Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chicken Broccoli Soup (Tavuklu Brokoli Corbasi)

1 onion, finely chopped
2-3 tbsp canola oil
3 tbsp flour
1 lb broccoli
4 cups chicken broth
½ lb boneless chicken, cooked and cut into cubes
1 cup milk
1 tbsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper
1 cup cheddar cheese

Saute onions with canola oil over medium heat for 2 minutes. Stir in flour and cook stirring constantly for 2-3 minutes. Then, add chicken broth and milk. Bring to a boil.
Meanwhile wash broccoli and cut into small florets. Add into the chicken broth. Simmer for about 3 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir in chicken and simmer for 2-3 additional minutes. Stir in cheddar cheese and serve hot.

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1 sogan, ince dogranmis
2-3 yemek kasigi kanola yagi
3 yemek kasigi un
½ kg brokoli
4 su bardagi tavuk suyu
250 gr kemiksiz tavuk, haslanip dogranmis
1 su bardagi sut
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber
1 su bardagi cedar peyniri

Soganlari kanola yaginda orta atesta 2 dakika kavurun. Unu ilave edin ve surekli karistirarak yaklasik 2-3 dakika pisirin. Sonra, tavuk suyunu ve sutu ilave edin. Ara sira karistirarak kaynamasini bekleyin.
Bu sirada, brokoliyi yikayin ve dograyin. Corbaya ilave edin. 3 dakika kadar kisik ateste kaynatin. Tuz ve karabiberi ilave edin. Son olarak, pismis tavuklari ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika daha pisirin.
Cedar peynirini koyun , karistirin ve sicak servis yapin.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Poached Eggs with Mornay Sauce (Morney Soslu Yumurta)

2-3 eggs
2 cups boiling water
1 tbsp vinegar
Mornay Sauce
1 tbsp butter
½ tsp paprika
A pinch of salt

Take water and vinegar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it simmer over medium heat. Crack one egg making sure getting the egg as close as possible to the saucepan. If you crack the egg too high, it will disperse in water. Simmer over medium heat till the egg white hardens and gets white, for about 4-5 minutes. Transfer the cooked egg into a bowl of salty lukewarm water (see the picture). Poach the other eggs following the same way. Take all poached eggs into salty lukewarm water.
Meanwhile, prepare Mornay Sauce. Click for the Mornay Sauce Recipe.
Take poached eggs over a serving plate and pour the Mornay Sauce over.
In a small pan melt butter and once it starts spitting stir in paprika and a pinch of salt. Give a stir and turn the heat off. Drizzle it over the Poached Eggs with Mornay Sauce.

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2-3 yumurta
2 su bardagi kaynamis su
1 yemek kasigi sirke
Morney sosu
1 yemek kasigi tereyag
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
Bir tutam tuz

Kucuk bir tencerede icine sirke ilave ettiginiz suyu kaynatin ve kaynayinca orta atese alin. Tencerenin agiz kismina yaklasarak yumurtayi yavasca sicak suyun icerisine birakin. Yumurtanin dagilmamasi icin, olabildigince alcaktan kirmaya calisin. Yumurtanin beyazi katilasip iyice kar beyaz olana dek yaklasik 4-5 dakika orta ateste pisirin ve icine tuz ilave ettiginiz ilik su dolu bir kabin icine alin (resime bakiniz). Diger yumurtalari da ayni sekilde kirip pisirin. Hepsini ilik tuzlu su icine alin.
Bu sirada Morney Sosu’nu hazirlayin. Morney Sosu icin tiklayin.
Yumurtalari servis tabagina alin ve uzerine Sicak Morney Sosu’nu dokun.
Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini kizdirin ve icine kirmizi toz biber ve tuzu ekleyin. Karistirin ve Morney Soslu Yumurta’nin uzerinde gezdirin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Mornay Sauce (Morney Sosu)

1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp flour
1 cup milk
3 tbsp Swiss or Gruyere cheese, grated
1 tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated
½ tsp salt to taste

In a saucepan melt the butter and stir in the flour. Cook stirring constantly till it gets pinkish over medium heat. Stir in milk slowly. Then, add grated cheese and salt to taste. Cook over low heat for about 5-6 minutes stirring constantly.
Mornay Sauce can substitute for Bechamel Sauce.

