking recipes. I go to college and live in a small apartment with basic kitchenware so it is very important for me that you use regular kitchenware, nothing fancy or expensive for all your home cooked meals.
I have a Turkish Friend who always talks about Turkish kebabs, baklavas etc. I am planning to surprise her with one of your recipes. I am sure she'll be delighted.
I am very glad that I have found your site. I will follow you regularly.
Thanks for publishing all those recipes. Please keep posting.
Merhaba Kim,
It's great to see you.You'll see that all my recipes are easy to cook,healthy and budget friendly.
I hope you'll enjoy my recipes and surprise your friend. Good luck Kim!
Çocukluğumdan damağımda kalan tat: süt çorbası ve bu tarifi ararken blogunuza rastladım. Bulgaristan Rusçuk doğumluyum, uzun yıllardan beri ise İstanbul'da oturmaktayım.
Blogunuza emek verdiğiniz için size çok teşekkür ediyorum, ellerinize, yüreğinize sağlık!..
thank you so much for you site here. i have been to Turkey once when i married my husband.I learned afew things from my mother-in-law but with the language barrier it was trying. there was a cake she made with yogert and it was never frosted would you know of this cake? it's my husbands favorate. thank you , Linn
I'm so glad you like my site.
I have a cake recipe with yogurt. I hope this is what you are looking for: http://www.turkishfoodandrecipes.com/2008/12/yogurt-dessert-yogurt-tatlisi.html
I was stationed in Izmir in the early '90s w/my wife and we just fell in love w/the cusine. I'm really glad I found this site and plan to visit often to try the recipes and relive my experiences.
G. David
amazing site very good work machalah,ben nesrine from jordan 32 years old married,have two lovely boys,l love cooking since a little girl ,actually l do some pies and cakes at home by order,hope one day l can do my own business.loving your country and people there and of course all the dishes
actually l'm trying to learn turc by net but l need to speak it more
quick questions l have to do so many invitation this ramadhan,can you suggeste me some menu,the number of people around three familly ,l love iskander kabab can we have this recipies.
çok tessekur ederim for your time and for this site,
Hi Nesrine,
I can give you some menus for your intivations at Ramadan.
-Plateu Soup,Islim Kebab,Pilaf with Vegetables,Mediterranean Salad,Sweet Semolina Cake.
-Red Lentil Soup,Lady's Thigh Kofte,Potato Salad with Yogurt,Milky Semolina Desert
-Mousaka with Bechamel Sauce,Zucchini Fritters,Cacik,Rice Pudding.
I hope these recipes will help.
I wish you an auspicious and abundant Ramadan.
I'm an Indonesian who got married with a Turkish and we have just settled in Turkey after 3 years living in Konya.
Thank you for the recipes, you are my savior, Ellerine Saglik, sister!
Ben Amerika'da yasiyorum.Burada yabanci arkadaslara yemek yapmayi ogretiyorum kendi capimda.Sizin tahinli kekten yaptim hepsi bayildi. Tarifle birlikte web adresinizi de verdim onlara. cok ilgililer yemeklere. eminim sitenizi cok begenecekler. Cok tesekkurler.
You look lovely mashallah, I really wish you the best. I look at your website every single day and i want to make everything, I have made some of your recipes and my family and friends enjoy them very much. Thanks for the best recipes ever.
Hope your dreams come true and wish you a happy life with good health and wealth.
I am glad you made this site. Like many Turkish men my boyfriend finds it difficult to eat anything but the most basic western foods, and i have been quite concerned about his nutrition
Now i can go through your recipes with him and since you also wrote them in turkish he can easily choose what he likes.
Interestingly, i found that some traditional recipes from my own country ( Germany) are actually very similar, so cooking is no problem at all. :)
I am not Turkish but love Turkish kitchen Your marvelous site gives me inspiration for my cooking lessons
I have my own cooking club and teach people to cook and discover various kitchens over the world.
Leo from Belgium
Salam Hayriye,
you are beautiful and very kind. Thank you very much for sharing these amazing recipes with all of us. This is definitely the best food website. I wish you alot of success in every thing you do inshallah.
A kiss to ur mom's hand from me :)
Tarifleriniz gercekten cok guzel ve burada bulabilecegimiz urunlerle hazirlanmis bende iskocyada yasamaktayim.Burada ne boreklik yufka nede kadayif gibi seyleri bulan=biliyoruz sebzelerden bahsetmiyorum bile.Gecenlerde bir site buldumda yine ordan ufak tefek ihtiyaclarimizi gideriyoruz salca gibi...Daha once bu phyllo pastry lerden borek yapamamistim hic ama burdaki tariflerden yaptigim cok guzel oldu guzel yemeklerinizin devamini diliyorum ...
Hey, Hayriye
Thank you so much for your effort on this wonderful website. AND THANKS a lot for the recepie of the
Meatballs in Sour Sauce , my mother know to make it and I was thinking about calling her for the recepie but now I have the recepie, thank you sooo much ymmmy, do you have a resturant as well? or any Turkish resturant around Lexington?
I'm an Australian with a Turkish husband.. He now lives in Australia with me and your website will help me to make him feel more at home with some favorite foods.. Thankyou so much for sharing..
