1 cup water
2 cups whole milk
8-10 tbsp sugar
1 egg yolk, whisked
1 tbsp corn starch, heaping
½ tsp vanilla extract
In a pot place the water and drained rice. Put them over high-medium heat. After the bubbles come out, close the lid and turn on low-medium heat. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. Simmer till the rice is cooked and small amount of water remains.Add the milk and sugar, stir. Meanwhile, dissolve the starch in 3-4 tbsp of milk and add it to the rice pudding. Stir constantly. When you see the bubbles on the surface, add the vanilla extract and cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Then take a ladle of rice pudding to a bowl and mix it with the egg yolk.
This recipe makes 4 bowls of Turkish rice pudding. But you can make it 6 servings by using smaller bowls.With a ladle, pour the Turkish rice pudding into small glass or porcelain broiler and oven safe bowls. And spread the egg yolk mixture over them.
Broil about 2-3 minutes till they turn to golden brown. Then, take out and let them cool in the fridge for 1-2 hours.
1 cay bardagi kirik yada baldo pirinc, yikanip, suzulmus
2 cay bardagi su
2 su bardagi sut
8-10 yemek kasigi seker
1 yumurta sarisi, cirpilmis
1 yemek kasigi misir nisastasi, tepeleme
1 cay kasigi vanilya esansi
Orta boy bir tencereye suyu ve yikanmis suzulmus pirinci koyup yuksek ateste kaynamasini bekleyin. Kaynadiktan sonra kapagini kapatip dusuk atese alin. Tahta kasik ile ara sira karistirin. Pirincler pisip, tencerenin dibinde biraz su kalana dek kaynatin.Sutu ve sekeri ilave edin ve karistirin. Bu arada nisastayi 3-4 yemek kasigi sut ile cozundurun. Sutlacin icine ilave edin. Surekli karistirin ve yuzeyde baloncuklar olusmaya baslayinca vanilya esansini ilave edin ve kisik ateste 2-3 dakika pisirin. Pisen sutlactan bir kepce alip bir kaseye ayirin ve bunu yumurta sarisi ile cirpin.
Bu tariften 4 kase sutlac cikar. Ama daha kucuk kaseler kullanarak 6 porsiyon yapabilirsiniz.Bir kepce yardimiyla sutlaci firina dayanikli kucuk borcam veya porselen kaselere bosaltin. En ustune de yumurta sarisi karisimini yayin. Firinin ustten kizartma ayarinda uzerleri kizarana dek (2-3 dakika) pisirin. Firindan cikarin ve buzdolabinda 1-2 saat sogutun.
1 comment:
I have been looking for a no bake rice pudding for a long time.When I read yours that was what I was looking for.It is like I can taste it as I read the recipe
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