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1 yemek kasigi tereyag
1 yemek kasigi un
1 su bardagi sut
3 yemek kasigi Isvicre ya da Gruyere peyniri, rendelenmis
1 yemek kasigi PBoldarmesan peyniri, rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi tuz

Genis bir tavada tereyagini eritin ve unu ilave edin. Orta ateste un pembelesene dek kavurun. Sutu yavas yavas karistirarak ilave edin. Peynir ve tuzu da ilave edip surekli karistirarak kisik ateste 5-6 dakika pisirin.
Morney Sosu’nu besamel sos yerine kullanabilirsiniz.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Garlic Mashed Potatoes (Sarimsakli Patates Puresi)

2 lb potatoes, peeled
5-6 cloves of garlic, minced
1-½ cup milk
¼ cup parmesan cheese, grated
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper to taste

Broil potatoes in salty water and drain. Puree them in a food processor or with a blender. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix them all.
Serve garlic mashed potatoes with a sprinkle of black pepper or parsley.

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1 kg patates, soyulmus
5-6 dis sarimsak, ezilmis
1- ½ su bardagi sut
¼ su bardagi parmesan peyniri, rendelenmis
2 yemek kasigi tereyag
1 tatli kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber

Patatesleri tuzlu suda haslayin ve suyunu suzun. Genis ve derin bir kaba alin. Blendir ya da mutfak robotu ile pure haline getirin. Geriye kalan malzemeleri ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin.
Sarimsakli patates puresini uzerine maydanoz ya da karabiber serperek ikram edebilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Monday, December 28, 2009

Carrot Soup with Milk (Sutlu Havuc Corbasi)

2 medium carrots, shredded
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp flour
2 cups milk
1 tsp paprika
3 cups water
1 tbsp salt to taste
For garnish fresh parsley/dill, chopped

Place vegetable oil and shredded carrot in a pot. Saute over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes. Stir in flour and paprika. Saute for additional 2-3 minutes.
Add water first and then milk. Stir well to dissolve flour particles. Bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to low, close the lid and simmer for about 15 minutes.
Mix the soup with a blender till it gets smooth. Then stir in salt and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Garnish with parsley/dill before serving.

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2 orta boy havuc, rendelenmis
3 yemek kasigi sivi yag
3 yemek kasigi un
1 tatli kasigi kirmizi toz biber
2 su bardagi sut
3 su bardagi su
1 yemek kasigi tuz
Uzeri icin maydanoz/dereotu, dogranmis

Bir tencereye sivi yag ve rendelenmis havuclari alin. Orta ateste havuclar diriligini kaybedene dek yaklasik 3-4 dakika soteleyin. Un ve kirmizi biberi ilave edin ve 2-3 dakika daha kavurun.
Once suyu sonra sutu ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin. Kaynamaya baslayinca hafife alin ve kapagi kapali olarak yaklasik 15 dakika boyunca pisirin.
Blendir ile guzelce cirpin ve tuzunu ilave edip 4-5 dakika kadar daha pisirin.
Servis yaparken uzerine dogranmis maydanoz/derotu serpistirin.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sutlika (Zucchini Pudding)

2 cups milk
2 zucchinis
2/3 cup sugar
2-3 tbsp starch, heaping
1 cup water

Peel zucchinis and cut them in cubes. Place them in a small pot and add 1 cup of water. Cook till zucchinis are soft. Drain and puree with a blender.
Transfer it into a pot and add sugar and milk. Cook over medium heat stirring occasionally for 5 minutes. Dissolve starch into ¼ cup of water and then stir into the pot. Simmer for about 4-5 minutes till the pudding gets thick. Then pour Zucchini Pudding into small serving bowls and leave in the fridge for about 2 hours.
Serve plain or with nuts on top.

2 su bardagi sut
2 sakiz kabagi
2/3 su bardagi seker
2-3 yemek kasigi nisasta, tepeleme
1 su bardagi su

Kabaklarin kabugunu soyun ve kup seklinde dograyin. Kucuk bir tencerede kabaklari 1 su bardagi su ile birlikte yumusayana dek pisirin. Suyunu suzun ve blendir ile pure haline getirin.
Bir tencereye kabak puresi, seker ve sutu koyun. Orta ateste ara sira karistirarak 5 dakika kadar pisirin. Nisastayi yarim cay bardagi su icinde cozundurun ve karistirarak tencereye ilave edin. Koyu bir kivam alana dek yaklasik 4-5 dakika daha pisirin. Sonra, kucuk servis kaselerine paylastirin ve sogumasi icin buzdolabinda 2 saat kadar bekletin.

Sade ya da uzerine ceviz/findik serperek servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chicken Breast Milk Pudding (Yalanci Tavuk Gogsu)

1 lt milk
1 ½ cup sugar
125-150 gr butter/margarine
1 tsp vanilla extract/1 package vanilla powder
1 tbsp starch
¾ cup flour

Melt the butter/margarine in a pot and then sauté flour and starch till the mixture gets yellow (about 2-3 minutes over medium heat). Add milk and sugar. Stir continuously to prevent sticking to the bottom. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and cook until it gets thick (3-5 minutes). Then stir in vanilla and turn the heat off.
Mix it with a blender or mixer for about 2-3 minutes to obtain a thick and nice consistency. Pour the Chicken Breast with Milk Pudding into a Pyrex Dish and cover. Leave it in the fridge for 5-6 hours to cool.
Before serving you can sprinkle cinnamon, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios or almonds on top. Cut it into square pieces and serve.