Hi Hayriye,
I just love your site. Your recipes are just delicious. The best part is that they are easy to cook, healthy, taste great and you can get all the ingredients in the supermarket. You really made my "cooking life" easier:)Thanks:)
Kristina, Prague
Merhaba Hayriye, My family and I lived in Istanbul for two years. We have really missed Turkish food (and everything else Turkish)since returning to Australia. Your site is a bonus - thank you! Ellerinize saglik.
I made the zucchini, chicken, mushroom casserole and it turned out great! thanks for all the recipes. I am attempting to learn more Balkan food as my husband is East Europe and the food is very different from what American. Thank You!
Merhaba Sevgili Hayriye,
Websiteni dun tatli tarifi ararken buldum ve cok begendim, tarifler ve olculer cok acik . Bugun hemen 3'unu yaptim :-)
Tesekkurler ........
Merhaba .
Im very glsd to see a wonderfull site concern on Turkish food.
Alot of the reciepes are known to me and here in my country we knew them.
It's another relation between us and Turkey, and I'm happy for that.
Thank you for your great work.
Love from Filistin .
Merhaba amazing site i really love turkish food now i could cook more and enjoy making it yay thank you so much..
I found your site while looking for something for breakfast that does not include eggs. I love that you publish things in English and Turkish. Though I am not fluent in any other language, I like to know what other languages call the same thing. Thank you for taking the trouble to make this site. You must be a very kind and sharing person. I appreciate your efforts! =Deb
Thanks Allah I found your website. I really want to cook turkish foods and learn more on cooking.....thanks a lot
Your site is really nice..Im glad I found it.It will help me a lot in learning how to cook turkish foods
Alhamdulilah, i found your site, even it is late. But better late than never right..
these all are helpful for me as beginner to know Turkish food.
Thanks a lot for your site.
Keep posting right and stay healthy so I can read your posting again and again.
Nice to meet you.
I just got back from my first visit to Turkey. I am enjoying trying the recipes on your site.
Just wanted to thank you for your wonderful recipies! My family lived in Incirlik for almost 5 years... I love the food and most of all the people. Just reading your recipies brought back the warm smiling faces and the wonderful smells that filled the air... Thank you again
I love your website! Thank you!!
Love Turkish food. You have a very nice site. Would try out recipes too.
Do visit my space http://gheza-e-shiriin.blogspot.com/
Bu gece ilk defa girdim sayfanıza sans eseri, ve cok begendim.. Tam da bazı mutfak terinlerinin ingilizce karsılıgını aramaktaydım;-) baska birşey dilesem olacakmıs:) elinize saglık diyorum..
This ia a fantastic site to learn both Turkish cooking and the language. Thank you so much for your hard work on the bilingual recipes. It really made me happy to discover this treasure!
hi I am your follower, I love Turkish food and your site is loaded with awesome recipes. thanks for sharing the recipes. It would be great if you could link some of your recipes to my event. here is the link Flavors of cuisines - "Turkish"
Hayriye, thanks so much for your site! You and I have opposite stories - I am American, but I moved to Turkey when I married my husband. I tried to learn to make Turkish food from my mother-in-law, but she does everything too fast and with no measurements! I spent 7 years in university studying all the time and eating take-out food, so I was not the world's best cook. Your recipes have been so helpful for me, and I love that I can use the American or the Turkish measurements, depending on which tools I have on hand. Thanks again and best of luck!
Just stumbled onto the site. Great recipes. Many of them are favorites from my days working in Istanbul. I have never understood why Turkish style food has never become popular in the US. I was able to find it easily in both Germany and Belgium while working there. Thank you for your hard work.
i just found your page !!! and so happy that Y did!!
I´m fun of turkish food... I hope that all the recipes will work for me
Anita Krell from Bogota Colombia
Dear Hayriye,
I found your site by chance to my utmost delight. Having had been born in Istanbul,Turkey and brought up by the descendants of the people from the Ottoman tradition, I grew up during the1940ies enjoying the healthy,delicious food made with unique Ottoman Palace kitchen recipes prepared by my grand mother.
please accept my heart-felt appreciation for your philosophy toward your healthy,delicious food preparation,and availing your delicious Turkish food recipes in their authentic origin.
All these years of (1962-presant) mostly living in the USA, with the exception of scare few,I rarely found any restaurant serving Turkish food close to my satisfaction.
I live in Ithaca,NY. when I was a student at Cornell during the 70es I worked at the Mooswood Restaurant part time,introducing some Istanbul style food of my childhood.
I send you my best wishes. I hope you consider publishing a wonderful book of Turkish recipes. Most success with your studies,good health and happiness with your life.
Dilmeran, A. Dunham.
Merhaba Hayriye,
Çok ortak noktamız var sizinle, ismim Nevriye😄 ben de Bulgaristan doğumlu bir göçmenim ve ben de 2012 yılından beridir Amerika'da yaşıyorum. Kozanak tarifi ararken gördüm siteni, çok güzel ellerine sağlık. Benim de yardımım dokunabilirse çok mutlu olurum. Umarım yakın oturuyoruzdur! Tanışmak isterdim.Sevgiler....
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