2 cups boiling water
1 tbsp vinegar
Mornay Sauce
1 tbsp butter
½ tsp paprika
A pinch of salt
Take water and vinegar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Let it simmer over medium heat. Crack one egg making sure getting the egg as close as possible to the saucepan. If you crack the egg too high, it will disperse in water. Simmer over medium heat till the egg white hardens and gets white, for about 4-5 minutes. Transfer the cooked egg into a bowl of salty lukewarm water (see the picture). Poach the other eggs following the same way. Take all poached eggs into salty lukewarm water.
Meanwhile, prepare Mornay Sauce. Click for the Mornay Sauce Recipe.
Take poached eggs over a serving plate and pour the Mornay Sauce over.
In a small pan melt butter and once it starts spitting stir in paprika and a pinch of salt. Give a stir and turn the heat off. Drizzle it over the Poached Eggs with Mornay Sauce.
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2-3 yumurta
2 su bardagi kaynamis su
1 yemek kasigi sirke
Morney sosu
1 yemek kasigi tereyag
1 cay kasigi kirmizi toz biber
Bir tutam tuz
Kucuk bir tencerede icine sirke ilave ettiginiz suyu kaynatin ve kaynayinca orta atese alin. Tencerenin agiz kismina yaklasarak yumurtayi yavasca sicak suyun icerisine birakin. Yumurtanin dagilmamasi icin, olabildigince alcaktan kirmaya calisin. Yumurtanin beyazi katilasip iyice kar beyaz olana dek yaklasik 4-5 dakika orta ateste pisirin ve icine tuz ilave ettiginiz ilik su dolu bir kabin icine alin (resime bakiniz). Diger yumurtalari da ayni sekilde kirip pisirin. Hepsini ilik tuzlu su icine alin.
Bu sirada Morney Sosu’nu hazirlayin. Morney Sosu icin tiklayin.
Yumurtalari servis tabagina alin ve uzerine Sicak Morney Sosu’nu dokun.
Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini kizdirin ve icine kirmizi toz biber ve tuzu ekleyin. Karistirin ve Morney Soslu Yumurta’nin uzerinde gezdirin.
Ana Sayfaya Don
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