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1 lt sut
1 ½ su bardagi seker
125-150 gr margarin/tereyag
1 paket vanilya/1 tatli kasigi vanilya ekstrakti
1 yemek kasigi nisasta
¾ su bardagi un

Bir tencerede margarin/tereyagini eritin ve orta ateste nisasta ve unu yag ile 2-3 dakika kavurun. Rengi hafif sariya donecektir. Sonra sutu ve sekeri ilave edin. Surekli karistirarak dibinin tutmasini engelleyin. Karisim yavas yavas koyulasinca ve kaynamaya baslayinca hafife alin ve karistirmaya devam edin.
Uc-bes dakika pisirin ve vanilyayi ilave edip atesten alin. Mikser ya da blendir yardimi ile 2-3 dakika cirpin. Boylece daha koyu ve guzel bir kivam elde edeceksiniz.
Borcam tepsiye Yalanci Tavuk Gogsu’nu dokun ve uzerini kapatarak buzdolabinda 5-6 saat boyunca sogumasini bekleyin.
Cikardiktan sonra uzerine tarcin, ceviz, badem, findik ya da antep fistigi serpin. Kare seklinde parcalara kesip servis yapin.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Breakfast Casserole (Kahvaltilik Kaserol)

This fabulous recipe is made by my skillful husband for a Sunday Breakfast. It is a really unique and wonderful flavor. You should try it!

3 slices of bread, cut into cubes
1 tomato, chopped
1 green onion, chopped
4 eggs, beaten
1 cup cheddar cheese, grated
1 cup milk
½ cup red/green/yellow pepper, cut in stripes
1 tsp salt to taste
¼ tsp thyme/mint (optional)

Preheat oven to 350°F (180 C). Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Then, mix in the milk and cheese. Add the bread cubes and carefully stir until all pieces of bread are moistened (don't over mix or the bread may disintegrate). Add all the remaining ingredients. Grease a 13 x 9 inch casserole dish. Pour mix into casserole dish.
Bake in oven for 40-45 minutes, until the top is browned and the center springs back when touched. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Bu harika tarifi marifetli kocam Pazar Kahvaltisi icin hazirladi. Gercekten essiz ve cok lezzetli bir tad. Mutlaka denemelisiniz!

3 dilim ekmek, kup seklinde kesilmis
1 domates, dogranmis
1 yesil sogan, dogranmis
4 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 su bardagi cheddar/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
1 su bardagi sut
1 cay bardagi kirmizi/yesil/sari biber, seritler halinde kesilmis
1 tatli kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi kekik/nane (istege bagli)

Firini 180 C (350 F)’a isitin. Buyuk bir kasede yumurtalari cirpin ve sutle peyniri ilave edin. Sonra, ekmek parcalarini ilave edin ve islanana kadar karistirin, fakat fazla karistirip ekmek parcalarini dagitmayin. Geri kalan malzemeleri de ilave edip karistirin. 30x22 cm buyuklugunde bir borcam tepsiyi yaglayin ve karisimi dokun.
Firinda yaklasik 40-45 dakika pisirin. Uzeri kahverengiye donunce ve ortasina dokununca eski seklini aliyorsa pismis demektir. Firindan cikarin ve 10 dakika kadar sogumasini bekleyin ve servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Friday, April 10, 2009

Creme Caramel (Krem Karamel)

2 cups milk
4 eggs
1 cup+1/2 cup sugar
3-4 tbsp water
2-3 tbsp hot water
1 tsp vanilla extract/1 package vanilla powder

In a bowl beat the eggs and sugar with a mixer until it gets foamy (2-3 minutes). Heat the milk till gets lukewarm. And then, add in the mixture slowly while mixing. Finally stir in the vanilla and mix them all.
Meanwhile in a small pan, caramelize sugar and 3-4 tbsp water over medium heat. After a while, the mixture will turn brown and sticky. You can smell the caramelized sugar. Turn the heat off and add the hot water. Be careful doing that, it splashes.
Distribute it to small Pyrex or porcelain oven safe bowls (4-6). Preheat the oven to 335 F (170 C). Pour the mixture over the caramel sauce into the bowls. Fill half of a deep tray with hot water and place the bowls into the tray. Bake for about 35-40 minutes. Cooked Crème Caramel should be thick like pudding or Jello. Check it by shaking the bowls gently.
Leave the Crème Caramel in the fridge for about 4-6 hours. Then with a knife scrape the sides of the bowl to let the Crème Caramel out easily. Turn it upside down to a serving plate and serve.

