Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Italian Omelette (Italyan Omleti)

3 eggs, beaten
1 small onion, thinly chopped
2 tbsp butter
1/3 cup mozzarella/parmesan/cheddar, shredded
¼ tsp salt
A pinch of red pepper
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of dried basil

In a Tefal pan place the butter and let it melt, then add the chopped onions and sauté for 2-3 minutes over low-medium heat.
Meanwhile beat the eggs with ¼ tsp salt and add to the pan. Sprinkle the red pepper, black pepper and basil on top. Finally spread the shredded mozzarella/cheddar/parmesan evenly on the surface.
With a wooden spatula, lift from the sides and turn upside down when it is golden brown. Let the other side cook for 1-2 minutes.
Serve it warm to enjoy the melted mozzarella/cheddar/parmesan inside!
3 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 kucuk sogan, ince dogranmis
2 yemek kasigi tereyagi
2/3 cay bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
½ cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam kirmizi toz biber
Bir tutam karabiber
Bir tutam kuru feslegen

Bir Tefal tavaya tereyagini koyup dusuk ateste eritin. Ince dogranmis soganlari ilave edip, 2-3 dakika kavurun.
Bu arada yumurtalari ½ cay kasigi tuz ile cirpin ve tavaya ilave edin. Yuzeyine kirmizi biber, siyah biber ve kuru feslegeni serpin. Son olarak rendelenmis kasar peynirini omletin uzerine esit olarak yayin.
Tahta bir spatula ile omletin kenarlarindan kaldirarak , kizarinca alt ust edin. Diger tarafini da 1-2 dakika pisirin.
Erimis kasarin tadini cikarmak icin sicak servis yapin!

Guacamole (Avokado Sosu)

1 avocado, smashed
½ tomato, smashed or 2 tbsp smashed tomato in a can
¼ onion, chopped into small pieces
1 clove of garlic, smashed
1 tbsp lemon juice
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp chili pepper (optional)

In a bowl place all the ingredients and mix them all. You can add some other spices you like.
Guacamole goes well with corn chips.
1 tane avokado, ezilmis
½ domates, rendelenmis ya da 2 yemek kasigi ezilmis domates konservesi
¼ sogan, ince dogranmis
1 dis sarimsak, dovulmus ya da rendelenmis
1 yemek kasigi limon suyu
½ cay kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi pul biber (istege bagli)

Butun malzemeleri bir kaseye koyup, karisitirin. Isterseniz sevdiginiz baska baharatlar kullanabilirsiniz.
Guakamole misir cipsi ile iyi gider.

Carrot Salad (Havuc Salatasi)

2 carrots, washed and peeled
½ tsp salt
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp mayonnaise ( optional)
Fresh parsley for garnish

After washing and peeling the carrots, grate them and place in a salad plate. In a small bowl mix the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, mayonnaise (optional) and pour over the grated carrots and mix.
Garnish with fresh parsley on top.
2 havuc, yikanip soyulmus
1 cay kasigi tuz
2 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi
2 yemek kasigi limon suyu
1 yemek kasigi mayonez (istege bagli)
Suslemek icin taze maydanoz

Havuclari yikayip soyduktan sonra rendeleyin. Ve bir salata tabagina alin. Kucuk bir kasede limon suyu, zeytinyagi, tuzu ve mayonezi (istege bagli) karistirin. Rendelenmis havuclarin uzerine dokup karistirin.
Uzerini taze maydanoz ile susleyin.

Broccoli Salad (Brokoli Salatasi)

1 bunch of broccoli, washed, cut into bite sizes
1 clove of garlic, smashed or grated
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp mayonnaise (optional)
½ tsp sumac (optional)

In a small bowl mix the smashed/grated garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and mayonnaise (optional). Place the broccoli in a salad plate and pour the mixture on it and mix. You can sprinkle some sumac on top (optional).
Try to consume broccoli without cooking. Cooking or boiling destroys the vitamins and minerals in it.
1 demet brokoli, yikanmis ve kucuk parcalara kesilmis
1 dis sarimsak, dovulmus ya da rendelenmis
2 yemek kasigi sizma zeytinyagi
1 yemek kasigi limon suyu
1 cay kasigi tuz
1 yemek kasigi mayonez (istege bagli)
1 cay kasigi sumak (istege bagli)

Kucuk bir kasede; limon suyu , zeytinyagi, tuz, dovulmus sarimsak ve mayonezi (istege bagli) karistirin. Brokoliyi bir salata tabagina alin ve uzerine karisimi dokun, karistirin. Uzerine biraz sumak serpebilirsiniz (istege bagli).
Brokoliyi pisirmeden tuketmeye calisin. Pisirmek ya da kaynatmak brokolideki vitaminleri ve mineralleri azaltir ya da yok eder.

