2 cups flour
1 cup semolina
½ cup yogurt
125 gram margarine, at room temperature
½ cup canola oil
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
A pinch of salt
For garnish almond, hazelnut or walnut
3 cups sugar
3 cups water
1 tsp lemon juice
Prepare the syrup first by mixing the water and sugar. Bring to a boil and after boiling for a couple of minutes stir in lemon juice and set aside to cool.
For the dough, mix the yogurt, oil, margarine and semolina. Then, slowly add flour and the remaining ingredients and form a soft dough. Use a rolling pin to flatten to dough for about 1/8-1/9 inch thickness. Use circle cutter about 1 ½-2 inch in diameter to cut circles. Place 3 circles on top of each other as in picture. Then place almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts in the middle of the edges as in picture. Then roll it and cut in half to form a rose shape. Or, you may first cut the circles in two and then place the nuts and then roll it up as in the picture.
Place the rose shapes over a greased oven tray and bake in a preheated oven at 350 F (180 C) for about 20-25 minutes or until they turn light brown. Pour the cooled syrup all over the desert evenly. You may turn the roses upside down gradually to let them absorb the syrup evenly. Let them sit in the syrup overnight and then serve the next day.
2 su bardagi un
1 su bardagi irmik
½ su bardagi yogurt
125 gr margarin, oda sicakliginda
½ su bardagi kanola yagi
1 tatli kasigi kabartma tozu
1 tatli kasigi vanilya
Bir tutam tuz
Suslemek icin badem, findik ya da ceviz
Surubu icin:
3 su bardagi su
3 su bardagi seker
1 tatli kasigi limon suyu
Once surubunun malzemelerini bir tencereye koyun ve kaynatın. Bir kenarda sogumaya birakin. Hamurun un, kabartma tozu ve vanilya haric diger malzemelerini karistirin. Sonra, yavas yavas unu ilave etmeye baslayin. Son olarak kabartma tozu ve vanilyayı ilave edin. Hamur kulak memesi yumusaklığında olmalidir. Hamuru merdane ya da oklava ile 3-4 mm kalinliginda acin.
Cay bardaginin agzi ile yuvarlaklar kesin. Uc tane yuvarlak yarisi ust uste gelecek sekilde resimdeki gibi yanyana dizin. Uc kisimlarinin ortasina findik, badem ya da ceviz koyun ve rulo seklinde sarin. Sonra ortadan ikiye kesin ya da sarmadan once ortadan ikiye kesin ve sonra resimdeki gibi rulo seklinde sarin.
Yaglanmis olan firin tepsisine dizin ve onceden isitilmis 180 C (350 F) firinda yaklasik 20-25 dakika ya da uzerleri hafifce kizarana dek pisirin. Firindan cikan sicak tatlinin uzerine surubu esit olarak dokun. Tatlilarin surubu iyice cekmesi icin alt ust edilebilir. Bir gece surubu cekmesi icin bekletin ve ertesi gun ikram edin.