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2 su bardagi sut
4 yumurta
1+1/2 su bardagi seker
4 yemek kasigi su
2-3 yemek kasigi sicak su
1 paket vanilya/1 tatli kasigi vanilya ekstrakti

Bir kasede mikser ile once 1 su bardagi seker ve yumurtayi kopuk kivamina gelene dek yaklasik 2-3 dakika cirpin. Sutu biraz isitin ve ilik sutu yavas yavas yumurtali seker karisimina yedirerek cirpmaya devam edin. Vanilyayi da ilave edip hepsini guzelce karistirin.
Kucuk bir tavada ½ su bardagi seker ve 3-4 yemek kasigi suyu orta ateste karamelize edin. Kahverengiye donup yanik seker kokmaya baslayinca, karisim koyulasak ve yapiskan bir hal alacaktir. Cok bekletmeden atesten alin. Sicak suyu ilave edin (dikkat edin sicrayacaktir).
Sonra kucuk borcam ya da firina dayanikli kaselerine paylastirin (4-6 tane). Firini 170 C (335 F)ye isitin. Sutlu karisimi kaselere, karamel sosunun uzerine dokun. Yariya kadar sicak su doldurdugunuz bir tepsiye kaseleri yerlestirin. Yaklasik 35-40 dakika pisirin.

Pismis Krem Karamel, kaseyi hafifce sallayinca, puding ya da jole kivaminda olmali hafif titremelidir.
Krem Karamel Kaselerini yaklasik 4-6 saat buzdolabinda bekletin. Servis yapmadan once kaselerin kenarlarini bicak yardimiyla kaziyin ve servis tabaklarina ters cevirerek servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Scrambled Eggs with Tomato ( Yumurtali Domates)

1 cup crushed tomato
3 eggs, beaten
1 tsp flour
½ cup milk
½ tsp salt to taste
1-2 pairs of beef franks, sliced (optional)
2 tbsp butter
1/2 cup cheese, shredded (preferably mozzarella)

In a pan, melt the butter and stir in flour. Cook 1-2 minutes over low heat. Then stir in beef frank slices and cook for a while. Add tomatoes and cook 2-3 minutes over low heat.
Stir in milk and salt. When it comes to a boil, add eggs and cheese. Cook on low heat stirring constantly, till the eggs are cooked.
Serve warm with some shredded cheese on top.

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1 su bardagi domates, rendelenmis
3 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 tatli kasigi un
½ su bardagi sut
1 cay kasigi tuz
1-2 tane sosis, dilimlenmis (istege bagli)
2 yemek kasigi tereyag
1/2 su bardagi peynir, rendelenmis (tercihen kasar peyniri)

Tavada once tereyag ile unu kavurun. Sonra sosisleri ilave edin; biraz karistirin ve domatesi ilave edin. Yaklasik 2-3 dakika kisik ateste pisirin.
Sut ve tuzu ilave edin. Sutlu domates karisimi kaynamaya baslayinca cirpilmis yumurta ve peyniri ilave edin ve kisik ateste yumurta pisene dek karistirarak pisirin.
Uzerine rendelenmis kasar peyniri serperek, sicak servis yapin.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cheese Omelet (Peynirli Omlet)

3-4 eggs
½ cup milk
1 cup feta cheese/crumbling cheese/mozzarella, shredded
2 tbsp butter
¼ tsp salt to taste
Black pepper (optional)

In a bowl beat eggs and stir in the rest of the ingredients, but the butter.
Then, melt butter in a skillet over medium heat and pour the egg mixture. Cook both sides of the cheese omelet till the eggs are cooked (4-5 minutes).
Serve warm with bologna slices.

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3-4 yumurta
½ su bardagi sut
1 su bardagi beyaz peynir/lor/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
2 yemek kasigi tereyag
½ cay kasigi tuz
Karabiber (istege bagli)

Bir kasede tereyagi hariz butun malzemeleri cirpin. Sonra, bir tavada tereyagini eritin ve orta ateste yagi biraz kizdirin. Yumurta karisimini dokun ve omletin her iki tarafini da toplam 4-5 dakika boyunca pisirin.
Peynirli omleti yaninda salam ya da jambon dilimleri ile sicak servis yapin.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Broccoli Cheese Soup (Peynirli Brokoli Corbasi)

