1 cup sugar
3 tbsp flour
1 tbsp starch
1 tsp vanilla
For the crust:
1 cup oatmeal
For the top:
2 tbsp honey
½ cup walnuts, coarsely crushed
1 apple
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp cinnamon
To prepare the filling, take milk, sugar, starch and flour into a pot. Cook over medium heat while whisking. Stir in vanilla right before turning the heat off. Set aside.
Meanwhile, peel the apple and chop into small cubes. Cook them in a saucepan with sugar until their color changes to pinkish.
Cover the bottom of a Pyrex dish or serving plate with the oatmeal. Pour the filling over and let it cool for a while. Place the cooked apples all over and drizzle with honey. Sprinkle with walnuts and cinnamon. Serve cold.
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1 lt sut
1 su bardagi seker
3 yemek kasigi un
1 yemek kasigi nisasta
1 tatli kasigi vanilya
Alt tabani icin:
1 su bardagi yulaf ezmesi
Uzeri icin:
2 yemek kasigi bal
½ su bardagi ufalanmis ceviz
1 elma
2 yemek kasigi seker
1 cay kasigi tarcin
Kremayi yapmak icin bir tencereye sut, seker, un ve nisastayi alin. Orta ateste cirparak pisirin. Ocaktan almadan once vanilyayi ilave edin ve karistirin.
Elmayi soyun ve minik kupler seklinde dograyin. Toz sekerle birlikte tavada renkleri pembelesene dek pisirin.
Servis tabagi ya da borcam bir tepsinin dibine yulaf ezmesini iyice yayin. Uzerine hazirladiginiz kremayi dokun. Biraz soguduktan sonra, pisirdiginiz elmalari kremanin uzerine yayin ve uzerinde bal gezdirin. Ceviz ve tarcin serpistirdikten sonra soguk servis yapin.