Beef Sauté (Dana Eti Sote)

1 lb (450 gr) beef, chopped in bite sizes
1 medium onion, cut in strips/round
1 small green pepper, chopped
3 tbsp smashed or diced tomatoes
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
¼ tsp cumin
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp thyme (optional)

In a Tefal pan or in a stainless steel pot place the chopped beef and close the lid properly. Cook till the water evaporates (40-50 min) at low heat.
When all the water evaporates, add the oil, salt and onions. Sauté for 2 minutes over low-medium heat. Then, add the pepper and tomatoes. Stir and cook for 6-8 minutes on low heat.
Finally add the cumin, black pepper and thyme.
NOTE: If you add the salt at the beginning the meat would be hard to chew.
Serve it warm. This dish goes well with yoghurt or ayran.
450-500 gr dana eti, kup seklinde dogranmis
1 orta boy sogan, serit seklinde/yuvarlak kesilmis
1 kucuk yesil biber, dogranmis
3 yemek kasigi rendelenmis ya da kucuk dogranmis domates
2 yemek kasigi sivi yag
2 cay kasigi tuz
½ cay kasigi kimyon
½ cay kasigi karabiber
½ cay kasigi kekik (istege bagli)

Tefal tavaya ya da celik tencereye dogranmis dana etini koyup kapagini guzelce kapatin.Dusuk ateste suyunu tamamen cekinceye dek pisirin (40-50 dakika)
Butun su buharlastigi zaman sivi yagi, tuzu ve soganlari ilave edin, 2 dakika boyunca orta ateste kavurun. Sonra biberleri ve domatesleri ilave edin. Karistirip, dusuk ateste 6-8 dakika pisirin.
Son olarak kimyonu, karabiberi ve kekigi ilave edin.
NOT: Eger tuzu baslangicta ilave ederseniz et sert olur.
Sicak servis yapin. Bu yemek yogurt ya da ayran ile guzel olur.


2 cups of plain yogurt
½ or 1 cup purified water
1 tsp salt (optional)

Place the yogurt in a bowl and whisk it by hand or with mixer until it is smooth. Then add water and salt (optional). If you see the bubbles after whisking, that means you have done your best to make the ayran. Then pour the ayran to the glasses.
Drink ayran as quick as possible after you prepare since after a while yogurt would descend at the bottom.
Ayran goes well with chicken, meat or vegetable dishes.
Click for homemade yogurt recipe.
2 su bardagi yogurt
½ ya da 1 su bardagi icme suyu
1 cay kasigi tuz (istege bagli)

Yogurdu bir kaseye alin ve cirpici ya da mikser ile putursuz bir hale gelene dek karistirin. Sonra suyu ve tuzu (istege bagli) ilave edin. Karistirmaya devam edin. Yuzeyde baloncuklar olustugu zaman, ayran yapmak icin elinizden geleni yapmissinizdir. Son olarak ayrani bardaklara dokun.
Ayrani bir an once tuketin. Cunku bir sure sonra yogurt dibe cokecektir.
Ayran; et, tavuk ve sebze yemekleri ile iyi gider.
Evde yogurt yapmak icin tiklayin.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Broccoli Salad with Yogurt (Yogurtlu Brokoli Salatasi)

A bunch of broccoli
1 cup of yogurt
1 tbsp olive oil (optional)
1 tsp salt
1 clove garlic

Place the broccoli in a large pot and fill with water till the broccoli is covered. (you can add 2 tbsp of lemon juice to get rid of the smell of broccoli.)
Add ½ tsp salt and boil the broccoli for 3-4 minutes. Do not over boil, because the broccoli would fall apart.
Meanwhile , smash or grate the garlic.
Put the yogurt, garlic and ½ tsp of salt in a bowl and mix. If you like you can add 1 tbsp of olive oil.
When the broccoli is done, drain and let it cool. If the pieces of broccoli are large, you can cut them in smaller pieces.
Place them in a serving plate and cover it with the yogurt mixture.
1 demet brokoli
1 su bardagi yogurt
1 yemek kasigi zeytin yagi
2 cay kasigi tuz
1 dis sarimsak, ezilmis ya da rendelenmis