2 cups chicken stock
2 cups milk
½ cup flour
1 head broccoli (5-6 cups), chopped
3-4 tbsp butter
¼ tsp black pepper
2/3 tbsp salt to taste
300 gr processed cheese/mozzarella, shredded
2 cups cheddar cheese, in cubes or shredded

Melt the butter in a large pot over medium heat, and mix in the flour. Reduce heat to low, and cook, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes. Mix in the chicken stock and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer about 10 minutes.
In another pot broil broccoli florets in lightly salted water. Cook 3-4 minutes, or until just tender. Remove from heat, drain, and set aside.
Gradually mix the processed cheese/mozzarella and cheddar cheese into the large pot until melted. Mix in the broccoli. Continue cooking about 5 minutes.
Serve Broccoli Cheese Soup warm.
***This is a vegetarian dish.
2 su bardagi tavuk suyu
1 su bardagi sut
½ su bardagi un
1 bas brokoli, dogranmis
3-4 yemek kasigi tereyag
½ cay kasigi karabiber
2/3 yemek kasigi tuz
300 gr beyaz peynir/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
2 su bardagi Cheddar peyniri/kasar peyniri, rendelenmis

Buyuk bir tencerede tereyagini eritin ve orta ateste unu kavurun (2 dakika). Sonra tavuk suyunu ve sutu ilave edin. Surekli karistirarak unun sivi icinde esit olarak dagilmasini saglayin. Tuz ve karabiberi ilave edin. Kaynayinca hafif atese alin ve yaklasik 20 dakika kadar pisirin.
Bu sirada baska bir tencere az tuzlu suda brokoliyi yumusayana dek haslayin (yaklasik 3-4 dakika). Suyunu suzun ve biraz sogumasini bekleyin.
Peynirlerin hepsini corba karisimina ilave edin ve karistirarak erimesini saglayin. Sonra haslanmis brokoliyi ilave edin. Hafif ateste yaklasik 5 dakika daha pisirin.
Peynirli Brokoli Corbasi’ni sicak servis yapin.
***Bu bir vejeteryan yemegidir.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baked Turkish Rice Pudding (Firinda Sutlac)

1/2 cup rice (short or whole grained), washed, drained
1 cup water
2 cups whole milk
8-10 tbsp sugar
1 egg yolk, whisked
1 tbsp corn starch, heaping
½ tsp vanilla extract

In a pot place the water and drained rice. Put them over high-medium heat. After the bubbles come out, close the lid and turn on low-medium heat. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. Simmer till the rice is cooked and small amount of water remains.Add the milk and sugar, stir. Meanwhile, dissolve the starch in 3-4 tbsp of milk and add it to the rice pudding. Stir constantly. When you see the bubbles on the surface, add the vanilla extract and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Then take a ladle of rice pudding to a bowl and mix it with the egg yolk.
This recipe makes 4 bowls of Turkish rice pudding. But you can make it 6 servings by using smaller bowls.With a ladle, pour the Turkish rice pudding into small glass or porcelain broiler and oven safe bowls. And spread the egg yolk mixture over them.
Broil about 2-3 minutes till they turn to golden brown. Then, take out and let them cool in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
1 cay bardagi kirik yada baldo pirinc, yikanip, suzulmus
2 cay bardagi su
2 su bardagi sut
8-10 yemek kasigi seker
1 yumurta sarisi, cirpilmis
1 yemek kasigi misir nisastasi, tepeleme
1 cay kasigi vanilya esansi

Orta boy bir tencereye suyu ve yikanmis suzulmus pirinci koyup yuksek ateste kaynamasini bekleyin. Kaynadiktan sonra kapagini kapatip dusuk atese alin. Tahta kasik ile ara sira karistirin. Pirincler pisip, tencerenin dibinde biraz su kalana dek kaynatin.Sutu ve sekeri ilave edin ve karistirin. Bu arada nisastayi 3-4 yemek kasigi sut ile cozundurun. Sutlacin icine ilave edin. Surekli karistirin ve yuzeyde baloncuklar olusmaya baslayinca vanilya esansini ilave edin ve kisik ateste 2-3 dakika pisirin. Pisen sutlactan bir kepce alip bir kaseye ayirin ve bunu yumurta sarisi ile cirpin.
Bu tariften 4 kase sutlac cikar. Ama daha kucuk kaseler kullanarak 6 porsiyon yapabilirsiniz.Bir kepce yardimiyla sutlaci firina dayanikli kucuk borcam veya porselen kaselere bosaltin. En ustune de yumurta sarisi karisimini yayin. Firinin ustten kizartma ayarinda uzerleri kizarana dek (2-3 dakika) pisirin. Firindan cikarin ve buzdolabinda 1-2 saat sogutun.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Turkish Milk Pudding (Muhallebi)

