1big onion, chopped
½-1 bunch of fresh parsley, chopped
½ cup rice, washed and drained
1 cup hot water
1 tsp+ ½ tsp salt to taste
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp black pepper
For Frying:
½ cup canola oil
2 eggs, beaten
¾ cup flour
Boil rice in a cup of hot water and add ½ tsp salt. Leave it to cool.
Cook 2/3 of ground beef in skillet till its color turns to brown over medium heat. Then, stir in onion and the remaining salt. Cook till onions get soft over low heat (3-4 minutes). Finally, stir in the parsley and the spices and turn the heat off.
In a large bowl mix the cooked ground meat mixture, rice and the remaining raw ground beef. You can knead with your hands if you like.
Cover the mixture and leave in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Take egg size pieces and make egg shapes and flatten with your hands (the shape in the picture). In a frying pan, sizzle oil. Place flour in a wide plate. In another plate beat the eggs. First dip the koftes in flour, make sure the koftes to be covered evenly with flour. Then dip into egg and fry both sides until they get lightly golden brown.
For a thicker coating; after dipping into egg, again dip into the flour and then fry.
This recipe makes about 10-14 Lady’s Thigh Kofte.
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½ kg kiyma
1 buyuk boy sogan, dogranmis
½-1 demet maydanoz, dogranmis
½ su bardagi pirinc, yikanip suzulmus
1 su bardagi sicak su
1 tatli kasigi+1 cay kasigi tuz
1 cay kasigi kimyon
½ cay kasigi karabiber
Kizartmak icin:
½ su bardagi sivi yag (tercihen kanola yagi)
2 yumurta, cirpilmis
¾ su bardagi un
Bir bardak sicak suda pirinci pisirin. Bir cay kasigi tuz ilave edin. Sogumaya birakin.
Kiymanin 2/3 unu bir tavada rengi kahverengiye donene dek orta ateste pisirin. Sonra sogan ve geri kalan tuzu ilave edin. Soganlar pisene dek 3-4 dakika kisik ateste pisirin. Son olarak maydanoz ve baharatlari ilave edip atesten alin. Onceden ayirdiginiz cig kiymayi ve pirinci de ilave edip hepsini buyuk bir kasede karistirin. Isterseniz elinizle yogurabilirsiniz.
Kofte karisiminin uzerini kapatin ve buzdolabinda sogumasi icin 30 dakika kadar bekletin.
Kiyma harcindan yumurta buyuklugunde ve seklinde kofteler yapin ve elinizle bastirarak duzlestirin.
Kizartma tavasinda sivi yagini kizdirin. Genis bir tabaga unu koyun. Ayri bir tabakta yumurtalari cirpin. Kofteleri once una bulayin, sonra yumurtaya batirip her iki tarafini da guzelce kizartin. Koftenin disinin daha kalin olmasini istiyorsaniz yumurtaya batirdiktan sonra tekrar una bulayip kizartabilirsiniz.
Bu tariften yaklasik 10-14 Kadinbudu Kofte cikiyor.
What a funny name it is. Why do you call it Lady's thigh?
I am sure my boyfriend will love this recipe for its name and taste (hopefully:)).
Yeah it's funny, I'm not sure why it is called like that, but it is a traditional Turkish recipe.Also I know some other recipe names related with ladies. Maybe they wanted to attract more people:)
Kofteler harika gozukuyor. Yapilisi da sandigimin aksine bayagi kolaymis.
Ellerine saglik, cok guzel bir site hazirlamissin. Bundan sonra sikca ugrayacagim.
Tesekkur ederim canim,
Kadinbudu Kofte benim en sevdigim tadlardan biridir. Biraz zaman alici gibi gorunuyor, ama tadina doyum olmuyor...
helllo!!! thx for yummy recipe.i m turkish and i didnt know how to cook lady's thigh kofte...i was searchin recipe on internet and i saw this webside. looks pretty good. i m sure food will be tasty, and my american husband will love it! thx to the this webside's owner.... greeetings from north carolina!!!
It's great to meet you Gamze!
I hope you'll enjoy my recipes.
A wonderful Site and a lovely dish. So many good dishes.I will try a lot of them. I am from Canada and have been to Istanbul many many times and Love Turkish Food.Thank you so much. The best Turkish Food Site I have ever seen. E.Hare
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