Manti is one of my favorite Turkish traditional dishes. Manti is very popular and common in Turkey. It takes time to prepare, but it’s really worth of your time! You should try it to taste a real Turkish flavor. Preparing manti is very fun and easy if you make it a team work.
3-3 ½ cups flour
1 egg
2/3 cup lukewarm water
1 tsp salt to taste
½ lb ground beef
1 onion, finely chopped/shredded
½ tsp salt to taste
½ tsp black pepper
For cooking:
8 cups water
1 tsp salt
2 cups yogurt
3-4 cloves of garlic, minced
¼ tsp salt to taste
3-4 tbsp butter/oil
1 tbsp tomato paste/2/3 tsp paprika
2-3 tbsp water
Dried mint
In a bowl place the flour, crack the egg and add the salt and water. Then knead till you get a firm and smooth dough. Knead for about 8-10 minutes. Make sure to make it firm to flatten easily later. Cover it with a damp towel or cloth and leave for a rest (15-30 minutes).
Meanwhile in a plate mix all the filling ingredients and set aside.
Divide the dough into 2-3 pieces, take one piece and place on the floured counter. Cover the rest of the dough. Then with a rolling pin flatten the dough as thin as you can (as thick as the ridge of a knife). Then, cut it with a knife or roulette into ¾ inch (1 ½-2 cm) square pieces (
see the picture). Then place ¼ tsp filling over each square (
see the picture). Then stick the both traverse edges diagonally, by pressing with your finger tips (
see the picture). Do the same procedure for the remaining dough.
For cooking, boil the water in a big pot and add salt. Then add all the manti into the boiling water. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon to prevent them sticking to each other. Make sure not to close the lid. Cook over medium heat till manti gets soft (for about 10-15 minutes).
Meanwhile prepare the sauce. In a bowl mix yogurt, salt and garlic. In a small pan; melt the butter/oil and stir in tomato paste and water. Cook for 2 minutes over low heat. If you prefer using paprika, just add paprika into melted butter/oil and turn the heat off after one minute. Do not add water while using paprika.
Drain the cooked manti and transfer it into serving plates. Let it cool for a while and pour the yogurt sauce over. Finally pour about one tbsp of butter/oil mixture all over (adjust the amount as you like). And if desired sprinkle some dried mint and sumac over the Turkish Dumplings.
This recipe makes 6-7 servings.
Manti, Turkiye’de cok sevilen ve yaygin olan ve benim de cok sevdigim geleneksel bir lezzettir. Hazirlamasi her ne kadar zahmetli ve zaman alici olsa dahi, manti icin deger! Eger gercek bir Turk Lezzeti denemek istiyorsaniz, mantiyi denemenizi tavsiye ederim. Manti toplu olarak yapilirsa, hem kolay olur hem de eglenceli hale gelebilir.
3-3 ½ su bardagi un
1 yumurta
2/3 su bardagi ilik su
1 tatli kasigi tuz
Ic Malzeme:
250 gr kiyma
1 sogan, ince dogranmis/rendelenmis
1 cay kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi karabiber
Pisirmek icin:
8 su bardagi su
1 tatli kasigi tuz
Sos icin:
2 su bardagi yogurt
3-4 dis sarimsak, dovulmus/rendelenmis
½ cay kasigi tuz
3-4 yemek kasigi tereyag/sivi yag
1 yemek kasigi domates salcasi YA DA 2/3 tatli kasigi kirmizi toz biber
2-3 yemek kasigi su
Kuru nane
Buyuk bir kaseye unu koyun ve uzerine yumurtayi kirin, ilik su ve tuzu ilave edip yogurun. Sert ve puruzsuz bir hamur elde edene dek yaklasik 8-10 dakika yogurun. Hamur yumusak olursa sonra acmaniz zor olur. Hamuru nemli bir havlu ya da bez ile ortun ve 15-30 dakika dinlenmeye birakin.
Bu sirada ic malzemelerinin hepsini karistin ve bir kenara ayirin.
Hamuru 2-3 parcaya ayirin, bir parcasini alin ve geri kalanin uzerini tekrar ortun. Unladiginiz yuzey uzerinde oklava ile hamuru acabildiginiz kadar ince acin (bicak sirti kalinligi kadar). Sonra actiginiz yufkayi 1.5-2 cm kalinliginda esit kare parcalara bolun (
resime bakiniz). Sonra hepsinin uzerine yaklasik bir cay kasigi ic malzeme koyun (
resime bakiniz). Her parcanin karsilikli capraz koselerini ortada birlestirerek parmak uclarinizla yapistirin (
resime bakiniz). Bu islemi geri kalan hamur bitene kadar uygulayin.
Mantiyi pisirmek icin buyuk bir tencerede suyu kaynatin, tuzu ilave edip mantilari icine atin. Arada tahta bir kasik ile karistirarak mantilarin birbirine yapismani onleyin. Kapagini kapatmadan orta ateste mantilar pisene dek yaklasik 10-15 dakika pisirin.
Bu sirada sosunu hazirlayin. Bir kasede yogurt, tuz ve sarimsagi karistirin. Kucuk bir tavada tereyagini/sivi yag eritin. Domates salcasi ile suyu ilave edip yaklasik 2-3 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Eger kirmizi biber kullanamayi tercih ederseniz tereyagi/siviyagina direk kirmizi toz biberi ilave edin, karistirin ve yaklasik bir dakika sonra atesten alin. Kirmizi biber kullanirken su ilave etmeyin.
Pismis mantiyi suzun ve servis tabaklarina alin. Biraz sogumasini bekleyin. Uzerine yogurt sosundan dokun ve son olarak tereyag/siviyag karisimindan bir kasik kadar dokun (miktari isteginize gore ayarlayin). Arzu ederseniz uzerine kuru nane ve sumak serpin.
Bu tariften yaklasik 6-7 porsiyon manti cikiyor.