1 lt milk (5 cups)
1-1½ cup sugar
4-5 tbsp flour
125 gr butter/margarine (1 stick)
1 tsp vanilla extract/1 package ground vanilla or mastic/mastic gum
Crushed nuts or cinnamon for garnish

In a pot, sautee margarine/butter and flour over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. Then stir in milk and sugar and stir continuously. If you’ll use mastic gum, add it. Then stir till the pudding becomes thick, turn heat low and cook for 3-4 minutes. If you’ll use vanilla instead of mastic gum, then add vanilla, stir and turn the heat off.
Transfer the Milk Pudding into glass or porcelain cups and let it cool. Garnish with any kinds of crushed nuts or cinnamon.
P.S: Do not sprinkle the cinnamon right after you pour the pudding into bowls. This would let the microorganisms grow fast contacting the cinnamon with the hot surface of the pudding and this may lead to food borne diseases. Make sure you sprinkle the cinnamon just before serving the cooled pudding.

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1 lt sut (5 su bardagi)
1-1 ½ su bardagi seker
4-5 yemek kasigi un
125 gr margarin/tereyag
1 paket vanilya/1 tane damla sakizi
Ogutulmus ceviz/findik/badem veya tarcin

Tencerede margarin/tereyag ve unu orta ateste kavurun (2-3 dakika). Sonra sut ve sekeri ilave edin ve surekli karistirarak yapismasini engelleyin. Eger damla sakizli yapacak iseniz sakizi icine atin. Muhallebi koyulasip kivamini bulunca, atesi kisin ve 3-4 dakika surekli karistirarak pisirin. Damla sakizi yerine vanilya kullaniyorsaniz vanilyayi ilave edin, karistirip atesten alin.
Muhallebiyi cam veya porselen kaplara paylastirin ve sogumasini bekleyin. Servis yapmadan once uzerini tarcin veya istediginiz malzemele ile susleyin.
NOT: Tarcini muhallbiyi kaselere doker dokmez koymayin. Cunku; mikroorganizmalar tarcin ve sicak muhallebinin temasiyla; yuzeyde hizla ureyecektir. Bu durum gida zehirlenmesine yol acabilir. Tarcini servis yapmadan hemen once sogumus muhallebiye serpin.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Balkan Style Green Onion Casserole (Balkan Usulu Yesil Sogan Guveci)

3-4 green onions, washed and chopped
1 cup rice/ bulgur/ half and half
1 ½ cup hot water
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 cup crumbled feta cheese/ Mexican crumbling cheese
3 tbsp oil
1 tbsp salt
¼ tsp baking soda
½ tsp paprika

Wash the rice or bulgur and leave it in a bowl covered with water for about 30 minutes. Then drain.
In a pot, sauté the onions with oil and stir in rice/bulgur. Then saute for 3-4 minutes over low heat. Add salt and hot water, close the lid and cook over low heat till the rice/bulgur absorbs all the water.
Beat eggs and milk in a bowl and stir in crumbled feta cheese/Mexican crumbling cheese and baking soda. Add this mixture to cooked rice/bulgur and mix them all. Transfer this mixture to a medium size Pyrex dish and sprinkle paprika on top.
Preheat the oven to 400F (200C) and bake till the surface turns to golden brown, for about 20 minutes.

3-4 yesil sogan, yikanip, dogranmis
1 su bardagi pirinc/bulgur/yari yariya
1 ½ su bardagi sicak su
1 su bardagi sut
2 yumurta,
1 su bardagi kiriklanmis beyaz peynir/lor
3 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi karbonat
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber

Pirinc ya da bulguru yikayip 30 dakika kadar ilik su icinde bekletin. Sonra suyunu suzun.
Bir tencerede sivi yag ile soganlari kavurun ve pirinc/bulgur ilave edip 3-4 dakika kisik ateste kavurun. Sonra tuz ve sicak suyu ilave edin ve kapagini kapatip suyunu cekene dek kisik ateste pisirin.
Bir kasede yumurta ve sutu cirpin, icine karbonat ve kiriklanmis peynir ya da loru ilave edin. Bu karisimi pisirdiginiz pirinc/bulgur karisimina ilave edip guzelce karistirin. Elde ettiginiz karisimi orta buyuklukteki bir borcam tepsiye dokun ve uzerine kirmizi toz biber serpin. Onceden isittiginiz 200C (400F) firinda uzeri kizarana dek yaklasik 20 dakika pisirin.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Creamy Broccoli Soup (Kremali Brokoli Corbasi)

1 bunch of broccoli (250-300gr), washed and chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 potato, diced
1 cup water
3 cups milk
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
Shredded mozzarella/cheddar/parmesan for garnish

In a pot, sauté onions with oil over medium heat and then add chopped broccoli and potatoes. Saute them for 3-4 minutes.
Add one cup of water and boil. Simmer for 6-8 minutes over low heat till broccoli and potatoes are tender. Then stir in milk, salt and simmer for additional 10 minutes. After that, puree the soup with a blender until it is smooth (if you prefer to have bulk pieces of broccoli in the soup, do not use blender).
Sprinkle black pepper and shredded mozzarella/cheddar/parmesan on top and serve warm.