Yikanmis brokolileri buyuk bir tencereye koyup, uzerini gecene kadar su koyun. (brokoli kokusunu onlemek icin suya 2 yemek kasigi limon suyu ilave edebilirsiniz.)
1 cay kasigi tuz ilave edin ve Brokolileri 3-4 dakika boyunca kaynatin. Cok fazla kaynatmaktan kacinin, cunku brokolilerin sekilleri bozulup, dagilacaktir.
Bu arada sarimsagi ezin ya da rendeleyin.
Yogurt, sarimsak ve 1 cay kasigi tuzu bir kaseye koyup karistirin. Eger isterseniz 1 yemek kasigi zeytinyagi ilave edebilirsiniz.
Brokoliler hazir oldugu zaman; suzup sogumaya birakin.Eger brokoli parcalari buyuk ise, daha kucuk parcalara ayirabilirsiniz.
Brokoli parcalarini servis tabagina alin ve uzerin yogurt karisimi ile kaplayin.
Afiyet Olsun!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baked Whole Chicken (Firinda Kizarmis Butun Tavuk)

1 whole chicken
4 potatoes, chopped or sliced
1 carrot, sliced or 6 baby carrots
½ tsp salt (for potatoes and carrots)
1 tsp salt (for chicken)
½ lemon juice
2 tbsp yoghurt
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp thyme
1 tbsp oil

Place the chopped or sliced potatoes and carrots in a Pyrex dish, spread the salt and mix them. You might take the chicken’s skin off if you wish. I have taken the skin out. Then, spread salt all over the chicken with your hands. Then, mix the lemon juice, yoghurt, paprika, cumin, thyme and oil. Apply it all over the chicken with a brush.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200C) and cook for about 60 minutes until it is golden brown.
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1 butun tavuk
4 patates, istenilen sekilde dogranmis
1 havuc, dogranmis
1 cay kasigi tuz ( patates ve havuclar icin)
1 tatli kasigi tuz (tavuk icin)
½ limon suyu
2 yemek kasigi yogurt
2 cay kasigi kirmizi biber
1 cay kasigi kimyon
1 cay kasigi kekik
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag

Dogranmis patates ve havuclari borcam tepsiye koyun, uzerlerine tuz serpip, karistirin. Tavugun derisini alabilirsiniz ya da derisi ile pisirebilirsiniz. (Ben derisini alarak yaptim) Tavugun her yerini ellerinizle guzelce tuzlayin, ovalayin. Sonra limon suyu, yogurt, kirmizi biber, kimyon, kekik ve siviyagi karistirin. Bir firca yardimiyla tavugun her yerine bu karisimi surun.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda, tavugun uzeri kizarana dek 60 dakika pisirin. Firinda kizarmis tavugunuz hazir.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Pasta with Ground Beef (Kiymali Makarna)

1 package of any kind of pasta
200 gr (1/2 lb) medium ground beef
1 onion, thinly sliced
½ tsp salt (for beef)
½ tbsp tomato paste or 1 tbsp smashed tomatoes
4 mushrooms, sliced (optional)
1 tbsp oil
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp black pepper

Boil the pasta with salty water, as the instructions on the package say.
Meanwhile, place the ground beef and oil in a medium skillet and cook until the color changes to brown. Add the onions and add the salt. Saute for 2-3 minutes over a low-medium heat.Then add the tomato paste or tomatoes and mushrooms(optional). Continue to sauté for about 5-6 minutes and add the cumin and black pepper.
Drain the pasta and place on a service plate. Pour the beef- mushroom mixture on top.
You can serve the pasta with yogurt.

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1 paket istediginiz cesit makarna
200 gr az yagli kiyma
1 sogan, ince dogranmis
½ cay kasigi tuz (kiyma icin)
½ yemek kasigi domates salcasi ya da 1 yemek kasigi domates puresi
4 mantar, dogranmis (istege bagli)
1 yemek kasigi sivi yag
½ cay kasigi kimyon
½ cay kasigi karabiber

Makarnayi paketteki pisirme tarifine gore tuzlu suda pisirin.
Bu sirada, kiyma ve sivi yagi bir tavaya koyup, kiyma kahverengi olana dek kavurun. Soganlari ve tuzu ilave edin. Kisik ateste 2-3 dakika kavurun.
Sonra domates salcasi ya da domates puresini ve mantarlari (istege bagli) ilave edin. 5-6 dakika boyunca sote edin ve en sonunda karabiber ve kimyonu ilave edin.
Makarna hazir olunca, suzun ve servis tabagina alin.Kiymali mantar karisimini makarnanin uzerine dokun.
Kiymali makarnayi yogurt ile birlikte servis yapabilirsiniz.

