1 ½ cup sugar
2 cups flour
½ cup canola oil
½ or 1 cup spinach, pureed
1 package/1 tsp baking powder
1 package/1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp lemon juice (optional)
250-300 gr whipped cream
Puree spinach in a food processor and put aside. In a wide bowl, mix sugar and eggs with a mixer till it gets foamy. Add lemon juice, canola oil and spinach. Then, add baking powder, vanilla and flour. Mix for 3-4 minutes till obtaining a smooth mixture. Then pour it into greased Pyrex (~3L).
Bake in a preheated 375 F (190C) oven for about 30-40 minutes. Check if it’s done inserting a toothpick into the cake. It is done, if it comes out clean.
Let it cool down and then take out of the Pyrex. Cut off the sides off about ½ inch wide and powder them in the food processor. Set aside. Place the cake over a serving plate; spread whipped cream on top evenly. Then, sift the powdered cake on top of the cream. Slice it up and serve.
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2 yumurta
1 ½ su bardagi seker
2 su bardagi un
½ su bardagi kanola yagi
½ ya da 1 su bardagi ispanak, pure edilmis
1 paket/1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu
1 paket/1 tatli kasigi vanilya
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu (istege bagli)
Uzeri icin 250-300 gr krem santi
Ispanagi mutfak robotu ya da rondoda pure haline getirin ve bir kenara ayirin. Genis bir kapta; seker ve yumurtayi mikser ile cirparak beyaz kopuk haline getirin. Limon suyu, sivi yag ve ispanagi ilave edin. Karistirmaya devam edin. Son olarak kabartma tozu, vanilya ve unu ekleyin. Yaklasik 3-4 dakika boyunca cirpin. Yaglanmis olan borcam (3L) ya da firin tepsisine dokun.
Onceden isitilmis 190C (375 F) firinda yaklasik 30-40 dakika pisirin. Kontrol etmek icin bir kurdani kekik icine batirin. Eger kurdan temiz cikarsa kekiniz pismistir.
Keki bir kenarda sogumaya birakin. Sonra Tepsiden cikarin ve kenarlarindan 1-1½ cm kalinliginda parcalar kesin. Bu parcalari mutfak robotu/rondoda mumkun oldugu kadar kucultup pudra haline getirin. Keki servis tabagina alin ve uzerine krem sartiyi esit sekilde surun. Ustune pudra haline getirdiginiz kek parcaciklarini bir suzgec/elek yardimiyla serpistirin.
Istediginiz sekilde dilimleyin ve servis yapin.
Wow. I want to try this but just can't get my head around spinach in a cake!!
Yours looks lovely though, I should give it a go!
Bu kek uzun zamandir aklimda yapilmayi bekliyor. Ne de guzel olmus. Eline saglik.
You'll see that spinach is just for coloring, you do not taste any spinach flavor in this cake.
Just give a try, I hope you'll like it.
Good luck,
i love this cake
I just made this cake with 1 &1/4 cup pureed frozen spinach and doubled all other ingredients.It worked very well! It tastes exactly like a regular vanilla cake except it is beautifilly green! Thanks for this great recipe!
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