Click for Nutritional Benefits of Broccoli

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1 demet brokoli (250-300 gr), yikanip, dogranmis
1 sogan, dogranmis
1 patates, dogranmis
1 su bardagi su
3 su bardagi sut
2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber
Uzerine serpmek icin rendelenmis kasar peyniri

Sogani sivi yag ile orta ateste kavurun. Sonra yikanip dogranmis brokoliyi ve patatesleri ilave edin. 2-3 dakika kavurun.
Uzerine 1 bardak su ilave edin ve yaklasik 6-8 dakika brokoli ve patatesler yumusayana dek kisik ateste kaynatin. Sonra sut ve tuzu ilave edip yaklasik 10 dakika kadar daha kaynatin. Pisince blendir ile pure haline getirin (eger corbayi taneli seviyorsaniz blendir kullanmayin). Karabiberi ilave edin ve karistirin.
Kremali Brokoli Corbasini uzerine kasar peyniri rendesi serperek sicak servis yapin.

Brokolinin Faydalari icin tiklayin

Ana Sayfaya Don

European Style Scrambled Eggs (Avrupa Usulu Sutlu Cirpilmis Yumurta)

3 eggs, beaten
1 tbsp flour, heaping
2 tbsp butter
1 tbsp butter for top
1 or 1 ½ cup milk
½ tsp salt
½ tsp paprika

In a skillet, sauté 2 tbsp butter and flour over low-medium heat for about 2-3 minutes. Then add milk and salt. By stirring continuously, make sure that flour particles dissolve in milk. Then stir in beaten eggs and cook until the mixture becomes thick (4-5 minutes over low-heat)
In a small pan, sizzle 1 tbsp butter and stir in paprika. Before serving, pour it on the scrambled eggs and serve warm.

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3 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 yemek kasigi un, tepeleme
2 yemek kasigi tereyagi
1 yemek kasigi tereyegi uzeri icin
1 cay kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber

Bir tavada 2 yemek kasigi tereyagi ve unu 2-3 dakika hafif ateste kavurun. Sonra sutu ve tuzu ilave edin ve surekli karistirarak unun sut icinde dagilmasini saglayin. Son olarak cirpilmis yumurtalaari ilave edin ve karistirin. Sut yumurta karisimi koyu bir kivama gelene dek 4-5 dakika kisik ateste pisirin.
Kucuk bir kizartma tavasinda 1 yemek kasigi tereyagini kizdirin ve kirmizi toz biberi icine ilave edin karistirip ocaktan alin.
Servis yaparken sutlu yumurtanin uzerine dokun ve sicak servis yapin.

Ana Sayfaya Don

Friday, January 2, 2009

Milk Soup (Sut Corbasi)

Milk Soup is my dear sister’s favorite soup; I dedicate this recipe to her.

1 cup vermicelli
2 cups water
3 cups milk
1 tbsp salt to taste
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp paprika

Boil 2 cups of water in a pot and add vermicelli. Cook for 8-10 minutes over medium heat till vermicelli is soft. Then add salt and milk. When it boils, simmer for 6-8 minutes, stirring occasionally.
For garnish, place the butter in a small frying pan and melt over low-medium heat. When spitting starts, stir in paprika and a pinch of salt. Then pour on the soup and serve warm.

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Bu corba biricik kardesimin en sevdigi corbalardan biridir. Bu tarifi ona itham ediyorum.

1 su bardagi tel sehriye
2 su bardagi su
3 su bardagi sut
1 yemek kasigi tereyagi
1 tatli kasigi toz kirmizi biber
1 yemek kasigi tuz

2 su bardagi suyu tencereye koyun ve kaynayinca tel sehriyeleri ilave edin. Tel sehriyeler pisince (8-10 dakika) sutu ve tuzu ilave edin. Kaynayinca kisik ateste ara da karistirarak 6-8 dakika daha pisirin.
Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini kizdirin ve hafif ateste icine toz kirmizi biberi ilave edin. Baloncuklar cikmaya baslayinca ocaktana alin ve corbanin uzerine tereyagi-kirmizi biber karisimini dokun.
Sicak servis yapin.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Banana Milk Shake (Muzlu Sut)