Cheese Spreaded Eggplant (Kasarli Patlican Oturtma)

2 eggplants, peeled and cut into ½“ thick slices
1 big onion, cut in strips
1 cup tomato , smashed or grated.
1 cup oil for frying the eggplant
5-6 mushrooms, brushed
1 green/red/yellow pepper, cut in strips
1 cup of cheddar or mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 tsp salt

Peel the whole eggplant or you can peel striped. Slice them in ½ “ wide and place them in a bowl and cover the eggplants with water. Let them stand for 30 minutes in water.
Then drain the eggplants and wipe them with a piece of cloth. In a large skillet place the oil and fry the eggplants until their color change. Do not over fry for not to damage the pieces. Place the fried eggplant pieces in a Pyrex dish and sprinkle some salt.
Clean the mushrooms with a soft brush and discard the stalks. Place the mushrooms among the eggplants and sprinkle some salt on them.
Add ½ tsp of salt into the smashed tomatoes and mix. Then cover the eggplants and mushrooms with the smashed tomato. Spread the onions and peppers on top and finally spread the cheese evenly.
Preheat the oven to 400 F (200 C) and bake for about 30 minutes.
2 tane buyuk patlican, yikanmis , soyulmus ve 1 ½ cm kalinliginda dilimlenmis
1 buyuk sogan, seritler halinde kesilmis
1 su bardagi domates, parcalanmis ya da rendelenmis
1 su bardagi sivi yag( patlicanlari kizartmak icin)
5-6 tane kultur mantari, firca ile temizlenmis
1 tane yesil/kirmizi/sari taze biber, seritler halinde kesilmis
1 su bardagi kasar peyniri, rendelenmis
2 cay kasigi tuz

Patlicanlari yikayip, butun patlicanlari soyabilirsiniz ya da seritli sekilde de soyabilirsiniz. Yaklasik 1 ½ cm kalinliginda dilimleyin ve dilimlenmis patlicanlari buyuk bir kaseye koyup uzerine cikana dek su doldurun. Patlicanin acimsi tadinin suya gecmesi icin yaklasik 30 dakika suda bekletin.
Sonra patlicanlari suzup, kurulayin. Genis bir tavaya yagi koyup patlicanlari renk degistirene dek kizartin. Fazla kizartirsaniz, patlicanlarin sekli bozulur. Kizarmis patlicanlari borcam bir tepsiye alin ve uzerine tuz serpin.
Mantarlari yumusak bir firca ile temizleyin ve saplarini cikarin. Mantarlari kizarmis patlicanlarin arasina yerlestirin ve uzerlerine tuz serpin.
Domates ile 1 cay kasigi tuzu karistirin ve patlicanlarla mantarlarin uzerine dokun. Ustune sogan ve biberleri yayin. Son olarak rendelenmis kasar peynirini esit olarak serpin.
Onceden isitilmis 200 C (400 F) firinda yaklasik30 dakika pisirin.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Bechamel Sauce (Besamel Sos)

2 cups milk
2 tbsp flour
5-6 tbsp butter/margarine
1-2 eggs, beaten
½ tsp salt to taste
A pinch of black pepper (optional)

Place the butter in a pot and melt. Add the flour and sauté over low heat till its color change to yellow. Then, add milk and stir continuously to make Béchamel sauce smooth and even. If flour particles do not dissolve use a blender. Add salt and cook for 3 minutes. Finally stir in the egg and sprinkle some black pepper if you like.
You can adjust the amount of béchamel sauce according to the recipe you cook.

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2 su bardagi sut
2 yemek kasigi un
5-6 yemek kasigi tereyag/margarin
1-2 yumurta, cirpilmis
1 cay kasigi tuz
Bir tutam karabiber (istege bagli)

Bir tencerede margarini eritin ve unu ilave edip kisik ateste un sararana kadar kavurun. Sonra sutu ve tuzu ilave ederek, surekli karistirin. Eger un parcalari sutun icinde dagilmazsa blendir ile krema kivamina getirin. Kisik ateste 3 dakika kadar pisirin. Son olarak, cirpilmis yumurtayi ilave edin ve guzelce karistirin. Isterseniz biraz karabiber serpebilirsiniz.
Hazirladiginiz besamel sosunun miktarini, kullanacaginiz yemek tarifine gore azaltip cogaltabilirsiniz.