4 bananas
2 cups milk
½ cup purified water
2 tbsp honey /sugar

Place all the ingredients in a food or fruit processor and mix them all. After that leave the milk shake in the fridge for 1-2 hours and serve cool.
You can add some ice to your milk shake.
4 muz
2 su bardagi sut
½ su bardagi su
2 yemek kasigi bal /seker

Rondo ya da meyve parcalayicisi yardimi ile butun malzemeleri guzelce karistirin. Buzdolabinda 1-2 saat bekletin ve soguk servis yapin.
Isterseniz, muzlu sute buz ilave edebilirsiniz.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Home Made Yogurt (Evde Yogurt Yapimi)

4 cups milk
1-2 tbsp plain yogurt

Please keep in mind that the most important points in making yogurt are adding sample yogurt to the milk at the right temperature and keeping it warm for a while. The exact temperature for fermentation is between 42-45 C.
Place the milk in a pot and heat it until the boiling point. If you like creamy yogurt, simmer the milk a few more minutes to let the water evaporate more. Take the milk from the stove and wait about 10-12 minutes. Occasionally, dip your finger into the milk and try to count till 7. If you can bear the heat till 7, it means the milk is ready for fermentation. Don’t let the milk cool more than that since if the milk is not hot enough, fermentation won’t take place.
In a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp of yogurt with lukewarm milk by using a wooden spoon (don’t use metal spoons). Add this mixture to the milk and stir with the wooden spoon. Then, pour the milk to the containers and close their lids. (see the picture) The best container for making yogurt is glass. To keep the milk warm, cover the container completely with a cloth and then cover again with a blanket or something similar. Make sure to cover tightly to keep the milk warm for a while. (see the picture) Generally, it takes 5-6 and 7-8 hours for fermentation in summer and winter, respectively. After fermentation, take yogurt out of its cover without shaking. Store in the fridge for at least 3-4 hourr before serving.
I often make yogurt in the evenings and it stays covered all night. I remove the covers in the morning.

nutritional benefits of yogurt
1 lt sut
1-2 yemek kasigi yogurt

Yogurt yapilisindaki onemli nokta sutun sicakligidir. Eger isi olceriniz varsa; sutun mayalama sicakligi 42-45 C arasinda olmalidir.
Sutu bir tencereye koyun ve kaynama sicakligina kadar isitin. Eger biraz kaynatirsaniz, sutun icinde bulunan su buharlasir ve daha siki yapida bir yogurt elde edersiniz.Kaynayan sutu 10-12 dakika bekletin ve ara sira sute parmaginizi sokup yediye kadar sayin. Yediye kadar eliniz sicakliga dayaniyorsa, sutunuz mayalamaya hazir demektir. Sutun cok ilik olmasi yogurdun mayalanmasini engeller.
Kucuk bir kasede bir yemek kasigi yogurdu bir miktar ilik sut ile iyice karistirirak hazirlamis oldugunuz bir litre ilik sute ilave edin ve tahta kasik ile karistirin. Sutu mayalamak icin kullanacaginiz kaba dokup, kapagini kapatin. (resime bakin) Sut mayalamak icin en ideal cam kaplardir. Sutun sicakligini muhafaza etmek icin, etrafini kalin bir ortu ile sarin, bir sofra bezine sarip uzerini de bir battaniye ile sikica ortebilirsiniz. (resime bakin)Yazin mayalanma suresi; 5-6 saat iken, kisin 7-8 olabilir. Mayalanma islemi gerceklestikten sonra yogurdu fazla sarsmadan ortuden cikarin ve buzdolabinda en az 3-4 saat bekletin.
Ben genelde yogurdu aksamlari mayaliyorum, gece boyunca mayalaniyor ve sabah aciyorum.

Creamy -Strained Yogurt (Suzme Yogurt)
To make a creamy yogurt, you can just strain it.Place a paper towel or coffee filter over a strainer then, place the strainer inside a bowl. Place some yogurt on paper towel and fold the edges of the paper towel over the yogurt.

Leave in the fridge at least 5-6 hours. You'll see the juice in the bottom of the bowl and creamy yogurt over the paper towel.


Suzme yogurt yapmak icin sadece bir tel suzgec ve kagit havlu/kahve filtresi ya da tulbente ihtiyaciniz var.

Once tel suzgecin uzerine tulbent/kagit havlu/kahve filtresi koyun. Sonra tel suzgeci bir kasenin icine koyun. Suzgecin uzerine yogurdu koyun ve en az 5-6 saat boyunca buzdolabinda bekletin. Yogurdun suyu kasenin dibinde toplanacak ve suzgecin uzerinde suzme yogurdunuz hazir olacak.