Ana Sayfaya Don

The Many Uses of Beer in Cooking

Not everyone associates great cooking with beer, but the truth is beer has a hand to play in most cooking. The next time you savor a slice of pizza, just remember that it works great with an italian craft beer. That being said, beer has been present in cooking for a long period of time and many uses of the tasty beverage have been discovered. Care to learn about a couple of them? Here are some examples of how beer is used in the kitchen when it’s not poured in a glass:

Using it in the batter
When you are using a batter for your dish, you can use beer to lighten it up. Beer has a nice effect on the batter making it more airy and overall more crisp. And when you think about it, that’s everything that you want your batter to be. This technique has been used in many places, and an example of this is how the classic dish of Fish n Chips incorporates beer in the batter to get that savory, crispy yet airy texture onto the fish.

Using the actual beer can
Roasting a chicken in the oven has seen a renaissance with this method of cooking. For those that have never seen it before, it can be quite unusual looking, but the effects are guaranteed and delicious. The reason why people stick an open beer can up a whole chicken’s butt before putting it into the oven is that the beer will slowly evaporate under the heat of the over. This will help keep the bird moist and juicy while cooking and it will also infuse it with the flavors of the beer. It’s a great way of using that extra beer can that you have lying around, or the perfect excuse to buy a 6-pack. You use one can for the bird and the others are a nice bonus.

Marinades are an essential part of a high amount of meals. However, not everyone knows that you can make an insane marinade using beer. Different types of beer will bring a different flavor to the party, but the essential thing to keep in mind here is that you can use beer for your marinade. It’s definitely a different experience than what you might usually pout in your marinades, but it’s well worth the experiment. And since there are many types of foods that are complimented by a good marinade, you get to mix and match quite a lot.

In the soup
Have you ever tried onion soup? Next time you have a chance to make it or have it made for you, just keep in mind that you can add beer to it. When beer boils down into an almost nectar-like substance, it brings a lot of rich flavor. When you keep in mind that the onion soup itself is a dish with extremely rich flavors, it only promises to be a very intense rollercoaster for your taste buds.

These are just a few of the different ways in which beer can be used for cooking. The kitchen is no doubt a place of wonder where you can experiment and find enticing new combinations, but who would have thought that beer of all things is the secret ingredient to a great meal? 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

6 Business Promotion Ideas that Work

6 Business Promotion Ideas that Work

In today’s competitive world, promoting a business and getting noticed is becoming increasingly challenging. There are numerous brands in their respective niche fighting for the same customers. Finding the best business promotion techniques that help boost your business is extremely important to survive in this ultra-competitive landscape.

To stomp the competition, here are six business promotion ideas that you should consider to market your business:
1. Print Advertisement
With the increase in popularity of online marketing tools, a lot of companies have simply ignored traditional marketing methods. But these traditional marketing techniques are still very effective in promoting a business and attracting customers.

Print advertisement includes marketing through newspapers, magazines, brochures etc. These methods are not only cost effective but also help you direct attract customer attention. If your business falls in the category of selling to the masses, then print advertisement should be a part of your arsenal for promoting the business.
2. Broadcast
A lot of companies still successfully make use of traditional marketing tools for promoting their business. Broadcasting your message through television and radio not only attracts and retain the attention of potential customers, but also helps you maximize the reach of your message.    

It may be a costly option to promote your business through television and radio, but its advantages and benefits cannot be ignored.
3. Email Marketing
The best way to promote your business is by finding the right balance between traditional and contemporary means. Email marketing is the most cost effective way of promoting your business online. It also helps you address an individual or group directly as you can easily tailor your message to suit the likings of each target market. This gets you the desired response.
4. Social Media
It is safe to say that social media has been the best thing that’s ever evolved on the internet in the past decade. It literally attracts tens of millions of people daily and simply cannot be ignored when promoting your business online.
5. Sponsorships
We live in a commercialized world; everything from sports to charity uses some sort of labels. Almost any person or cause can be sponsored to promote the business and size of the investment will depend on their popularity.

6. Use Products

You can get printed tshirts, coffee cup sleeves or other such items to promote your business. Imagine someone using a cup with your a logo of your business on it. That person would be marketing your business without you having to do much.

Apart from these, there are literally hundreds of ways to promote your business. Each business category is unique, and the tools and techniques that best suit your business needs should be used for promotional purposes.